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Amimal guides or Totems are and are not a part of the Wiccan or Witchcraft
Traditions. I am not trying to be confusing here, some Witches work with them and
some don't. Personally I feel that those who do not are truly missing out on a
wonderful experience and not meeting their full potential. Most commonly they are
deeply ingrained in the history of Native Americans, Shamans and other tribal
organizations and traditions, but developing a close relationship with such energy is
also of benefit to the Witch.

Remember the old adages: clever as a fox, strong as an ox, etc.? Perhaps you need
camouflage -- then ask Brother Fox for assistance. If you seek wisdom, ask the
Eagle. The Lynx knows the art of keeping secrets and the Swan guides one into
dream time. The Panther is a good protective animal, though she does have a
sarcastic, laid back nature.

Power animals can guide and protect you in the spirit world and in your dreams.
They can also assist you in the waking state as well. Perhaps you are trying to learn
something and are having difficulty understanding. Ask wolf for assistance; she is
the great teacher.

Animal guides are not limited to mammals. The birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects
and mythological beasts can be just as helpful.

Children can be taught to work with animal guides and can have a great deal of
success with them.

The act of honoring an animal is not an act of worship. It is the acknowledgment of

their power and their being as brothers and sisters of the entire universe. It is a sign
of our gratitude for their help. The energy of the animals, birds and other creatures
that assist us should be honored. For too long, we have subjugated these creatures
who are our equals in the system of the Universe. Native Americans often leave
tobacco scattered on the ground as a gift. You could also burn incense in honor of
the animal. When honoring animal wisdom and energy, always leave a gift of some
sort. Remember to say "Thank you." For all the help they give us they deserve our
gratitude. One way of starting to discover your animal guides by examining the
animals you have been most interested in and the times of your life that interest was
piqued. Also examine the animals that have appeared in your dreams or in your
everyday life, especially the ones that have appeared over and over and at odd times.
The following questions quoted and appended from the book "Animal Speak" by
Ted Andrews can help you determine which animals might be guides in your life.

1. Has a specific creature or specific creatures, be it animal, bird, reptile,

amphibian, insect or mythological beast, always fascinated you? We are
drawn to that which most resonates with us. Those animals which fascinate
us, or the ones that we fear the most have something to teach us. Animal
guides are not always those that we have the most similarities with. Often
they are in our lives to help us learn what we are lacking.

2. When you visit the zoo, which animal do you wish to visit first? This is
especially true with children and this question is easy for them to answer
since they are often more receptive than teens or adults.

3. What animal or animals do you see most frequently when you are out in
nature? The animals we encounter in their city or wild environments have
significance for us. We can learn from them about survival within their
environment and often much more.

4. Of all the creatures, which are you most interested in now? Our interests in
animals change. Yes, we usually have one or two that are lifetime power
animals, but others become prominent in our lives when there is something
of importance to learn from them.
5. Do any animals frighten you? That which we fear is often something we must
learn to come to terms with. When we do that, the fears then become power.
Some Shamans believe that fears will take the shape of animals, and only
when we confront them without fear do their powers/medicine work for us
instead of against us. Such an animal then becomes a shadow totem.

