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1 (A) an increased number of incumbent
2 workers entering an accredited school of nurs-
3 ing and in the pipeline for nursing programs;
4 (B) an increasing number of graduating
5 nurses and improved nurse graduation and li-
6 censure rates;
7 (C) improved nurse retention;
8 (D) an increase in the number of staff
9 nurses at the health care facility involved;
10 (E) an increase in the number of nurses
11 with advanced degrees in nursing;
12 (F) an increase in the number of nurse
13 faculty;
14 (G) improved measures of patient quality
15 (which may include staffing ratios of nurses,
16 patient satisfaction rates, patient safety meas-
17 ures); and
18 (H) an increase in the diversity of new
19 nurse graduates relative to the patient popu-
20 lation.
21 (2) GENERAL REPORT.—Not later than 2 years
22 after the date of the enactment of this Act, and an-
23 nually thereafter, the Secretary of Labor shall, using
24 data and information from the reports received
25 under paragraph (1), submit to the Congress a re-

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1 port concerning the overall effectiveness of the grant
2 program carried out under this section.
4 are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section
5 such sums as may be necessary.
6 Subtitle E—States Failing to Ad-
7 here to Certain Employment Ob-
8 ligations

10 A State is eligible for Federal funds under the provi-

11 sions of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201 et
12 seq.) only if the State—
13 (1) agrees to be subject in its capacity as an
14 employer to each obligation under division A of this
15 Act and the amendments made by such division ap-
16 plicable to persons in their capacity as an employer;
17 and
18 (2) assures that all political subdivisions in the
19 State will do the same.

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