Gcla Board Meeting 10-1-19

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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting October 1, 2019

Present: Susan Johnston, Sharon Hecht, Clark Ahlden, Judy Seyb, Paul Terrio, Pete
Fernandes, Chance Riggins

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to Order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the September 17, 2019 meeting were read. Sharon
motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Clark seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Election of Officers: Pete moved to keep the current officers with Susan Johnston serving
as president, Sharon Hecht as vice-president, Paul Terrio as treasurer and Judy Seyb as
secretary. Paul seconded the motion. The motion passed. Members at large are Pete
Fernandez, Jim Kaiser, Chance Riggins, Lee Alexander and Clark Ahlden as determined at
the annual meeting earlier.

Annual Budget: the annual budget was updated with the annual assessment dues remaining
the same. Paul motioned to accept the annual budget, Pete seconded the motion. The motion

Annual Picnic: will be Sunday October 6 at 4 pm near the south dock.

Boy Scouts: are scheduled to do a lake clean-up on October 5. Suggestions include pulling
weeds around the docks, leveling the soil around the areas where trees have been removed,
tossing rocks out of the inlets and outlets, and bagging wood chips from the remains of the
large tree that was by the big rock at the north end of the lake.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Sharon reports the new redbud tree doesn’t look very good
but we have a five year warrantee on it. We will see what it looks like in the spring.

Next Meeting: will be March 17, 2020.

Adjournment: Pete moved to adjourn the meeting. Paul seconded the motion. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

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