6. Have you ever been attacked or badly wounded by an animal? Historically, if

a Shaman survived an attack, it was believed that the animal was the
Shaman's spirit totem and the attack was the totem's way of testing the
Shaman's ability to understand and handle its power.
7. Do you have dreams with animals in them or are there animal dreams you
have never forgotten? This is especially important if the dreams are
recurring or if a specific animal image keeps popping up in your dreams.
Children often dream of animals and attention should be given to these
animals. They will often reflect specific animal guides of the child or areas of
weakness where the parents can help in their child's growth.
Animals have meant different things to different people and cultures all through
time. When we talk about the meanings of an animal or its symbolism it is this body
of knowledge that we are talking about. However no definition will ever be truly
comprehensive. For instance if you asked ten people to picture a "ball" in thier
mind you would get at least ten different images, from a beach ball to a baseball,
from a medicine ball to a cotton ball. This is just an example of how diverse
something as simple as a "ball" can be as seen by different people. It is our personal
experiences that mold how we see animals just as it does how we see everything else.
A person who was bitten by a dog as a child may see them as viscious beasts while
someone else might see them as man's best friend.
When it comes right down to it it is what you believe an animal symbolizes that
matters most. Sit down and meditate about the animal. Think about when, where
and why it is appearing in your life. Look for a common thread. Learn about the
animal from books, online or just go out there and experience it in its own
environment if possible.
With that in mind this list was created to help you on your search for animal
symbolisms. It was drawn from many sources including my own experience. To
name a few, Animal magick by D.J. Conway, Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and
David Carson, Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards, and many wonderful individuals
that have donated thier personal experiences to this project, as well as countless
other books, hikes, animal companions and animal spirits. Many of the entries have
contradictions in them. This is because different cultures and time periods have
ascribed vastly different meanings to the same creatures. It is for this reason that
what the animal symbolizes to you is what should be most important to you over
anything that you read.
Each section contains the animals, insects and birds that are most commonly
associated with that area, although some are cross-listed if they clearly fit more than
one area.

Ant: Ants are industrious, community oriented, single minded builders. They
symbolize patience, self-sacrifice, planning, trust in the future, stamina, completion,
storing energy, work, thrift, forethought, virtue, and orderliness. They are connected to
Wang-ta Hsien, Demeter, and Ceres.

Bat: Bats symbolize rebirth, reincarnation, ritual death, initiation, confronting fear,
letting go of old habits, happiness, good luck, health, wealth, long life, peace,
unhappiness, unrest, chaos, incomplete understanding, avoiding obstacles,
transformation, and past lives. They are connected to Shou-Hsing and the Underworld.

Bear: Bears symbolize healing, divinity, invulnerability, spirit helper, protection,

introspection, truth, female receptive energy, prophesy, stamina, harmony, patience,
defense, revenge, transformation, intuition, answers from the Dreamworld,
benevolence, strength and bravery. They are connected to Artemis, Zeus, Callisto, Dea
Artia, Thor, Odhinn, Freya, and Norse lunar water goddesses.

Bobcat: See Lynx

Cat: Cats as protectors. They symbolize strength, cunning, agility, aloofness,
independence and seeing spirits. They are connected to Freya, Artemis, Diana, Liberty,
Shasti, Bast and Pasht.

Coyote: Coyotes are tricksters telling you not to be so serious! They symbolize
lessons about yourself, humor, whimsy, night, shape-shifting, opportunity, stealth,
creativity, opportunity and experience.

Deer: Deer symbolize gentleness, grace, swiftness, abundance, intuition,

introspection, alternative paths to a goal, messages from guides, love, safety, serenity,
sun, fertility and the warrior aspect (stag). They are connected to Artemis, Aphrodite,
Athene, Diana, Elaphaia, Dionysus, Apollo, Vayu, Lu-Hsing, Cernunnos, Cocidius
and Shou-Hsien.

Dog: Dogs are service-oriented protectors. They symbolize loyalty, friendship,

unconditional love, compassion, understanding, need for approval, tracking,
companionship, intuition and truth. They are connected to Gula, Belit-ili, Astarte,
Ashtoreth, Amenti, Cybelle, Artemis, Diana, Hecate, Celtice Mother Goddesses,
Arawn, Nodens, Hel, Odhinn, Saramam, moon goddesses, Quezalcoatl and Xolotl.

Fox: Foxes are tricksters. They symbolize camouflage, observation, adabtability,

cunning, family, travel, oneness, shape-shifting, slyness, wisdom and invisibility. They
are co nnected to Enki, Dionysus and Inari.

Frog/Toad: Frogs and toads symbolize feminine energy, fecundity, water, new life,
new beginnings, the mystery of creation, cleansing, refreshing, purifying, refilling,
clearing negativity, replenishment, positive energy, transformation, beginning a new
cycle, long life, good luck, changing luck, starting new projects and prosperity. They
are a Goddess symbol and are connected to the moon. They are connected to Heket,
Isis, Hathor, Ch'ing-Wa Sheng, Aphrodite, Sabazius and Ahriman.

