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Jet Detergent Powder Rejuvenation

Earning Eagles

Submitted to
Ms. Rahma Akhter
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Submitted by
Anisul Islam - 18104014
Nishat Nabila - 17204034
Muyeed Hasan Pantho -
MD. Samiul Hasan Aric - 18104205
Ridwan Rafat -


History of Jet Detergent Powder in Bangladesh................................................ 04

The 8 Ps of ‘Jet detergent powder’ marketing………………….…………….. 05

Marketing Concepts…………………………………………...……………… 09

Needs and Demand Status………………………………….………………… 11

STP ANALYSIS……………………………………………….……………... 14

Consumer Perspective……………………………………………………….... 16

Reference……………………………………………………………………... 18

History of Jet Detergent Powder in Bangladesh
Jet detergent powder was the product of Kohinoor Group earlier. The Kohinoor Detergent
Factory was established in 1968 with fully equipped machinery imported from Ballestra
S.P.A, Italy to manufacture the premium detergent powder Jet. In that time, people were
rarely known about detergent. Jet was known as washing powder moreover than a detergent.
It was the most popular product of this industry in that time as well. Later on, Kallol Group of
Companies (KGC) acquired the Kohinoor Detergent Factory in 2006 and renamed it to Kallol
Chemicals Limited. The factory is situated in the Tongi Industrial Area. KGC also signed
technical collaboration agreement with Lion Corporation, Japan to improve the quality of the
detergent powder and to introduce new variants of Jet.

Jet consists of Florescent brightener, Linear alkyl benzene sulfonate A. D (LAS AD),
Sulphate, Soda Ash, Perfume, Zeolite, Per-borate. However, Jet was a specialized product to
wash elite type of cloths like exclusive saree and silk wardrobes, people used it in every
possible way they could. Local brand Jet was the lone player in washing power segment prior
to Unilever’s entry. Gradually Jet lost its appeal towards its customers. Basically, the poor
marketing or branding concept of Jet causes them a lot to compete. While multinational
company like Unilever, domestic company like Square and Keya focused to grab the market
through various way of promotion.

The 8 Ps of ‘Jet detergent powder’ marketing
Products are radically different from services and need to be marketed very differently. So,
the classical 4P structure of the Marketing Mix needs to be modified suitably to incorporate
the 8Ps for product marketing. Marketing mix is a tool to develop marketing strategies for the
company or a product. It includes the analysis of 8 P’s.


Product is the main object which is presented to the customer to meet their requirements,
needs and demand. According to the topic, we have rejuvenated one of the most successful
brands in the detergent category in Bangladesh, Jet detergent powder. We have also designed
an extended product line for consumers, which is designed for different purposes like stain
removal, fragrance, germ killing and to maintain the quality of the cloth and utensils. The
products are Jet bar, Jet liquid dishwasher, Jet bathroom cleaner, etc. The quality of Jet
detergent powder is eco-friendly with the best quality of removing the stains. The product is
also available in various fragrances like lemon, jasmine, lily, morning dew, etc. The product
contains moisturizer which is good for user’s skin. Jet detergent powder has antibacterial
particles, ensuring clothes are germ-free and anti-stink formula to ensure that the clothes
smell fresh. It comes in different variants like golden blossom powder, tropical lavender and
many more.


A price is the quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return
for one unit of goods or services. Pricing in Marketing is the method of determining the value
a producer will get in the exchange of goods and services. One of the secrets to business
success is pricing the product properly. Pricing the product efficiently can create a boom in
the sale. It can build a foundation for the business that will prosper eventually. This is
essential to be considered to fix the price of the product which is equivalent to the
competitors in the market. The main competitors of Jet detergent powder are Surf excel, Rin,
Millat, Rocket, Chaka, Ray, Wheel etc. Jet detergent powder has to keep comparatively low
price in order to be competitive and to achieve higher market share because the other brands
are providing almost same product quality at lower prices. As a convenience product,
basically people prefer cost effective product which ensure value for money they are paying.
The price of Jet detergent powder includes the cost of raw materials, production, packaging,
distribution and marketing costs.


In the marketing mix, the process of moving products from the producer to the intended user
is called place. Jet detergent powder will be sold to the customers through retail channels. It
will be sold through local retailer shops or groceries, supermarkets like Shwapno, Agora,

Daily shopping etc and on online platforms like Daraz, Rokomari, Chaldaal etc. For accurate
distribution of the product, we have to make sure to have a smooth and strong relationship
with its suppliers and the distributors. We have to maintain the availability of Jet detergent
powder in the market so that the product can have the higher sales measurements. To
maintain the availability, we can rent warehouses in each area of operation.


In marketing mix, promotion refers to any type of marketing communication used to inform

or persuade target audiences of the relative merits of a product or service. We can adopt
many promotional tools for the promotion purpose. We will use Consumer promotion
strategy for promoting Jet detergent powder. It is a part of sales promotion which is targeted
towards the final buyers of consumer products. Consumer promotion often attracts brand
switchers who are looking for low priced quality product. As there are a plenty of competitors
of Jet detergent powder in the market, consumer promotion can make a short-term sales
increase. We can organize promotional campaigns like emotional advertisements, extra 20%
powder, 10% off, free goodies and many more offers to attract customers and to boost its
sales in the market where there are lots of competitors.


