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Journal of Neuroscience Research 47:90–97 (1997)

Cytotoxic Effects of Repin, a Principal

Sesquiterpene Lactone of Russian Knapweed
M. Robles, N. Wang, R. Kim, and B.H. Choi*
Division of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology, University of California, Irvine

Repin is the principal sesquiterpene lactone isolated al., 1995; Rodriguez et al., 1976). Early interest in SQLs
from Russian knapweed (Centaurea repens), a peren- stems from the use of many of the Asteracea in folk
nial weed found in many parts of the United States. medicine as herbal remedies (Heptinstall et al., 1992).
Ingestion of Centaurea repens by horses has been More recently, investigators have identified a number of
reported to cause a movement disorder simulating plants consumed by chimpanzees that appeared to be
Parkinson’s disease (PD) and nigrostriatal degenera- used for their medicinal properties (Nishida, 1990; Rod-
tion, called equine nigrostriatal encephalomalacia riguez and Wrangham, 1993; Wrangham et al., 1991).
(ENE). To understand the mechanisms whereby inges- Most of these plants contain significant quantities of
tion of Centaurea repens induces ENE and a PD-like SQLs. The cytotoxic properties of SQLs have also
disorder, repin cytotoxicity was examined to explore attracted considerable attention, not only because of their
its pathogenetic relationship to ENE and to PD. Repin potential toxicity to grazing animals, but also because of
was highly cytotoxic to both PC12 cells and mouse their potential use as chemotherapeutic agents (Dollahite
astrocytes in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The et al., 1964; Kupchan et al., 1969; Rodriguez et al., 1976;
cytotoxic effects were accompanied by depletion of Ruffner and Weidner, 1977).
glutathione (GSH), a rise in the level of reactive Repin is the most abundant SQL in Russian knap-
oxygen species (ROS) and damage to cellular mem- weed (Centaurea repens), a perennial weed that is rapidly
branes. Although repin is a highly reactive electro- taking over pastures in many parts of the United States
phile that can readily conjugate GSH, GSH depletion due to its capacity to withstand harsh environmental
may not be the sole mechanism underlying repin conditions. Chronic ingestion of large amounts of Centau-
cytotoxicity as shown by our study using buthionine rea repens by horses has been reported to cause equine
sulfoximine, in which severe GSH depletion did not nigrostriatal encephalomalacia (ENE), characterized by
result in a parallel increase in cell death. However, degeneration and necrosis of the substantia nigra and
pre-treatment with GSH-glycoside or with lipoic acid corpus striatum and by signs and symptoms similar to
provided significant protection from repin-induced those of Parkinson’s disease (PD) (Cordy, 1954, 1978;
cell death. These data suggest that oxidative stress Fowler, 1965; Young et al., 1970). An almost identical
plays a major role in repin cytotoxicity. Since oxida- disorder develops in horses after ingestion of a related
tive stress is considered to play a major role in weed called yellow star thistle (Mettler and Stern, 1963).
neuronal degeneration accompanied by depletion of The biologically active ingredient common to both of
mitochondrial GSH and an increase in lipid peroxides these plants is SQL. The functional group in repin is
in the substantia nigra of PD, further elucidation of represented by an a-methylenebutyrolactone moiety (Fig.
mechanisms of repin neurotoxicity may generate clues 1) that can readily undergo conjugation with various
regarding not only the mechanisms of neuronal degen- biological nucleophiles such as DNA, proteins and gluta-
eration but also the possible role of environmental thione (GSH).
factors in the pathogenesis of PD. J. Neurosci. Res.
47:90–97, 1997. r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Key words: repin; GSH; oxidative stress; Parkinson’s Sponsored by NIEHS, grant number ES 02928.
disease Presented in parts at American Association of Neuropathologists, San
Antonio, Texas, June 1995, and Society of Toxicology, Anaheim,
California, March 1996.
*Correspondence to: B.H. Choi, Department of Pathology, Room D
INTRODUCTION 440, Medical Sciences I, College of Medicine, University of California,
Sesquiterpene lactones (SQLs) are a large group of Irvine, CA 92697–4800.
biologically active plant constituents that possess diverse Received 16 July 1996; Revised 15 August 1996; Accepted 15
pharmacological and toxicological properties (Robles et September 1996.

