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School of Science and Technology



MODULE TITLE Internet Programming
MODULE LEADER Dr Amir Pourabdollah
TITLE E-Commerce Website
LEARNING OUTCOMES All according to the module spec
WEIGHTING 100% of the overall module mark
SUBMISSION DUE DATE 15/04/2020 23:59pm

1) Work handed in up to five working days late will be given a maximum Grade of Low Third
whilst work that arrives more than five working days will be given a mark of zero. 
Work will only be accepted beyond the five working day deadline if satisfactory evidence, for
example, an NEC is provided. Any issues requiring NEC

2) The University views plagiarism and collusion as serious academic irregularities and
there are a number of different penalties which may be applied to such offences. The Student
Handbook has a section on Academic Irregularities, which outlines the penalties and states
that plagiarism includes: 'The incorporation of material (including text, graph, diagrams,
videos etc.) derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another, by
unacknowledged quotation, paraphrased imitation or other device in any work submitted for
progression towards or for the completion of an award, which in any way suggests that it is
the student's own original work. Such work may include printed material in textbooks, journals
and material accessible electronically for example from web pages.' Collusion includes:
“Unauthorised and unacknowledged copying or use of material prepared by another person for
use in submitted work. This may be with or without their consent or agreement to the copying
or use of their work.” If copied with the agreement of the other candidate both parties are
considered guilty of Academic Irregularity. Penalties for Academic irregularities range
from capped marks and zero marks to dismissal from the course and termination of

3) To help you avoid plagiarism and collusion, you are permitted to submit your work once to
a separate drop box entitled “Draft report” to view both the matching score and look at
what areas are affected. It is then down to you to make any changes needed. Turnitin cannot
say if something has been plagiarised or not. Instead it highlights matches between your text
and other Turnitin content. There is no Good or Bad score, it depends on the piece of work.
Overall when you look at the work, put yourself in the place of the marker. Is a lot of the work
highlighted so it does not really look like the author’s work? If so, then you need to work on it
some more.

For more help, use these links (Plagiarism Support and Turnitin support) to book time with
staff and students to help with.
I. Assessment Requirements

Part A (80%): Developing an E-commerce Reservation Website

The task is to design, implement, test and demonstrate an e-commerce website for a
business which requires rent/sell products and services. The languages used should be
ASP.NET and C#. The secure website should collect details from the user, display those
details on another page and email those details to the company’s booking administrator. You
are free to choose the theme of the website (some ideas are found below under Website
Ideas). Your website should have the following basic functionality:


Page 1 – About the company

Page 2 – User enters his/her details and selects an item from a number of shown items. Make
use of controls and validation. The item details are stored and retrieved into/from a database.

Page 3 – Once the information on page 2 is submitted, the user details and the selected item
details are displayed on page 3 (use sessions). If the details are correct, then the user presses
the ‘make reservation’ button. Once the information on page 3 is submitted, an email is sent
to the manager (i.e., to your nominated email address) with the booking details. Then page 4
is then shown.

Page 4 –Displays a confirmation page that the email has been sent to the manager.

Extra Features (Please refer to the grade scheme)

• Register: Members must register onto the website via a login screen. Only registered
members can make a rent/purchase. Account details must be stored in a database. Data
entry must be validated to ensure data integrity.
• Update account details: Members can update their own account details.
• Browse Website: Visitors can browse the website using the website’s navigation menus.
• Search: Visitors can view/search available items which are stored in a database based on a
search text. Users are provided with the search results (and optionally a list of ‘similar’
items. You can design your own criteria to determine what is ‘similar’).
• Security: The website should allow administrators to log in and edit the database, e.g. add
extra items. Data entry must be validated to ensure data integrity.
• A site map: A site map showing the contents of your site.
• Aesthetics: Use of Cascading style sheets.
• Shopping basket: Members can place items in a shopping basket and go on to purchase
them (actual payment processing is not required or permitted). This should be persistent
across pages of the website. You could also choose to implement storage of the shopping
basket when the user navigates away from the website.
• APIs: Include Google map APIs, sentiment analysis APIs, etc.

Enhanced Requirements (Please refer to the grade scheme)

• Statistics: Administrators can print basic database reports and charts, such as total number
of sales by month, monthly total revenue from sales, number of users registered in a
particular month, etc.
• Extra security features: To gain a distinction/exceptional distinction you must implement
advanced security features.
• Ratings: Members can provide a rating and a review for an item they have
• View of ratings: Visitors can view ratings about items they wish to rent or buy. Also, for
each item, users can view reviews and summary statistics based on user ratings.
• Preferences: Members can get tailored recommendations. For example, recommendations
based on previous purchases, search history, or registered preferences. Generate your
own algorithm for providing recommendations based on information about the user.
• Sales survey: Members who have completed a purchase can be invited to complete an
online satisfaction survey about the store.
• Survey statistics: Administrators can view statistics about the grouped survey reposes.
• Social networking: Members can share what they have purchased via email, social
networking sites etc.
• User friendliness and accessibility: Website is user friendly and accessible.
• Other features: Implement any other features you feel are appropriate to the website.
• Statistics: Administrators can print various database reports and charts, such as total
number of sales by month, monthly total revenue from sales, number of users registered
in a particular month, etc.
• Use of technologies beyond basic forms (e.g. Razor, WebMatrix, MVC etc)
• Other features: Any other features you feel are appropriate to the website.

