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Apes and the Evolution of Language: Taking Stock of 40 Years of


Chapter · January 2012

DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199738182.013.0019


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1 author:

Heidi Lyn
University of South Alabama


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Apes and the Evolution of Language:

19 Taking Stock of 40 Years of Research

Heidi Lyn

In 1969, Allen and Beatrice Gardner published the first account of sign language-
acquisition in a chimpanzee in Science. This paper stimulated numerous ape
language studies using artificial communication systems. These reports and others
set the stage for a long-standing debate that continues today concerning the
extent to which nonhuman apes are capable of human language, and to what extent
those abilities inform scientists seeking to understand the evolution of language.
Despite its relatively short history, the field of ape language has been beset with
considerable controversy, including debates over human influence on animal abilities,
as well as relevance of such work for discussions on the evolution of language. This
chapter will address these issues and the arguments involved and will also review the
species, methodologies, and findings of the most prominent ape language projects.
Key Words: ape, language, chimpanzee, evolution of language, artificial

In 1969, Allen and Beatrix Gardner published The Gardners presented extraordinary findings.
the seminal paper “Teaching Sign Language to a Washoe not only began using signs in appropriate
Chimpanzee,” in Science (R. A. Gardner & Gardner, contexts, she could respond appropriately in vocab-
1969). Whereas other researchers had attempted to ulary tests and she began combining signs in ways
teach apes to use language, these researchers had that seemed very similar to the early combinations of
focused on the vocal medium—trying to get apes young children. Their success precipitated an explo-
to talk (Furness, 1916; Hayes, 1951; Kellogg & sion of ape-language studies including artificial lan-
Kellogg, 1933; Khouts, 1935). By the time the guage studies with gorillas, orangutans, and other
Gardners acquired Washoe, their subject (named chimpanzees (Patterson & Linden, 1981; Premack,
after the county in which the University of Nevada 1971; Rumbaugh, Gill, & Glasersfeld, 1973;
was situated), it was fairly well accepted that chim- Savage-Rumbaugh, Rumbaugh, Smith, & Lawson,
panzees were incapable of producing the sounds 1980), as well as explorations into the language
of human vocal languages (Hayes, 1951)—a fact abilities outside the primate line (e.g., Herman,
supported by further research into the chimpanzee Richards, & Wolz, 1984; Pepperberg, 1986; Reiss &
vocal tract (Lieberman, 1968; Lieberman, Crelin, McCowan, 1993; Schusterman & Krieger, 1984).
& Klatt, 1972). With this limitation in mind, the The latter studies have shown considerable parallels
Gardners took the giant leap to consider sign lan- in language abilities in nonprimates (e.g., Herman,
guage as a method to explore the mind of one of our 1987; Lyn, 2008), and although their consideration
closest evolutionary relatives. is outside the scope of this chapter, see Pepperberg

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(chapter 16 of this volume) and Jaakkola (chapter publish future reports of animal language abilities
9 of this volume) for more information on nonpri- (Herman, 1987).
mate language abilities. Regardless, ape language research continued to
Shortly after this explosion in interest came the report new and varied findings. As the debate on
second seminal moment in the modern exploration language evolution has matured, the focus of ALR
of animal language, the publication of Terrace et has also shifted to try to answer these more mature
al.’s “Can an Ape Create a Sentence?” also in Science questions, such as the parallels of brain organization
(Terrace, Petitto, Sanders, & Bever, 1979). Terrace and the structure of animals’ natural communica-
began a sign-language project soon after reading the tion. However, even many of the most recent discus-
Gardners’ findings. His young chimpanzee (jok- sions of animals and language have been dominated
ingly named Nim Chimpsky, after the preeminent by a significant amount of academic rhetoric with
linguist Noam Chomsky), was raised by sign-using little synthesis or critical analysis of the capabilities
humans. One departure from the Gardners’ study and limitations of animals in the different domains
was that Terrace instituted videotaping as one of his of language function and evolution (e.g., Pinker,
key data-gathering techniques. During videotape 1994).
reviews of Nim’s sign use, Terrace came to con- This chapter will be divided into three main sec-
clude that Nim was not using language, as many of tions. The first section of this chapter will summarize
Nim’s utterances were imitated from his caregivers. the basic findings of animal language studies based
Following up, in a devastating review of the find- on the extant published work. There have been few
ings of not only his study but those of the Gardners, previous reviews of animal language research in peer-
Patterson, and Rumbaugh, Terrace et al. concluded reviewed publications and these, whether focused on
that, unlike children past the first stage of language specific competencies (Herman, 1987) or an overall
learning, all of the apes’ sign combinations could be review of the initial findings (O’Neill, Davis, Carter,
reduced to a few, simple combinatorial rules, and & Fouts, 1978; Ristau & Robbins, 1982) are con-
most of those came directly from repetitions of the siderably out of date. The most recent review of ALR
caregivers, rather than from the apes themselves, (Hixon, 1998) does not discuss any peer-reviewed
among other criticisms (see later) (Terrace, 1985; articles more recent than 1993. I present here a
Terrace, et al., 1979). methodological overview of the studies and their
Although the ape language research (ALR) had basic findings: production of single symbols, com-
always provoked criticism (e.g., Bronowski & prehension of single symbols, and the production
Bellugi, 1970; Fodor, Bever, & Garrett, 1974) the and comprehension of combinations of symbols.
findings by Terrace and his co-authors precipitated The second section of this chapter will explore
an enormous response. Soon, a wave of papers continuing questions of the ALR field—for exam-
were published re-analyzing the ape language data ple, What are the rules that govern combinations
(e.g., Ristau & Robbins, 1982; Seidenberg & of symbols by apes? Are these rules syntactical in
Petitto, 1979), and an entire volume was devoted nature? Do apes use symbols only as a way to obtain
to the controversy surrounding the possibility of items, or is there a symbolic aspect to their language
caregiver cueing of the apes’ response (Sebeok & use? What is the evidence for intentionality of com-
Rosenthal, 1981). Although the researchers could munication in these apes?
and did respond to many of these criticisms, also The third section of this paper will discuss the
explored in detail later (e.g., Pate & Rumbaugh, new directions that have been employed to try to
1983; Patterson, 1981; Rumbaugh, 1981; Savage- answer questions about the evolution of language.
Rumbaugh, 1998), and some of the critics were One of the most promising research directions to
said to have recanted their criticism (Patterson, arise in ape language research is the comparison
1978, p. 24), following these publications, the of the brains of our closest evolutionary relatives
general scientific attitude toward the ape language and our own. Are the brain structures that humans
work was perceived to be incredulity and disinter- utilize for language similar in great apes? Do apes
est (Savage-Rumbaugh, 1986). Even critics men- equally utilize these structures for communication?
tioned the negative attitude toward language work Did apes, in fact, have a language-ready brain?
with apes and how unfortunate it was (Terrace, Other questions I will explore include questions
1985). It was also reported that some researchers about communication in the wild versus in captiv-
had difficulty procuring grants to continue their ity and the question of different theories of language
studies and that some journals had refused to origins (e.g., gestural vs. multimodal systems).

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Selection of Studies for Review When vocabulary counts were not specified in
Studies were selected through an intensive library peer-reviewed articles, word counts were undertaken
search. Several web-based search engines were uti- throughout the published record of the study. For
lized (PsychInfo, Web of Science, PrimateLit) and example, Premack never included a total vocabulary
a thorough exploration of authors’ web sites as well count for the chimpanzees in his study. All symbols
as reference sections of known articles was under- used with his chimpanzees reported in all his papers
taken. Papers were chosen for inclusion only if they and books were listed and counted. I assume this
were published in a peer-reviewed journal and they number to be the lowest possible for the vocabulary
included presentation of new data or new analyses of of the ape, therefore, these vocabulary counts are
data (including analysis of qualitative data). This study listed with a + (i.e., 98+).
selection left out one great ape species entirely (orang-
utans) because no peer-reviewed articles presenting Study Methodologies
the findings from a language study of this species Each of these studies utilized somewhat differ-
were found (although see Miles, 1994; Miles, 1999 ent methodological strategies, complicating direct
for some nonpeer-reviewed orangutan findings). For comparisons. A methodological overview is pre-
more findings and information, several books have sented in Table 19.1. Importantly, for our analysis,
been published on the topic of ALR research, and the Gardners’ work is combined with later work
I point you to these (e.g., Fouts & Mills, 1998; by Roger Fouts (e.g., Fouts, 1973; R. A. Gardner,
R. A. Gardner, Gardner, & Van Cantfort, 1989; et al., 1989), because they represent a continuous
Patterson & Linden, 1981; Premack, 1986; Premack study of the same subjects, and most of the method-
& Premack, 1983; Rumbaugh, 1977; Savage- ologies were kept constant. One difference was that
Rumbaugh, 1986; Savage-Rumbaugh, Shanker, & later work in the Gardner/Fouts study observed the
Taylor, 1998; Terrace, 1979). apes’ communicative interactions among themselves
Papers chosen for the review also had to directly (Fouts, 1973), and at least one ape received no for-
concern the use of gestural, acoustic, or visual signals mal teaching by human caregivers (Fouts, Hirsch, &
that “stood for” or were “glossed as” linguistic terms Fouts, 1982) but acquired some ASL signs without
and were used to simulate communication in two human interference. In contrast, Savage-Rumbaugh’s
directions (animal to human and human to animal). studies are split into two separate studies (Savage-
I will use the term symbols to refer to these signals Rumbaugh, 1986). Savage-Rumbaugh I and II uti-
for simplicity. I do not make any claims about the lized different subjects and different methodologies
symbolic content of these signals except during our and, therefore, these are considered separate studies.
review of the evidence for symbolic abilities. These Most studies included the youngest animals pos-
restrictions resulted in the deletion of one well-known sible, with the exception of Premack (1971) who
chimpanzee study, that of Matsuzawa and his chim- began work with a chimpanzee already in his non-
panzee Ai (e.g., Matsuzawa, 1985, 1989), because human primate cognition program, although she
visual symbols were used wholly to explore cognitive, was five years old at the time. However, the partici-
rather than communicative abilities in those studies. pant ages ranged from earliest infancy (two weeks,
Additionally, while several species of nonprimates Terrace, et al., 1979) to juvenile (two and a half to
have been studied in language paradigms, all these three, Savage-Rumbaugh I, 1986). This range of ages
studies either focused on cognitive, rather than com- could have affected some of the results, because early
municative, abilities (Pepperberg, 1999, chapter 16 exposure is generally considered to be required for
of this volume) or allowed for only one-way commu- language acquisition and may be similarly required
nication (Herman, et al., 1984; Reiss & McCowan, in apes. For example, a comparison of one bonobo
1993; Schusterman & Krieger, 1984). reared in the language program from six weeks of
Nonpeer-reviewed papers or book sections were age and one who entered the program at two years
included only to report important methodological showed significant differences in their ability to com-
points that were unavailable in the peer-reviewed prehend and utilize symbols (Williams, Brakke, &
journal articles. All results reviewed here were reported Savage-Rumbaugh, 1997).
in peer-reviewed journals. Reviews of the ALR stud- Early ape studies were based on molding and/
ies and books reviewing the findings of a particular or modeling the appropriate use of a symbol, then
research program were also utilized, when method- rewarding proper use with a particular stimulus.
ological information was not otherwise accessible and For example, when molding, a researcher forms the
the findings reported had also been peer reviewed. ape’s hands into the sign “apple,” then gives the ape