r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Repin Toxicity In Vitro 91

75 cm2 tissue culture flasks in RPMI 1640 medium

supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 5% horse
serum, 50 units/ml penicillin and 100 mg of streptomycin
under 5% CO2 at 37°C. The cell number averaged
approximately 105 per ml. PC12 cells were grown for 7
days prior to experimental use.
Mouse astrocytes were cultured from the forebrains
of C57BL/6J mice at postnatal day 1 by a method
modified from McCarthy and de Vellis (1980). Briefly,
cerebral cortical tissues were finely minced after remov-
ing the meninges, suspended in 0.1% trypsin-EDTA
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of repin. Note the presence of buffer with trituration and placed into an incubator for 10
exocyclic double bonds (empty arrow) and epoxides (arrows). min at 37°C. Following incubation, the cell suspensions
were further triturated, centrifuged and plated onto poly-
Although it is likely that PD is multifactorial in L-lysine-coated T-flasks in complete culture media, which
origin, encompassing the combined effects of genetic and consisted of Dulbecco’s minimum essential medium
environmental factors and age, the search for environmen- supplemented by 10% fetal calf serum, 1% 200 mM
tal neurotoxins that may cause or contribute to the glutamine, 75 µg penicillin-streptomycin/ml and 0.5%
development of PD continues, fueled by the 1-methyl-4- glucose. Seven days after establishment of the primary
phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) experience culture, the T flasks were shaken on a rotary shaker to
(Langston et al., 1983, 1987). detach oligodendrocytes (OC). Three days after the
The precise mechanism by which ingestion of removal of OC, astrocytes were dissociated from the
Centaurea repens induces a movement disorder in horses original flasks and plated onto T-flasks. After 3 days in
simulating PD remains unclear, but the observation that culture, the cells were treated with 40 µM cytosine
exposure to a natural product in our environment can lead arabinoside for 24 hr. Cultures were then fed with
to a movement disorder associated with degeneration of complete culture media and grown for an additional 5
nigrostriatal pathways is intriguing. The purpose of this days before use.
study was to elucidate the mechanisms of repin cytotoxic-
ity and to explore its pathogenetic relationship to ENE
and to PD. Cytotoxicity Assay
Both PC12 cells and mouse astrocytes dissociated
MATERIALS AND METHODS using trypsin-EDTA in calcium- and magnesium-free
Isolation of Repin phosphate-buffered saline were suspended into T-flasks
(105 cells/ml) in complete culture media and slowly
Repin was isolated by the method of Robles (1995).
shaken on a rotary shaker at approximately 60 rpm. The
Briefly, the aerial parts of Centaurea repens (250 g) were
cell survival rate was determined by the dye exclusion
extracted twice with 2.0 L of chloroform, filtered and
test, using 0.4% trypan blue in 0.9% NaCl solution and
concentrated in a rotatory evaporator. The crude extract
counting in a hemocytometer. Cell survival rates at
was then dissolved in methanol, cooled to 4°C for 20 min
various repin concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 20 µM
and filtered to remove waxes and other non-polar sub-
for 3 hr were measured in triplicate samples obtained
stances. This extract was placed onto a Sephadex LH-20
from at least three flasks for each repin concentration, and
gel and eluted with methanol. Fractions were collected
the approximate EC50 (effective concentration to induce
and combined according to their respective thin-layer
50% cell death) determined.
chromatography (TLC) Rf values in a 7:3 chloroform-
To examine the effects of repin on GSH, both PC12
methanol solvent system. Further purification was
cells and mouse astrocytes were exposed to 10 and 20 µM
achieved using silica gel column chromatography with an
repin and the level of GSH determined at 1, 2 and 3 hr. To
eluting gradient of chloroform to 1% methanol. Prepara-
study further the relationship between GSH and cytotox-
tory TLC was used for final purification with a 6:4
icity, PC12 cells were preincubated with 1.0 mM buthio-
chloroform-acetone solvent. Dimethylsulfoxide was used
nine sulfoximine (BSO) (a specific inhibitor of glutamyl-
to dissolve repin for experimental use.
cysteinyl synthetase), 1.0 mM lipoic acid (a powerful
antioxidant) or 1.0 mM GSH-glycoside (GSH-glyc) [a
Cell Cultures compound newly synthesized in our laboratory that
PC12 cells, obtained from the American Type permits the cellular uptake of GSH (Choi et al., 1996)]
Culture Collection (Rockville, MD), were maintained in prior to repin (20 µM) exposure. The rate of cell death and
92 Robles et al.

