News: Gerakan #2019gantipresiden: Volume 3 Nomor 2 E-ISSN: 2527-807X Juli-Desember 2018 P-ISSN: 2527-8088

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Volume 3 Nomor 2 E-ISSN: 2527-807X

Juli-Desember 2018 P-ISSN: 2527-8088


Hendri Pitrio Putra
Sulis Triyono
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Abstract: This article is a result of critical discourse analysis (CDA) to the news
entitled Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden di Antara Ambiguitas Hukum dan
Syahwat Politik at The approach employed in this research is the
three-dimensional CDA developed by Norman Fairclough. The purposes of this
research are to describe the micro, mezzo, and macro as well as the social,
political and cultural situation from the linguistic aspects in Gerakan
#2019GantiPresiden di Antara Ambiguitas Hukum dan Syahwat Politik text.
The results show that there are linguistic aspects in the form of diction in the
direct sentences that are used by with the theme
#2019GantiPresiden. This movement is considered as a constitutional movement
indicated as a rebellion because it is supported by political interests towards
their current government rival. This is closely related to the background of as a pro-government online mass media. It is also acceptable if creates a positive image of the current government. The main point
of information that is conveyed in the news of #2019GantiPresiden is that this
movement possibly threats the government of Jokowi Widodo who will run again
for the presidential election in 2019.
Keywords: critical discourse analysis, politics, #2019GantiPresiden,

INTRODUCTION journalists which is basically functioned

In general, language is a as an informative language aside from
communication tool used by humans to expressive, directive, aesthetic, and
convey ideas, opinions, and thoughts to phatic functions possessed by the
others, both orally and in writing. language press as well. The language
Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of used by journalists is usually in the
National Education (2001, 88) language form of short, solid, interesting, and
is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols clear forms (Leech 1997, 47). Therefore,
used for human communication in the language used in the world of
working, interacting, and identifying journalists is likely to be a language
themselves. This is also in line with the that functions as a conveyer of
opinion of Chaer (2004, 11), in which he information.
states that language is a symbol The rapid development in the digital
system, in the form of sound, arbitrary, information era has led to an increasing
productive, dynamic, diverse, and volume of information in the form of
humane. So, language is a text. Among various forms of digital
communication tool that is used by information, an estimated 80% of digital
humans to communicate with others. documents are in the form of text (Tan
One of the language users is the 1999). The text can be in the form of
journalists. The language employed by news or discourse that aims to provide
journalists is often referred to the information or events in the community
language press or the language of life (Djaroto 2000, 45), while the

Hendri Pitrio Putra & Sulis Triyono

discourse itself is considered as the news is displayed, but how and why the
most complete unit of language. message is presented as well.
In grammatical hierarchies, In fact, people can further expose
discourse is the highest or largest unit the abuse of power, domination, and
that can be portrayed in the form of injustice that is conducted and produced
essays, paragraphs, sentences, or words vaguely through news texts. Even the
that have a specific purpose, realities and facts conveyed in the news
Kridalaksana (2001, 231). Furthermore, must be purely clean, but in the mass
Fairclough (1995, 28-32) and Wodak media, it is not uncommon to find facts
(2001, 5) state that discourse analysis is or events from the results of
about how text works/functions in socio- construction, so that they have multiple
cultural practice. or plural meanings.
So, discourse analysis itself is not The existing reality can also be
only seen as the use of language in presented in the middle of the audience
speech and writing but also as a form of because this reality is intentionally
social practice. In this case, the presented by the subjectivity of
discourse analysis becomes a tool that is journalists formed from the perspective
capable of interacting explicitly and of journalists in expressing a problem or
implicitly with people's lives so that event. Therefore, the reality about facts
communication can be built in the midst can appear differently depending on the
of society and also used as a movement understanding and characteristics of
to achieve certain goals. each journalist.
According to Darma (2009, 49), According to Eriyanto (2011,7), the
critical discourse analysis is an effort or characteristics of critical discourse
process of decomposition to give an analysis contain five principles such as
explanation of a text (social reality) that the action, context, history, power, and
is intended or is being done by someone ideology. Regarding action, there are
who tends to have a specific purpose to two consequences to viewing discourse,
get what is desired. In other words, namely: (1) discourse is seen as
critical discourse analysis is generally something that aims to influence,
implemented to criticize and reveal the debate, refute, persuade, react etc.; (2)
relationship between language and discourse is also understood as
social and political news. something that is expressed consciously
Critical discourse analysis is also or controlled.
used to describe something, translate, Context is related to how discourse
and analyze social and political news is produced, understood, and
presented through text. In addition, interpreted in certain contexts. Like
critical discourse analysis is not only who communicates with whom and
seen from linguistic aspects, but also why, what the audience is like and
from the relationship between language what the situation is, through what
and certain contexts, including the medium, how is the different type of
specific objectives of social and political development of communication, and
news. how the relationship is for each
Based on the definitions of above, participant, etc.
critical discourse analysis is an History is always related to time or
alternative way to the deadlock in a event of the discourse, for example, how
media analysis that has been the political situation is happening, why
dominated by conventional content certain discourses are developing, and
analysis with its positive or vice versa why other discourses do not
constructivist paradigm. Through develop, etc. Power, discourse that
critical discourse analysis, people will appears in the form of text,
know not only how the content of the conversation, or whatever, is not seen
114 Leksema Vol 3 No 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Critical Discourse Analysis on News: Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden

