NAME: - ACTIVITY: Socratic Dialogue Activity

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NAME: _________________________ 

ACTIVITY:​ ​Socratic Dialogue Activity 
Consider the following. 
1. The development of Science and Technology in the Philippines is 
divided into 5 different regimes with corresponding 5 historical events, 
has 5 different schools stablished per regime in 5 different years.  
2. University of the Philippines was established during the American regime 
but is not in the year 1859 or 1941. 
3. The first republic acknowledges secular educational system or 
non-religion related educ system.  
4. Ateneo de Manila is the oldest school here in the list followed 
immediately by Universidad Lateraria de Filipinas in 1898.  
5. The Spanish regime is the first regime and the first to establish the school 
system in the Philippines. The regime of the short-lived First Republic is not 
the third or the fourth regime.  
6. Recognition of the Alternative Learning Schools did not happen in 1908 
or 1898 but during the last regime. 
7. Japanese regime started in 1941 and not in 1987.  
8. Recognition of English as medium of instruction happened after secular 
educational systems were acknowledged. 
9. Teaching of science was made compulsory in schools, as well as, 
recognition and promotion of other forms of education other than the 
formal education are the last to occur in this list.  
10. There was a regime where education and scientific advancements 
were put to a halt. This regime is definitely not the “Since 
independence” regime. 
Complete the table using all the information that was provided above. 30pts 
Regime  Year  School  Historical event 


Scoring: ​2 points for every correct answer.  

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