Website Ideas

• A car rental website

• A hotel room reservation website (but different to the one I gave you)
• A wedding dress rental website
• A party venue reservation
• A music instrument rental website
• A bouncy castle rental website
• Any e-commence website


You will be required to demonstrate your website to your module leader or your lab tutor in a
lab. Demonstrations dates and times will be provided at a later date. Your work will not be
marked unless you demonstrate it.

Part B (20%): Report on Web Security Research

You will write a summary report about the topic your already did for your Web Security
seminar. Your research findings are to be summarised in this short report. You will need to
reference your work properly. Your report will have a maximum of 1000 words excluding

Note 1: If you have worked your seminar in groups, do not copy the report from each other.
In this case, although you share the research findings and have developed a shared
presentation, this reporting task is individually assessed. This practically means that you write
your own version of this report independently.

Note 2: This report does not necessarily have to be linked to the developed web site in part A.
However if you can find a way to connect them, you may briefly explain the connection. For
example, if your web site can be vulnerable to the security attack that you explain in your
research seminar, or if you have made some feature in the web site to protect it from such an
attack, you may briefly explain them.

You will submit two separate files online through NOW Drop Box:

1) For part A: A zip file that includes your web site solution (all files and folders)
developed in Visual Studio.
2) For part B: A Word or PDF file; the report on Web Security Research.
II. Grade Based Assessment (GBA) & Assessment Criteria

Criteria Distinction Commendation Pass Fail Zero

Excp. High Mid Low High Mid Low High Mid Low Marginal Mid Low
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0
Part A: Low Distinction: Meets all of Low/Mid Commendation: The website The website meets the Any development which No
Website the requirements for a high meets the basic requirements outlined basic functionality. It does not fit under the submission
Developmen commendation plus all of in the basic requirements for a Pass should take information “Pass” criteria. or no
t including the Extra Features. section. It takes information from the from the user and using relevance
demo user and displays the information on sessions it should displays to the
Mid/High Distinction you another page. An email is sent to the the information on required
(80%) must make use of company to confirm the booking. The another page. An email is tasks.
technologies beyond page makes good use of themes, sent to the company to
ASP.NET forms (e.g. Rasor, validation, master pages, and looks confirm the booking. The
WebMatrix, MVC etc) professional. It connects to a page makes good use of
database to display information in the themes, validation, CSS,
Exceptional Distinction: 3 or
drop-down boxes of the form. It has master pages, and looks
more of the features in the
some security features such as secure professional.
Enhanced Requirements
login. For a Mid Commendation some
section, or other advanced
extra features need to be included.
High Commendation: The website
meets all the requirements for
Low/Mid Commendation but also has
some of the features outlined in the
Extra Features section.

Part B: Excellent report critically A very good report covering the A good report that The report does not cover No
Web reviwing the chosen chosen research topic and properly introduces the research the research topic or is submission
Security research topic and properly justified with adequate references. topic but may miss some very minimal/short. No or no
Report justified with adequate There can be minor issues with of its aspects. References references or there are relevance
references. The developed referencing. are either missing, not major issues with to the
(20%) website in Part A is analysed properly used or there can referencing. required
against the findings of Part be some major issues with tasks.
B. its formats.
III. Feedback Opportunities
Formative (Whilst you’re working on the coursework) and Summative (After you’ve submitted the coursework)

IV. Resources that may be useful

Referencing styles please use Harvard as detailed here
Guide to planning your time here and an automated planner here
Further guidance on avoiding cheating is here
Remember to use Outlook or physical calendars to block out time between lectures and labs to work on this coursework.

V. Moderation
All assessments are subject to a two-stage moderation process. Firstly, any details related to the assessment (e.g., clarity of information and
the assessment criteria) are considered by an independent person (usually a member of the module team). Secondly, the grades awarded
are considered by the module team to check for consistency and fairness across the cohort for the piece of work submitted.

VI. Aspects for Professional Development

The report itself covers examples of: Writing a scientific-style report, researching existing literature, referencing appropriately, construction
and proper labelling of figures. Many of these are useful transferable skills for employment applications or your Skills Portfolio. Similarly, the
practical class protocols provide several examples appropriate for use in the Skills Portfolio as bioscience (i.e. subject-specific) skills.

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