Horse: Horses symbolize strength, the ability to work alone or in groups, speed,
stamina, endurance, faithfulness, friendship, cooperation, travel, overcoming
obstacles, loyalty, independence, cautiousness, unconditional support, selflessness,
freedom, power, balance, compassion and sharing. They are connected to Epona,
Kwannon, Anahita, Vesta, Apollo, Mithras, Surya, Odhinn, Freya, Rhiannon,
Leukippe, Waelsi and Volos.

Leopard: See Panther

Lion:Lions symbolize regality, calmness, family, strength, courage and relaxation.
They have a strong connection to the Sun and are connected with Ra, Osiris, Sekmet,
Apollo, Durga, and solar dieties in general.

Lizard: Lizards symbolize understanding what you dream of, wisdom, good fortune,
facing fears and confrontations, death and rebirth. They are connected to the
dreamworld, Hermes, Sarapis, Ahriman and Moko.

Lynx/Bobcat: Lynx is the knower of secrets. They symbolize honesty, open-

hearted, non-judgmental counsel, stealth, silence, clairvioyance of secrets of others,
suspicion and vigilence. They can help with psychic skills, specifically divination.

Mouse: Mice symbolize silence, stealth, foresight, scrutiny, attention to detail,

order, organization, shyness, inconspicuous, invisibility, stealth, trust, innocence,
initiative and discovery. Be careful because they can fail to see the big picture. They
are connected to Apollo and Zeus.

Panther/Leopard: Panthers and Leopards symbolize the unknown, stillness,

silence, stealth, night, healing, darkness, hidden truth, fearlessness, swiftness,
perserverance, beauty, cunning and strength. They teach you to not fear the future.
They are connected to Dionysus, Pan and Argus.

Praying Mantis: The praying mantis symbolizes strength, adaptability and ease of

Rabbit: Rabbits are tricksters, companions to witches and "gatekeepers" to the

night and to a different type of consciousness. Rabbits symbolize fertility, mystery, fear
of tragedy, long life, quick-thinking, strengthening intuition, illness and disaster. They
call your mental fears to you in real life. They teach you to stop "what if" thinking.
They are connected to Eostra, Holda, Andraste, Freya, Hermes, Aphrodite, Eros and

Raccoon: Raccons symbolize ingenuity, adaptabilty, generosity, caring for others,

benevolence, lack of greed, creativity, playfulness, curiosity, new ideas and new jobs or
schooling. They are protectors of those who cannot protect themselves.
Rat: Rats symbolize fertility, wealth, cunning, timidity, meanness, wisdom,
ingenuity, prudence and foresight. They are connected to Daikoku and Ganesha.

Scorpion: Scorpions symbolize revenge, returning negativity to those who send it

and dark magick. They are often thought of as a sign of evil. They are connected to
South and Sun, Ishtar, Nanna, Siduri Sabitu, Set, Selket, Isis, Dadophori and

Snake: Snakes symbolize knowledge, change, creation, wisdom, secrets, mystery,

reincarnation, immortality, sexuality, reproduction, the element of Fire, duality,
solar/lunar, good/evil, healing/poison, life/death/rebirth. They are an early symbol of
the Great Mother Goddesses. They are connected to Isis, Thoth, Apep, Hermes,
Sabazius, Bel, Ra, Ahriamn, Mithras, Kadi, Kadru, Akkadian Ninhursag, Atargatis,
Syria, Asclepias, Hygeia, Persephone, Apollo, Hera, Athene, Hecate, Gaea, Domovoj,
Shakti, Ananta, Susanoo, Uga-Jin, Nu Kua, Fu Xi, Brigit, Quetzalcoatl, Kulkulcan,
Coatlicue, Coyolxauhqui, Huitzilopochtli and Julungghul.

Spider: Spiders are weavers and tricksters. They symbolize fate, female energy,
creative energy, female energy, wisdom, creativity, new life, entanglement, caution,
divine inspiration, starting a project, becoming pregnant, being industrious, warning
signals, illusions. they can act as hazard ahead signposts. They are connected to Neith,
Ishtar, Atargatis, Athene, the Fates, the Norns, Holda, Inktomi, Kokyangwuti,
Tsitsicnako and Sussistanako.