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Table 19.1. Methodologies of the ALR project

Gardner/ Premack Rumbaugh Patterson Terrace Savage– Savage–
Fouts Rumbaugh I Rumbaugh II
Year of first 1969 1971 1973 1978 1978 1978 1986
Subjects Washoe, Sarah, Peony, Lana Koko, Nim Sheman and Kanzi,
Moja, Pili, Elizabeth, Michael Chimpsky Austin Mulika,
Tatu, Dar, Walnut Panbanisha,
Loulis Panpanzee
Species Pan Pan Pan Gorilla Pan Pan Pan panisaus,
troglodytes troglodytes troglodytes gorilla troglodytes troglodytes Pan
Commu- Sign magnetic computer- Sign Sign comuterized keyboard/
nication board with ized key- keyboard Spoken
medium plastic board English
learning Molding, Operant Operant Molding, Molding, Free choice, Joint atten-
mechanism Modelling, conditioning conditioning Modelling, Modelling, then experi- tion and
conversation, conversation conversa- mental drills sociolinguis-
Peer-to-peer tion tic immer-
imitation sion
and elabora-
Age at first 8–14 mos 5 (Sarah), 2 1/2 years 1 yr 2 weeks 1 1/2(Austin), 6 mos
exposure (Washoe) at least 3 2 1/2 Sherman (Kanzi),
to symbol newborn (Elizabeth) newborn
system (others) 2 1/2(Peony), (Mulika),
? (Walnut) 6 wks (Pan-
banisha and
Length of 1966–present 1969–1991 1972–present 1972–present 1973–1977 1975–present 1984–present
Number full range of 98+ 123+ full range of full range of 4-256 6-384 key-
of symbols ASL ASL ASL board sym-
in use by bols, plus the
researchers full range
of spoken

an apple. Once the association between the symbol In free choice studies (Savage-Rumbaugh I)
and the referent is established, further elaboration (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1983) researchers pre-
of symbol use is supported by interactions between sented a symbolic board and allowed the animals
researchers and apes. Savage-Rumbaugh (Savage- to press a symbol to receive a referent. In the final
Rumbaugh, 1986; Savage-Rumbaugh, Pate, methodology, Savage-Rumbaugh II, showed that
Lawson, Smith, & Rosenbaum, 1983) showed that bonobos and chimpanzees could acquire exten-
the initial presentation of the reward was required sive and complex language abilities without spe-
for initial establishment of association, when utiliz- cific training or molding (Savage-Rumbaugh,
ing molding and modeling techniques. However, McDonald, Sevcik, Hopkins, & Rupert, 1986). In
once the association had been established, the sig- this set of studies, a linguistically enriched environ-
nal and the reward expectation could be moved ment was fostered in which the caregivers engaged
apart. in consistent interactions, utilizing the language

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keyboard to allow for prediction and control over training, is the study that reported the largest pro-
the activities of the day. In addition, the caregiv- ductive vocabulary.
ers ensured the apes’ attention both to the keyboard Most animal-language projects that reported
and to the objects or activities under discussion productive vocabulary modeled their estima-
(joint attention). This environment fostered spon- tion of vocabulary size after that of the Gardners
taneous keyboard use and English comprehension (R. A. Gardner & Gardner, 1969) (for productive
in the ape participants, and although there has been vocabularies, see Table 19.2). In the Gardners’ esti-
no study that has delineated the specific aspects of mation, symbols were included in the apes’ vocab-
the environment leading to success, it is clear that ulary count when the apes were reported to have
the language immersion and consideration of joint used the sign spontaneously and appropriately three
attention were key components. times by three different observers, and subsequently
to have used the sign (similarly spontaneously and
Data Recording appropriately) on 15 consecutive days (B. T. Gardner
Most of the ape language research relied on daily & Gardner, 1971). In this methodology, “spontane-
diaries, kept by caregivers and experimenters, to ous” utterances included those that were prompted
record the bulk of their productive utterances. As has by a request from a caregiver (e.g., “What is it?” and
been noted elsewhere (Ristau & Robbins, 1982), the a point to the object to be named), the idea being
assessment of the ALR subjects’ vocabularies would that the specific symbol that was chosen by the ape
be greatly improved by a video-based data-collec- was spontaneous. Other studies used slightly differ-
tion system. Daily notes have been shown to be reli- ent methodologies, but similarly required the apes
able, but they underestimate utterances (Greenfield to “spontaneously” use the symbol for a number of
& Savage-Rumbaugh, 1990, 1991; Lyn, Greenfield, days. Later studies were more conservative in their
& Savage-Rumbaugh, 2011). Unfortunately, pre- definition of spontaneity, requiring that the ape pro-
sumably due to expense and difficulty, none of the duce the symbol with no previous utterance by the
projects has, to date, undertaken an in-depth record caregivers (e.g., Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1986).
of utterances for a sufficient period to determine The productive vocabularies of Washoe, Moja,
vocabulary accurately. Tatu, and Dar were also tested systematically by a
Other data was gleaned from hand record- double-blind procedure in which the chimpanzee
ing of specific tests (R. A. Gardner & Gardner, saw a slide projected onto a wall and made the sign
1969; Patterson, 1978; Premack, 1971; Savage- (R. A. Gardner & Gardner, 1984). However, the
Rumbaugh, 1986; Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1986) results were not reported in terms of the numbers of
as well as computer recordings of daily produc- specific vocabulary items (e.g., the apes met criterion
tion (Rumbaugh, 1977; Rumbaugh, Gill, Von on 50 vocabulary items, including apple, ball, and
Glasersfeld, Warner, & Pisani, 1975; Rumbaugh, car), but, rather, as a total number of trials correct or
et al., 1973; Savage-Rumbaugh & Rumbaugh, incorrect across all items (e.g., the apes were correct
1978; Savage-Rumbaugh, Rumbaugh, & Boysen, on 85 percent of all trials), so total vocabulary cannot
1978) and specific tests (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., be reported from those results. Error data for individ-
1993; Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1980). ual items were reported; however, the total number
of trials given for each item were not. Finally, only a
General Findings small percentage of the ape’s productive vocabularies
Production were tested. Therefore, the Gardner/Fouts vocabu-
Table 19.2 shows that the apes had very simi- lary numbers reflect everyday conversation.
lar productive vocabularies of slightly over 100 In the Patterson studies, the gorilla Koko’s vocab-
symbols. The lowest number (68) and the high- ulary was initially recorded in a similar way to that
est (264) come from the Savage-Rumbaugh I and of Washoe (Patterson, 1978), but a later publication
II studies, respectively. This is likely due to study directly compared Koko and Michael’s signed vocab-
philosophy in the case of the Savage-Rumbaugh ulary acquisition to that of children of deaf parents
I study in which the method of acquisition and (Bonvillian & Patterson, 1993). This study focused
types of use of the symbols were the focus, rather on the categorical types of signs utilized at different
than the number of symbols that could be acquired points in acquisition and found that the two goril-
(Savage-Rumbaugh, 1986). It is interesting that las used similar sign types (actions, specific nomi-
the Savage-Rumbaugh II study, the only study in nals, general nominals, etc.) to the children with
which symbol usage was acquired without specific one exception. Once the signing children reached a

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Table 19.2 Production and Comprehension vocabularies

Productive use Comprehension

Gardner/Fouts 119–160 not reported

Premack 98+ 98+

Rumbaugh 123+ 123+

Patterson 85–150 not reported

Terrace 125 not reported

Savage-Rumbaugh I 68+ 16+ symbol comprehension. No

English Comprehension

Savage-Rumbaugh II 256+ 179+ – English to symbol tests, 59+

symbol to photo/English to photo
Reported vocabularies of most accomplished subject of the individual studies. Ranges reflect different criterion. When specific vocabu-
laries are not reported, symbol counts were undertaken and assumed to be the lower bound of vocabulary (indicated by +). The Gardner/
Fouts, Petterson, and Terrace studies did not report comprehension vocabularies in peer-reviewed publications. The Premack and Rumbaugh
vocabularies are taken from conversational interactions. The Savage-Rumbaugh vocabularies (both I and II) are taken from double-blindcom-
prehension tests.