as something natural and neutral, but delivers this news to the
it is a form of power struggle. readers based on the linguistic aspects.
Ideology is discourse seen as an This analysis used the three-
ideological practice or reflection of a dimensional critical discourse by
particular ideology. Furthermore, Norman Fairclough (2003) which
discourse and mass media are two includes micro, mezzo, and macro
things which support each other. If the elements. The microelement is
existence of discourse is very dependent analyzing the text itself, in the form of
on the mass media that surrounds it, cohesion, coherence, grammar,
the mass media will be very dependent transparency, theme, modality, and
on the audience or its users. lexical structures. Second, Mezzo is one of the online element or referred to as discourse
news portals in Indonesia. It presents practice aims to find out the process of
different types of news classified into production, distribution, and use of text.
Politics & Law, International, Third, the macro element or called
Education & Culture, Environment & sociocultural practice aims to find out
Health, Science & Technology, the social context that influences the
Binoculars, Business & Finance, Figure, birth of a text (discourse) which
and Classics pages. includes situational, institutional, and
The selection of discourse on social levels. to be analyzed is based on
several considerations. First, RESEARCH METHOD is the online news portal In this research, the researchers
that is demanded greatly by the public. used the three-dimensional critical
Second, discourse in discourse analysis approach by Norman
contains reports of events that occur in Fairclough. The researchers chose this
the environment that are published approach because it can describe
every day so that the news submitted is systematically the fact and
considered to be an actual issue. In characteristics of the data. This
addition, the language used in approach puts discourse as power is formal Indonesian so (Asher & Simpson 1994, 940) or views
that the language used is easily discourse as a reflection of relations in
understood by all Indonesian people. society. A critical discourse analysis
Meanwhile, the selection of news approach also has a purpose of
discourse # 2019GantiPresiden is likely understanding the discourse as a form
to be an issue that is currently popular, of social practice. In social practice, a
because this news involves many person always has the purpose of
political and government figures and writing a discourse, including the
this movement has also caused many purpose of exercising power.
persecutions in several regions in The data of this research is written
Indonesia. So it is acceptable if text (Subroto 1992, 42). The written also participates in text in the form of discourse taken from
providing information or news to the the website and it is in the
public about the #2019GantiPresiden. form news which entitles Gerakan
This is in accordance with one of #2019GantiPresiden di antara
Kompas' visions and missions, namely Ambiguitas Hukum dan Syahwat
providing actual and credible news. Politik. It was published on August 28,
Therefore, the researchers tried to 2018. The selection of this discourse
analyze the social and political effects was based on the number of viewers
that occur as a result of the existence of who reach two million which visit on
this movement and to see how portal. It made this