Squirrel: Squirrels symbolize gathering, foresight, energy, eratic behavior, storing,

gossip, warning, change, discovery, truth, balance and harmony. They are messengers
of the Gods and mischief-makers. They warn you to be careful of useless hoarding and
teach you to take life lightly.

Tiger: Tigers are quick to act, subtle and inconcspicuous. They symbolize ferocity,
royalty, fearlessness, authority, the warrior aspect, a lack of procrastination and will-
power. They are connected to Duga, Shiva, Dionysus and Tsai Chen.

Toad: See Frog Turtle/Turtoise: Turtles and Tortoises symbolize longevity,

strength, endurance, wisdom, patience, knowledge of the defensive position, goddess
energy, grounding, shielding, treachery, perserverance and slowing down to enjoy life.
They are connected to the elements of earth(turtle and tortoise) and water(turtle) and
the moon. They are connected to Prajapati, P'an Ku, Pan, Aphrodite, Venu, Hermes
and Mercury.

Wolf: Wolves symbolize family, teaching, co-operation, insight, stealth, strength,

leadership, loyalty, freedom, individuality, psychic energy connected to the moon
(hidden wisdom), sharing knowledge and wisdom, cunning, hunting, seeking,
introspection, listening, magick, dreams, They are connection to the moon and to
Wepwawet, Zeus Lycaeus, Apollo, Ares, Mars, Silvanus, Cernunnos and Odhinn.

Dolphin/Porpoise: Dolphins and porpoises are guides to the Underworld and

messengers of the dreamworld and of progress. They symbolize joy, playfulness, lack
of inhibitions, power, swiftness, the sea, eloquence, magick (specifically water magick),
discovery, communication, truth, trust, balance, harmony, breathing, rythm, patterns
and relaxation. They are connected to Water and to Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, Apollo
Delphinos and sea dieties in general.

Fish: Fish symbolize love, fertility, victory over death, healing, prophesy,
abundance, wealth, harmony, regeneration, children, pregnancy and bringing love
into your life. They are connected to the Moon, to Water, Atargatis, Ishtar, Derceto,
Isis, Aphrodite, Freyja, Venus, Dagon, Poseidon and Kuan Yin.

Frog/Toad: Frogs and toads symbolize feminine energy, fecundity, water, new life,
new beginnings, the mystery of creation, cleansing, refreshing, purifying, refilling,
clearing negativity, replenishment, positive energy, transformation, beginning a new
cycle, long life, good luck, changing luck, starting new projects and prosperity. They
are a Goddess symbol and are connected to the Moon and Heket, Isis, Hathor, Ch'ing-
Wa Sheng, Aphrodite, Sabazius and Ahriman.

Otter: Otters symbolize playfulness, balanced female energy, curiousity, joy for self
and others, lack of jealousy and envy, lack of worry, talent, faithfulness, social life and
happiness. They are tricksters. They are connectes to the elements of Earth and Water
and are connected to Cernunnos.

Seal: Seals symbolize playfulness, parenting and protection (specifically protection

during travel over water, when changing your life completely, when facing divorce or a
traumatic separation form a loved one, and from gossip and danger).

Whale: Whales symbolize elegance, ancient teachings, history, clariaudience,

telepathy, psychic abilities, sound and music healing, death and rebirth, initiation, the
waters of life, regeneration, the sea, music, longevity, family and friends, learning
magick, elelmental magick and trust. Whales are the record keepers. They are
connected to Derceto.

Bee: Bees symbolize industry, community, concentration, planning and saving,

working with the spirits of the deceased, industry, prosperity, purity, acheiving the so-
called impossible, birth, death, resurection, luck, misfortune and Otherworld wisdom.
They are connected to Bridgid, Ra, Vishnu, Krishna, Indra, Aphrodite, Demeter,
Cybele, Artemis, aDiana, Rhea, Zues, Dionysus, Pan and Priapus.