50-word vocabulary, they utilized function words vocabulary test that eliminated much of the contro-
such as what and for (although function words made versy surrounding comprehension tests.
up only 1 percent of their total sign use), whereas Savage-Rumbaugh instituted a policy of count-
the gorillas did not use function words at all. ing comprehension through cross-modality dou-
ble-blind tests. In this procedure, an assistant to
Comprehension the experimenter placed visual representation of
Comprehension tests (vocabulary items of either answers (either pictures or lexigrams) onto a “test-
signed or spoken utterances) were not conducted ing board.” The possible answers were positioned
in the Gardners’ or Fouts’ research projects, nor according to a predetermined schedule and the
were Patterson’s comprehension tests (Patterson experimenter was blind to the position of the cor-
& Linden, 1981) published in any peer-reviewed rect answer. The experimenter would then present
papers. Terrace suggested that “normal comprehen- the symbol to be matched (she could say an English
sion tests” were inherently flawed due to the pos- word, hold up a photograph, or hold up a lexigram)
sibility of other cues (body posture, eye gaze, etc.) and would hold the testing board so that the apes
(Terrace, et al., 1979, p. 900). Terrace’s focus was could indicate their choice. The possible answers
on comprehension tests as examples of syntacti- faced away from the experimenter and toward the
cal abilities (the Wh- questions of Rumbaugh and ape, but the experimenter could see which of three
the Garnders) and specifically mentions semantic positions the ape indicated. Using this procedure,
cues as a confound for the reporting of syntactic trials could be run very quickly with a minimum
comprehension. However, Terrace did not include possibility of cuing. Interestingly, comprehension
any semantic comprehension tests in his peer- vocabulary was lowest (16) and highest (179) in the
reviewed findings either. Comprehension vocabulary Savage-Rumbaugh I and II studies, respectively—
results are reported for Premack, Rumbaugh, and the two studies in which this type of double-blind
both Savage- Rumbaugh studies (see Table 19.2). testing was used.
Both Premack and Rumbaugh reported compre- Vocabulary from productive use and from com-
hension vocabulary as part of conversations—if the prehension (use or tests) did not always coincide
apes reacted correctly to the symbol during conver- in the ALR studies. Savage-Rumbaugh I found
sations, it was considered comprehended. However, that receptive competency had to be specifically
correct responses of this kind do not always imply trained (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1983) even after
comprehension as multiple cues can lead to correct the chimpanzees were utilizing symbols to request
responses (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1983). The items regularly. Similarly, comprehension tests were
Savage-Rumbaugh studies showcased a controlled performed on Lana, in which she had to answer the

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question, “? color of this,” and “? What name of continued to fail at auditory-visual matching with
this,” although these tests were never reported in spoken English (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1988).
a peer-reviewed publication (Rumbaugh, 1977). However, the bonobos and chimpanzees from Savage-
She was well above chance on questions of this Rumbaugh II—those that acquired production and
nature; however, she failed to respond correctly to comprehension simultaneously, could perform vocab-
requests such as “Give stick.” Instead of finding the ulary tests from English words, pictures, or lexigrams
stick and giving it to the experimenter, her initial equally well (Brakke & Savage-Rumbaugh, 1995;
response would be to offer anything in reach, more Lyn, 2007; Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1988).
or less at random, until reaching the correct item.
Experimenters were able to train accurate “giving Combinations—Production
skills” in Lana using the same training method as All ALR studies have reported that their subjects
had been used with Sherman and Austin (Savage- combined symbols in seemingly meaningful ways
Rumbaugh, et al., 1983), but comprehension was (R. A. Gardner & Gardner, 1969; Patterson, 1978;
not spontaneously evident. Rumbaugh, et al., 1975; Savage-Rumbaugh, et al.,
Savage-Rumbaugh II showed very different results, 1986), and findings are summarized in Table 19.3.
with comprehension developing alongside produc- Studies that report mean length of utterance (MLU),
tion without specific training. Savage-Rumbaugh an important indicator in children’s speech devel-
reported the results of comprehension tests on all opment, report between 1.15 (Savage-Rumbaugh,
her subjects (Brakke & Savage-Rumbaugh, 1995; et al., 1993), through 1.2 and 1.6 (Terrace, et al.,
Savage-Rumbaugh, Rumbaugh, & McDonald, 1985); 1979) and 1.82 (Patterson, 1978). This indicates
therefore, her comprehension numbers are the only that most utterances (whether signed or key presses)
ones reported here that were tested in a double-blind were of one symbol in length, with most combina-
procedure. Savage-Rumbaugh reported correct com- tions being of only two symbols. All studies that
prehension of 16 symbols in the Savage-Rumbaugh I report MLU prior to two years of age report a grad-
study (where comprehension did have to be specifically ual increase in length of utterance, for example, from
trained), but comprehension of 179 English word/ 1.37 to 1.82 over the course of a year (Patterson,
symbol pairs for the apes in the Savage-Rumbaugh II 1978) (also see B. T. Gardner & Gardner, 1975).
study. Less thorough testing on photograph and sym- Additional evidence from the Gardners shows that
bol pairs showed that the apes could correctly identify the sign-language using chimpanzees developed,
at least 59 symbol/photograph pairs. Additionally, not just longer sequences, but different types of
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sevcik, and Hopkins report that sequences, using different signs over the course of
Sherman and Austin (Savage-Rumbaugh I), and the first several years of the project (R. A. Gardner
Kanzi (Savage-Rumbaugh II) could cross-modally & Gardner, 1998). These findings indicate that the
match up to 54 symbols, pictures, and referents in apes are gaining some mastery over the combina-
match-to-sample tasks (Savage-Rumbaugh, Sevcik, & tion of symbols, but they stop short before regularly
Hopkins, 1988). combining more than two symbols at a time. This
The numbers reported from the Savage-Rumbaugh MLU is similar to that of children close to two years
II study were reported early in the study, when the ape of age, before the advent of true syntactical devel-
participants were not fully adult, and, therefore, they opment (Bloom, 1973; Brown, 1973). The persis-
may be an underestimation of the possible upper limits tence of this short sequence length is one of the key
of vocabulary for these apes. Later work with vocabu- differences between ape language users and human
lary errors suggest a higher comprehension number, children (e.g., Wynne, 2008).
although specific vocabulary is not reported (Lyn, Premack trained his chimpanzees to use spe-
2007). Interestingly, the chimpanzees from Savage- cific word ordering rules to mean specific things,
Rumbaugh I failed all spoken English comprehension for example, Sarah Bread Take (“Sarah will take
tests, although they could correctly label items with the bread”) (Premack, 1971). Similarly, Lana was
lexigrams, choose items when shown the lexigrams, trained to produce certain sequences of lexigrams
and choose the correct wrapper of brand-name items on her keyboard in order to request items from
to request items (Savage-Rumbaugh, 1986; Savage- her computerized “machine” or communicate with
Rumbaugh, et al., 1986; Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., her experimenters (e.g., Please machine give Lana
1985). The chimpanzees from Savage-Rumabugh piece-of apple) (Rumbaugh, et al., 1973). Lana was
I were also capable of cross-modal symbolic match- also reported to utilize the word ordering and/or
ing (haptic-visual, olfactory-visual), although they symbols creatively, for instance, she began using the

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Table 19.3 Further abilities of the ALR participants

Rule-based (syntax) comprehension Further symbolic abilities

or production

Gardner/Fouts Comprehension of WH-questions; multi- Adjustment of signs to context, discourse

symbol utterances, but not assessed for word abilities—understanding of attentional cues

Premack Trained production with word order. Meta-linguistics (e.g., can answer questions
Similarly, questions presented in specific about names and about referents), limited
orders—no tests of anomalous orders analogies

Rumbaugh Trained in word order, seemed to compre- Conversations, requesting names of novel
hend inaccurate sentences, created new items, erasure of incorrect sentences, Stroop
sequences effect in color naming, long-term retention of

Patterson Word-order data not reported in peer- Creation of novel (untaught) iconic, deictic
reviewed publications and representational signs

Terrace Most sequences were determined by the pragmatic associations with symbol use, but
author to be direct imitations of the caregiv- little declarative use
ers or repetitions of several "key" words

Savage-Rumbaugh I Syntax (word ordering) not tested Behavioral concordance, functional use, use
of communicative innovations

Savage-Rumbaugh II Comprehension of English sentences Behavioral concordance, functional use, use

similar to a 2 1/2 year old child. Some of communicative innovations, hierarchical
evidence of preferential (semantic) word categorization, “fast mapping”
ordering in production.