TABLE I. Experimental Groups oxidized to fluorescent 82,87-dichlorofluorescein (DCF)

No. of Pre-incubation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (Bondy et al.,
Group flasks (8 hr) Exposure (3 hr) 1992). Superoxide may also dismutate to hydrogen
I 3 Control medium — peroxide, thus contributing to the total DCF fluorescence.
II 3 Control medium Repin Initial fluorescence was recorded after loading cells with
III 3 BSO — DCFH-DA. Fluorescence was then recorded after the
IV 3 BSO Control medium addition of repin in concentrations ranging from 10 to 80
V 3 BSO Repin µM. PC12 cells were also exposed to 10 and 20 µM repin,
VI 3 Lipoic acid Repin
VII 3 GSH-glyc Repin and ROS production was determined every 5 min for 1 hr.
In addition, the cells were incubated in 1.0 mM lipoic
1.0 mM of each of BSO, lipoic acid, or GSH-glyc was used for
acid or 1.0 mM BSO for 18 hr prior to repin exposure, and
preincubation for 8 hr. Repin exposure (20 µM) was for 3 hr. BSO,
buthionine sulfoximine; GSH-glyc, GSH-glycoside. the formation of ROS was determined 15 min after repin
exposure. The formation of DCF was monitored at an
excitation wavelength of 488 nm and an emission wave-
length of 525 nm, using a spectrophotofluorometer. The
the GSH levels were determined in different experimental cuvette holder was thermostatically maintained at 37°C.
groups, as shown in the Table I. DCF formation was quantified from a standard curve
using Locke’s buffer (0.05–0.1 µM).
Morphological Assessment
Both control and repin-exposed PC12 cells were Statistical Analyses
fixed on coverslips in 10% formalin and stained with Differences between groups were assessed by the
hematoxylin and eosin. In addition, PC12 cells on cover two-tailed, unpaired Student’s t test throughout this study.
slips were fixed in Karnovsky’s fluid and processed for The data are expressed as value 6 standard error of the
examination by both scanning (Philips EM 500) and mean. The acceptance level of significance was P , 0.05.
transmission (Philips EM 400) electron microscopy.