People are one of the components of the product combination of resources. People define a
business. It is a vitally important factor for a successful marketing campaign in the business,
how the customers rate the experience while doing business with the organization or
companies which ultimately give benefits to the customers. People are crucial in delivery. We
have to recruit and select best men for the job. We have to take training initiative for our
human resources on how to handle and deal with the customers. This will help us to make a
positive image of our brand and ultimately contributes to make higher sales.


Process is basically what your customers experience while buying your product. It is the
standard operating method in delivering the service, depending upon the situation and
location. As the public gets to know better service, the buying experience is becoming more
important. Processes are important to deliver a quality service. Process mapping ensures that
the product is perceived as being dependable by the target segment. We will design our

process map to maximize customer’s buying experience by analysing market situation and
customer response to our product.

Physical Evidence:

Physical evidence is all the visible and tangible traces of business that a customer meets prior
to buying. It includes packaging, paperwork, web pages, brochures, uniforms, offices etc. We
will give extra efforts to packaging for Jet detergent powder to attract customers. We will use
cost effective material for detergent packaging. It will be recyclable and be available with
different sizes. We will manage our web pages on social media platform to get customers
after-sale feedback. Our representatives will be dressed up with a decent and professional
uniform. We will create an employee-oriented workplace.

Performance and Quality:

Performance is defined as in holistic marketing, to capture the range of possible result

measures that have financial and non-financial implications like profitability and brand and
customer equity and consequences beyond the company itself. Performance reflects how to
measure the company’s financial goals and whether they are being accomplished. Quality products
ensure customer satisfaction. We will try our best to supply the best quality detergent powder
in the lowest cost to the customer.

Marketing Concepts
To follow the right marketing concept, we believe that we should see from consumer’s
perspective about how he or she reacts when he buys any detergent or dishwashing powder.
Here are the criterias any consumer follows buying this kind of products:


Detergent Any brand of Formulations

Detergent Powder
Powder should should be widely detergent and benefits
be inexpensive available powder can be of all brand
bought are same

As a manufacturer’s point of view & keeping these things in mind, we want to follow
“Production Concept” for marketing Jet Production line. Consumers are not so fussy about
choosing or consuming any detergent products. They will buy the product which is widely
available and highly affordable. We will go for price penetration so that people will select Jet
product because of the lowest price in market. Moreover, we will supply products in every
general store, super shops of every areas of cities in Bangladesh. Gradually, we will expand
our distribution channel to deliver products to the rural areas’ consumers. Thus, our
maximum corporate benefit will be achieved.

Moreover, we will slightly follow “Product Concept” because we will bring some small
changes in our products. For instance, new formulations will be used in Jet detergent powder
which will not cause any harm of consumer’s hand, lemon fragrance and anti-germ

formulation will also be added so that Jet products can be slightly different from the other
brands’ products and consumers will prefer to use Jet products.

Jet Detergent Powder

Produce more & more and make it

Production available
Practically sells itself

Caption: Production concept diagram

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Needs and Demand Status
Needs are the basic human requirements. A need is a consumer’s desire for a product’s or
service’s specific benefit, whether that be functional or emotional. On the other hand, a
consumer want is the desire for products or services that are not necessary, but which
consumers wish for. For example: in market four things a customer’s needs are fair price,
good service, good product and feel valued. Types of needs for the Jet brand:

At first, from the market, customer wants inexpensive products is stated needs. For low cost
market, Jet detergent brand produces Jet bar, soap, mini pack detergent powder and mini
liquid bottle. In rural area, people are more comfortable with the bar, soap and mini pack
detergent powder. Jet bar is long lasting than the normal soap and price is low than the
normal sizes detergent. Then, Jet brand produces mini, normal detergent packets sizes like
2kg, 1kg, 500g, 115g, 50g, 10g so people can buy which one they need. Like people can buy
10g mini packet power by 12tk. More, some are comfortable with the Jet soap and liquid
because it has more moisture than the bar.

Secondly, the customer wants a product whose operating cost, not its initial price, is low is
real needs. Jet detergent brand provide fabric softness, eco-friendly, antibacterial products for
their customer which will help to keep customer’s cloth’s bright, unchanged fabric quality,
germ free, also it’s eco-friendly. These features are helping the customers to reduce their
operating cost (daily expenses).

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Thirdly, the customer expects good service from the dealer is unstated needs. Jet detergent
brand supplies low priced products but maintains good quality. Before arriving of Unilever,
Jet detergent brand had a good market position in Bangladesh. Now Jet came into the market
with their new, good marketing strategies which will help the customers to maintain a
wonderful, balanced life.