interrogative “?” to request that her experimenter the apes (Lyn, Greenfield, & Savage-Rumbaugh,
come in the room (as opposed to the trained sym- 2011). For instance, all three apes studied—
bol please) (Gill & Rumbaugh, 1974). Additionally, Kanzi, Panbanisha, and Panpanzee—preferred to
in later work, Lana persisted in her use of the phrase place actions before agents, and two of the three
to Lana in such sequences as name this to Lana, (Panbanisha and Panpanzee, the chimpanzee and
although these sequences were considered incor- bonobo that were co-reared) showed a word- order-
rect and were not rewarded (Pate & Rumbaugh, ing preference that resembled a prototransforma-
1983). tion. Both of these apes preferred to place goals
Terrace’s initial objection to the ape language before actions when using a gesture as part of their
work was that there wasn’t evidence of syntactic (as production, but actions before goals when utiliz-
opposed to semantic) word ordering in the apes’ ing only lexigrams (Lyn, Greenfield, & Savage-
combinations (Terrace, et al., 1979). Following this Rumbaugh, 2011).
criticism, Greenfield and colleagues explored word- These specific ordering rules were likely learned
ordering preferences in language using apes in the from the two models they had in their environ-
Savage-Rumbaugh II project (Greenfield, Lyn, & ment—human experimenters placed actions before
Savage-Rumbaugh, 2008; Greenfield & Savage- goals (Let’s GO to the TREEHOUSE—lexigrams
Rumbaugh, 1993; Lyn, Greenfield, & Savage- in capitals) and Kanzi, an older bonobo, used
Rumbaugh, 2011). Their main findings were that, mainly gesture combinations and placed the actions
although they did not find evidence for complex last (e.g., TREEHOUSE go[gesture]). However, the
word-ordering rules similar to adult language, the apes also showed that they could and did create new
apes did show word-ordering preferences similar ordering preferences; for example, affirmative-goal,
to those seen in two-year-old children. At this lin- (e.g., YES OUTDOORS [“can we go outdoors”]),
guistic stage, children have word ordering prefer- a combination made frequently by Panbanisha and
ences based on semantic categorization, and so do Panpanzee, but only once by Kanzi and never by

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the human caregivers (Lyn, Greenfield, & Savage- sentences was compared between the bonobo,
Rumbaugh, 2011). All of the data suggest that the Kanzi and a two-and-a-half-year-old child, Alia.
apes have ordering preferences, but that they are Over 600 sentences in English were presented in
predominantly semantic in nature. a double-blind procedure to each of the subjects.
Patterson (1978) also reported that preliminary Kanzi performed at approximately 73 percent accu-
work on Koko’s combinations showed semantic racy overall and Alia at 66 percent, with the child
word-order preferences, although no follow-up data performing better on conjunctions (e.g., Go get the
has been reported in peer-reviewed publications. brush and the bowl and bring them to Liz) and the
Similarly, although the early work by the Gardners ape performing better on embedded sentences (e.g.,
could not be analyzed for word-ordering preferences Go get the orange that’s in the microwave).
because they did not preserve word order in their These results have been criticized for not being
diaries (B. T. Gardner & Gardner, 1975, 1994), lin- a full exploration of syntactical capability in apes.
guist Roger Brown likewise suggested that Washoe For example, although there were many reversible
had similar semantically based word-ordering pref- sentences in the corpus (e.g., Put the vitamins on
erences (Brown, 1970), although this suggestion the shirt, which could be reversed to: Put the shirt
cannot be verified. on the vitamins), many of the sentences presented as
Additionally, both reports on semantically based reversed actually included several distinct semantic
word-order preferences suggested that some syn- elements; for example, Take the orange outdoors vs.
tactically based word ordering might be occurring Go outdoors and get an orange. In these instances,
(Lyn, Greenfield, & Savage-Rumbaugh, 2011; say some critics, the semantic clues are sufficient
Patterson, 1978). In both cases, some preferences to produce separate responses (Anderson, 2004;
were seen when the words were categorized syntacti- Calvin & Bickerton, 2000; Wynne, 2008). Out
cally, rather than semantically (nouns and verbs as of over 600 sentences, they say, there were only
opposed to agents and actions). However, in nei- 16 fully reversed sentences presented to ape and
ther report was this analysis full-fledged and both child, not enough to truly determine whether the
mentioned caveats to the findings (e.g., almost all ape comprehends word order (but see Savage-
the verbs on the Savage-Rumbaugh keyboard were Rumbaugh, Rumbaugh, & Fields, 2009 for a
actions, therefore, the only word-order preference response). However, other critics fully accept that
that was tested was noun [syntactic category] before Kanzi has an understanding of word order (Kako,
action [semantic category]) (Lyn, Greenfield, & 1999) and only question whether other possibilities
Savage-Rumbaugh, 2011). of syntax may be lacking (see next section for more
Combination comprehension findings are Continuing Questions
also summarized in Table 19.2. Lana, in 1973, Symbolicity vs. Strict Associative Learning
was tested on her ability to recognize correct and Early criticism of the ape language studies sur-
incorrect sequences, when they were displayed on rounded the dual questions of symbolicity and syn-
her computer (Rumbaugh, et al., 1973). She was tax (Petitto & Seidenberg, 1979; Ristau & Robbins,
well-above chance in recognizing both valid and 1982; Seidenberg & Petitto, 1979; Terrace, 1985).
invalid sequences, completing correct sequences The first question concerns what exactly an ape
and erasing incorrect sequences. Premack (1971) means when she presses a keyboard button, places
also tested Sarah on comprehension of certain word a plastic shape on a board, or uses a hand sign?
orders, with a “dumb” experimenter (one who did Savage-Rumbaugh showed that labeling items did
not understand the meanings of the symbols)— not automatically follow from requesting an item—
for example, the experimenter would have a list of that is, apes that could request items without error,
symbols to arrange—Sarah take blue-card. If Sarah did not always respond correctly when shown
was correct, an experimenter outside the cage would an item and asked to choose the correct symbol
radio the dumb trainer to let him know. Sarah was (Savage-Rumbaugh & Rumbaugh, 1978). This fail-
well-above chance on these tests. ure suggested to her (and to others) that what the
However, the most famous, perhaps, of the pri- apes were learning was not that the symbols “stood
mate tests of comprehension was detailed in the for” the referent, but simply that if the ape touched
monograph by Savage-Rumbaugh et al. in 1993. a key or made a sign, they would receive the refer-
In this test, the comprehension of spoken English ent (simple association of behavior to reward). By

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extension, these findings threw into doubt the sym- the most frequent kind of errors, the Gardners also
bolicity of the earlier studies. describe categorical errors, which were found at
However, later studies suggested that the apes above-chance levels in all the chimpanzees, suggest-
were capable of true referential understanding. ing that these apes, too, have a multidimensional
Savage-Rumbaugh showed that the same chimpan- representation of their symbols.
zees that did not immediately transfer from request- These findings are supported by earlier data from
ing to naming could immediately categorize items the Premack studies that showed that Sarah could
that they could both name and request. In this test, cross-modally identify and answer questions about
the chimpanzees were asked to sort items according a referent based on a “piece” of that referent. (i.e.,
to tool and food categories, and the chimps could seeds, wedges, stems, etc. could “stand for” the asso-
do so, even with novel exemplars of the categories ciated fruits). Therefore, the chimpanzee had stored
(Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1980). Additionally, detailed representations of the physical aspects
these chimpanzees could, with no further training, of the fruit (Premack, 1985). Additionally, the
correctly sort the lexigrams for the items into the Gardners had reported on Washoe’s ability to answer
correct categories—that is, they could correctly sort Wh- questions with symbols of the correct category
the lexigrams (symbols) for food items into the food (B. T. Gardner & Gardner, 1975; R. A. Gardner,
category and the lexigrams for tools into the tool Van Cantfort, & Gardner, 1992). For instance, if
category—strongly suggesting that the symbols had asked, “Who that?” Washoe would reply with an
come to stand for the items (Savage-Rumbaugh, individual’s name; if asked, “What color?” Washoe
et al., 1980). would reply with a color. The Gardners originally
Further suggestions of true symbolicity came viewed this as evidence that Washoe understood
from the Savage-Rumbaugh II project in which the the grammatical categories associated with the
apes did acquire requesting and naming simultane- Wh-questions, although Terrace has suggested that
ously, without specific training (Brakke & Savage- correct responses on these kinds of tests could be
Rumbaugh, 1995, 1996; Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., due more to memorization and reinforcement con-
1986). Later studies showed that these apes showed tingencies, since the apes had been drilled exten-
complex categorization and mental representation sively on Wh-type questions (Terrace, et al., 1979).
of the symbols when their vocabulary test errors However, all these findings, taken together, certainly
were examined (Lyn, 2007). Apes made more cat- suggest that some categorical information is part of
egorical errors (fruits chosen for fruits, for example) the apes’ representations of the symbols.
than any other types of errors, but also made errors Further evidence of complex rather than simple
based on the visual representation of the refer- associations comes from Beran et al. (Beran, Pate,
ent (similar-looking pictures: balls for oranges, for Richardson, & Rumbaugh, 2000; Beran, Savage-
example), the visual representation on the lexigram, Rumbaugh, Brakke, Kelley, & Rumbaugh, 1998)
items frequently associated with the referent (cereal who tested Lana and other chimpanzees’ knowl-
and milk), and the sound of the English word (Jared edge of lexigrams. Their first study found that Lana
and cherries). All these types of errors were found could remember the referents for lexigrams after
regardless of the type of sample that was presented. over 20 years of not seeing them (Beran, et al.,
For example, if the apes were asked to match a pho- 2000). Secondly, Lana showed a Stroop-like inter-
tograph of a referent to its associated lexigram, they ference when asked to name color lexigrams (Beran,
were more likely than chance to erroneously choose Washburn, & Rumbaugh, 2007). Experimenters
an item whose English name was similar to that of presented either congruent lexigrams (lexigrams that
the referent. This suggests that a complex web of had been colored the same color as the reference, e.g.,
associations is activated with the symbol, and the a YELLOW lexigram that had been colored yellow)
association is not simply one-to-one (behavior to or an incongruent lexigram (that had been colored a
reward). different color, e.g., the YELLOW lexigram colored
In a similar vocabulary test, the Gardners (1984) blue). Lana performed significantly poorer on the
found that the errors that the sign-language-using incongruent stimuli, suggesting a complex, possibly
chimpanzees made were predominantly associated symbolic association between lexigram and referent.
with the location of the hand sign. For example if
the correct sign was located in the upper left quad- Syntax?
rant, the erroneous sign was more likely to be in In addition to being the twinned focus of the
the upper left quadrant. However, although not ALR studies, a frequent theme within the field of