Leksema Vol 3 No 2 Juli-Desember 2018 115

Hendri Pitrio Putra & Sulis Triyono

discourse become one of the popular (1) Elite politik harus turun tangan
discourses (Ranksays 2018). So, memberikan teladan bagaimana
researchers assume that this discourse berkompetisi secara sehat di alam
has a considerable influence on readers demokrasi
(The political elite must intervene to
and society in general and interesting to
set an example of how to good compete
analyze. in a democracy)
Aside from that, this study used (2) Ada orang yang berteriak ganti
referring method with the reading presiden maka itu sama dengan ingin
technique and note taking technique. menurunkan presiden alias makar.
(Sudaryanto 1993, 5). Hereafter, in (There are people who shout to replace
analyzing the data, researchers used the president, so it is the same as
several steps, namely (1) reading wanting to take down the president or
extensively the discourse of Gerakan treason)
#2019GantiPresiden di antara (3) Mereka bilang, kami tidak
Ambiguitas Hukum dan Syahwat memakzulkan. Kami cuma bilang 2019
Politik news; (2) taking notes and ganti presiden.
analyzing the discourse using the CDA (They say we don't impose, we just say
2019 replaces the president)
model from Norman Fairclough; and (3)
making conclusions from the data (4) Tagar tersebut mendapatkan
perlawanan kuat kelompok yang
menginginkan Presiden Joko Widodo
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS melanjutkan jabatan presiden untuk
dua periode.
This section presents the results of
(The hashtag is gaining strong
the research used the three-dimensional opposition from groups who want
critical discourse analysis by Norman President Joko Widodo to continue the
Fairclough. The results are presented in presidential term for two periods).
the form of descriptions and are Datum (1) elite politik refers to
described in the form of discussions. political party leaders from two camps
Micro-structural Analysis who will compete in the vice and
Based on the various linguistic tools presidential election in 2019. Datum (2)
used by in the reporting of orang refers to people or groups who
Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden di antara wish to replace the president or from
Ambiguitas Hukum dan Syahwat the current counter-government group.
Politik, the researchers found the mark Datum (3) kami is the same as datum
of the representation of the themes and (2) which refers to the government
figures which involved in the news of opposition groups. While the last, the They are the dictions, the term (4) kelompok is a group that is still
usage of causal sentences, and the loyal to the government or pro-
selection of speakers in the form of government.
direct quotations. For instance, the first From datum (1) to (4), it can be seen
paragraph of the first line, it can be how distinguishes diction
seen directly how selected used to indicate the status of figures
the diction such as berpotensi menyulut from the news delivered. The three of
konflik (has potentially in sparking a the four diction used by
conflict) that has semantic cause-effect, have different semantic meanings. In
which means that the lexical semantics, the meaning of the
#2019GantiPresiden has a social effect word elite politik (political elite) shows
in the society. the status of the first character, but the
Below is the analysis of the second figure is used by the words
linguistic aspects of the paragraphs of Orang, mereka, kita, and the kelompok
the discourse. referring to the status of the people

116 Leksema Vol 3 No 2 Juli-Desember 2018

Critical Discourse Analysis on News: Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden

involved in the conflict of perlawanan kuat oleh kelompok yang

#2019GantiPresiden. menginginkan Presiden Joko Widodo
melanjutkan jabatan presiden untuk
(5) Kampanye tanda pagar (tagar) dua periode.
#2019gantipresiden berpotensi
menyulut konflik horizontal di (In the midst of the pros and cons in the
perception of the law, the hashtag
received strong resistance by groups
(The campaign hashtag
who wanted President Joko Widodo to
#2019GantiPresiden has the potential
continue the presidential term for two
to ignite horizontal conflicts in the
(8) Maka tersajilah 'pertarungan' kedua
(6) Kelompok yang satu menolak
kelompok, baik di dunia maya hingga di
kehadiran kelompok yang lain.
dunia nyata.
Kelompok yang satu mencaci kelompok
(Then there was a 'battle' between the
yang lain. Kelompok yang satu, juga
two groups, both in cyberspace and in
mengancam kelompok yang lain dan
the real world)
(The one group rejects the presence of Datum (7) is an example of data
another group. The one group insults using linguistic strategies in the form of
the other group. One group also causal sentence structures. The broad
threatens other groups and so on) sentence in the datum (8) above has a
From data (5) to (6), it is clearly causal relationship which is
described how took the characterized by conjunction maka
resource statement by using a complete (then) that combines the causes in the
diction about something bad, namely: daum (7) and the effect on the datum
menyulut (igniting), menolak (rejecting), (8).
mencaci (insulting), and mengancam (9) Hamdi mengatakan, menurut Romli
(threatening) are as verbs from the Atmasasmita, jika ada orang yang
actions taken by the first and second berteriak ganti presiden maka itu sama
figures. Menyulut is defined as acts dengan ingin menurunkan presiden
committed by the first person who can alias makar.
make horizontal riots or conflicts in the (Hamdi said, according to Romli
community. Menolak is used as a Atmasasmita, if there were people who
pronoun of action by the second shouted for president, then it would be
the same as wanting to take down the
character. Menolak is interpreted as
president or treason)
pushing or pushing forward (sideways)’
conducted by the second character as a (10) Presiden diangkat secara demokratis
hingga selesai masa jabatannya tahun
reaction to the #2019GantiPresiden.
2019. "Oleh sebab itu, di tengah jalan
Mencaci can be interpreted as an act of tidak bisa diturunkan. Kalau
cursing; denounce; defame one group diturunkan, namanya pemakzulan,"
with another group. Mengancam is ujar Hamdi.
defined as the action of the second (The President is appointed
person who states the intention democratically until the end of his term
(intention, plan) to do something that is of office in 2019. "Therefore, the
harmful, complicates, troublesome, or President still on duty cannot be
harm others (KBBI, 2001). demoted. If it is demoted, the name is
Dictions presented from the words impeachment," said Hamdi)
menolak, mencaci, and mengancam (11) "Sebagian bilang ganti presiden,
from the second character are the result sebagian lainnya bilang kami enggak
mau ganti, disertai unsur-unsur
of the actions of the first character or
provokasi masing-masing," kata
the political elite who are in conflict. Hamdi.
(7) Di tengah pro kontra di mata hukum,
tagar tersebut mendapatkan
Leksema Vol 3 No 2 Juli-Desember 2018 117
Hendri Pitrio Putra & Sulis Triyono

("Some people say replace the president, Furthermore, data (9) to (14) are the
another say don't want to change, with selection of a speaker as one of the
elements of provocation," Hamdi said) discourse supporters. The speaker
(12) "Dua kubu semakin radikal, semakin presented in this discourse is a political
mengeras. Situasi inilah yang saya psychologist at the University of
sebut berpotensi menyulut konflik Indonesia (UI), Mr. Hamdi. While the
horizontal di masyarakat. Oleh sebab
theme discussed in the discourse is
itu jangan ini dianggap main-main,"
lanjut dia.
between ambiguity and political desire,
("The two camps are increasingly it is considered less balanced if only one
radical, increasingly hardened. This speaker is presented as the journalist
situation is what I call the potential to here should also present a resource
spark horizontal conflict in the person from the police who can review
community. Therefore, this should not the legal aspects of the movement of #
be considered playful," he continued) 2019GantiPresiden.
(13) Jangan "menari" di atas kekisruhan However, the reality of the selection
Atas kondisi ini pula, maka Hamdi of speakers and selected resource
sepakat dengan aparat keamanan yang persons shows one character. The
terpaksa membubarkan mobilisasi selection of resource and message
massa tagar #2019gantipresiden. interpretation in this news shows that
(Do not "dance" above confusion. On this
there is a practice of reality
condition, Hamdi agreed with the
police forces who were forced to disperse
construction. As stated earlier, the
the hashtag mass mobilization media is able to determine aspects that
#2019GantiPresiden) are highlighted or omitted from the
(14) "Yang dinamakan kebebasan dalam news, determine the news structure
berpendapat itu, misalnya menuntut according to them, and from which side
harga bahan pokok turun, menuntut the event will be highlighted.
BBM murah, tenaga kerja asing
Mezzo-structural Analysis
dikurangi, itu silahkan. Tapi tidak
In the dimension analysis, the
dengan memprovokasi. Ingat,
masyarakat juga menginginkan interpretation conducted on the
ketenangan dan keamanan," tambah processing of discourse which includes
Hamdi. aspects of production, distribution and
(The so-called freedom of opinion is using of text. This section analyzes how
demanding the price of basic media workers produce text. Therefore,
commodities go down, demanding cheap through this discourse analysis, people
fuel, foreign workers are reduced, but not only know how the content of the
not by provoking. Remember, people news text is written but also how the
also want peace and security," Hamdi message is delivered.
added) is one of the online
In datum (9) to (14), various media in Indonesia which aims to
language styles are used by provide services to readers of Kompas in quoting statements daily in places that are difficult to reach
from Hamidi. They are Hamdi by the Kompas distribution network.
mengatakan (Hamdi said), ujar Hamdi With the presence of, the
(said Hamdi), kata Hamdi (Hamdi readers, especially in eastern Indonesia
said), lanjut dia (he continued), Hamdi and abroad, can enjoy news of the day,
sepakat (Hamdi agreed) and tambah no need to wait for the usual days.
Hamdi (Hamdi added). This variety of has a good editorial
language styles is the language strategy management and also has hundreds of
used by in delivering news reporters in various parts of Indonesia
to readers so that the news looks more who are ready to make journalistic
interested and appealing to the readers. works based on information in the field,