Butterfly: Butterflies symbolize joy, freedom, living in the moment, transformation,

the birth-death-rerbirth circle, mental powers, reincarnation, magick, divination
concerning the life cycle, understanding where you are in the cycle of your life,
inspiration, immortality, leisure, beauty in old age, longevity, love, happiness,
falseness, vanity and the soul. They are connected to the element of Air and the Horae
and Zochiquetzal.

Crow/Rook: Crows and rooks symbolize resourcefulness, survival, death, a call to

the magick and the mystery around us, the law, the supernatural, the mysteries of
creation, shape-shifting, change, harmony, justice, integrity, bad omens, boldness,
skill, cunning, prophecy, eloquence and divination. They are tricksters connected to
Morrigan, Varuna, Rhea Kronia, Apollo, Macha and Babd.

Dragonfly: Dragonflies symbolize illusion, dreams, change, enlightenment,

irresponsibility, unrealiability, weakness, instability, swiftness, dreams and seeing the
truth. They are messengers of the elemental world and the god/esses. They are
connected to Summer.

Eagle: Eagles symbolize nobility, clarity of vision, balance between the spirit world
and everyday life, the ability to soar above everyday life, lightning, rising above
material in search of spiritual, connecting with the spirit world, helpful rain, the
warrior spirit, fearlessness, keen vision, war, freedom, majesty, authority, strength,
victory and courage. They have a connection to the divine and to the Sun, as well as to
Air, Fire and Spirit. They are connected to Ninurta, Marduk, Asshur, Pan, Zeus,
Indra, Vishnu, Mithras and Ohdinn.

Falcon: Falcons symbolize freedom, speed in action, far-sightedness, magick, astral

travel, clear vision and healing. They help those who are dying through the process.
They are connected to Horus, Circe, Ra, Menthu, Freya and Odhinn.

Hawk: Hawks are observant and perceptive messengers from the spirit world. They
symbolize noticing the big picture, using your talents, omens, dreams, courage,
defense, wisdom, illumination, truth and experience. They are connected to Horus,
Ptah, Rehu, Seker, Amenti, Apollo, Artemis, INdra, Ahura Mazda, and Mithras.

Hummingbird: Hummingbirds symbolize freedom of movement, energy, tireless

joy and living from life's nectar, accomplishing things that are said to be impossible,
finding the joy in living and learning from your own life experiences, flowers, love,
beauty, art, relaxation and fearlessness. They are connected to Quetzalcoatl and

Owl (general): Owls symbolize wisdom, the ability to see things that are hidden,
stealth, swiftness, darkness, freedom, dreams, shape-shifting, secrets, omens,
clairvoyance, astral projection, magick, deception, observation, total truth, night, death
and misfortune. They are connected to the Underworld and the Moon. They are
connected to The Goddess in general, as well as Athena, Mari, Lilith, Anath, Gwynn
ap Nudd, Blodeuwedd, Yama and Cailleach. Barn Owl: Barn owls are the ones who
see without seeing and hear without hearing; the ones who can hear what is not
spoken and ones that see things without physical sight.

Raven: Ravens symbolize magick, inner fears, the spirit world, a change in
consciousness, healing, dispelling "dis-ease," the unknown, mischieviousness,
adabtability, intelligence, ingenuity, death, war, bloodshed, battle, divination and the
destruction required for creation. They are the messengers of the spirit world. They are
connected to the Crone, the Sun, and to Odhinn, Apollo, Athene, Cronus, Asclepias,
Brahma, Morrigan, Babd, Nantosuelta and Lugh.

Swan: Swans symbolize grace, healing, altered states, intuition, transformation,

transitions, spiritual evolution, hunches, omens, spiritual divination, dignity,
monogamy, loyalty and silence. They are connected to Apollo, Aphrodite, the Muses,
Venus, Zeus, Aphrodite, Sarasvati, Brahma and Devi.