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language evolution and language development is arguments against the Thompson and Church
the question of supremacy of symbolicity or syn- model in a footnote. Terrace mentions a group of
tax (e.g., Bruner, 1990; Tomasello, 2003). Which sequences, utilized by the authors as examples that
is most important to human language? When chil- would require the use of different stock sentences:
dren are raised in language-deprived environments Juice name this; Juice name this in cup; Juice name
one of the key language components that remain this that’s in cup in room. Terrace stated that these
undeveloped, even after treatment, is their syntacti- sentences do not add new information, and so should
cal ability (e.g., Curtiss, 1977). The development of be considered all the same sentence. Additionally,
syntax may, indeed, be the one element of human Terrace claims that, whatever rules Lana is using to
language that is fundamental and, arguably, unique construct these sentences, there is no evidence that
to human language. these rules are grammatical ones. These arguments
Syntax became the “holy grail” of ALR research are less than compelling, especially considering that
upon the publication of Terrace’s article, “Can an the variability in expressing similar ideas is consid-
Ape Create a Sentence?” (Terrace, et al., 1979), ered one of the hallmarks of human language (e.g.,
although see Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., (1983) Tomasello, 2003). The sequences would be consid-
and Terrace himself (1985) for arguments in favor ered different in English because they do add speci-
of the importance of symbolicity and reference. ficity (Juice name this vs Juice name this that’s in
Terrace searched for evidence of syntactical ability cup in room). In contrast, earlier sequences by Nim
in his chimp, Nim and in other language-using apes did not add specificity, consisting merely of repeti-
(Terrace, et al., 1979). His conclusion was that Nim tions of the same words, (e.g., “give orange me give
did not create syntactical sequences on his own, eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me
but rather was imitating, to a large extent, and that you” [Terrace, 1979, p. 895]).
Nim’s word ordering was secondarily based on set However, Terrace added to his argument by claim-
stock sequences with one or two inserted meaning- ing that pigeons could be trained to repeat this same
ful symbols. For example, the sequence Nim eat trick (Straub, Seidenberg, Bever, & Terrace, 1979;
would be combined with a desired food, e.g., grape, Terrace, 1985), by being trained to press a sequence
orange, or yogurt (Nim eat grape, Nim eat yogurt). of button for different treats, with no meaning
Nim eat in this case could be considered as a set associated and, therefore, no grammar attached.
sequence of “Arm movements” that Nim understood This may be a valid criticism because the training
only as a way to request the food associated with the method for Lana was operant conditioning, and
appropriate sign. With these and other data, Terrace it is unclear how much meaning was assigned by
argued that there was no evidence that the apes in Lana to many of her symbols (e.g., Machine, please,
the ape-language-research programs could combine give. However, function words, such as that’s, do not
symbols to create new meanings, nor did they com- have much meaning in human language, except to
bine symbols based on syntactic categories, relying arrange other words into meaningful sentences, and
instead on semantics. Lana could certainly utilize these quite adeptly. Also,
Similarly, Thompson & Church (1980) have there is considerable evidence that Lana did assign
concluded that Lana’s use of sentence-like structure meaning to some of her lexigrams (see symbolicity
in the Rumbaugh studies may be the result of sim- discussion, earlier).
plistic learned rules. These authors, in an attempt to To date, the closest a primate language project
understand the method that Lana used to solve the has come to showing true understanding of word
problem, programmed into a computer a set of rules order—or any other syntactic rule—is the exten-
designed to simulate Lana’s performance. Utilizing sive comprehension test run in Savage-Rumbaugh
paired associate learning and “stock” sentences into II with Kanzi on a large series of English sentences
which these associates could be placed, the authors (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1993). As discussed ear-
concluded that six stock sentence were all that were lier, these sentences did not satisfy many critics’
required to reproduce Lana’s performance. requirements for syntactical comprehension (e.g.,
Later work by Pate and Rumbaugh (1983) sug- Wallman, 1992; Wynne, 2008). Although the range
gested that Thompson and Church’s model was of sentences was impressive, it is possible that many
insufficient and showed that the number of “stock” could be deciphered by purely semantic processes.
sentences would have to be greatly increased to Kako (1999), on the other hand, allows for some
account for Lana’s more elaborate productions. syntactical processes in Kanzi’s comprehension, but
Terrace (1985) responded to Pate and Rumbaugh’s he dismisses others.

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Kako lays out four syntactical systems that he opposed to imperative) use of symbols. Their crit-
then analyzes in the Kanzi data: discrete combina- icism states that apes do not name things just to
tions, category-based rules, argument structure, and name them or to share information in the way that
function words. He states that there is good evi- children do; they must have an incentive (a reward)
dence for discrete combinations in Kanzi’s data— to do so. Early studies did not report the actual per-
Kanzi does combine individual elements into novel centage of declaratives within their apes’ utterances;
combinations. In contrast, he does not see strong however, many did mention the relative lack of
evidence for the other three systems. For instance, purely informative utterances. Terrace, et al. (1979)
there is some evidence for category-based rules in mentioned that Nim showed no tendency to sign
the analysis by Greenfield and Savage-Rumbaugh unless he was requesting items or unless his teachers
(1991). However, Kako indicates that this analy- asked that he sign. Similarly, Rumbaugh and Gill
sis presents too few examples of most categorical (1976) stated that Lana never asked for the name of
combinations for statistical analysis, leaving us with things unless they were or held something that she
only one true rule, which is modality based, namely, wanted, nor did she ever spontaneously discuss the
place gesture last. Similar analysis, (Lyn, Greenfield, attributes of her world.
& Savage-Rumbaugh, 2011) does, however, show Savage-Rumbaugh I embarked on a series of
additional examples of category-based rules in the successful tests to encourage Sherman and Austin
utterances of Panbanisha and Panpanzee. For exam- to make these nonrequest utterances (Savage-
ple, Panbanisha and Panpanzee preferentially placed Rumbaugh, et al., 1983). In one task, the chim-
affirmatives before actions (66 examples in this panzees made statements of intended actions: they
order), for example Yes go (asking to go somewhere). would choose a lexigram on the keyboard, then move
There is even one example of a quasi-transforma- to a table out of view of the keyboard where an array
tional rule in which Panbanisha and Panapanzee of objects was located. They would then choose
prefer one order in one modality (action before goal the same object they had previously indicated,
when using only lexigrams) and another in another and bring it to the experimenter for confirmation,
modality (goal before action when using at least one showing that they could state their intentions. This
gesture) (Lyn, Greenfield, & Savage-Rumbaugh, set of experiments could be considered examples of
2011). trained behaviors (although the chimpanzees were
As for argument structure—knowledge of the only given 40 “training” trials in total for the afore-
number of arguments and the thematic roles assigned mentioned study), however, the studies were initi-
to arguments of verbs—there is some evidence in ated because of a spontaneous emergence of these
Kanzi’s comprehension data for understanding of kinds of statements of intention, all of which are
thematic role in the reversed sentences presented to chronicled in Savage-Rumbaugh et al. (1983). One
Kanzi (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1993), however, example of this spontaneous indications occurred
no tests to date look at his knowledge of number of during a regular naming game. Sherman and Austin
arguments. Finally, there is little evidence in Kanzi’s would be positioned in front of the keyboard. One
data that he understands the nature of closed class would be designated the namer and one the giver.
words (function words, such as or, and, or that, that The namer would indicate the food he wanted on
hold no true “meaning” other than their role in the keyboard, then the giver would pick up that
syntactical structure). However, as discussed earlier, food, split it, and hand half to the namer. Sherman,
Lana did show some capability with closed-class (or even when designated as the giver, frequently fin-
function) words (Pate & Rumbaugh, 1983), there- ished his food first and had a difficult time waiting
fore, these types of structural words are not beyond for Austin to continue the game. One day Sherman
the capability of great apes. What has not been solved his problem by indicating an item on the
achieved to date is a synthesis testing of meaning, keyboard himself, then reverting to his role as the
reference, and closed-class items in one individual. giver, picking up the food, splitting it and handing
half to Austin. The trained studies were an attempt
Pragmatic Use—Declaratives to quantify these spontaneous behaviors.
The basic symbolic failure of the apes’ language Although some studies (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al.,
use, according to early critics (Savage-Rumbaugh, 1986) focused on qualitative reports of comments
et al., 1983; Terrace, 1985; Terrace, et al., 1979) and statements of intention, Brakke and Savage-
and continued by current researchers (Hare, 2007; Rumbaugh reported quantitative data on nonre-
Tomasello, 2007), is the lack of declarative (as quest utterances for Panbanisha and Panpanzee

