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This pastoral guidelines is a blueprint of the response of the Roman Catholic

Archbishop of Lipa (RCAL) to employees’ issues in the workplace due to COVID-19. It
aims to assist the Archbishop of Lipa in addressing employees’ critical issues to mitigate
the impact of the pandemic at the archdiocesan level.

Research have shown that there are five major issues that affect human
resource across all organizations worldwide due to pandemic, namely: “business
continuity plan, management of flexible work arrangement, management of workplace
policies, implementation of preventive measures and review of current welfare policies.”
(Nurhuda, S, 2020)
As an organization, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Lipa (RCAL) as an
employer is no exception. Similarly after assessing the current situation of the workers
of the Archdiocesan Curia1 and its subsidiaries2, the Archbishop of Lipa and the Human
Resource Department found five critical issues that affect the workers of the
archdiocese at present in the workplace. These are: (1) Health And Safety Issues, (2)
Work Arrangement, (3) Compensation And Benefits, (4) Communication Issues and (5)
Synodality Issue.
As the lifeblood and primary resource of the organization, the employer which is
the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Lipa (RCAL) provides strategic mechanisms for all its
workers to ensure their safety and security. It includes the adoption of policies and
procedures in the workplace to minimize if not totally eliminate risks to the total well-
being of its employees affected by the pandemic.


To ensure that the health and safety of our workers are protected and not
compromised in the workplace, the following protocol is adopted as a matter of policy in
the Archdiocesan Curia and other subsidiaries.

1. Employees who are sick with flu-like symptoms and cough are advised to
stay at home, to refrain from reporting in office physically.
2. Temperature check before entering the workplace: Employees with
temperature above 37ºC and those who manifest flu-like symptoms and
cough will not be permitted to report to work and will be advised to go
Can.469: The diocesan curia is composed of those institutes and persons who assist the Bishop in
governing the entire diocese, especially in directing pastoral action, in providing for the administration of
the diocese, and in exercising judicial power.
The following institutions are considered subsidiaries of RCAL namely: Radio Bayanihan System, Pater
Putativus, LASAC, USAL Schools, Petrelli Corporation, Clergy Foundation, and Pondong Batangan.

3. They must wear facemask, frequently wash their hands and strictly
observe social or physical distancing in the workplace and any related
protocol as prescribed by the Department of Health.
4. As reasonably as possible, they must avoid shaking hands, making the
usual “mano” to the clergy, religious and the Archbishop; touching eyes,
nose, mouth and other possible openings of the virus to minimize the risk
of contamination; and observing etiquette when coughing and sneezing.
5. The Archdiocesan Curia and other subsidiaries must conduct a periodic
disinfection of the workplace according to the prescribed number of times
by the Department of Health. They must sanitize with disinfectants all
areas and objects with frequent contacts such as door knobs, office
furniture and office equipment. This must be done from time to time or at
least everyday after office hours.
6. The Archdiocesan Curia and other subsidiaries must provide medical,
psycho-emotional and spiritual counselling through the Commission on
Health Care and the Commission on Social Communication.
7. The Archdiocesan Curia and other subsidiaries must provide/supply health
boosters to strengthen immune system e.g. ascorbic acid and other
supplement vitamins of the workers.
8. The Archdiocesan Curia and other subsidiaries must put/install plastic
covers especially on the offices/areas that are having face to face
interaction with other people such as Secretary and Cashier in
Archdiocesan Chancery and different counters in other offices.


Without prejudice to other possible work arrangement scheme allowed by law to

address the impact of COVID-19, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Lipa (RCAL) with
the assistance of Human Resource Department provides means to institute flexible
work arrangement as prescribed by the Department of Labor (Labor Advisory No. 9,
Series of 2020) for the next six months such as but not limited to the following: (1)
reduction of workhours and/or workdays; (2) rotation of workers (3) forced leave (4)
telecommuting and others.

1. Reduction of Workhours and/or Workdays – refers to one where the normal

workhours or workdays per week are reduced.

