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Extreme competition becomes a norm in the fast-paced service sector. From healthcare to
restaurant and travel to logistics- the services-related business has to take the competition
in stride. Thankfully, technological advancements remain useful in this endeavour, and in
line with the mobile-driven trend, the on-demand apps come in handy for entrepreneurs.
What is On-demand Mobile App?
When it comes to targeting a specific audience, the businesses need to come up with
customized mobile app solutions that can meet people’s demands. For example, a taxi
booking service provider requires a tailored taxi mobile app to address a huge audience who
want to book cabs. Such an app is called on-demand mobile app.
As people tend to depend on their smartphones to accomplish various activities and tasks,
you can help them through an on-demand app while developing your service business. The
major benefit of the on-demand application is- it is an affordable way to promote the
business irrespective of its scale and size.
Why does on-demand app development in vogue?
The on-demand economy is thriving with the proliferation of mobile apps. As per
a BIA/Kelsey survey, the on-demand economy is expected to reach $57 billion by the end of
the year 2018. Apart from e-Commerce and retail business, many B2C businesses tend to
leverage the benefits of growing on-demand economy. These include healthcare,
hospitality, logistics, etc.
Related Reading: How on-demand app development boosts your business
The on-demand app development is necessary to build a customized app solution to address
the growing competition in the service sector. You can improve the customer services by
increasing the efficiency, productivity, and flexibility of your business with the help of a
bespoke on-demand app. It directly reflects the sales growth and a higher RoI.
Which are the business benefits of on-demand mobile applications?
Custom on-demand mobile apps offer many business benefits. Before going through these
benefits, let us find out a few sectors that are the bigger beneficiaries of on-demand app
development. Also, we will go through how the app can transform these sectors and related
 Transportation and Logistics
Uber and Ola are the biggest epitomes of what on-demand app can do in the private
transportation. Apart from this, the courier and logistics companies can also get the benefits
of on-demand apps in the form of informing their customers about the real-time status of
their orders.
 Hospitality
Food ordering app and table-booking apps have become a game changer in the ever-
growing hospitality sector. Whether you are an aggregator or a restaurant owner, the on-
demand food delivery app can certainly boost your business. Swiggy is an excellent example
of an aggregator on-demand app.
 Housekeeping
While coping with a hectic schedule, the gold collars and white collars are often in search of
individuals for chores. In a way, housekeeping services is a type of on-demand services.
House cleaning, dishwashing, and other house-related services can be provided in a better
way using the on-demand mobile app.
 Healthcare
In the age when telemedicine and on-demand doctor services have started gaining ground,
the on-demand apps can help patients who reside in distant places. The app can also enable
the users to store their medical tests for a quick and easy access. The on-demand app can
also provide other benefits.
 E-Commerce and Retail
Finally comes the e-commerce and retail business. The on-demand app can work wonders
for this business. The customers can give orders, track and receive them on time with the
help of an on-demand application. The e-commerce business owners can also simplify the
process through an app.
Top Business Benefits of On-demand Applications
 Unleash the potential
When it comes to enhancing the value of your business the mobile platform should be your
choice. As over seventy percent of people use mobiles globally, the on-demand apps can
help your business unleash the potential and you can get a huge customer base
 Efficiency
The on-demand app can make many complex business operations simple and increase the
overall efficiency. The business on-demand apps also make the jobs of your employees
easier and increase their productivity. Altogether, your business can go to the next level
thanks to the on-demand apps
 Security and Scalability
Let us understand it in this way: A restaurant owner deals in home delivery of food items.
Now, during the rush hour, it is difficult to manage the long queue and serve all the
customers with the packed food rapidly. The app can enable the owner to get rid of every
hurdle through a secure payment and improved scalability.
 Newer Opportunities
Like other customized mobile apps, the on-demand apps also offer a few monetization
options. You can grab the new business opportunities through an app while generating the
revenue. You will also have the customer’s details that can be used to promote your
business further.
Today, over 80 percent business persons, who own B2C businesses, count on the on-
demand app development services. With the right blend of features and a seamless
functionality, an on-demand app can address all your business objectives and help you serve
your customers in a better way.
How to classify the important features of customized on-demand apps?
You need to identify the target audience and a common problem before making an app
plan. Usually, the millennial, college goers, and rich kids are the most frequent users of an
on-demand app. You need to find out their problems that your business model can solve
through an app.