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(Brakke & Savage-Rumbaugh, 1996). These utter- gain information from declarative points, although
ances included comments (simply naming or men- there is still a significant environmental effect (Lyn,
tioning an item in their environment), statements 2010). These finding suggest that comprehension
(stating their intentions, then following through), of declaratives is environmentally supported and is
and answering questions. These types of utterances unlikely to be a biological driving force behind the
made up approximately 17.6 percent of Panbanisha’s evolution of language. However, the development
utterances and 9.2 percent of Panpanzee’s utter- of the environment to support declarative commu-
ances, many of which were lexigram utterances. nication is still to be explained.
Similarly, Rivas (2005) reported that 8 percent of
his corpus of the signing apes’ from the Gardners’ Trained Behaviors
and Fouts experiments were declaratives, however, A thorny question that is often raised concerning
he discounted these utterances, because all these the ALR findings is the possibility that behaviors
declaratives were a point, not an ASL sign. that are specifically trained (i.e., operantly con-
Although actual reports of quantitative data on the ditioned) are not reflective of inherent abilities in
percentages of children’s utterances that are nonre- the species. For example, both the Premack and
quest are rare, a recent study (Lyn, Greenfield, Savage- Rumbaugh studies specifically trained word order in
Rumbaugh, Gillespie-Lynch, & Hopkins, 2011) their subjects by rewarding their chimpanzees only
directly compared the apes in Savage-Rumbaugh II if a sequence of symbols was in the correct order. In
to two children in the one-word phase. Greenfield this case, it is impossible to argue that the ordering
and Smith (1976) reported indicative (nonrequest) preferences reflect an inherent syntactical ability in
rates between 56.7 percent and 80.5 percent of the chimpanzees. How much of the apes’ abilities, there-
time in two male children, a striking difference to the fore, are due to the human interference and how
8 to17.6 percent of the apes in Savage-Rumbaugh much are reflective of apes’ true abilities? In some
II. However, the apes extremely flexible and creative cases, spontaneous preferences have been reported
use of declaratives, including simply naming items (e.g., Kanzi, Panbanisha, and Panpanzee’s ordering
that were in their possession, to naming an item as preferences), however, behavioristic interpretations
a way of initiating a change of behavior (e.g. Saying remain and are frequently used to discount the
EGG after finishing her egg, then getting out of her importance of the findings (e.g., Sundberg, 1996).
chair). The apes also made reference to past event One counterargument is that, in some cases,
and future events. However, the apes still use declar- knowing that the apes are biologically capable of
atives at a lower rate than children, and only rarely certain communicative tasks is important informa-
used two types of declaratives that children did use tion in the quest to better understand the evolution
(show/offer/give and attention getting—for exam- of human communication. For example, the ques-
ple, calling “Mom!” to get their mother’s attention). tion of declarative comprehension: if the apes were
Because of these differences, several researchers have incapable of understanding declarative communi-
suggested that the motivation to engage in declara- cation, we would have to accept the suggestion by
tive communication was the biological change that some (Moll & Tomasello, 2007; Tomasello, 2007)
drove the development of human language (Moll & that there was a biological change that separated
Tomasello, 2007; Tomasello, 2007) nondeclarative apes from declarative humans—a
These same researchers argue that nonhuman relatively elegant and simple possible explanation
primates cannot comprehend declarative gestures for the evolution of language. However, since the
(Hare, 2007; Hare & Tomasello, 2004; Moll & appropriate environment can and does support
Tomasello, 2007; Tomasello, 2007). When given declarative comprehension in apes (Lyn, 2010; Lyn,
a choice between two objects, one of which has et al., 2010), we must look to the development of
been baited with food, the chimpanzees they tested such a social system or to another impetus entirely.
could not utilize another’s gestures to choose the However, it is also true that for many abilities,
correct object. Recently, however, evidence shows specifically training the task negates the impact that
that nonhuman primates, when raised in a highly data can have on the bigger questions and/or requires
socio-communicative environment, similar to that much more thorough transfer testing to speak to
in Savage-Rumbaugh II project, can follow these the inherent abilities of the animal. Complicating
declarative gestures (Lyn, Russell, & Hopkins, 2010). the questions is that one cannot always know what
Moreover, a recent meta-analysis suggests that apes, has been specifically reinforced during acquisition
even when reared in standard environments, do and how those reinforcements affect the ape’s view

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of the problem (for example, is there any meaning One such question played out surrounding a task
to the key “MACHINE” pressed by Lana, or does that had been trained in the Savage-Rumbaugh I
she simply know that “this button is pressed next”). project (Savage-Rumbaugh et al., 1983; Savage-
Certainly many of the apes in the ALR studies were Rumbaugh et al., 1978). Sherman and Austin were
drilled on certain questions over and over. How stationed in separate rooms and could pass each
much this affected their perception of their symbols other tools and food through a window. They each
and the communicative aspect of their system is still had a keyboard in their rooms, and the keys that
open to debate. were pressed by one chimpanzee would be displayed
Unfortunately, many reviewers attempt to on the other’s keyboard. One chimpanzee would
“explain away” language-like behavior by reducing have a food site in his room that required a specific
it to mere training, even when their arguments are tool to open it. That chimpanzee would go to their
suspect. For example, Sundberg (1996) attempts keyboard and press the key for the appropriate tool.
to explain Kanzi’s performance in the Savage- When the other chimpanzee saw the tool symbol, he
Rumbaugh II project as “trained” and “reinforced” would choose the correct tool from an array, and pass
because reinforcements could have included “smiles, the tool to the first chimpanzee. The first chimpanzee
eye contact, praise, games, physical contact, verbal would then open the food site, bring half the food to
contact, manipulation of objects, and a fully atten- the window and pass it through to his partner.
tive audience” (Sundberg, 1996, p. 482). This is Epstein, Lanza, and Skinner,(1980) claimed that
certainly true of Kanzi and, similarly, true of chil- they had trained pigeons to perform this same behav-
dren first learning language. It is unclear whether ior, proving that this type of task was accomplished
Sundberg equates language learning in children with simply by stimulus and response. One of their pigeons
stimulus-response paradigm that he deems essential was trained to peck a button, which would illuminate
to Kanzi, however, it is clear that all his arguments that button. When that button was illuminated, the
hold equally true for child and ape. other pigeon would look behind a curtain, where a
Hixon (1998) similarly reexamines the ape lan- color would be illuminated. This pigeon would then
guage data from a behavioral point of view. His peck at a button that corresponded to the color (Y
contention is that the findings from the Gardners, for yellow, R for Red, G for Green). This would light
Terrace, Rumbaugh, and Savage-Rumbaugh can be the appropriate key in the first pigeon’s room. The
explained by behavioral mechanisms. However, in first pigeon would press a “thank you” key, which
this case, Hixon explicitly maintains that the major- would reward the second pigeon with food. He
ity of human language acquisition can likewise be would then press the key for the appropriate color
behaviorally explained. There has been a tendency and get rewarded with food himself.
to deny reinforcement contingencies in the more However, there are many procedural as well as
recent ape language literature (e.g., R. A. Gardner, theoretical differences between these two studies. In
et al., 1989; Savage-Rumbaugh, 1987; Savage- particular, the pigeons’ color keys had never been
Rumbaugh, et al., 1993), although, as Hixon specifically encoded as “symbols” in the same way
points out, ALR researchers did discuss reinforce- as Sherman and Austin’s keys. Sherman and Austin
ment contingencies in earlier publications and are could perform many other tasks using the same
still quick to point to the possibility of behavioral keys, including asking each other for different foods
mechanisms in each other’s work (see Hixon, 1998 (Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., 1983), naming desired
for examples). This tendency is likely due to crit- objects that were out of sight, and categorizing lexi-
ics’ attempts to discredit the ALR research as “sim- grams. It is doubtful that the pigeons had the same
ply” due to reinforcement contingencies (Sebeok representations of their “symbols.” Further, Sherman
& Rosenthal, 1981; Seidenberg & Petitto, 1979; and Austin could correct their own errors and
Thompson & Church, 1980), while denying that adjust their communications as was appropriate, for
role in human language acquisition. ALR research- instance, Austin once accidentally pressed the wrong
ers have reacted by denying any role for reinforce- key when requesting a tool. When he saw Sherman
ment in the learning of language in their apes. The choosing the incorrect tool, he looked up at the
important questions are if and when do commu- keyboard, saw that the wrong symbol was lit, then
nicative capacities move beyond contingencies quickly went to the board and corrected the sym-
to what Rumbaugh (for example) calls emergent bol. This type of error correction suggests an under-
behavior (Lyn & Rumbaugh, 2009; Rumbaugh, standing of the symbol board as a communicative
King, Beran, Washburn, & Gould, 2007). mechanism and, given the lack of communication