Total GSH was determined using the Tietze method Repin was found to be highly cytotoxic to both
(1969). Briefly, samples of cell homogenates were mixed PC12 cells and mouse astrocytes in a dose-dependent
with GSH reductase (100 IU/mg) in the presence of 200 manner (Fig. 2). EC50 in PC12 cells and astrocytes were
µM reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotide and Ellman’s determined to be approximately 14 µM and 6.2 µM,
reagent. Measurements of absorbance changes at 412 and respectively. Significant depletion of GSH was already
340 nm were made for 3 min using a Gilford spectropho- apparent 1 hr after exposure to 10 or 20 µM repin and
tometer. All reactions were carried out at 25°C. Total declined progressively during the subsequent 2 hr in both
GSH concentrations were expressed as mM/g of protein. cell types (Fig. 3). Non-enzymatic complex formation
Protein content was measured by the method of Lowry et between repin and GSH in vitro was extremely rapid in a
al. (1951). 1:1 molar ratio at both room temperature and at 2°C.
As shown in Figure 4, 3-hr exposure to repin led to
an increase in cell death rate to 27% (control:14%) and to
Repin-GSH Complex Formation a moderately severe (28% of control) depletion of GSH.
Repin was reacted nonenzymatically with GSH in BSO also induced severe (22% of control) depletion of
various molar ratios (1:0.5, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4) in test tubes. GSH, but the cell death rate did not increase in a parallel
Following the reaction (in min), assays for free GSH were fashion, remaining at approximately 18% (control:14%).
carried out over time using Ellman’s reagent. Because of When BSO was washed and replaced with complete
the rapidity of the reaction the experiments were carried control medium the cell death rate improved significantly
out both at room temperature and at 2°C. to 15%, but GSH remained low at 19% of the control
level. Incubation with both BSO and repin resulted in a
62% cell death rate with marked depletion of GSH to
Determination of ROS Generation 22% of control levels. Incubation with lipoic acid or
PC12 cells were incubated with 5 µM 82,87- GSH-glyc prior to repin exposure improved not only the
dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) for 15 min. A survival rate but also the GSH content (Fig. 4).
stable, non-fluorescent DCFH-DA molecule is hydro- The rate of ROS production in PC12 cells was
lyzed by intracellular esterases to DCFH, which is then significantly enhanced in a dose- and time-dependent
Repin Toxicity In Vitro 93

Fig. 3. A: GSH depletion in repin-exposed PC12 cells. The

cells were incubated with 10 or 20 µM repin at 37°C and the
GSH levels determined at 1, 2 and 3 hr. Each point represents
Fig. 2. A: Repin cytotoxicity in PC12 cells. The cells were the mean for three independent experiments (*P,0.05). Note
exposed to repin for 3 hr at 37°C. Each point represents the the dose- and time-dependent reduction of GSH. B: GSH
mean for three independent experiments (P 5 0.05). Note the depletion in repin-exposed mouse astrocytes. The cells were
dose-dependent decrease in the mean cell survival rate, with the incubated with 10 or 20 µM repin at 37°C and the GSH levels
EC50 being approximately 14 µM. B: Repin cytotoxicity in determined at 1, 2 and 3 hr. Each point represents the mean for
mouse astrocytes. The cells were exposed to repin for 3 hr at three independent experiments (*P , 0.05).
37°C. Each point represents the mean for three independent
experiments (P 5 0.05). Note higher vulnerability of astrocytes
to repin toxicity, the approximate EC50 being 6.2 µM. lipoic acid overnight prior to repin exposure, a 62%
reduction in ROS generation was observed. Conversely,
overnight incubation of BSO enhanced the generation of
manner following repin exposure (Fig. 5) at all concentra- ROS by 68% (Fig. 6).
tions. The highest level of DCF fluorescence was ob- Figure 7A depicts the typical light microscopic
served at 15 min. With extended exposure to 10 to 20 µM appearance of PC12 cells with their long extended
repin, the rate of ROS generation began to decline processes, moderate amounts of cytoplasm and ruffling of
gradually at about 40 min, and enhancement of ROS the surface membrane. The nucleus was often eccentric
generation was no longer apparent by 60 min (data not and showed an intact nuclear membrane with finely
shown). When cells were preincubated with 1.0 mM granular chromatin and a prominent nucleolus. Repin
94 Robles et al.

Fig. 4. GSH levels and cell death rate in repin-exposed PC12 tion. When cells were exposed to BSO for 8 hr and then
cells. The cells were preincubated for 8 hr with either control replaced with control culture medium, cell survival improved to
culture medium (Con), BSO, lipoic acid (Lip) or GSH-glyc normal, but GSH reduction was still highly significant. Lipoic
(GSH-glyc) followed by 3 hr of exposure to repin (Rep) or acid preincubation improved cell survival and GSH concentra-
control culture medium (Con). Note the significant increase in tions. GSH-glyc preincubation improved the cell survival and
cell death rate (*P , 0.05) associated with a marked reduction greatly increased the GSH content of cells, even in the presence
in GSH levels (**P , 0.05) following repin exposure. BSO of repin.
preincubation enhanced cell death rate as well as GSH deple-

