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Courses » Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

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Unit 2 - Week 1: Introduction to Clouds,

Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine

 Introduction to Cloud Computing

 Virtualization

 Hotspot Mitigation for Virtual Machine Migration

 Quiz : Assignment-01

 Week 1: Lecture material

 Assignment-01: Solution

Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds

Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems
Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems
Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds
Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL
Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce
Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-09-12, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2018-09-11, 16:11 IST

1 point
Which of these statements are correct?

Statement-1: Moore’s law indicates that network bandwidth doubles every 18 months.
Statement-2: Gilder’s law indicates that processor speed has doubled each year in the past.

Only statement 1 is correct

Only statement 2 is correct
Both statements are correct
Both statements are false
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Both statements are false

1 point
Web based email service is an example of ____________________
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
Platform-as-a-Service (Paas)
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
1 point
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an example of______________________

Software as a service (SaaS)

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

1 point
True or False ?

Utility computing focuses on a business model in which customers receive computing resources
from a paid service provider.

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Which type of Hypervisor is shown in the following figure ?

Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Type 2
1 point
Which of the following figure is the example of Passthrough Model: 

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3

None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
Figure 1
1 point
______________are accessible only to company employees

______________provide service to any paying customer

Private clouds, Private clouds

Public clouds, Public clouds
Private clouds, Public clouds
Public clouds, Private clouds

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Private clouds, Public clouds

1 point
_____________________where a VM can be moved from one physical machine to another even
as it continues to execute.
Load Balancing
Live Migration
Server consolidation

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Live Migration
1 point
Consider the following regarding the Sandpiper architecture:

P: I,Q: II, R:III,  S:IV, T:V

P: IV,Q: III, R:I,  S:V, T:II
P: III,Q: V, R:I,  S:IV, T:II
P: III,Q: IV, R:I,  S:V, T:II

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

P: III,Q: IV, R:I,  S:V, T:II

1 point
_____________________ method is completely OS and application agnostic

__________________________method access to OS stats and application logs

Black-box, Gray-Box
Gray-Box, Black-box
Black-box, White-Box
Gray-box, White-Box

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Black-box, Gray-Box
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Courses » Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

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Unit 3 - Week 2: Network Virtualization and

Geo-distributed Clouds
Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds

 Server Virtualization
 Software Defined Network

 Geo-distributed Cloud Data Centers

 Quiz : Assignment-02

 Week 2: Lecture Material

 Assignment-02: Solution


Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems

Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems
Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds
Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL
Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce
Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-09-12, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2018-09-12, 14:18 IST

1 point
Match the correct pairs:

P: IV, Q: I, R: III, S: II
P: III, Q: I, R: II, S: IV
P: IV, Q: II, R: III, S: I
P: III, Q: IV, R: II, S: I

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

P: III, Q: IV, R: II, S: I

1 point
___________________________is an approach to efficiently pack virtual machines into a fewer
number of servers to increase resource utilization and reduce power consumption.
Load Balancing
Live Migration
Server consolidation

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Server consolidation
1 point
To offer hotspot free performance for arbitrary traffic matrices, VL2 uses two related
Flows and out-of-order delivery
Clos network and EQMP
Agility and Load balancing

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:


1 point
The challenges of a Multi-Tenant Data Center are:

A. Agility
B. Location independent addressing
C. Performance uniformity
D. Scalability
A, B, C
A, B, D
B, C, D
A, C, D

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

A, B, C
1 point
With the use of Traffic Engineering (TE) in Google’s WAN B4, it can:

i) Leverage control at network edge to adjudicate among competing demands during resource

ii) Use multipath forwarding/tunneling to leverage available network capacity according to

application priority, and

 iii) Dynamically reallocate bandwidth in the face of link/switch failures or shifting application
Only (i) and (ii) are true
Only (iii) is true
 Only (i) and (iii) are true
All are true

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

All are true

1 point
 ____________________________is an open-source project that automates the deployment of
applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of abstraction and
automation of OS–level virtualization on Linux.

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Consider the following statements:

Statement 1:  In Single-root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV), the live VM migration becomes
trickier, because the virtual machine is tied to physical resources of the machine.
Statement 2: In Single-root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV), forwarding is no longer as flexible
because it relies on a layer two switch that is built into the hardware of the NIC.  
Only statement 1 is true
Only statement 2 is true
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Both statements are true

1 point
Identify the correct key ideas for software-defined networking architecture:

Statement 1: Low-level interface and programmatic interface for the data plane

Statement 2: Logically centralized controller that allows us to build software abstractions on top
of it.
Only statement 1 is true
Only statement 2 is true
Both statements are true
Both statements are false

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Both statements are true

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Courses » Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

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Unit 4 - Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud,

Distributed Systems and Industry Systems
Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds
Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems

 Leader Election (Ring LE & Bully LE Algorithm)

 Leader Election in Rings (Classical Distributed Algorithms)

 Design of Zookeeper

 Quiz : Assignment-03

 Week 3: Lecture Material

 Assignment-03: Solution


Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems

Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds
Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL
Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce
Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-09-19, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2018-09-19, 17:02 IST

1 point
In a Classical Algorithm of Ring Election, what will be the message complexity for N labelled
processes ?
(N-1) messages
(2N-1) messages
(3N-1) messages
(4N-1) messages
1 point
True or False ?

