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Name : Hesti Rindhi Anggraeni

SRN : 1703046069

Class : PBI 6-B

Subject : Second Language Acquisition


1. Review the five tenets of Krashen's Input Hypothesis. Which ones are most plausible?
Least plausible ? How would you take the 'best' of his theories and apply them in the
classroom and yet still be mindful of the various problems inherent in his ideas about
 Review the 5 tenets of Krashen’s Input Hypothesis:
- The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis: this acquisition focused on
communicative competence progressing through three stages (aural
comprehension, early speech production, and speech activities, all
fostering “natural” language acquisition, much as a students would learn
his/her native language. So, the strength of this hypothesis that language is
learned through natural communication.
- The Monitor Hypothesis: this acquisition explain the relationship between
acquisition and learning. The acquisition as the utterance initiator, while
the learning system performs the role of the ‘monitor’ or the ‘editor’.
- The Natural Order Hypothesis: Krashen said that grammatical morphemes
seem to be acquired in natural order and some structures are acquired
earlier and some later. So, the order may depend to some greater or lesser
extent upon the situation in which the learners acquire their L2 and the
complexity of morphemes depends on the learners’ L1.
- The Input Hypothesis: in this hypothesis an important condition for
language to occur is that acquirer understand (via hearing or reading) input
language that contains structure ‘a bit beyond’ his/ her current level of
competence. The input hypothesis is only concerned with ‘acquisition’, not
- The Affective Filter Hypothesis: in this hypothesis, leraner’s feeling or
attitude (motivataion, self-confidence, anxiety) as an adjustable filter that
freely pass, impedes or block input necessary to acquisition.
 Which one are most plausible? Least plausible?:
The most plausible plausible of Krashen’ hypothesis is Affective Filter
Hypothesis, because as I said in my review point that the successful of
acquisition is based on 3 kinds of affective or attitudinal variables related to
SLA (motivation-high, self-confidence-high, and anxiety-low). From this, the
teacher could help their students in learning process, teachers may try to
reduce learners’ negative feelings and the learners can have higher
competence when they receive comprehensible input in low-stress condition.
The least plausible plausible of Krashen’ hypothesis is Natural Order
Hypothesis, because as I said in my review point that the order of acquisition
may depend to some greater or lesser extent upon the situation in which the
learners acquire their L2 and the complexity of morphemes depends on the
learners’ L1. This is make implication for teaching that is lots of grammar
programs are based on wether the points covered are easy ot difficult for the
teacher to formulate, rather than on wether they are easy or difficult for the
learner to acquire.
 How would you take the 'best' of his theories and apply them in the classroom:
In the classroom, I would take the ‘best’ of his theoris as students activities
should be based on meaningful communication, input should be interesting
and based on student needs, and input should contribute to relaxed classroom
atmosphere. As the Krashen’s said that the best methods are therefore those
that supply ‘comprehensible input’ in low anxiety situations, containing
messages that students really want to hear.

2. What do you think, in your own experience as a language learner, is the most useful
aspect of Krashen's Input Hypothesis, and what is the least useful?
 The most useful based on my experience:
Based on my experience, the most useful aspect of Krashen’s Input
Hypothesis is Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis and Input Hypothesis, because
as I know human acquires language in only way-by understanding the
messages or by receiving comprehensible input and the learners can improve
and progress along the natural order when they receive L2 comprehensible
input. It means that when we receive as much as we want to learn it will be
easy for us to improve and progress them through natural communication.
 The least useful based on my experience:
Based on my experience, the least useful aspect of Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
is Natural Order Hypothesis, because as we know that in this hypothesis only
focused on morphemes of learners, while the morphemes themselves do not
form any linguistic unity, so there can be no unitary hypothesis to explain why
they shoould follow in sequence (Mason, 2002). From me my self, this
hypothesis will be has long-process in SLA.

3. Given everything you now know about learning a second language, what are the
characteristics of a successful teacher? What steps do you think you could take train
yourself to be more successful? That is, what are your weaknesses and strengths, and
how might you work on those weaknesses from what you know so far about foreign
language teaching?
 Learning a second language:
Second language learning is a process where the learning of another languages
other than the first language (L1) takes place, the process has to take place
after the first language (L1) has already been acquired. The first language (L1)
refers to the language that we learn since we born (not literally, of course) and
the second language (L2) refers to the language learned after the L1 has been
acquired. A language can only be referred as the L2 if the learning occurs after
has acquired the L1.
 Characteristics of a successful teacher:
- The teacher who is an expert and mastered on what is taught, so they can
deliver the learning process in easy way and the students can understand it.
- The teacher who has an ability to develop relationship with their students.
It’s because when having good relationship will be push the students’
motivation in learning process.
- The teacher who has creativity in learning process. It’s because most of
students get bored in learning easily, so the teacher should have creativity
in their learning process to develop their students’ understanding.
 My step to be more successful:
For me my self on step to be more successful in teaching is I must have
passion in teaching and learning. It’s because I have to learn as much as
possible and looking for references to develop my teaching progress.
 My strengh is I have enthusiasm in learning new things, it will be useful for
me to looking for references as much as possible. While my weakness is I still
get difficulties in grammar. So, I read a lot of books, then I try to rewrite in my
own words. After that, I know that I still has a lot ungrammatically in writing
and it is also influence in my speaking skill.

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