04 Harvey-2006 - Space-As-Key-Word

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PYS Xa sees SPACES OF GLOBAL CAPITALISM David Harvey < QO fQ & O Fe plied by Ves in 2008 Ped a Ss of Nason by Fa Stier Veg e208 ‘© Daa Haney Aiphone “The mon Hah fhe author be Bon sed 57910864 UK ¢ Mend Suess London WIF BG USA: 20 JS Brooklyn, NY 1201 eno ithe impr of New Le Books ISON 5781-9467-550.0 [Brith Libary Cataloguing in Paicton Data ‘A clog send fr ts Boo sible fm te Dh Lib Lary of Congress Catlogag-n-Publction Ds A clog mcd the Sook sue bm he Ley of Cong “Typene in Gannon by Hower Text UK Le Bbgh Ped inthe USA by Maple Vail CONTENTS Introduction: Hettner-Lecture 2004 in Heldelberg 1 ete MUSRUROER and ANS caRHAROT [Neoslberalim and the restoration of class power Notes towards a theory of ‘uneven geographical development % Space at key word "7 —ninscmeennnntil [a iz ° lz Space as a key word B iz David Harvey E 2 a 3 le is IE z 5 {Raymond Willams were contemplating the ents or his celebrated text on Keywords today, he would surely have included the word "ace" He may well have icluded in that shor is of concep, sch as “ultare” and “auto”, t be lated a6 “one of the most ‘comgliited wor in our language"! How, then, can the range of| ‘neanings tha atach tothe word “space” be cared without losing ‘ouselves in some brits Gea interesting spatial metaphoe) of eounplication? “Space” often elicits modication, Complications sometimes ate Soa the modifications (which all too fequendy get omitted inthe telling or the wring) rather thin fom any inherent complesty he ‘notion of spice ivelf. When, for example, we write of “matenal", “etiphoriel, “Tminal”, “personal”, “weal” or “peychic™ space use take a ew exam) we indicate a varity of contests tht 50 inlece matters a o tener the mneaning of space contingent upon the contest. Silay, when we constrict phratssuch spaces offen, of| ply, of cosmology, of dreams, of anger, of pace physi, of eat, ‘of geopolitical emsion, of hope, of memory, or of ecologies iuer- con (agai, justo indicate afew ofthe sceminly inte ses of 1. R. Wilians Keke A cy of Cat ant Sry (Ono: Oxo Uveiy ro eed on, 85) OTECA 2H BIE DE COLOMBIA “deployment of the team) then the txuin of application defines something s0 spec at to render any genetic deficion of space a hopeles ts. In what fllows, however, 1 wll y ade these di cules and atempea general darcation ofthe meaning of he te hope thereby to dapene some of the fog of mit-eomausication that seems t9 bedevil we of the wor "The entry point we choote for such an enguty not innocent, however, sine it newitably defines a parila perspective that high Tights some maces while occluding och. A ceran privilege i, of «course, usually acorted o philosophical rection since philosophy {spine to rie above the various and divergent fields of human peactees snd paral Knowledges, in onder to aign definitive meanings tothe ‘ators to which we may appeal [have fomed the nipresion that there is scien disension and confasion among the philosophers 3 tothe meaning of paces t0 make that anything bu an unprobleate searing poin. Furthermore, since [am by no means qualified a select fon the concept of pace fom within the phlowophical tadion, ie seems best to begin athe poine [know best I herefore stat fom the standpoint ofthe geographer, not becote this sa pivileged sie that Somehow has propitary righ (ome geographers somites sce to chim) over the ae of patil concep, but because thai where 1 Ihppen to do most of my work. fie in thi aera tha I have weed most dey withthe complexity of wha the word “space” might be allabout. have, of cue, Fequently drawn pon the work of thers ‘opeating within various branches of the academic and sntllecusl Alivsion of kor as wel 3s upon the work of many geogripher 00 ‘many tobe acknowledged in brie exay ofthis sor) who have Been actively engiged in exploring hese problems in thee wm diinctve ways make no atempt hereto bl 3 yes ofl this wotk. give 2 pusey personal acount of how my own views have evolved oe not) as Thave sought meanings that work, at acral pose, othe theoretical and praca topes of primary concer te, began eletng upon this problem many yest ago In Sov Je snd he Cy, bled in 1973, argd that wa crcl to eect on the nate of space if welwere to undentand bin process under ‘apical. Drawing upos ideas previously called from a say of the gock aid philosophy of sfence and prilly explored in Explanation i Ge ‘gap, | Hentiied + wparite dvison in the way space could be ‘ondenood: Ife ret pc antec 2 hing ini wi an ‘Rent peda in posse nc hey setae por i tone phenome The neo Geis pace propose that it be undestood a a. aonship Sion sc wich el ene eject sd Bg cde Thee snr nach arco be ved ‘Sra and I chose el ths felaina}pace = pce ogee ithe mamer ofa bng condo ben ee thar sje nb nw el