118 Leksema Vol 3 No 2 Juli-Desember 2018

Critical Discourse Analysis on News: Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden

not only that also has a politics (especially related to issues of
social media division, which always power and ideology) and culture
monitors social media conversations in (especially with regard to values and
real-time. identities) which also influence media has a clear tagline of institutions, and their discourse.
seeing the world. Therefore, The discussion of socio-cultural wants to posit itself as a practices includes three levels, namely
media that always present information situational level, institutional level, and
in an objective, complete, independent social level. The situational level is
perspective, not biased by various related to production and the context of
political, economic, and power concerns. the situation. The institutional level is
Therefore, editors and journalists are related to the influence of institutions
much disciplined in verifying the facts both internally and externally. In
and data they get in the field or on addition, the social level is related to
social media. Furthermore, more macro situations, such as the is also supported by an political system, economic system, and
independent research institute, the the cultural system of society as a
Kompas Research and Development (R whole.
& D) Center which for decades has been The three levels of analysis in the
tested with objective, valid and news Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden di
independent data. Antara Ambiguitas Hukum dan
Based on the description above, it Syahwat Politik can be seen as follow.
can be concluded that as a media,
Situational level is an online public daily
The existence of #2019Ganti
that is quite influential in Indonesian
Presiden movement ignited horizontal
society. It was proven by the
conflicts that occurred in the
Superbrands award for the Trusted
community. Through this movement, it
Online News category in 2018.
is directly influencing the social-
Therefore, the text production series in
political conditions and situation in the are not only stand-alone
community that the pro-government
series, but also institutional series
and counter-government camps
involving journalists, editors, and
blaspheme one another. Basically, there
is nothing wrong with demonstration
The realization of the text produced
actions conducted by pro-government
by especially in terms of
camps or counter-government camps
reporting Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden
because they are protected by law but
di antara Ambiguitas Hukum dan
the movement of #2019GantiPresiden
Syahwat Politik is considered to be in
outside the campaign period indicates
harmony with the stated objectives,
to treason. For this reason, this
namely, giving actual and reliable
movement is a concern for many media,
Macro-structural Analysis
Institutional level
The third dimension is a macro-level
The writing of the news texts ion
analysis based on the opinion that the
Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden di antara
social context exists outside the media
Ambiguitas Hukum dan Syahwat
actually affects how the discourse is.
Politik involves only one resource
The editorial room or journalist is not a
person, namely an expert in political
sterile field or empty space but is also
psychology analysis from the University
determined bythe outside factors of the
of Indonesia (UI) Hamidi Moeloek. This
media itself. Socio-cultural practices
texts should also present resource
analyze three things, namely economics,
Leksema Vol 3 No 2 Juli-Desember 2018 119
Hendri Pitrio Putra & Sulis Triyono