Every on-demand app is nothing but the solution to the common problem of hundreds of
thousands of existing and prospective users. Think of lazy teenagers who just hate to dine
out. You can come up with an order-booking and delivery app that can enable them to give
an order online for their favourite dishes.
Talking about the classification, the on-demand app solution has three parts: One, the
customer-side, Two, the service provider side, and Three, the Admin side. All these parts are
interrelated and work together to get an optimum outcome. Here we give the list of the
most basic features for each of these parts:
1. Customer App
Registration- Simple and easy registration using the social media account or an email is a
necessary feature in the customer-side on-demand app. Also, the phone number-based
registration (OTP) is a good option for a private transportation and healthcare services-
related apps
Push notification- It is difficult to imagine an on-demand app without this feature. You can
spread awareness about promotional offers, launching of new services, and the like with the
help of push notifications. However, you need to define the proper strategy for it
Integrated payment gateways- Online payment through mobile devices can attract the
users, especially in services-related applications. However, the integrated payment
gateways need to be secure, reliable, and fast. You should also consider offering multiple
payment options
Reviews and Ratings- The customer or the user’s feedback is important from the user’s
viewpoint. It enables your customers to share their experiences and you can get their
valuable feedback. What’s more, your business can get noticed by the search engines
through these reviews
2. Provider side App
Request acceptance or rejection- Service providers like drivers, delivery people, etc. are
provided the choice for accepting or rejecting the request through this features. If they feel
that they are unable to complete the request in a given time, they can freely reject it and
accept the other one
Service log- It includes the starting point and end point of the service. It is necessary to
calculate the amount they earn by providing the particular service to people. They can
manually start and end the service with the help of this feature and their completed
requests are recorded
Scheduling- The service providers need a flexibility. This feature enables them to make a
schedule of their work and they can complete their tasks accordingly. Though this feature is
not mandatory, it can bring more precision in the services business as the providers can
accomplish their tasks on time
Availability- This feature enables the service providers to select their availability. They can
choose their convenient time to complete the request. Also, this feature enables them to
decide the time of their online appearance. If they are offline, the app users or the admin
can select the other service provider
Read more: How much does it cost to develop an on-demand app?
3. Admin App
This part is the most complex and robust. The entire on-demand app’s function is visible in
the admin’s portion. Also, you can control all the operations through this portion. Therefore,
major and important features are included in the admin app. Let’s have a look on a few of
these features:
Algorithm- How would you match a service provider with a new request by the customer?
Well, if you come across many service requests in a day, it is impossible to assign the
suitable service provider to every request manually. Therefore, an algorithm is integrated to
facilitate an automatic matching
User Management- From service request to completion of order and from cancellation to
payment receipt- the user management feature can take care of every aspect. The admin
can also resolve any queries soon with the help of this feature. It is a must-have feature for
the admin side
Dashboard- Any app remains incomplete without the interactive and customizable
dashboard. The admin can readily go through different sections through the dashboard.
What’s more, the dashboard also enables the admin to manage service providers and users
with ease
Real-time Analytics- It is indeed necessary to get the data regarding the outcome of your
app-based services and how many people use them. The analytics can do this job for you. It
gives the real-time reports on various sections of your business, so that you can find the
struggling section
Management of service providers- You can manage pricing, commissions, or incentives for
the service providers with this feature. What’s more, the service provider’s earning and
penalties can be also managed. It ensures smooth profit sharing and seamless services that
ultimately results in the customer’s satisfaction
Here we have included only the basic features. Your on-demand app should have all these
features to attract and retain the customers. These features are also necessary to get the
optimum performance from the application. But then, depending on the size of your
business, you should consider integrating a few advanced features also.
A reputed on-demand app development company can integrate the advanced features like
social media integration as per your business needs. You can also get a no-obligation quote
and compare the prices. It is better to discuss every development aspect and factors that
decide your app’s cost before you hire on-demand mobile app developers.
Wrapping Up
It is fair to mention that on-demand app development services enable any B2C businesses
to unlock the potential. You can take your on-demand services to the next level while
keeping the customer in the centre. The on-demand app developer can integrate the
necessary features in your on-demand app as per your business model and the user’s needs.
As an eminent mobile app development company, we offer end-to-end on-demand app
development solutions. Your services-based business can make the most from the booming
on-demand app domain through our robust and cost-effective solutions.

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