lc crime nan nl oh other be Tink hist dvs is wel-vorh sing, S te tegin th eer on wh cho se pone mht ot lute speed ae orpln eve win ae spire ue of Newer nd Decent ly pred 1 pestonng ol immovable go} semble 1 sanded Ieee a ope teen, Gaesialy the mac Soci nd tact he ceo al nme of el moins regs ees oa ee ete cess Doct pan pet abs oe henner cng ov anne an peor Sol 8 aaartofminepyey sn oterbomictvrsotal depart (eck vtee sete unin cy pam ed bn gh When Desert enger bled up the wr wah see men tna odd ose space Gd sin) ov hc lures stair Salle tnd ic Ra Sleinior coud onal fois hein notion ofspace B ily aope wth th nae of sanacand te non-Eecdean grometient bop fo be Soo tree semaine cay. Space ween te 2. Hey, Sil Jute and he yon: Ean Awol 173) 9.1. Penton descents fp laste rere guns t 9. Caster, At Ey on Mon New Have: Yale Unienty Pre, 4 0 sho Hey Sele nd he Cie .28 10 pavio wanvey rpc en glycemia nd epee hgh the pte cham of orem). Pepto ce en the way we pees che pel an Boge expec of pe neuropil nd erin ewe of hogs Syl ae Gere ean, es ad aye oe copes Shand tba inpage Ue pooery ce te Seaman of ‘cheer or sons Sb pce pers ante tmening tie mednp tod tmperone The qutn ot tuner cic by co te Ew nt ome, Lng {Sr um tip Gewoe ea” wtl a” f ites ee ews moe “cred oct tito of Col nod ono oro eagle age st one tat conics eb asc pay Mc he tee pia ena ew chiveteay moat riety anon: som py any or one ‘Seidel paso” ar ont oe be Sorted ey ough bn creo dein tae at ome theo tte work of eve temple the ry Sen wos oad ace And bly aay prec mos dine ci domain "Thee wert oe at croc in Salute nf te Cy. pos eon irr often opened ough arb cena wing open Cane) cntrcs ht oon diac er the dion fale (he eof epeenc ed a peep Son pena tah anny th repentant (pucts conse nde anda crepmscaton he ESE quero sno be mignon ering imped ia how weve ay ya)" I fru on Lat he a est, 319 myn al acd linn teoy teem fost thar Lees pros the Suri momet fom hich al kang Sout peda af (fee dete ach st many ahd, bre {a 10 5 ang FoF Teg Yo Pei Hl 5 11, Hh ete Te Proof Se (Oxf Bache 191) pe ‘eg : - ated be eres z more convenient to work with Lefébyre's ctegoies eather thas (Casters, Maer space i, for wt humans, quite simply the wold of tctle and sensual interscson with mater, i the space of cexpenience, The elements, momenss and event in that world at consituted our of2 matey of eran qualities. How we repetent ‘his world is an entirely diferent matter, but here too we do not conceive of or repesent space in asbizary ways, but seck some appropriate if not accurate relecton of the material reser thit surround us though absaact representations (warts, graphs, maps, Agra, pictars, etc). But Lefebvre, ike Benjamin, nat hat we do notlive s mater atoms Hosting around in a materi wood; we alo fave imagination, feu, emotions, piythologes fintaies and dreams? These spaces of represestation ae pat and pace of the ‘say we ive inthe wotld, We may aio sek o represen che way this space i erotvely and afectively aswell a matesly ved by means oF| poeoe images, photographic compesitions, atic reconstructions ‘The sarge spaio-temperality ofa eum, a fanasy hidden longing, slog memory even peculiar thal orgie of far ay ee valk down s eret canbe given representation through works ofthat mately always have a mundane presence in absolute space and ime. Leibniz, too, had found the whole question of aerate puio-emporal worlds sau dreams of considerable ieee, Tes empuing, a with the fs pare division of pata terms we considered, to teat of Lefebwre's tice categories hieateiclly ordered, but here too it seems most appropiate to Keep the three categorie io SalesncaLneaany The physical and metal expesence of pata and tempor orderings modated to vome dees bythe way space and time ae represented. The oceanogepher/phyic swim ‘ming among the waves may experience hem diernaly fom the poet emamored of Walt Whisman or the pianist who loves Debusy. Reading book about Patagonia wl ikl affect how we expesence that place when we tavel there even if we experience consideibe coyative dasonance between expectations generated by the writen word and how it actully fel upon the ground, The spaces and mes 12. We Beajnis, The Anas Po (Cai, Mi: Bek Po, 199 aa DavIo Kanvey oftepreenation tht envelop and surround ut at we go about our daily lives likewise affect both our dinect experiences and the way we interpret and ondersand reprerenttions, We may not even nose the mater qualtes of spat orderings incorporated into diy ie because we adhere to sneramined routines. Yet its ehrough those Any materal routines that we absorb a certain sense of how spatial reprctenion work and bud up certain spaces of representation for Duels (eg the wnceral em ofsecunty in alr neighborhood or of being “at home"). We only notice when something apes radialy ut of place. ei, wane