Fig. 6. Effects of BSO and lipoic acid (Lip) on repin-induced

ROS generation. PC12 cells were incubated in BSO or lipoic
acid for 18 hr and then exposed to repin. DCF fluorescence was
Fig. 5. ROS formation in repin-exposed PC12 cells. Note the determined 15 min after repin exposure. Repin exposure
dose- and time-dependent rise in the rate of ROS production. enhanced DCF fluorescence in PC 12 cells significantly (*) as
The highest level of DCF fluorescence was noted at 15 min. compared to that of control. Although BSO or lipoic acid alone
did not cause an increase in ROS generation, a marked
enhancement of ROS generation was observed when BSO
preincubation was followed by repin exposure. Preincubation in
exposure caused immediate retraction of the processes, lipoic acid, on the other hand, significantly reduced ROS
rounding and vacuolization of the cytoplasm, loss of generation in the presence of repin. *P , 0.05.
surface ruffling and nuclear pyknosis (Fig. 7B).
Scanning EM of control PC12 cells showed the cell
surface to be studded with numerous microvilli (Fig. 8A), presence of what appeared to be a punched hole in the cell
whereas repin-exposed PC12 cells demonstrated smooth- membrane of each repin-exposed cell (Fig. 8B). Transmis-
ing of the cell surface with almost complete loss of sion EM of control PC12 cells showed intact cytoplasmic
microvilli (Fig. 8B). An interesting phenomenon was the organelles and surface membranes, well preserved nuclear
Repin Toxicity In Vitro 95

Fig. 7. Photomicrographs of control (A) and repin-exposed (B)

PC12 cells. Note the long extended processes (arrows) of
normal PC12 cells containing an eccentric nucleus with a
nucleolus (thick arrow) and ruffling of the surface membrane
(small arrows). Repin-exposed cells show complete withdrawal
of processes with smoothing of the cell surface (arrows) and
loss of ruffling. Note also pyknosis of nuclei (thick arrow) and
vacuolization of the cytoplasm. H&E 3 560.

membranes and prominent nucleoli (Fig. 9A), whereas

repin-exposed cells showed rupture of both cytoplasmic
and nuclear membranes, dilatation of the endoplasmic
reticulum, swelling of mitochondria and loss of mitochon-
drial cristae (Fig. 9B).

Repin, a novel compound isolated and purified from
a plant commonly found in our environment, is demon-
strated to be highly cytotoxic to both PC12 cells and
mouse astrocytes. Marked depletion of cellular GSH is a
prominent feature associated with repin cytotoxicity. Fig. 8. Scanning EM of control (A) and repin-exposed (B) PC
Since repin contains an a-methylenebutyrolactone moi- 12 cells. Note control cell surface studded with numerous
ety, a Michael-type addition with GSH could readily have microvilli (arrowhead). Repin-exposed cells show almost com-
taken place, as shown by others (Rodriguez et al., 1976) plete loss of surface microvilli and smoothing of the cell surface
and by us, with very rapid non-enzymatic 1:1 complex (arrow). Note also the presence of what appears to be a punched
formation between repin and GSH in vitro. Because the hole in the cell membrane (arrowheads).
GSH redox cycle represents one of the principal endog-
enous protective systems against toxic chemicals and the
oxidative products of normal cellular metabolism, GSH nuclear and mitochondrial membranes. The extended
depletion probably plays a significant role in repin cytoplasmic processes of PC12 cells immediately became
cytotoxicity. On the other hand, as evidenced by experi- withdrawn, with loss of surface ruffling, vacuolization of
ments using BSO, simple depletion of GSH may not have the cytoplasm and pyknosis of nuclei. Rupture of both
been the sole mechanism. Nevertheless, once depleted of cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes was prominent. An
protective GSH, susceptibility to secondary insults by the apparent improvement in the cell survival rate following
other toxic actions of repin would have been greatly preincubation with lipoic acid further suggests that lipid
enhanced. For example, the epoxide moieties in the repin peroxidation may be of importance in the development of
molecule may open under certain conditions to induce an injury. Lipid peroxidation may have been caused by ROS,
additional series of oxidative events. since repin exposure induced a significant rise in the
As shown by both light and EM, toxic actions of generation of ROS in a dose- and time-dependent manner.
repin appear to be exerted predominantly on cytoplasmic, Furthermore, overnight pre-incubation of 1.0 mM lipoic
96 Robles et al.

