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2019-0933 IJOI



Nadiyah Hirfiyana Rosita

Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas
Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Yuvita Ratnandika
Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas
Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia


Online travel agent is a very common service provider in this globalization era. There-
fore, it is crucial to understand factors that can influence someone to use online travel
agent to make hotel reservations, and electronic word of mouth can be one of the fac-
tors. This research aims to determine and analyze the direct and indirect influence of
electronic word of mouth on hotel reservation intention mediated by brand love and
brand jealousy as the intervening variable. This explanatory research explains causal
relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. The sample of this study is
100 individual respondents who have read online hotel review through the online
travel agent website at least once. The hypothesis testing was done using T test and
Sobel test. The data were analyzed using partial least squares in Smart PLS 3.0-
structural equation modeling. The results of this study show that electronic word of
mouth have contributions on purchase intention mediated by brand jealousy and brand

Keywords: Electronic word of mouth, Brand love, Brand jealousy, Hotel booking in-
tentions, Online travel agent.

Introduction the company (Schiffman &Kanuk,

2007). The research of O'Connor &
Word of mouth is a review of Dickinger (cited in Duffy, 2015) shows
products or services that one person that people are more confident in opin-
informs others (Solomon, 2007). In- ions given by other consumers than
formal sources called opinion leaders those given by the company’s market-
are more trusted than formal sources of ing agent. Internet word of mouth or
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

online customer review (Yolanda & leads to an increase in hotel and con-
Ngai, 2011) is a review of others sub- dominium demand (Indonesia Invest-
mitted via the internet and can be ments, 2017). The growth of internet
called as electronic word of mouth. users (netter) in Indonesia can be
measured by calculating the rapidly
Reviews and recommendations increasing number of internet users
about a product from other consumers over time. According to the statistic
who have used it is a type of infor- released by Association of Internet
mation commonly sought by consum- Service Providers (APJII), internet us-
ers through the internet. Electronic ers in Indonesia in 2016 reached 132.7
word of mouth is a fundamental part of million people from the total popula-
marketing activities, because electronic tion of 256.2 (APJII, 2017).
word of mouth can influence consum-
ers in making decisions. Electronic The power of the internet make
word of mouth is the positive or nega- communication among people very
tive statement made by potential cus- easy, making electronic word of mouth
tomers or former customers about a (eWOM) activities among internet us-
product or company intended for many ers more frequent. By the time being,
people or institutions via the internet electronic word of mouth is considered
(Henning-Thurau, 2004). The ex- as an effective marketing tool (Zhang
istence of electronic word of mouth et al., 2010). Electronic word of mouth
help consumers make online purchase can make the information from person
decisions. Consumers usually read in- to person spreads easily. Online review
formation about a product from online is one example of electronic word of
reviews, which are used as a basis to mouth. Currently traveler is easier to
assess whether the consumer will make access information through eWOM. In
a purchase or not (Lin et al., 2013). the past, a traveler sought information
about tourist destinations by asking
Indonesia is one of the develop- friends, reading travel guides, and
ing countries in the world. As a part of mass media (Duffy, 2015). However,
ASEAN Economic Community, Indo- no studies before have examined com-
nesia has opportunities in some sec- bining the effect of electronic word of
tors, one of which is tourism. This sec- mouth mediated by brand love and
tor is considered as one of the most brand jealousy on hotel booking inten-
prepared sectors in Indonesia that is tions at online travel agent website.
able to compete in the single market of
ASEAN Economic Community be- This literature review consists of
cause the country has advantages in four major theories; they are electronic
destinations and prices (Baderi, 2016). word of mouth, brand love, brand jeal-
ousy, and purchase intention. As social
The development of this sector human beings, people like to interact
immediately brings a positive impact with others, and the interaction can
on Indonesian hospitality industry. influence someone’s perspective. It is
This is driven by the increasing num- usually call as word of mouth (WOM),
ber of foreigners (tourists and busi- inducing a change in the behavior or
nessmen) from year to year, which the preferences of its addressee (Libai

