Indonesian English Code Mixing in Facebook Used Indonesian Youngster by Fanspage "I'M Fine"

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By : Ridho Dewantoro

NPM. 16321062





Based in previous chapter the researcher will explain more about

Language, Communication, Semiotic and Graffiti. The theories will be

completely performed as follows:

A. Language

Language is the most effective tool in communication in order to

convey ideas, thoughts and objectives to others. Without a language, people

will face some problems when they do their activities and communication

with others. Tarigan (2009: 2-3) argues that if human have good language

competency, they can be expected to be able to communicate with others

nicely and smoothly, either verbal or written. They also can be expected to be

good listeners and speakers, into a comprehensive readers and writers who are

skilled in everyday life.

B. Communication

Tarigan (2009: 14) argues that communication is the exchange of ideas

and information with other people. Communication consists speaker (sender),

a message is sent or forwarded, the goal of delivering a message, and the

recipient. While Canale (1984) cited in Tarigan (2009: 14) defines

communication is the exchange and negotiation of information between two

or more people. It can be used with the symbols of verbal and non-verbal

modes, oral and written/ visual, as well as the processes of production and

C. Sociolinguistic

Biber, D &Finegan, E (1994: i) states that: Sociolinguistics is the study of

language in use. It focusses on the relationship between language and society.

It is the principal concern address linguistic variation across social groups and

the range of communicative situations in which women and men deploy their

verbal repertoires. Sociolinguistics could become a field of study for their

selections in language use. The field of sociolinguistics is focused on the

possibility of choice that can be made within the community regarding the use

of language varieties. Every country has own original language that can be

used among the people from many regions, which is called as the national

language. Teenagers in fansage im fine have the purpose of writing code

mixing to attract the attention of other members. Besides that they write the

code mixing to have a standard that is more in writing status.

D. Code Mixing

Bilingual society results code mixing and code switching. At least,

the phenomenon of bilingualism results in the occurrence of code switching

and code mixing (Wardhaugh, 1986:101). Wardhaugh (1986: 103) mentioned

that code mixing occurs when conversant uses both of language together to

extend that they change from one language to the other in the course of a

single utterance. Code mixing didn’t only use in direct speech but also use in

social media networking like Facebook



In this chapter, there are many points related to the research method. They are
research approach and design, source of data, technique of collecting data, research
procedure, data verification.

A. Reasearch Approach and Design

The researcher applies true experiment in this research for analysys the
subject. This research is focuses on analyzing and finding mix language in the
facebook by IM FINE fanspage.

B. Source of Data
In this research, the researcher used facebook to collect data. Data are
collected from IM FINE fanspage, researcher find some status are sent to this
fanspage with English code mixing then researcher screenshot the status for data

C. Technique of Collecting Data

Researcher Screenshot the status are contain english code mixing in facebook
fanspage IM FINE. There are the data are collected by reseacher
D. Research Procedure
1. For the first, the researcher make some facebook account
2. Reseacreher search IM FINE fanspage
3. Researcher searching for the status are contain English code mixing at
IM FINE Fanspage
4. Researcher screenshot the status for data
5. Reseacrher analyz why some people make status using English code
6. Final is make conclusion based on analysis data.
E. Data Verification
Data are colleted tottaly real data, researcher use Facebook to find the
data. IM FINE Fansage is real in the facebook I'm fine made on December
21, 2019 and has 34,672 people.

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