levels (suggestive of modification of striatal dopamine

metabolism) within hours of repin exposure (Robles and
Choi, 1995), indicate that repin can induce selective
biochemical alterations in striatal dopaminergic path-
ways. It appears, therefore, that repin toxicity may have
played a significant role in the pathogenesis of the
PD-like movement disorder that followed chronic inges-
tion of Russian knapweed in horses.
The concept that oxidative stress plays a major role
in the degeneration of nigral neurons in PD is supported
by reports showing depletion of mitochondrial GSH
in the substantia nigra and an increase in nigral iron
and lipid peroxides, findings that correlate with the
severity of illness (Jenner, 1991; Riederer et al., 1989).
The sudden onset of a parkinsonian syndrome following
intoxication with MPTP is believed to be mediated
by oxidized 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP1)
via unstable 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydropyridine
(MPDP) by monoamine oxidase B in astrocytes (Castag-
noli et al., 1985; Langston et al., 1984). MPP1 is then
taken up specifically by dopaminergic neurons and accu-
mulates within mitochondria, disturbing the electron
transport chain (ETC) and leading to depletion of energy
stores and to formation of free radicals (Langston et al.,
1983, 1987; Singer et al., 1987; Sinha et al., 1986; Vyas et
al., 1986).
Based on our observations, oxidative stress in repin
neurotoxicity appears to result not only from GSH
depletion but also from excessive generation of ROS.
Possible mechanisms of ROS formation in repin toxicity
include the direct action of repin on mitochondrial
respiratory system, oxidative events created by instability
of epoxides in the parent repin molecule and possible
Fig. 9. Transmission EM of control (A) and repin-exposed (B) effects of methacrylate side chain of the repin molecule.
PC12 cells. Control cells show well-defined nuclei with clear Mitochondrial ETC has been shown to be a common
nuclear membranes (thick arrows) and prominent nucleoli. The target for epoxides and their phenol derivatives (Naka-
organelles are distributed evenly within the cytoplasm and the
gawa et al., 1993), and toxic effects of methyl methacry-
cell membranes (arrow) are intact. Small arrows point to
microvilli on the cell surface. Repin-exposed cells show rupture late, an analog of methacrylic acid, are thought to be
of cell (arrows) and nuclear membranes (short arrows), with mediated through disturbances in mitochondrial ETC
partial extrusion of nuclear material. The endoplasmic reticu- (Bereznowski, 1994). Since the acute cytotoxic effects of
lum shows marked dilatation (empty arrows) and swelling of repin appear to be exerted through oxidative stress in
mitochondria, with loss of cristae (thick arrow). vitro, and since repin appears to induce oxidative stress
on the striatal dopaminergic pathways in vivo (Robles
acid or GSH-glyc alleviated ROS production, whereas and Choi, 1995), we propose that repin toxicity could be
incubation with BSO prior to repin exposure greatly used as a model for studying the pathogenesis of PD.
enhanced the rate of ROS generation. These data suggest Repin is a purified compound, extracted from a common
that oxidative stress plays a major role in repin-induced plant in our environment, that is capable of inducing a
cytotoxicity. PD-like disease in horses; therefore, studies of the
Our previous findings, in C57BL/6J mice, of signifi- mechanisms of repin neurotoxicity may generate further
cant GSH depletion in the striatum as compared to other clues regarding not only the mechanisms of neuronal
regions of the brain, with an increase in thiobarbiturate degeneration but also the possible role of environmental
reactive substances (TBARS) and in striatal dopamine factors in the pathogenesis of PD.
Repin Toxicity In Vitro 97

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