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

et. al., 2010). In generally, word of ple and institutions via the Internet
mouth is defined as communication (Henning-Thurau et. al, 2004).
between people about brands, goods,
or services (Zeithaml, 1981). The im- Brand love
pact of word-of-mouth depends on the
characteristics of customer, products, In this studies, brand love is per-
markets, message, channel, and rela- ceived as a recent marketing concept in
tionship between sender and addressee the research stream of consumer-brand
(Arndt, 1967; Libai et al., 2010; relationships (Vernuccio et al., 2015).
Schutze, 2014). Brand love is not just an emotional re-
sponse more intense than the connec-
Electronic word of mouth tion to the brand because it involves
integration of the brand with the con-
Based on consumer behavior sumer's identity and makes it difficult
studies, the activity of electronic word for consumers to have negative feel-
of mouth help someone create brand ings toward the brand (Filho et al.,
jealousy and brand love toward a brand 2010).
of products, either goods or services.
There are some various positive con- Recent research shows brand
sequences that brand love can have love as an important and direct ante-
from the viewpoints of consumers and cedent of active engagement
companies. As, on one side, loved (Bergkvist and Bech-Larsen, 2010).
brands contribute to developing con- The authors conclude that brand love is
sumer’s self (Ahuvia, 2005; Fournier, the most prominent factor in building
1998), on the other side, consumers customer engagement. Electronic word
who love a brand are the most loyal, of mouth can create brand jealousy in
committed advocates of the brand (e.g. consumer’s self. Recent studies found
Albert, 2013). that brand love alone is not a sufficient
predictor for active brand engagement.
In this globalization era, WOM Brand love and brand jealousy work
changes into eWOM as the impact together as a framework that can pre-
from the emergence of the internet, dict active engagement and purchase
information technology, and mobile intention better (Sarkar and Sreejesh,
technology. Electronic word of mouth 2014). Electronic word of mouth effec-
is defined as a word of mouth system tive in creating hotel booking inten-
that exists in virtual space in which tions through brand love and brand
messages related to product or services jealousy in online condition. Online
and consumers are sent or received reviews given by the traveler on an
through chatting or online boards (Lee, organization travel agent website are
et. al, 2013). Another definition of more trusted than review by the com-
electronic word of mouth is any posi- pany.
tive or negative statement made by po-
tential, actual, or former customers Brand Jealousy
about a product or company, which is
made available to a multitude of peo- On the other hand, brand jeal-
ousy has become a new issue in con-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

sumer behavior. White and Mullen Methods

(1989) defined interpersonal jealousy
as a complex of behaviors, thoughts Online survey used in data col-
and emotions resulting from the per- lection and hypotheses were tested us-
ception of harm or threat to the self ing quantitative approach. This ex-
and/or the romantic relationship by a planatory research uses quantitative
real or potential rival relationship. approach in explaining causal relation-
Since interpersonal jealousy is a preva- ship between variables through hy-
lent emotional experience, individuals pothesis testing. This study uses a
may leverage emotional attachments to sample of 100 individual respondents
consumer goods or services as well who have read online hotel review
(Thomson et. al, 2005). through the internet at least once. The
hypothesis testing was done using T
Purchase Intention test and Sobel test. The data were ana-
lyzed using Partial Least Squares
In this research, hotel reservation (PLS) in Smart PLS 3.0. student verse
intention uses the theory about pur- (Inner model, Outer model, and Hy-
chase intention, which consists of four potheses examination).
dimensions; they are explorative inter-
est, preferential interest, referential in- Sampling Method based on Ros-
terest, and transactional interest. Pur- coe’s formula, when the number of
chase intention is a kind of decision- population were unknown sample size
making that studies consumer’s reason more than 30 less than 500 respondent
to buy a particular brand (Shah et al., were suitable for most research. There
2012). X. Wang & Yang (2008) de- are some research problem happened
fined purchase intention as the deci- when we are doing online survey, the
sion to act or physiological action that sampling issues in online are the bias
shows individual’s behavior toward a respondent’s answer and low sampling
product. respect, this problem rises because the
researcher only shared a link which
Customers purchase decision is a leads to non probability sample
complex process. Purchase intention is (Wright, 2005 cited in Sekaran &
usually related to the behavior, percep- Bougie, 2016).
tions, and attitudes of consumers. Pur-
chase behavior is a key point for con- Four part variables consisting in
sumers to access and evaluate a specif- a Structure questionnaire (Electronic
ic product. Therefore, it is important to word of mouth, brand jealousy, brand
not only understand how effective love, and purchase intention) of The
eWOM but also this effect on hotel construct of electronic word of mouth
booking intention. There has never was measured with five indicators (so-
been a study that uses electronic word cial ties, opinion seeker, information
of mouth on online travel agents medi- needed, prior knowledge/ experience/
ated by brand love and brand jealousy involvement, and cost/ risk/ uncertain-
in the case of purchase intention or ty) and 9 item developed by Henning-
online hotel reservation intention at Thurau, et al (2004) and Yolanda &
online travel agent website. Ngai (2011) giving the electronic word
of mouth through social media, asked
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

other opinion, seeking online review The brand jealousy were devel-
from others, giving the positive online oped from Sarker & Sreejesh (2014)
review, give liked when the relatives with 3 indicators and items. The re-
posted about hotel review at their so- spondent geeting hurt when they see
cial media. Based on the literature re- their relatives posted photo about their
view, the following hypotheses were vacation and they just stay at home, the
proposed. respondents want to use hotel services
also when they see their partners using
H1; Electronic word of mouth has a the service, respondents thought of us-
positive influence on brand ing hotel services when they saw their
jealousy. friends using the hotel.