to sugges, the dialectal ration Dereon the categories tht realy counts, even though cis wel for purpote of undersanding to cystlze cach element outa dstincive ‘omens tothe experience of space and tine ‘Ths mode of dinking about space helps me interpret works of art and architecture. A pice, like Munch’s The Svan, i a maceit ‘objec ba t works Rom the sandgoin of a psychic sate (Leebve's space of repreenuion or lived space), and aempts through 2 Dirticlrsee of representational codes (the representation of space ‘orconceived space) to take on physical frm (the material space ofthe pcture open to our seul physica experience) thar sys something to tteabout the quale of how Munch ived that spac. Heseemsto have had soate set of hori nightmare, che sor fim which we wake op sersaming, And he has managed to convey something ofthe sense of that through the physical object. Many contemporary artis, making se of malmedis and Kine techniques, create expedient spaces in ‘which several modes of experiencing space-tine combine. Here, fot frample, is how Jodih Banry+ contribution to the Thitd Bern Biennial for Contemporary Aris desceibed in the etlogue Inher experimental works, vdeo sit Jit Bary inves the se, camsmiction and compler interaction of pitate and publle spaces, medi, socey, and gender, The ehemes of her inition {nd theoreti wrkingy postion theelvesin3 Bld of observation ‘hac ees ioral memory, ma communication, aed perp fon. In» realm between the ewer’ iayeaion and edie generated architects, she creates iia space, leated des SPACE AS A KEY WORD 8 Peto of profane realty... In the work Voie Of. - he viewer praetates the causophabic eampednen ofthe exhibition sac, goes deeper into the work, and, Forced to move ehough the insallaion, expences not only nematic bat abo nemcstetic impeesions. The divided projection space ofthe poaily of making contact wit diferent vices The we and bearing of voices sa diving fone, and the iatensey of the pyc tension — ‘pecaly on the mule ie of he projection, ~ convey the inert seengih of this nangble and ephemeral object. The woes de moni for spear how one can chaige through them, how ‘one esto ake contol f de ad the los one fe when they ae no Tonge head Barry, dhe caalogue concludes, “sages aesthetic spaces of ra hat leave the ambivalence beeen sedaeson and rection wnezaved."" ‘Bu eo grapple ily ih ths dernpion of Boy's woth, we need to luke she concepts of spice and space-time to 9 deeper level of complasty. There it mach im tht demption that eeapet the Le- ‘brian categories but refers back othe datinctions between absalte space and time (he eamped physical sictate ofthe exhibit, eave space-time (he sequential motion ofthe vitor through che space) and ‘ational spae ume (the memories, the voce, the prychic enon, che intangbiliy and ephemerlty, a Wel a the chustrophobia). Yet we cannot let go of the Lefebvrian categories ether. The constructed spaces have material, conceptual and lived dimensions T propose therefore, a speculative leap in which we place the threefold division of absolute, relative and relational spacetime up aginst the tpatite divison of experienced, conceptualized and lived space identied by Lefebvre. The ren isa three-by-chree: matnx ‘thin which point of intenecton sage diferent modalises of | tundertandng the meanings of space an space-time, It may propedy be objeced tha Iam here restictng possiblities because 2 mato mode of representation i self confined to an sole space. Thi i 3 perfectly valid objection, And insofir as Tam here engsgng in 3 18. The Bein Binns Ge Comngery A, Catan uh Bry, Ve Of ers Bens, 2009) pp 3 4 avin nanvex representational practice (conceptuaiation) { cannot do justice to cither the expenenced or the ved rele of spotty either By Aefniton, cerefore, the mati I setup and the way {ean we thas limited revelatory power. Bat wit al that conceded, Ifnd it help ‘consider the combinations tat ares iferentintenection within the matrix The virtue of representation in abolue space ithat allows us to individuate phenomena with grea chriy. And with 2 bit of| ‘imagination itis posible to think dileeseally acrom the elements ‘within the marr 10 that each moment is imagined a an internal relation ofall the other Ilsrate the oro thing ave in mind Gn somewhat condensed, acbiary and schematic form) in Figure 1. The ‘emis within the mtr are merely suggestive rather than definitive Irecers might enjoy constricting their own ents just wo ge sme sense of my meaning! "inl ithelpfl read arom or down the matrix ofeategoie snd to imagine complex cents of combination, Imagine, for example, he sbrolute space ofan afuent gated communsy on the New Jesey shore, Some of the inhabitants move in rave space om a diy bass into and out ofthe financial tet of Marhatan where they se in motion movements of