Demand Status
Demands are wants for specific products backed by an ability to pay. Demand is an economic
principle referring to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services and willingness to
pay a price for a specific good or service. Market demand is the total quantity demanded
across all consumers in a market for a given good. Demand Status for Jet detergent brand:

1.Consumers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product is called
latent demand. Common types of latent demand for Jet detergent brand:

Technical challenges that make the product impossible. But a technical breakthrough leads to
a large number of new products. Like beside washing Jet detergent powder, now brand
produces Jet bar, soap, various sizes detergent packets, liquid washing soap can satisfy all
kinds of consumers demand.

Sometimes brand rashes forward with features faster than consumer preferences change. But
there would be demand for old products ex. detergent powder if they were re-introduced.
Regular customers can be comfortable.

Low priced new product can gain good market position like mini pack and liquid bottle prices
are lower than regular prices so people will buy these products easily.

Now a days global warming is an issue so Jet introduced eco-friendly detergent powder and
liquid soap. It’s a common problem for all so consumers can help the environment by using
this product which they could not imagine.

Liquid soap can save consumers time and energy because it is easy to use with and without
washing machine.

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People typically buy a product that does not damage quality of life or the environment over
one that does. So, Jet sustain the people demand in every aspect.

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Market segmentation is the research that determines how an organization divides its
customers or cohort into smaller groups based on characteristics such as, age, income,
personality traits or behaviour.

For Jet product line, we will divide the market by demographic segmentation. Demographic
segmentation is defined as a market segmentation method based on variables such as age,
gender, income etc. So, we will use income variable for demographic segmentation. If we
see the rural class people, they are not so much financially affluent. They use the same bar or
soap for washing clothes and dishes. So, different type of powders or bars won’t be
consumed by these consumers. On the other hand, mid- level earning people prefer to use
detergent powders, dishwashing powders. The high-level earning people use dishwashing
liquid gel, hand-wash to keep themselves hygiene. So, we believe these factors will affect the
consumers to purchase Jet products.

We will target all three-levels of earning people by different product lines. We have our core
products which is Jet detergent powder. Besides, we have added Jet handwash, Jet mini-soap,
Jet dishwashing bar, Jet dishwashing liquid gel. We will add these new product lines so that
we can grab all three levels of earning people. For example, we have designed Jet liquid gel
for high-level earning people. Moreover, Jet dishwashing bar & handwash gel for both high
& midlevel earning people. Low-level people have the least capability of buying numerous
products. So, they will prefer to buy Jet detergent powder and Jet mini soap. That’s how, we
are targeting every levels of income earning people.

In marketing and business strategy, market position refers to the consumer's perception of a
brand or product in relation to competing brands or products. When we need to think of
positioning Jet products, we first need to remember that only a few people has remembered
Jet. So, we need to revive the name or reputation of Jet products in people’s mind. As we
have tried to grab all levels of earning people and have introduced new product lines, so we
should firstly aware people that “Jet is for all”. Our tagline will be “Use Jet, Make your

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life Jet-speed”. By using this tagline, we are sending message to the consumers that by
using Jet product, they can consume the benefit in least time. Otherwise, rich people
won’t consume Jet products because they know that Jet is a very cheap detergent powder in
price. We need to make aware of the products to the consumers that whenever consumers will
go for purchasing toiletries or hygiene products, they will loom for Jet products. That’s how,
we will position Jet in consumers’ mind.

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Consumer Perspective

Cultural Factors

Social class a division of a society based on social and economic status. Social class affects a
consumer to purchase a particular type of product. The buying behaviour of a consumer is
built up based on social factors.

We can find mainly three classes in our society. They are- High class, Middle class & Low
class. All the classes of people are habituated to use hygienic products. That’s why, there is a
huge of toiletries & detergent products in everyday life. We have designed our product lines
to grab all the classes of people. Moreover, we have done pricing penetration so that every
classes of people can purchase Jet products. This is how, we have designed our product
keeping in mind of social class factor of our society.

Social factors

Roles can play a vital role in purchasing Jet product in perspective of consumer. In our
society, a majority of women still plays the role of doing household chores in a family. She is
responsible to buy daily commodities. As detergent power and other toiletries products are
daily commodities, so we have produced & promoted our products concerning “Mother” or
“wife” of the family because they are the potential buyer as well as consumer of Jet Products.
Thus, we are going to design Jet products based on Wives and Mothers in order to attract the
prime consumer.

The Buying Decision Process

 Problem Recognition: The temperature of Bangladesh is generally warm. People

working all day get sweated because of high temperature. Moreover, pollution rate is
so high in our country as well. So, people need to wash clothes daily or frequently.
This is a problem for consumers.
 Information search: TO solve this problem, people will find information the way of
solvent. They will gather information how they can get rid of this problem. They will
decide to use detergent powder to wash their clothes.
 Evaluation of alternatives: In this stage, people will look for different brand’s
detergent powders available in the market. They will compare different products
based on formulation, benefit and price.

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 Purchase decision: In this stage, people will take the final decision of purchasing a
single brand of product. They will select the best brand they think comparing the
alternatives. That’s why, we have added some new features in Jet product like anti-
germ, fragrance and no harmful object in product.
 Post purchase behavior: After they purchase the product they will assess the
products based on their perception and reality. Then, they will hold a final perception
or thought about the product & act in future according to the final perception.

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