persons from the police who can review the constitution as a form of channeling
the legal aspects of the aspirations and freedom of expression.
#2019GantiPresiden. However, the Thus, this led to a dispute between
reality of the selection of resource the two camps which ended with
persons and selected resource persons persecution between of both. Political
quote points to one character. So if they observers say there is nothing wrong
did, the news delivered will be more with this movement, but if this move is
balanced, actual and trustworthy. aimed at the government that is
running the government, this is
Social level
indicative of treason because it is not
It can be drawn a common thread
yet in the campaign period.
that the news produced by
is closely related to the existence of the CONCLUSIONS
media itself. The news entitled Gerakan Critical discourse analysis in the
#2019GantiPresiden di Antara form of news Gerakan #2019Ganti
Ambiguitas Hukum dan Syahwat Presiden di antara Ambiguitas Hukum
Politik has a certain motivation. dan Syahwat Politik shows that, first,
According to the observations of used many dictions to
researchers,'s partisanship describe the conflict occur as the effect
with the government can be seen from of the movement #2019GantiPresiden.
the speakers presented and indirectly The diction is in the form of verbs such guides the public to the as menyulut (igniting), menolak
understanding that the #2019Ganti (rejecting), mencaci (insulting), and
Presiden is an attempt at treason. mengancam (threatening) etc.
Therefore, readers' opinions are led to Second, used causal
give a positive image to the government sentences. It can be seen from the
and assess the #2019GantiPresiden. It conjunctions used, such as conjunctions
can be considered as a presidential act. maka (then) karena (because), oleh
Lastly, the social, political and karena itu (therefore). These
cultural situation from the linguistic conjunctions have the function to relate
aspects used in discourse Gerakan one paragraph as the causal of the
#2019GantiPresiden di antara Ambigu- movement of #2019GantiPresiden to
itas Hukum dan Syahwat Politik which another paragraph as the effect of the
are represented by several choices of movement itself.
words that are reflected in the also used direct
discourse. The words such as insulting quotations such as Hamdi mengatakan
and threatening even ending in (Hamdi said), Hamdi setuju (Hamdi
persecution. This really illustrates the agreed), lanjut dia (he continues). The
conflict that occurred in Indonesian as a quotations have a function to support
result of the friction between the two the content of the news, so the news
camps, namely supporters of the that is presented becomes more factual
current government and the rival and actual since it presents the resource
government. person who is competent in his field.
The supporters of the current Text production series in
government declare that this movement are also included in
is the movement of non-constituents institutional series involving
who are indexed by treason because journalists, editors, and others. The
they are boarded with political elements realization of the text produced by
in it. This is against the non- of this news is considered
government supporters who argue that to be quite balanced even though there
this movement is a legitimate is an indexed to side with the
constitutional movement according to government. This can be seen from the
120 Leksema Vol 3 No 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Critical Discourse Analysis on News: Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden

speaker who is presented only one in /08/29/09005771/gerakan-2019 ganti

the discourse so that it is likely to be presiden-di-antara-ambiguitas-hukum-
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of the #2019GantiPresiden ignited Kridalaksana, Harimurti. 2001. Kamus
horizontal conflicts in the community so Linguistik. Jakarta: PT Gramedia
Pustaka Utama
this movement in this discourse could
threaten the government of President Leech. Geoffrey. 1997. Prinsip-prinsip
Jokowi Widodo who will run again for Pragmatik. (Translator: MDD Oka).
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia
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Eriyanto. 2011. Analisis Wacana:
Pengantar Analisis Teks Media. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Yogyakarta: LKiS The researcher would like to extend
Fairclough, Norman. 1995. Critical immense gratitude to Indonesian
Discourse Analysis. London: Longman Endowment Fund For Education
Fairclough, Norman. 2003. Analysing (LPDP) scholarship for the funding of
Discourse: Textual Analysing for Sosial this small research without which this
Research. London: Routledge. research may not be possible. And
“Gerakan #2019GantiPresiden di special to all my friends who review this
antara Ambiguitas Hukum dan research and try their best to do so and
Syahwat Politik” on give valuable suggestions

Leksema Vol 3 No 2 Juli-Desember 2018 121

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