eet and investment moneys that alec seca life aro the globe, caring thereby dhe immense money power that permits dhe to import hack sto dhe absolute space of tir ged omni al ofthe energy, exotic foods and wondrous commodities they need to secure thelr privileged Ufule. The iahabianes fel svagudly threatened, however, beease they sense tha theres a viscera, tindefimble and unlocaable hated for all things American ang in the world out these and is name i "eerodsa.” They suppor ‘government chat promises o protect tern fom this nebulous det, But they become incresingly paranoid about the ost the sens ia {he world around them and increasingly look o build p their absolute space to protec themselves, building higher and higher wall, even [sing armed guards to protect che borders. Meanie, thes profligate consumption of enexgy co povter thee bullet-proof hunwees chat ake {hem into the cry every day, proves che uae tht breaks the back of ‘lobal clare change. Atmospheric pattems of circulation sift dra rmatcally. Then, in dhe compeling buc rather imecurte popular~ ved sper). fo sans sna ia eprnatston "Space {conceptuszed space) aed! Space (experianced sp) aeiene atten hd: : : fad i i Sire ae 4 at pea #) |e HG 2] [RH as cats di Teanga aay tao apie boosoes nds, pot mnenes. Relations ‘Space (ime Figure 1 A general matic of spats 136 pavip wanvey |ned depiction of chaos theory, buttery Eapsits wings in Hong Kong anda devastating harcane hits the New Jemey shore and wipes out the ‘ued communiey. Many residents de becaoe they ae so feafl ofthe fouside that they igure the wamings to evseute, If this were a Hllywood production, 2 lone sient would recognize the danger ned sesue the wom he adres bat who has hither ignored him but she now fills gaeflly i lve with bin In che colin of 2 snp story of tht sort proves imposible to confine oneself co just one modality of spi srt patio-tempors thinking. Th actions taken in the abolue space only make sense a reltoni! tems. Even more iteretng, cheer, the sation in ‘which moments in the mates are in more explicit dsleccal tenon, Ler me ila, ‘What spatal ad spatio-temporal principles shold be deployed in redesigning te ste known as "Ground Zero” in Manhattan? [ei an abvolute space that can be mately reconstructed and to chit end tengineesng calcaltions fiformed by Newtonian mechanic) and architectural designs mest he made. There is mach discussion about retining was and the load-bearing paces of the ste. Aethetic Judgmenss on how che space, once tned ino a material ait of. some sor, might be lived aswell as conceptualized and experienced ‘ko become importane (Kant would approve) The problem i 0 0 range the physi space 25 to produce an emotive effct while matching cerain expecations (commercial 2s well 33 emotive and esthetic) a5 to how the space might be lived. Once constructed the experience ofthe space may be medted by epzesnttons! forms (such as guide books and pars) cat help us intepze dhe intended ‘meanings ofthe reconstructed ste. But moving dialectical aero the imersion of absolue space alone is much les rewarding than the insights that come fom appealing to the other spatio-temporal ames Cepia developerare keenly avare ofthe relive location of te ste and judge ie prospec for commercial development according to a logic of exchange relations. Its ceneliy and proximity tothe com ‘mand nd conto faneions of Wal Set ae important atibutes snd ‘fwansporation aecen canbe improved inthe course of reconstruction then so mach the Baer since ths can only alto lind and property | | | SPACH AS A KEY WORD ne? talus For the developer the ste does noe mecly exis in slative spacentime: the reengineering of the ste oes che prospect of| tranforming selauve spacetime so 22 to emhance the commercial ale of dhe abvolue spaces by improving acces eo aipors for ‘example. The temporal horizon would be dominated by considera- ‘ont of the amortization rte and he interes dacoont rte applying to xed capital investments in the bu environment ‘But thee would sense cetainly be popular abjections, led by the fale of hou ill at that, o thinking and building only in these solute or elaive spatio-temporal ems, Whacever bil a this ite bt tosaysomethingabout hoy and memory. Ther wil iealy also be pressures tosaysomethingabourthe meanings afcommunityandnation 1 well x about fare posites (pechape even a prospec of eteral ‘ut. Nor could the sive ignore the tue of relational spat con ectivit to theres ofthe word. Even capitalist developers would natbe vere combining cei mundane contmeril concern ith nepcing symbolic statemens (emphasizingthe poweran indesructibilty ofthe pla economic stem ofplobal aptalm that receivedsuch a body blow on 9/11) by erecting, sy, 2 towering phallic symbol tha spells

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