H2; Electronic word of mouth has a H3; Brand love has a positive influence
positive influence on brand on purchase intention.


H1 Jealousy

Electronic Word Purchase
of Mouth Intention
H2 H3
Brand Love


Figure 1. Research Model (references: Author, 2018)

H4; Brand jealousy has a positive in-

The brand love were developed
fluence on purchase intention.
from Ahmed & Gabriella (2012) with
3 indicators and items, consist of lov-
Those hypotheses were formu-
ing the hotel brand, hotel brand are
lated using previous studies about the
very identical with their personality,
effect of eWOM to purchase intention.
always positive thinking about the ho-
Other research reference discussion
tel brand. And last variable is purchase
about brand love and brand jealousy
intention were developed from 4 indi-
mediating eWOM to hotel booking in-
cators and items question (Ferdinand,
tention in travel agent website were
2014) consisting of I always look for
proposed in this research studies. The
information about hotels that I am in-
more people jealous on some brand,
terested in online travel agent sites, I
the purchase intention on a brand is
will make the hotel I have used as the
main choice in making reservations in
the future, I will give recommenda-
And the more people loving
tions about hotels that I am interested
some brand, the purchase intension on
in online travel agent sites.
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

some brand also higher triggering by tributed to 100 respondents who have
electronic word of mouth. Thus it is read online hotel review through the
proposed that: internet at least once. The demographic
of the respondents were show at Table
H5; Electronic word of mouth has a 1. Several questions have been asked
positive influence on purchase to the respondents through question-
intention mediated by brand naires describing about the profile of
jealousy and brand love. their age, gender, income per month,
and how many times they read online
Results hotel review at online travel agent
The data of this research were
obtained through questionnaires dis-

Table 1. Demographic profile of the Sample

Variable Characteristics Frequency
Age 18-23 72
24-29 9
30-35 4
>35 15
Gender Male 37
Female 63
Income per Month <IDR 2.000.000 69
IDR 2.000.000-3.999.999 15
IDR 4.000.000-5.999.999 4
IDR >6.000.000 12
Read online review Once 13
Twice 34
More than twice 53
(References: Author, 2018).

The information about the re- question about have they ever read an
spondent’s characteristic is presented online review on online travel agent
in Table 1. The majority of sample in website at least once and is the age of
this research were female and between the respondent above 18 years old. The
18 and 23 years old. At the first, the most of respondent read online review
respondents were asked screening about hotel or online travel agent more
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

than twice with the income per month from PEW, Nielsen, and Burst Media,
under 2 million rupiah. women turned out to use social media
more often than men. Popular plat-
The majority of respondents age forms for women are Facebook, Tum-
is at the age of students. if associated blr, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter
with the amount of income per month (Nistanto, 2014).
that is under 2 million rupiah it became
reasonable result. And also the majori- Statistical analysis was calcu-
ty of respondent are women. Women lated previously before testing the hy-
are more likely to frequently access the potheses. Reliability, convergent valid-
internet to find information about ity, and discriminant validity were
online lodging products on various so- checked before. Table 2 gives us in-
cial media owned by hotel websites formation that all questionnaire items
and from various other sources online. are valid and reliable. All data were
That women tend to access the internet checked to ensure their validity score.
more often to find various information, From Table 2 we get the information
this is in line with research conducted that all of the score were valid and re-
by Finance Online, which took data liable.

Table 2. Validity and reliability measurement model

Variable Indicator Loading Validity Cronbach Reliability
Factor Alpha
Electronic Social Ties 0.814 Valid 0.939 Reliable
Word of 0.825 Valid
Mouth Opinion Seeker 0.858 Valid
0.877 Valid
Information Needed 0.773 Valid
Prior Knowledge/ Experience/ 0.817 Valid
Involvement 0.762 Valid
Cost/Risk/Uncertainty of Buy- 0.842 Valid
ing 0.796 Valid
Brand Fantasies and Thoughts 0.781 Valid 0.660 Reliable
Love Attachment 0.803 Valid
Pleasure 0.728 Valid
Brand Feel hurt when I don’t have 0.757 Valid 0.694 Reliable
Jealousy Feel possessive about the
brand when I don’t have it 0.802 Valid
The brand haunts me 0.803 Valid
Purchase Explorative Interest 0.890 Valid 0.870 Reliable
Intention Preferential Interest 0.858 Valid
Referential Interest 0.800 Valid
Transactional Interest 0.844 Valid
(References: Author, 2018).

