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From Bismarck to Beveridge: Social security for all

Create a timeline of the history of social security policy included in the reading.

Who?: __________________________
Where?: __________________________
When?: 1883
What? Sickness insurance

When?: __________
What?: Worker's compensation program

When?: 1889
What for?:
1. to promote the well-being of workers in order to keep the German economy
operating at maximum efficiency.
2. ________________________________________________________________

When?: Following the First World War

What?: Social insurance schemes which included social protection.
For example:
1.The _______________
Where?: Brussels
When?: _________
What?: 2. The International ______________________________________
which later became _____________________________________

When?: 1935
Who?: President Roosevelt (Franklin Delano)
What?: _____________________________________________________
which combined ___________________________________________ with

From Bismarck
to Beveridge: Social security for all
Lord Beveridge
Where?: United Kingdom
When?: 1942
Who?: The ILO
Where?: United States of America
When?: ________________
What?: ___________________________________________________
Main points?:
1. Extension of ____________________________________
2. Internationally and regionally?:
a. Promotion of___________________________________________________
b. Regular _____________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________

Who?: The United Nations General Assembly

When?: 1945
What?: ______________________________________________________
Main point?:
Article 22 “ _____________________________________________________

Who?: Prime Minister, Clement Attlee

When?: 1945
What?: He announced the introduction of the Welfare State

When?: 1948
What?: ______________________________________________________
Main points?:
1. Free ______________________________________ for all.
2. National system of benefits to provide ‘ ___________________________’
What for? Promised protection from _________________________________
3. National insurance characteristics:
Contributions: weekly by employees and _____________________.
Benefits: much greater.

When?: ___________
Where?: France
Who?: ________________________
What?: National Social Security System
Main points?: Extend social protection to the entire population.

Who?: The _________

When?: 1952
What?: ____________________________________________________
When?: ___________
What:? Global Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for all.

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