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involved, would not have occurred in the pigeon Lynch, Greenfield, Lyn, & Savage-Rumbaugh, in
setup (for more discussion, see Savage-Rumbaugh, press) suggests that for both apes and children, con-
1984). Although there is certainly something to be versational combinations are the building blocks for
said for the role of reinforcement and operant learn- independent symbol combination.
ing in the learning of language, this is arguably an Some recent research into ALR studies have also
example of emergence of communicative symbolic- looked at other conversational mechanisms available
ity from individually reinforced behaviors. to language-using apes. Jensvold and Gardner (2000)
found that sign-language using apes (Gardners and
Imitation, Communicative Mechanisms, Fouts) react differently to off-topic and on-topic
and the Process of Acquisition conversational probes. The apes are more likely to
Imitation has become a complex question in the expand on on-topic probes and are more likely to
ALR studies. In his early criticism, Terrace reports not respond when a human presents an off-topic
on a discourse analysis comparing Nim and children probe. Also discussing sign-language-using apes in
on imitations (direct repetition of a sign or a word) conversation, Cianelli and Fouts (1998) have dis-
and expansions (a repetition followed by another, cussed the modularity of signs produced in differ-
meaningful symbol), showing that Nim made more ent states of arousal. When in high arousal states,
imitative responses and fewer expansions than did signs produced by the apes were distinct from those
children at the same MLU stage (Terrace, et al., produced in low arousal states and varied in similar
1979). However, the criticisms raised by Terrace ways to signs produced by children using ASL.
and others did not explore the pragmatics of imi- Benson, et al. (2002) analyzed a conversation by
tation and expansion. For instance, Greenfield and Kanzi (Savage-Rumbaugh II) with a methodology
Savage-Rumbaugh (1993) showed that, similar to that, in contrast to that of Hauser, Chomsky and
children, two chimpanzees and two bonobos in the Fitch, discussed later, looks to integrate separate sec-
Savage-Rumbaugh I and II projects used imitation tions of the language act, rather than break language
in a communicative fashion. Examples include the apart into sections (semantics vs. syntax, for exam-
apes frequently using imitation as affirmation (Do ple). They suggest that Kanzi negotiates functional
you want X? and the ape responds “X”), choosing conversational mechanisms during discourse with
among alternatives (Do you want apples, oranges, his caregivers. Similarly, Lyn, Franks, and Savage-
or grapes? “GRAPES”), or expressing excitement Rumbaugh (2008) suggested that, particularly dur-
(Do you want to go to the playyard? “PLAYYARD ing acquisition, the meaning of good and bad were
PLAYYARD”). These apes also elaborated on care- negotiated (co-constructed) by Kanzi, Panbanisha,
giver productions (ex: caregiver: “QUESTION GO and Panpanzee through discourse mechanisms (e.g.,
SINK-ROOM FOOD” (meaning—Should we go Panbanisha stops in the middle of doing some tri-
to the sink-room to get food?)—Sherman responds: als on her computer, she looks at her caregiver and
“GO M&M” (expanding on the caregiver’s sug- points to MONSTER GOOD on the keyboard.
gestion to GO by indicating what they should go Her caregiver responds that she thinks monsters are
get). These findings suggest that although imitative BAD, Panbanisha then turns back to her computer
utterances may occur more often in apes than in and continues with her trials). Langs, Badalamenti,
children (although see Tennie, Greve, Gretscher, & & Savage-Rumbaugh (1996) also analyzed Kanzi’s
Call, [2010] for contradictory findings for physical conversations and concluded that wait times
imitation), they are used communicatively and in between words and increasing complexity of words
similar pragmatic situations to the way children use followed mathematical models derived from human
language. speech. All these findings suggest that the apes are
However, in a more recent study, Lyn, Greenfield, not simply using signs as a simple operant behav-
Savage-Rumbaugh, Gillespe-Lynch, and Hopkins ior to gain a reward; rather, they utilize conversa-
(2011) also found the opposite pattern when spe- tional mechanism to interact with their human
cifically exploring declarative utterances. Children experimenters.
at the one-word communicative stage made more Another aspect of communicative mechanisms
utterances that were imitations than did the apes. was explored by Bodamer and Gardner (2002).
Moreover, the children made more declarative He studied the methods used by Washoe and three
utterances that were part of an ongoing conversa- other sign-using chimpanzees in the Gardner/Fouts
tion (a direct response to the caregiver) than did the studies to gain the attention of a human experi-
apes. Further exploration of this finding (Gillespie- menter. He found that the signing chimpanzees,

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when trying to engage a human who was sitting remembered the novel names and associated them
with his back turned, would either make attention- with the novel item, and they did. A similar test was
getting sounds or signs that made noise. These reported with Kanzi and Panbanisha in 2000 (Lyn
same chimpanzees rarely vocalized once the human & Savage-Rumbaugh, 2000); fast mapping has also
had turned to face them, but rather signed at the been reported in dogs (Kaminski, Call, & Fischer,
human 98 percent of the time. These findings sug- 2004). For the apes, the novel item and word were
gest that these chimpanzees do understand the introduced in an interaction between caretakers,
communicative function of the signs (as a method performed outside their enclosure. Three novel
of requesting something), but also that they under- item-word pairs were introduced at the same time,
stand the attentional mechanisms of successful then the novel items were included in an array of
communication. 10 items that were double-blind tested. Both Kanzi
Initial imitation that gives way to spontaneous and Panbanisha performed well-above chance on
production is a normal part of the stages of language these trials, in some cases, learning the novel word
acquisition in human children. However, this kind with only one trial. However, it seems more likely
of imitation has been difficult to report in early ape that standard learning mechanisms can account for
language studies due to their training methodology. many of the fast-mapping findings, both in apes
The Gardners, Patterson, and Terrace all used the and in children.
molding strategy, in which they modeled the sign,
then molded the apes’ hands into the sign, then Future Directions
rewarded the ape (R. A. Gardner & Gardner, 1969; As can be seen from the foregoing discussions,
Patterson, 1978; Terrace, et al., 1979). In this case, ALR research continues to break new ground and
the experimenters are actually rewarding imita- delineate what language abilities are found in our
tion, and any spontaneous acquisitional imitation closest ancestors. However, in recent years, research-
would be hard to tease out. Similarly, Premack and ers have also begun to explore language abilities in
Rumbaugh used operant conditioning to train their nonhumans using different methodologies and ask-
subjects and spontaneous imitation would be dif- ing different questions.
ficult to report (Premack, 1971; Rumbaugh, et al.,
1973). However, researchers that did find sponta- Finite-State vs. Recursive
neous acquisition also reported spontaneous imita- Combinatorial Rules
tion in the earliest stages of acquisition (Brakke & In 2002, Hauser, Chomsky, and Fitch suggested
Savage-Rumbaugh, 1996; Savage-Rumbaugh, et al., a new framework from which to study the evolution
1986). of language. They suggested that we split the mono-
A second tendency found in language acquisition lithic idea of “language” into component parts, with
in human children is for babbling. Children begin the goal of creating falsifiable, testable hypotheses
to babble (repeatedly produce nonsense words) prior (Hauser, Chomsky, & Fitch, 2002). They suggested,
to uttering many fully formed words. Similarly, deaf in particular, two component parts. The faculty of
children acquiring sign language babble with arm language, broad (FLB) would include all the abili-
movements. Babbling has been reported by the ties and specializations that go into language. This
Gardners, with their signing chimpanzees, and by would include abilities that were not specifically
Savage-Rumbaugh with the lexigram-using bono- human (voluntary vocalization) and were not spe-
bos and chimpanzees (Brakke & Savage-Rumbaugh, cific to language (imitation). The second compo-
1996; R. A. Gardner & Gardner, 1969; Savage- nent, the faculty of language, narrow (FLN) would
Rumbaugh, et al., 1986). include only those elements that were specific to
Another acquisition strategy in children is fast humans and specific to language. What would
mapping, which is the ability that children have occupy the FLN has yet to be determined, say the
to rapidly form associations with novel words and authors, and, indeed, it may be empty and it is only
their referents. It was initially argued that this abil- the combination of elements of the FLB that make
ity must be some inborn capability that is language- human language possible. Thus components of the
specific and not found in any other species. Early FLN could be the subject of falsifiable comparative
fast-mapping work exposed children to novel items tests, for, should another species have the capabil-
without names and then requested the children to ity for a specific language component, then that
“get X” where X was a novel name. The children component would no longer be a candidate for the
were tested later (up to two days later) to see if they FLN. Comparative research, then, is still completely

