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Type of Drug Also Know As Medical Use Possible Side Effects

Alcohol ◆ Booze ◆ None ◆ Affects judgement
◆ Affects reactions
Analgesics ◆ Pain pills ◆ Arthritis ◆ Drowsiness
◆ Rheumatism ◆ Inability to concentrate
Anti-Diabetics ◆ Sugar medicine ◆ Diabetes ◆ Drowsiness
◆ Inability to concentrate
Barbiturates ◆ Downers ◆ High Blood Pressure ◆ Drowsiness
a. Amobarbital ◆ Barbs ◆ Epilepsy ◆ Staggering
b. Pentobarbital ◆ Blue devils ◆ Emotional stress ◆ Blurred vision
c. Phenobarbital ◆ Red devils ◆ Distorted reality
d. Secobarbital ◆ Yellow Jacket ◆ Slurred speech
◆ Yellows ◆ Hyperactivity
◆ Nembutal ◆ Excitability
◆ Seconal ◆ Unconsciousness
◆ Amytal
◆ Tuinals
Sedatives ◆ Quaaludes ◆ High Blood Pressure ◆ Drowsiness
a. Methaqualone ◆ Ludes ◆ Epilepsy ◆ Staggering
b. Tranquilizers ◆ Sopars ◆ Insomnia ◆ Blurred vision
◆ Valium ◆ Emotional stress ◆ Distorted realty
◆ Librium ◆ Muscle sprains ◆ Slurred speech
◆ Equanil ◆ Attitudinal changes
◆ Miltown ◆ Disinterest
◆ Serax ◆ Depression
◆ Tranxene ◆ Short-term memory
◆ Strains lost

© 2009 AAA Driver Training Operations HOW DRIVE Factsheet

Factsheet 12b


Type of Drug Also Know As Medical Use Possible Side Effects

Cannibus ◆ Pot ◆ Experimental: ◆ Anxiety
a. Marijuana ◆ Grass glaucoma, ◆ Loss of concentration
b. Hashish ◆ Weed cancer ◆ Time/Speed distortion
◆ Dope ◆ Slow movement
◆ Mary Jane ◆ Motivation and
◆ Sensemila cognition may be
◆ Reefer altered
◆ Acapulco gold
◆ Thai sticks
Lysergic Acid ◆ LSD ◆ None ◆ Distortion
◆ Acid ◆ Increase heart rate
◆ Microdot ◆ Raised blood pressure
◆ Green or red dragon ◆ Hallucinations
◆ White lightening ◆ Mental lapses
◆ Blue heaven ◆ Violent actions and
◆ Sugar cubes suicides up to a year
after use
Mescaline and Peyote ◆ Mesc ◆ None ◆ Same as Lysergic acid
◆ Button cactus above
Phencyclidine ◆ PCP ◆ None ◆ Confused sensory
◆ Angle dust impressions
◆ Hog love-boat
◆ Lovely
◆ Killer weed
Volatile ◆ Fumes or gasoline ◆ None ◆ Excitement
a. Deliriant ◆ Glue ◆ Hallucinations
b. Inhalant ◆ Lighter fluid ◆ Substances impair
◆ Nail polish, etc judgement
◆ Can permanently
damage nervous system
Psilocybin ◆ Shrooms ◆ None ◆ Visual/auditory
(Active ingredient in ◆ Shrooming hallucinations
wild mushrooms)

© 2009 AAA Driver Training Operations HOW DRIVE Factsheet

12c 9b


Type of Drug Also Know As Medical Use Possible Side Effects

Amphetamines ◆ Speed ◆ Weight ◆ Loss of coordination
◆ Footballs control ◆ Over-excitability
◆ Black beauties ◆ Fatigue ◆ False sense of alertness
◆ Ups ◆ Mild ◆ Lack of concentration
◆ Pep pills depression ◆ Decrease appetite
◆ Bumblebees ◆ Hyperkinesis
◆ Hearts
◆ Uppers
◆ Dexedrine
◆ Biphetamine
◆ Methedrine
Caffeine ◆ Found in coffee, cola ◆ Cluster ◆ Irritability
drink, Tea, etc headache ◆ Tremors
◆ Stimulate ◆ Nervousness
failing heart ◆ Heart irregularities
◆ Increase heart rate
◆ High blood pressure
◆ Pulse rate
◆ Stomach pain
Nicotine ◆ Found in tabacco ◆ None ◆ Irritability
◆ Tremors
◆ Nervousness
◆ Heart irregularities
◆ Increase heart rate
◆ High blood pressure
◆ Pulse rate
◆ Stomach pain

© 2009 AAA Driver Training Operations HOW DRIVE Factsheet

Factsheet 12d


Type of Drug Also Know As Medical Use Possible Side Effects

Cocaine ◆ Coke ◆ Formerly a painkiller ◆ Increases
(crack, stimulant) ◆ Snow ◆ Anxiety hallucinations
◆ Lady flake ◆ Tactile ◆ Paranoia
◆ White blow ◆ Slurred speech
◆ Nose candy ◆ Euphoria
◆ Big C ◆ Confusion
◆ Snowbirds
◆ Crack
◆ Freebase
◆ Rocks
◆ Rock
◆ Paste basco
(Spanish for paste)
Opiates (codeine) ◆ Emperin ◆ Suppress cough and ◆ Apathy
(compound of relieve pain following ◆ Stupor
codeine) minor surgery and for ◆ Nausea
◆ Tylenol with migraine headaches; ◆ Vomiting
codeine prescription ◆ Gastrointestinal
◆ Codeine in cough tract irritation
medicine with large and/
or repeated doses
(many people are
Opiates (heroin) ◆ Smack ◆ Painkiller of last ◆ Hallucinations
◆ Horse resort i.e. terminal ◆ Drowsiness
◆ Mud cancer cases ◆ Slowed reactions
◆ Brown
◆ Sugar
◆ Junk
◆ Big H
◆ Black tar
◆ Scag
Opiates (methadone) ◆ Dolophine ◆ Substitue for heroin ◆ Nausea
◆ Metha dose in drug addiction ◆ Vomiting
◆ Amidone treatment ◆ Gastrointestinal

© 2009 AAA Driver Training Operations HOW DRIVE Factsheet

12d cont.
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Narcotics cont.

Type of Drug Also Know As Medical Use Possible Side Effects

Opiates (Morphine) ◆ Pectoral syrup ◆ Painkiller ◆ Irritation in large
◆ Lady M and/or repeated
◆ Miss Emma doses
◆ Miss Morpho
Opiates (Opium) ◆ None ◆ Painkiller ◆ Irritation in large
and/or repeated doses
Opiates (Percodan) ◆ None ◆ Painkiller ◆ Irritation in large
and/or repeated doses
Opiates (Darvon) ◆ None ◆ Painkiller ◆ Irritation in large
and/or repeated doses

© 2009 AAA Driver Training Operations HOW DRIVE Factsheet

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