The Daily Motivator - Focus With Care

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Virtue is its own reward.

-- Cicero

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Focus with care

Maybe the problem is not really a problem. Maybe you can change your perspective and the
problem will disappear.

Sometimes you zoom in so intensely on a trivial issue that it seems like the most important thing in
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the world. While it’s great that you have such a powerful ability to focus, you must remember to use
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it with care. Automation and Personalize all Channels.

Just because something makes a lot of noise doesn’t mean it has any great significance. Just
because a task is urgent doesn’t mean it will make a difference.

Develop a solid appreciation for what makes your life good, for what threatens you, for what
genuinely fulfills you. Allocate your attention and your efforts accordingly.

Reserve your considerable talent and creativity for those things that really matter. Take care not to
get drawn in to those shallow, fleeting matters that don’t.

Take a deep breath, take a step back, sleep on it, go for a walk. You might save yourself a lot of time,
anguish, and trouble.

— Ralph Marston
Failure and persistence Each time

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