Under a reduced workhours/workdays arrangement, employees will continue

to receive their salaries, but reduced in proportion to the reduction of
For such employees, hours worked shall continue to be governed by the
principles on working time under the Labor Code such that an employee is
considered to be working for (a) all hours they are required to give the
employer while on duty, (b) when the employee is permitted to work, as well
as (c) time when the employee is considered as on call.

The period of the reduction of workhours/workdays shall not be paid pursuant
to the principle of “no work, no pay.” This temporary reduction of salaries
arising from the reduction of workhours/workdays does not violate the rule of
non-diminution of benefits given that the adoption of a reduced
workweek/reduced workhours requires the consent of employees.
2. Rotation of Workers – refers to one where the employees are rotated or
alternately provided work within the week.

Employers may also adopt a rotation program in which employees are

alternately provided work within the week. This arrangement allows an
employer to maintain its operating hours during a work week, but with
reduced productivity due to the reduction of the number of employees

3. Forced Leave – refers to one where the employees are required to go on

leave for several days or weeks utilizing their leave credits, if there are any.

Leave benefits allow employees to be absent from work without incurring any
reduction in pay, and is thus a benefit which presupposes availability of work.
They are also in the nature of a right given to employees, either by law (e.g.,
for service incentive leaves) or by contractual relation (e.g., employment
contracts or company rules). As a general rule, leave benefits can only be
used by the employee as the owner of such right.

4. Telecommuting - refers to a work arrangement that allow employees to work

at home or in any alternative workplace for all or part of their workweek with
the use of telecommunication and/or computer technologies.

N.B. Due to their nature, the foregoing works are not subject to
telecommuting: recording, production and transmittal of all archival records
including but not limited to data generated from canonical books and other
confidential and ecclesial records; treasury works; audit of financial records
and other related financial reports.

This general guidelines on telecommuting is adopted at the Archdiocesan Curia as a

matter of policy:

4.1 As a management prerogative, the option to adopt telecommuting as a work

arrangement must be a product of mutual agreement between the employer
and the employee.

4.2 With the explicit permission from the Archbishop of Lipa, the Human
Resource Department has the duty to ask the consent of the employee

whose work has been classified as telecommutable upon receipt of such
from the Immediate Supervisor.

4.3 It is the duty of the Immediate Supervisor from each department to

determine the following before telecommuting as a flexi-work arrangement is
done: (1) employee’s eligibility (work ethic, reliability, responsiveness and the
ability to work independently); (2) identification which line of work is
telecommutable; (3) job responsibilities and (4) equipment needs and
workspace design.

4.4 The Immediate Supervisor then submits the same to the Human Resource
Department in view of preparing a telecommuting agreement between RCAL
and the employee.

Additional Telecommuting Guidelines:

4.5 Equipments, et. al.: In the exercise of one’s work classified as

telecommutable, the employee will be provided with all the equipments,
supplies and other related materials by RCAL. It is understood that the same
shall be used for official business only and under the responsibility of the

4.6 Work Space At Home: RCAL will not be responsible for the costs associated
with the home office set-up of a telecommutable employee such as but not
limited to the following: remodeling of employee’s home office, added
furnitures and fixtures to beautify one’s working space.

4.7 Reimbursement: RCAL will reimburse all business-related expenses with

official receipts or any other legitimate proof of payment or transactions.

4.8 Security: It is the duty of the telecommuting employee to secure all

confidential information (e.g. financial statements, minutes of the meeting,
board resolutions, etc.) to avoid any security breach. In no way a
telecommuting employee will be allowed to share, communicate (in whatever
form), or even reproduce data or documents and even information which are
exclusively owned by RCAL. Any employee who will be found in violation of
this provision shall be held accountable.

4.9 Safety: It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that the workspace
at home is free from danger.

4.10 Working Hours: Depending upon the agreed number of working hours, a
telecommuting employee is expected to work in a manner similar to normal
working days. While on duty, he/she is expected to answer all inquiries and
respond to all work related responsibilities. Personal business should be
done outside working hours.

