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1.1 Introduction
The Smart KOT System app has a very user friendly interface and most of the controls are self-
explanatory. This chapter intends to provide a comprehensive guide to use the app so it clears
any ambiguity if it exists.This chapter helps to understand functionality of app.This chapter
contains screen shots which taken from this Online Laptop Repair app (Infofix).

1.2 Performing Basic Functionality

As the app is intended to be mostly used by waiters to take orders from customers and send it to
kitchen so the main functions to be performed are:

 Choose either he/she is User or Engineer

 User Login/logout if signup.

 View/Select Categories

 View/Select Services

 View/Select Laptop related problems

 Submit Report

 User adds Location

 Report successfully submit

 User view order status

 Admin view report/order

 Admin assign order to an engineer

 Engineer view order

 Accept or Reject

 Start if accepted

 Get User’ s location through map given by user

 Complete order

 View Order history

1.2.1 Choose User or Engineer

1. This is the First activity in app.In this Activity you can choose how to proceed whether as a
user or Engineer.

2. User who wants to repair their laptop.

3. Engineer who has skills to repair laptop.

1.2.2 Log in

1. After choosing user or engineer ,app presented a login screen.

2. Enter mobile no and password then click login button.

3. The provided credentials are validated from the central database.

6.2.3 Signup

1. If user is not already have account then he should be signup

2. Signup requires mobile verification,because mobile no is identity in this app.

3. User can be login by their mobile no which should be unique.

4. An activity opens to verify your mobile no.

5. Enter mobile no which wants to be verify or proceed in next.

6. Code sent to mobile no which you have entered.

7. Enter code then verification completed.

8. After this signup Activity is start.

9. Enter info to signup.

1.2.3 Select or view Category

1. After successfully signup or login,user can see category .

2. User also select categories.

3. It is main activity.

4. It also contains some functions like

 Manage User Profile

 View Order Status

1.2.4 Select/View Services

1. After selecting a category, it further show services related to selecting category.

2. User can view or select services.

1.2.5 Submit Report

1. After select service, report submit to get service or fix problem.

2. Problem can be manually or well-defined through spinner.

1.2.6 User’s Location

1. After click on report submit button,it will proceed to map activity

2. Map activity contains map through which user give their address.

3. After confirm address,user successfully submit their report and return to main activity to
select more functions.
1.2.7 View Orders by Engineer

1. Login or signup criteria is same as well as user.

2. After successfully login, Engineer can view their order which is assigned by admin.
1.2.8 Accept /Reject

1. After click anywhere on cardview,it further proceed whether Engineer accepts or reject

2. If Engineer rejects then order is canceled.

3. If is is accepted then map show to locate user.

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