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The most forgiving human

At an unimaginable and fantastic world, three beings are wondering and the same time they are
looking through a window.

-Why do they act that way? – said one of the beings to the others, and both responded at time:

-Because they are humans.

The second one said “there are something that I appreciate them, their ability to forgive each
another”. But the first one commented -If they were not as they are, they will not need to forgive
any. Look how they make pain, hurt or how they steal and kill, they do not love them, they only
attack. It is not possible to conceive forgiveness in a land where there is so much evil and

Then the third being who had not given its opinion said:

Humans can forgive, no matter how strong their pain has been, their nature is as good as bad, but,
if in their intention is forgive, they will do.

In addition, this entity added:

Many of them say that it is not possible to forgive a murderer, but they only make this opinion
from their comfort, from a selective point of view, since for a police that kills the "bad guys", there
is nothing to forgive according to them, but someone who kills to steal, they wish death. However,
there are those who really forgive the murderer regardless of what motivated this action.
Forgiveness is born together with man.

At that moment through the window, as on a screen, a birth was seen, the birth of the most
forgiving person that ever lived. She was born with a mark on her face that made her unique.

The three beings carefully watched the moment the baby grew up and suffered daily abuse from
his father, but his mother loved him so much that she always comforted him. Day by day, the boy,
despite the way his father treated him, saw him again with eyes of love and forgiveness on his

They kept looking at the beings and the boy became a teenager, he lived very hard moments in his
life, rejections from his classmates, discrimination, teasing and sometimes beatings, but the boy
continued with the mark of forgiveness on his face . what he did, it was as if he forgot everything
and looked at his attacker with a smile.

Thus, in the same way kept going the story of that human observed through the window, beyond
the fact that beings felt sad for him, they were impressed with his capacity for forgiveness, but
one of them said:

He forgives for his condition, one more chromosome makes him different from every human.

No, said the second being, it is not his chromosome that makes him forgive, when he grew up, he
did not lose what they are all born with, the ability to forgive.
In this way it was as the three beings of the unimaginable and fantastic world saw through their
window the life of the most forgiving human in the world.

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