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Basics of Structural Dynamics

Prof. P G Patel
Applied Mechanics Department
L D College of Engineering
That Have Properties Which Can Only Be
That Can Only Be Approximately Analyzed
That Are Not Accurately Known
Why Dynamic Analysis ?
 To Know deflection & stresses produced in
the structure due to arbitrary dynamic
What is dynamic load ?
 Dictionary meaning of dynamic is time

 Dynamic load is that load whose

magnitude, position and direction changes
with time.
What is Dynamic Analysis?
 To determine the magnitude of dynamic
load & the response of structures.
What are the sources of excitation?
 External sources
 Ground motion / foundation vibration
 Eg. Pile driving, Blasting
 Cross winds
 Waves or currents
 Earthquakes
What are the sources of excitation?
 Internal Sources
 Moving loads
 Rotating or reciprocating Engines
 Human forces
Approaches of analysis
 Deterministic
 Loading history is known even though it
may be highly oscillatory or ir-regular in
character (Prescribed Dynamic loading)
 The analysis of the response of any
specified structural system to the
prescribed loading is defined as a
deterministic analysis.
Approaches of analysis
 If the time variation is not completely
known but can be defined in a statistical
sense, the loading is termed as random
dynamic loading
A non-determenistic analysis is
correspondingly the analysis of response to a
random dynamic loading
Types of prescribed loading
 Periodic
 Simple harmonic loading
 Complex hydrodynamic propellor loading
 Non Periodic
 Short duration impulsive loading
 Long duration general forms
Effects of dynamic loading
 Undesirable
 Excessive stresses in structure which cause
fatigue & failure of structure
 Fretting (rubbing) corrosion between the
adjacent parts
 Noise in the environment
 Impair the function & life of a structure
Effects of dynamic loading
 Desirable
 Musical sound can be produced
 Vibrating screens
 Stress relieving
 Change the use of structure
 Remove the cause of vibration
 Giving some strength to the component.
 A body is said to vibrate when it executes a
periodic motion about a position of
 All bodies possessing mass and elasticity are
capable of vibration
Periodic Motion
 It is a motion which repeats itself at definite
interval of time
Time Period
 The time elapsed while the motion repeats
itself is called the time period
 It is the time taken to complete one
complete cycle
 The motion completed during the time
period is referred as cycle
 The number of complete cycles of motion in
a unit time is called the frequency of
Free Vibration
 It is that vibration which takes place when
an elastic system is displaced from its
equilibrium position and released.
 It is the vibration of the system because of
its own properties
 If no further excitation occurs, the body will
vibrate with decreasing amplitude until it
comes to rest.
 The vibration is said to be transient
Forced Vibration
 When the vibration results due to the
application of an external periodic load, it is
called forced vibration
 The frequency of vibration in this case is the
frequency of exciting force which is an
arbitrary quantity independent of natural
frequencies of the system
 The maximum displacement of an vibrating
body from the mean or equilibrium position
is defined as the amplitude.
 It is a phenomenon when the frequency of
external periodic force equals the natural
 At this time, the system vibrates with large
amplitudes which results in high repeated
stresses and possible interference of parts.
 The reduction in the amplitude of the body
is caused by the gradual conversion of the
vibrational energy in the system to heat.
 This is known as damping and may be due
to friction, fluid resistance etc.
The Theoretical Basis of Seismic Codes
 A response spectrum shows the maximum
response of a single degree of freedom
oscillator to a particular ground motion. The
figures below show the acceleration
response spectra for three different ground
motions, using elastic oscillators with 5%
critical damping.
The equivalent lateral force procedure

 The multi-step code approach for

calculating the Seismic Response
Coefficient , is essentially a way of
constructing a smoothed average response
spectrum that accounts for the damping and
ductility characteristics of the building, as
well as the regional seismicity and
underlying soil of the site.
 The code spectrum is an approximation of an
elastic response spectrum, scaled down by two
 It is reduced by the factor of safety used in
allowable stress design to account for the fact to
achieve the given yield strength, allowable stress
design must aim at a lower strength. (for this
case, Fs = 1.5)
 It is reduced by the R factor to account for
damping and ductility. This reduction creates an
inelastic spectrum which accounts for the effect
of ductility in limiting force levels. (for this case,
Redistribution for Height
Modelling of structures
1. Lumped mass approach
2. Generalized displacement Procedure
3. Finite element procedure
Equations of motion
1. Direct equilibration using d’Alemberts
2. Principle of Virtual Displacements
3. Hamilton’s Principle
4. Langrange’s equation
Mathematical Model
 The derivative of a simple mathematical
model to represent the dynamic nature of
the structure is not easy if the model is to
produce realistic data.
 Fortunately, in many design problems it is
not necessary to obtain detailed stress
distribution at all instants of time.
 The mass of columns is very small in
comparison with that of the slab and thus
 The entire mass of the portal is
concentrated at the slab level.
 The beam slab is infinitely rigid entire
lateral deformation is due to the flexural
deformation of columns.
Elements of mathematical model
1. Mass element (m) representing the mass and
inertial characteristics of the structure.
2. The spring element (k) representing the
elastic restoring force and potential energy
capacity of the structure
3. A damping element ( c ) representing the
frictional characteristics and energy losses of
the structure.
4. An exciting force p(t) representing the
external force acting on the system.
As such these (m, k, c) type
of pure elements do not
exist in the physical world
and that mathematical
model are only conceptual
idealization of real

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