Dragon (general): Dragons are teachers, warriors and protectors. They symbolize the
Great Mother Goddess, matriarchy, benevolence, divinity, royalty, the supernatural,
infinity, change, elemental magick and spiritual instruction. They are connected to
Mithras, Horus, Apollo, Indra, Aruna and Soma.
(Eastern): Eastern dragons are more serpentine looking and often whiskered. They
specifically symbolize the power of the ruler, masculinity, yang, porosperity, rain,
wisdom and hidden secrets.
(Western): Western dragons are more reptilian, more massive and often have large,
almost batlike, wings. They specifically symbolize fire, confrontation, danger and

Griffon/Gryphon/Griffin: Gryphons are guardians. They symbolize spiritual

enlightenment, the seasons, the relationship between psychic energy aand cosmic
forces. They are connected to the Sun, the Sky and the Earth as well as Nemesis and

Pegasus: Pegasi symboplize inspiration, poetry, grace, freedom from eartly cares,
astral travel, transformation of evil to good, fame and eloquence. They are connected
to Demeter and Osiris.

Phoenix: The Phoenix is a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, spiritual growth,

strength and energy for life trials, fire and royalty. It is a a lunar/solar symbol and is
connected to Osiris, Ra and Circe.

Unicorn/Ch'i-lin/Ky-lin/Ki-rin: Unicorns are symbols of innocense, good will,

fame, prosperity, healing, gentleness, purity of mind, personal power, naivety, joy, life,
nature and freedom. They are connected to Artemis, Diana and moon goddesses in

Animal guides can help you in many areas of you life whether they are of the
physical or astral plane. They can help focus and raise the energy of a ritual or
magickal circle. They can protect you in your dreams, meditations and quests, as
well as in the real world. They can teach you how to take on their abilities through
shapeshifting. They can help you learn to take yourself less seriously (or more so if
needed). A guide can be your friend, confidant, sister, brother, teacher... They can
be playful, loving, protective and supportive. They will change and grow with you
throughout your life.

You work with spirit guides the same way you work with anyone else, ask them for
help, advice, or support, whatever you need. They will decide if they will do what
you ask. If it is for the best they will almost always help.
To talk with a guide, do a visualization in which you call to them. They will come if
they choose. If they do not, try again later or try to work out the problem on your
own. If your guide is a physical one just talk with it. (See the talking with animals
page) It will help if it chooses.

Talk with your guide. Ask it to teach you. Get to know your guide as you would get
to know any close friend. Spend time with it. You will learn how to work with it as
you get to know each other, as you learn to become a team and understand each
others needs. Just remember to always, always, treat your guide with respect and
gratitude for the help it gives. Tunnels, such as caves or springs, are often used as
ways to enter the spirit world. However the human spirit body also has tunnels
within it. Many belief systems use this idea and the location of the tunnels is
relatively agreed upon, but he number of tunnels varies. The system of tunnels that
most are familiar with is the chakra system. There are seven main chakra points,
each corresponding to a specific area of the body and to a specific color frequency.
They are often seen as swirling tunnels of color that pass all the way through the
spirit body and are surrounded by flowing energy. In healthy people they appear as
clear, bright colors or as pastels, darker, dull, or splotchy colors are often a sign of
problems or illness. The more active the chakra the larger the tunnel. A good
healthy size is about 3/4 to an inch in diameter.

The chakras are connected to each other and to the many other smaller tunnels in
the human spirit body along the spine. The tunnels should appear vertically aligned
along the spine. Sometimes these interconnecting channels will get blocked, often
through accidents, stress or depression.

• The first tunnel is located at the sacrum or the base of the spine. The color
associated with it is red. It deals with instincts, survival, past lives, fears,
grounding, and cleansing energy.

• The second tunnel is located at the abdomen, just below the belly button. Its
color is orange. It deals with instinctual emotions, sexual energy,
reproduction, creative energy and new projects.

• The third tunnel is located at the solar plexus, just above the belly button. Its
color is yellow. It deals with action, leadership, asserting yourself, and
exertion, both physical and mental. Check here if you feel powerless over

• The fourth tunnel is located at the chest, specifically the heart. Its color
associated with it is green. It deals with emotions, self-esteem, and intimacy.