4.11 Overtime: Without prejudice to Fair Labor Standards Act, a telecommuting
employee is required to record all hours worked per day and per workweek
including those in excess of the regular work schedule. The latter requires
prior approval of the telecommuting employee’s supervisor for validity and

4.12 Salary: Compensation will be based on whatever is agreed upon by the

employee and the immediate supervisor as stipulated in the telecommuting
agreement. Said agreement must be concurred by the Human Resources


A. Full Basic Salary: The subject employee must report from 8:00-5:00
inclusive of 1-hour break. A weekly progress report must be submitted to
and reviewed and checked by the immediate supervisor to see if the
telecommuting employee is productive everyday and is capable of
executing all the deliverables.

B. Daily Rate /Per Hour Rate: Depending upon the agreed work arrangement
between the employee and immediate supervisor, employees per day/per
hour rate will be computed based on the existing salary scale of the
archdiocese without prejudice to Fair Labor Standards Act.

C. Per Output: Compensation for this option shall be based on the agreement
between the employee and the immediate supervisor provided that said
compensation shall not exceed employee’s current salary. Monetization
of this option requires work schedule on per day/per week basis from the
Immediate Supervisor with corresponding deliverables by the employee.
The same shall be subject to the review of HR and Finance Departments

4.13. Evaluation: There will be a periodic review of the effectiveness of

telecommuting as a work option. The same shall be done with the
telecommuter as a worker. The employee and the Immediate Supervisor
will agree on how the evaluation shall be done.


Roman Catholic Archbishop of Lipa (RCAL) which is the employer provides

strategic ways on how to mitigate the financial impact of COVID-19 to its employees. It
is the option of the employer. They are as follows:
(a) assistance to avail government subsidy or financial assistance (e.g. DOLE
CAMP, SBWS), (b) advance release of 13th month pay, (c) assistance to avail calamity
loan from SSS, (d) food subsidy either in the form of goods or cash (e) delaying the

payment of internal loans (if there is any), (f) mechanized internal salary loan for
employees and (g) other options at the initiative of the employer


To provide clear communication venues between and among RCAL’s top level
management, middle managers and workers, RCAL provides communication channels
to make sure that all vital information in these trying times due to COVD-19 are not only
delivered clearly and correctly but relayed accordingly.

(a) Archdiocesan Level: Critical issues related to top level management shall be
handled by the Crisis Management Team constituted by the Archbishop of
Lipa. All communication channels as regards handling said issues shall be
directly communicated to him or his duly designated person to address them.

(b) Departmental Level: With the permission of the Archbishop of Lipa either by
virtue of office or position or choice, critical issues related to middle
management shall be handled by Department Heads with the assistance of
the Crisis Management Team constituted at that middle level. Communication
of vital issues at the middle level shall be directed to Department Heads.
Department heads shall be responsible in communicating the same to the
Archbishop in a manner discretionary to the former.

(c) Peer Level: With the explicit permission of the department head, critical
issues at the worker’s level shall be handled by the immediate supervisor
subject to the discretion of the Crisis Management Team at this level. The
Immediate Supervisor is duty bound to communicate the same to the
department head according to the crisis management protocol of the

To illustrate:




The employees of the Archdiocese of Lipa shall be provided with proper

knowledge and orientation as to their participation in the mission of the Church
particularly on the direction and expectation of the Local Church of Lipa.

They are not considered as mere workers of the Church but fellow pilgrims
along the path of holiness and partners in the rebuilding of the God’s kingdom on
earth. Quoting from Pope Francis’ message during the 50th anniversary of the
Institution of the Synod of Bishops, he says “In as much as the Church is nothing
other than a journeying together of God’s flock along the path of history towards
the encounter of Christ the Lord, then they understand too.” Within the Church,
no one can be raised up higher than others. On the contrary, in the Church, it is
necessary that its person know where himself or herself so as to serve our
brothers and sisters along the way.

To address this issue, RCAL in collaboration with other ministries and

commissions (e.g. Integral Faith Formation, Laity, Social Services, Stewardship,
etc.) will provide venues for the training, formation and catechesis of its

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