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Afaq Sahi

(Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department)

Concept of Good and Evil

Man, by nature is good. Being evil can never
be regarded as an inborn quality. Both these
statements are debate prone. Some people
support the above statements by putting
forward a very simple argument stating that
God is good and since God Himself is good,
then He would not create anything evil. This
bring us to the conclusion that we, the human
beings. being creation of God, in fact the crown
creation is free form evil at the time of us
A reasonable man would definitely think if
God created nothing but good then how come
these is evil in this world? One might think that
"lblees" "Satan" or “the devil “being the very
own creation of God has nothing but evil in
his nature. This very thought crossed my mind
too but then I realized that lblees was created
good and stayed good until he. one day, turned
against his own Creator choosing to become
the cursed Satan.
i am not a religious scholar of some kind but I
an of the opinion that evil is nothing but merely
the absence of good. Iblees become evil because
he turned away for his acts of obedience and
submission to God's will.
Rewind to the beginning.... Man. by nature.
55 good I believe so. Man commits sinful acts
In quite the same way Iblees did. Once he has
Committed a sinful act, he enters the stages of
lite seven stages of spiritual backsliding are:
- Turning away upon sinning as leaving
virtuous deeds, God turns away from the
seeker. If the seeker does not immediately
repents, then:
- A veil is put between him and God if he
does not repent then:
- The veil multiplies if he still remains
neglectful them his
o Excess merit of virtues will be wasted if he
still persists in his foolishness. then:
- He forfeits the basis consequently. He will
be deprived of the comport that he found
in obedience. If he stills remains forgetful
- Hardening of the heart would come about
and the love of God will leave his heart. If
he remains oblyrate in his failure to repent.
The hardening of the heart turns to enmity.
God forbid that we ever enter this dreadful
slate either in reality or in thoughts.
The one which is often mentioned in the first
six stages gripped my attention and that is
repentance. lt is said in Holy Quran: “And
repent, surely, he is acceptor of repentance".
Satan, as we know chose to defiant and waged
a was against God by openly cataloguing God
Almighty that he would lead all human beings
astray (not to mention that he has by for
succeeded in doing so till date).
To sum up. I would state that each and every
time virtue departs. an evil is born into this
world to take its place similarly each and every
time an act of virtue is done. an evil departs
front this world. So let us commit goodness and
spread it and eradicate evil from his world.

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