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relevant to the study of language and language ori- However, these calls were deemed less than sym-
gins. Indeed, comparative studies are the only way bolic for many reasons, not least of which is that the
to ask one question about candidate members of the monkeys do not consider their audiences reaction
FLN: Is it unique to humans? (e.g., Fitch, 2005). to the call; they will continue to call long after all of
One possibility for inclusion in the FLN, say the group has reacted and is out of danger (Cheney
Hauser, Chomsky, and Fitch (Hauser, et al., 2002) & Seyfarth, 1990). However, work continues with
is the ability to decode recursion, that is, sequences other monkeys, and it has been shown that monkeys
embedded within sequences. Recursion, they say, is learn alarm calls of other species and react appropri-
necessary for human language and syntax (although ately to them and also may combine calls function-
see Evans & Levinson, 2009) and may be unique to ally (Arnold & Zuberbuhler, 2006; Zuberbuhler,
humans. In ALR, the only examination of recursive 2001, 2002, chapter 17 of this volume).
structure came in the monograph from the Savage- Additional work on great apes in the wild
Rumbaugh II project in which Kanzi showed has shown clear audience effects (Slocombe &
comprehension of English sentences (Savage- Zuberbuhler, 2007) and possibly functional call
Rumbaugh, et al., 1993). In these tests, Kanzi actu- systems (Slocombe & Zuberbuhler, 2005, 2006).
ally did better than a two-and-a-half-year-old child Audience effects are important because they provide
on a sentence structure that is frequently considered evidence for intentionality of calls. If an individual
recursive, namely, embedded phrases. An example can call when a conspecific is present and inhibit
of such a phrase that Kanzi got correct was Go get calling when no conspecifics are present, it argues
the orange that’s in the microwave. The phrase that’s that the call system is not linked to arousal in a way
in the microwave is frequently considered a recursive that causes a vocal reaction when an individual sees
structure where that replaces the noun phrase the a predator, but rather that an individual can moder-
orange, producing an embedded sentence within a ate its calls depending on the environment.
sentence Go get the orange [the orange is in the micro- The functionality of calls is a question of the spe-
wave]. Importantly, however, to support the claim cific referentiality of call types—that is, does a spe-
of recursion, this embedding should be able to have cific call type refer to a specific predator or food or
multiple levels. For example, Get the magazine [that’s even to a class of predators or food types. Some evi-
in the living room, [under the coffee table]], in which dence for referential call types has been seen in cap-
three sentences are embedded one within another. tive chimpanzees, where highly preferred food types
Without this ability to continue to embed sequences, elicited a different call than foods that were not as
the comprehension of simple embedded sentences, highly preferred; however, these findings could not
similar to those Kanzi could comprehend, can still be replicated in the wild (Slocombe & Zuberbuhler,
be explained without recursive structure (Calvin & 2006).
Bickerton, 2000; Wallman, 1992). All of these data, combined with data from ALR
studies suggest a powerful influence on the great
Artificial vs. Natural Communicative ape mind by a human socio-linguistic environment.
Systems Vygotsky (1962, 1978) suggested that a child’s cog-
Another question frequently asked of ALR is nitive and language abilities can be augmented by
whether the findings are truly meaningful if none of interaction with adults in their environment. This
these abilities are ever found in the wild. Chomsky “scaffolding,” he believed, is a major influence on
has ridiculed the notion that a species would have the development of thought and language in human
such a “highly advantageous” capability and yet never children. Similarly, it seems that human scaffolding
use it until a researcher taught them to (Gibbons, can bring great ape species to levels of ability not
1991). Although it is true that no fully symbolic seen without human interaction. Vygotsky (1978)
communication system has been found in wild apes, claimed that children could only be raised to levels
it is also true that continuing research shows that of ability that were within their “zone of proximal
nonhuman primate communication in the wild is development,” similarly, at minimum it seems that
much more complex than previously imagined. these referential and linguistic abilities are within
Functional call systems have been recognized the apes’ “zone of proximal capability” and are not
in monkeys for some time (Cheney & Seyfarth, absent in wild apes because of a missing biological
1990). That is, vervet monkeys have specific calls development, but rather because of a missing cul-
for specific types of predators (snake, jaguar, and tural development. Continued study of the abilities
eagle) and react differently to these different calls. of apes within ALR research will help to distinguish

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what is possible in our closest evolutionary ances- language (e.g., Corballis, 1992; Crow, 2004).
tors, given the correct environment. However, beginning in 1998, researchers showed
that apes’ brains, too, were lateralized in these same
The Question of Different Theories areas (Cantalupo & Hopkins, 2001; Gannon,
of Language Origins (Gestural vs. Holloway, Broadfield, & Braun, 1998).
Multimodal Systems) Additionally, handedness in communicative ges-
One “hot topic” in the study of evolution is the ture (but not in simple motoric movement) predicts
question of modality in early language. Did our the brain asymmetry found in the inferior frontal
ancestors start complex communications by produc- gyrus, an area inclusive of Broca’s area (Taglialatela,
ing vocalizations or gestures, or both? One major Cantalupo, & Hopkins, 2006). These findings
argument for gestural communication is that apes indicate that this brain area is used by the chim-
(our closest evolutionary relatives) seem to have lit- panzee for gestures, but only for those gestures that
tle control over their vocal apparatus; indeed, some are related to communication. Functional imaging
researchers have claimed that apes cannot control studies, too, have shown that the same areas that
their vocalizations at all (e.g., Lieberman, 1968). are used by humans for language are used by apes
This theory was supported by the failure of early for communicative signaling (Taglialatela, Russell,
ALR to teach apes to “speak”. The most success- Schaeffer, & Hopkins, 2006), indicating that critics
ful of these subjects only managed to produce four who dismiss animal communication as uninforma-
whispered vocalizations “mama,” “papa,” “cup,” tive to the pursuit of the evolution of language are
and “up,” and these, barely distinguishable (Hayes, incorrect. Neurobiological parallels are one of the
1951). In contrast, all of the sign-language-using most exciting areas for future language evolution
subjects produced many tens or hundreds of signs. research.
However, recent research has thrown doubt on
the claim that apes have no control over their vocal- Conclusions
izations. Kanzi seems to produce several sounds Because language, like other cognitive abilities,
not in the typical bonobo repertoire (Benson, et does not fossilize, the study of the evolution of lan-
al., 2004; Hopkins & Savage-Rumbaugh, 1991; guage must be conducted through circuitous routes.
Taglialatela, Savage-Rumbaugh, & Baker, 2003). ALR has consistently contributed to our knowledge
Additionally, both captive (Hopkins, Taglialatela, & of the evolution of language by indicating what
Leavens, 2007) and wild apes (Crockford & Boesch, is and is not possible for species other than our
2003; Notman & Rendall, 2005; Slocombe & own. Language is frequently touted as a “uniquely
Zuberbuhler, 2005) have been shown to vary their human” skill. However language, as such, is a mas-
vocalizations in certain contexts. sively complex set of skills, some of which may be
Apes have also been shown to vary their gestural uniquely human, but some of which, as evidenced
repertoire outside of ALR. Imperative pointing by the ALR research, are certainly not. By delineat-
(pointing to request something) is frequently seen ing those skills that are found outside humanity,
in apes in captive environments (Leavens, 2004; we narrow the search for the necessary biological
Leavens, Hopkins, & Bard, 1996; Poss, Kuhar, adaptation(s) our ancestors had to make on their
Stoinski, & Hopkins, 2006). Additional evidence journey toward human language. The communica-
suggests that apes have a complex and flexible ges- tive brain structure, communicative flexibility, and
tural repertoire (Pika, Liebal, & Tomasello, 2003, ability to adapt to a communicative environment
2005; Pollick & de Waal, 2007). All of this evidence all seem to have been part of the chimpanzee’s bio-
suggests that both the vocal and gestural modalities logical make-up, and, therefore, were likely found
are still candidates for the initial modality of lan- in our common ancestors. What, then, changed in
guage, and there is much to explore on these topics. the human line to produce such seemingly stunning
differences between human language users and ape
Neurological Parallels in Communication language users?
In the late 1990s another breakthrough in the Human and ape language users are clearly dis-
study of nonhuman language was on the horizon. tinct. Although apes are able to utilize gestures,
For many years, theorists had suggested that later- plastic chips, and keyboards as symbols, the most
alization in the brain areas associated with language generous description of their productive vocabular-
(namely Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas) was the adap- ies tops out at 500 or so. By the time humans grad-
tation that heralded the development of human uate high school, vocabulary estimates are usually

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around 50,000. Although apes may be able to are questions that cannot be addressed in humans,
understand some word-ordering rules at the level of because it is unlikely that we will ever be able to
a two-and-a-half-year-old child, by the time a child rear human children in the kind of varying environ-
is four, they can understand much more complex ments required to answer the questions, but these
sentences than can be tested with a chimpanzee. questions can be addressed with ALR.
Chimpanzees seem to order their own sequences In addition, many of the questions raised in the
according to semantic categories, but again, four- ALR studies are now being explored with different
year-old children use complex syntax that no ape methodologies. Wild studies, captive experiments
has yet been shown to master. Are these biological with non-language-competent animals, and, in
differences? Are they an indication of missing cog- particular, studies of the neurobiological parallels
nitive functions that allow humans to utilize their in apes and humans can give us much information
communicative skills in a new and more complex about how primates utilize communication without
fashion? Are they indications of environmental sup- human interference. However, given that human
port still untested in apes? social interaction has shown to be crucial in the sup-
Environment has been shown to be the stron- port of some language abilities, ALR is necessary to
gest modifier of communicative capability in apes. any future studies that hope to find the biological
For example, although apes in the wild have shown distinction between man and ape.
some communicative flexibility, far more flex-
ibility is seen in apes in captivity. Although some Acknowledgements
have suggested that the physical environment Funding for the development of this chapter was provided by
may contribute to this communicative flexibility NIH grants HD-56232 and HD-38105 to William D. Hopkins
(Slocombe & Zuberbuhler, 2006), it is more likely at Agnes Scott College.
the socio-communicative aspect of interacting with
humans that supports or—in the terminology of References
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the uniquiness of human language. New Haven and London:
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could move to a higher developmental zone—their Arnold, K., & Zuberbuhler, K. (2006). Language evolution:
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