The Partial Least Square parame- model. The factor loadings for all
ter estimates for the measurement scales are acceptable, indicating robust
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

measures. For first step before running significant correlation between elec-
data and getting the hypotheses testing, tronic word of mouth and brand love.
we should compare the factor loading The positive direction of the relation-
score to cross loading score. This step ship indicates that higher factor of
is used to avoid the discriminant va- electronic word of mouth enhances
lidity problem. The factor loading brand love. Third, there is a positive
score should be higher than cross load- and significant correlation between
ing score. brand love and purchase intention. The
positive direction of the relationship
This research is developed from indicates that higher factor of brand
marketing theory on electronic word of love enhances purchase intention.
mouth (eWOM) and purchase intention Fourth, there is a positive and signifi-
and here are five hypotheses proposed cant correlation between brand jeal-
in this research, and all of them have ousy and purchase intention. The posi-
direct and indirect positive effect on tive direction of the relationship indi-
purchase intention. Findings indicate cates that higher factor of brand jeal-
that Electronic word of mouth has a ousy enhances purchase intention.
positive influence on brand jealousy.
This leads to the accepted first hypoth- This research contributes to
eses and second hypotheses that Elec- knowledge about consumer behavior,
tronic word of mouth has a positive especially consumer psychology, in
influence on brand love. which both brand love and brand jeal-
ousy mediate the influence of electron-
On the other hand, from the hy- ic word of mouth on purchase inten-
potheses tested indicate that hypothe- tion. The results of this study are sup-
ses 3 and 4 also accepted, means that ported by pre-existing researches. Re-
brand love has a positive influence on cent research of Sarkar et al. (2014)
purchase intention and brand jealousy shows that brand love and jealousy
has a positive influence on purchase work together as a framework that can
intention. In terms of moderating effect better predict active engagement and
Electronic word of mouth has a posi- purchase intention better. Therefore,
tive influence on purchase intention brand love and brand jealousy are im-
mediated by brand jealousy and brand portant aspects marketers should con-
love from this result hypotheses 5 also sider to create in consumer’s mind
accepted. (Sarkar et al., 2014).

Discussion The result from this research

can extends the research about brand

love that was conducted by Sarkar
First, the results of the analysis
(2014) that brand love alone is not a
show that there is a positive and signif-
sufficient predictor of active brand en-
icant correlation between electronic
gagement. Brand love and jealousy
word of mouth and brand jealousy. The
together working as a framework can
positive direction of the relationship
better predict active engagement and
indicates that higher factor of electron-
purchase intention. In that sense, this
ic word of mouth enhances brand jeal-
ousy. Second, there is a positive and
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

Figure 2. Structural Equation Model of Electronic Word of Mouth, Brand Jealousy,

Brand Love, and Purchase Intention (references: Author, 2018)

article also extends the conceptualiza- influence on consumer’s intention to

tion of the romantic ethics of modern reserve hotel rooms through online ho-
consumerism of Campbell (1987). tel reservation’s website with brand
Sarkar (2014) said in his article that love and brand jealousy as the media-
romantic brand love alone is not suffi- tors. Electronic word of mouth can be-
cient to motivate the consumer. Mar- come an important aspect in marketing
keters should be able to create brand in order to create purchase intention
jealousy in the potential customer’s through brand love and brand jealousy.
mind. Individuals would be strongly This study is limited in that the data
motivated to buy a brand if they were were collected only from online review
jealous. The most important outcome in one city in Indonesia. More studies
of brand jealousy, in addition to pur- are needed for future research.
chase intention, is increased active en-
gagement, as Sharpsteen (1993) states Acknowledgement
that a jealous partner’s mind would
largely be occupied by the thought of This research received no specif-
the other partner. So, a romantically ic grant from any funding agency in
jealous consumer would think a lot the public, commercial, or not-for-
about the brand and be engaged in var- profit sectors. The first author, Nadi-
ious activities in order to increase their yah Hirfiyana Rosita is a lecturer in
proximity to the brand. Marketing Management of Manage-
ment Department in Faculty of Eco-
Conclusion nomics and Business of Brawijaya
University. She is also a researcher and
Furthermore, electronic word trainer. Sharing ideas with students and
of mouth has a positive and significant
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019
2019-0933 IJOI

stakeholders through lectures, re- APJII (Asosiasi Pengguna Jasa Internet

searches, and community services is Indonesia). 2017. Penetrasi
her activities. Second author, Yuvita Pengguna Internet Indonesia
Ratnandika is a Bachelor in Manage- Keseluruhan, accessed 16 Octo-
ment Department in Faculty of Eco- ber 2017,
nomics and Business Universitas <
Brawijaya. 17/download/jBYGfiS4ULNVP0

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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 4, April 2019

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