• The fifth tunnel is located at the throat, but it also takes in the ears as well.
The color associated with it is blue. It deals with communication, creativity
(especially verbal creativity), channeling, telepathy and self-expression.

• The sixth tunnel is located at the brow and eyes, also known as the third eye
area. It's color is indigo. It deals with perception, looking into things or
looking at distant things.

• The seventh tunnel is located at the crown or the top of the head. Its color is
violet. It deals with spiritual wisdom. It is the entrance and the exit between
the body and the spirit world.

Journey to explore your tunnels and to get to know them and yourself. Try to sit or
lie with your back straight if you wish to explore the tunnels. Always remember to
call your animal guide to go with you. Ask them to guide you to a specific tunnel and
tell you about it or tell them about a problem you are having and which tunnel(s)
you should visit to find answers.

If you meet obstructions in the tunnels let your guide clear them for you, especially
if it is really disturbing (like a large, possibly not so cuddly, monster looking thing).
This is their job. They are there to guide and protect you. Let them do it. If you are
supposed to help they will let you know. Remember to thank them when you are
done and to return by the same route you came.

Do not do this if you are not feeling well. If you feel you must you can try asking a
friend to go for you. Sit or lie touching at as many places as possible, but make sure
that your shoulders, hips, and ankles touch. They should bring their own spirit
guide or work with yours in conjunction with theirs. Let them do the work. Relax
and be quiet. You can discuss it afterwards.

Remember to monitor your tunnels. If you notice there is a problem you can fix it
before it gets worse. Clear out problems as you find them if at all possible. Another
thing you can do is to set up spirit animals to guard your tunnels. Ask your spirit
animal to find ones that will work well for each tunnel and with you in general. Ask
them nicely to guard the tunnels that would suit them best. Remember to check in
with them on a regular basis. Ask them for help when you have problems in the
tunnel they guard. And, once again, remember to thank them for their help. One
significant aspect of shamanism is journeying. This could either be questing within
or using the Tree of Life as a guide. Journeying is done by imagining or visioning.
You will enter what is often called an "altered state of consciousness" or an
"ecstatic state." Basically it is a deep meditative trance in which you journey, most
often with the help of a spirit guide, within yourself or using the Tree of Life as a
map. Journeying allows you to communicate with your spirit self and with the web
of power.

Most shamans use drumming to help them into and out of a trance state. You do not
have to use drumming, and rhythmic sound will work, for example ocean waves.
You may use tapes, but it is best if there is some control over the rhythm to adjust it
as the need arises, so it is preferable have "live" music. You may either drum
yourself or have someone drum for you (which gives you the added benefit of having
someone to watch your body as you travel). You can journey without the sound, but
it really does help you get into the mood and go into a trance easier. It also helps call
you back from your journey. I would suggest that you do not try to travel without it
until you are very comfortable with the process. Besides how hard is it to find
something to tap on? You do not have to have a fancy drum, an empty tissue box
will do in a pinch.

The length of a journey depends on the person and on what they are trying to do.
Try and make sure that there will be no interruptions. If you find outside thoughts
intruding just accept them and move on. The same holds true if you try to judge
what you see. Just accept that your mind is trying to judge then move on.

When you travel remember to be respectful, calm and patient. You won't get very
far if you aren't, in fact you will probably get some rather amusing lessons on it.
Normally the answers you get will be simple and direct, they can also come in puzzle
or dreamlike form. If so there is often more to it than there seems. Do not try to
think it to death just let it rest and you will understand when it is time. Accept what
you are shown or given (gifts from the spirit world should be treasured) even if what
you see makes no sense to you at the time. Trust that it will eventually when the time
is right. You should have no expectations or preconceived notions of what you will
find in the spirit world, if you do it can skew what you find there.

If you try to journey and nothing happens don't panic and, no, you probably did
nothing wrong. Don't stress about it. You might not be ready or it might not be the
right time. Just wait and try again later. Timing matters and remember that
practice makes perfect.

For additional information please see the following pages: Journey Within
Spirit Web
Using The Map
Relaxation and Grounding


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