There is no leader election algorithm for anonymous rings, even if algorithm knows the ring size
(non-uniform) and synchronous model.

1 point
ZooKeeper itself is intended to be replicated over a sets of hosts called ______________
None of the mentioned
1 point
Find the message and time complexity of below algorithm:

send value of own id to the left

when receive an id j (from the right):
     if j > id then
         forward j to the left (this processor has lost)
     if j = id then
         elect self (this processor has won)
     if j < id then 
         do nothing ▼
Courses » Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

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Unit 4 - Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud,
Distributed Systems and Industry Systems
Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds
Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems

 Leader Election (Ring LE & Bully LE Algorithm)

 Leader Election in Rings (Classical Distributed Algorithms)

 Design of Zookeeper

 Quiz : Assignment-03

 Week 3: Lecture Material

 Assignment-03: Solution


Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems

Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds
Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL
Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce
Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-09-19, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2018-09-19, 17:02 IST

1 point
In a Classical Algorithm of Ring Election, what will be the message complexity for N labelled
processes ?
(N-1) messages
(2N-1) messages
(3N-1) messages
(4N-1) messages

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

(3N-1) messages
1 point
True or False ?

There is no leader election algorithm for anonymous rings, even if algorithm knows the ring size
(non-uniform) and synchronous model.


Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
ZooKeeper itself is intended to be replicated over a sets of hosts called ______________
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Find the message and time complexity of below algorithm:

send value of own id to the left

when receive an id j (from the right):
     if j > id then
         forward j to the left (this processor has lost)
     if j = id then
         elect self (this processor has won)
     if j < id then 
         do nothing

[Math Processing Error]Messages and [Math Processing Error] Time 

[Math Processing Error] Messages and [Math Processing Error] Time

[Math Processing Error]Messages and [Math Processing Error]Time 

[Math Processing Error] Messages and [Math Processing Error] Time

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

[Math Processing Error] Messages and [Math Processing Error] Time

0 points
Consider the following statements:

Statement 1: When two processes are competing with each other causing data corruption, it is
called deadlock.
Statement 2: When two processes are waiting for each other directly or indirectly, it is called
race condition.

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true
Both statements are true
Both statements are true

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Both statements are true

1 point
True or False ? 

Zookeeper is a replicated service that holds the metadata of distributed applications.


Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
True or False ?

Consider the following statement:

“Leader Election problem represents a general class of non symmetry-breaking problems.”


Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
In the [Math Processing Error] messages leader election algorithm, the probe distance in phase k
is _______ and the number of messages initiated by a processor in phase k is at most
______________including probes and replies in both directions.

[Math Processing Error]

[Math Processing Error]

[Math Processing Error]

[Math Processing Error]

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

[Math Processing Error]

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Courses » Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

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Unit 5 - Week 4: Classical Distributed

Algorithms and the Industry Systems
Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds
Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems
Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems

 Time and Clock Synchronization in Cloud Data Centers

 Global State and Snapshot Recording Algorithms

 Distributed Mutual Exclusion

 Quiz : Assignment-04

 Week 4: Lecture Material

 Assignment-04: Solution

Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds

Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL
Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce
Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-09-26, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2018-09-26, 17:01 IST

1 point
Assign Lamport timestamps to the events (a, b, c, d, e, f) as shown in the figure:


a: 6, b: 2, c: 6, d: 7, e: 7, f: 8
a: 1, b: 2, c: 2, d: 3, e: 4, f: 2
a: 6, b: 7, c: 6, d: 7, e: 7, f: 8
a: 6, b: 7, c: 6, d: 7, e: 8, f: 9
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

a: 6, b: 7, c: 6, d: 7, e: 8, f: 9
1 point
The properties hold for quorums in a coterie are:
Intersection property
Minimality property
Total ordered set property
Both Intersection and Minimality property

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Both Intersection and Minimality property

1 point
Which event is concurrent with the vector clock (2, 7, 3)?
(1, 7, 4)
(4, 9, 4)
(1, 5, 1)
(5, 7, 3)

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

(1, 7, 4)
1 point
A client gets a timestamp of 3:12:30.500 from a time server. The elapsed time between the
request and response was 20 msec (0.020 sec). The current time on the client is 3:12:30.510.
Using Cristian’s algorithm i.e. server time + ½(elapsed time), what is the time set on the client?

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00 when they synchronize using the
Berkeley algorithm. Assume message delays are negligible. What is the time at the client after

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
True or False ?

DTP (Datacenter Time Protocol) uses the physical layer of network devices to implement a
decentralized clock synchronization protocol.

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
True or False ?
The Chandy-Lamport global snapshot algorithm works correctly for non-FIFO channels.

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Find out the correct property to solve mutual exclusion in distributed system:

Property 1: At most one process executes in critical section at any time

Property 2: Every request for a critical section is granted eventually 

Property 3: Requests are granted in the order they were made

Property 1: Liveness, Property 2: Fairness, Property 3: Safety
Property 1: Safety, Property 2: Fairness, Property 3: Liveness
Property 1: Fairness, Property 2: Safety, Property 3: Liveness
Property 1: Safety, Property 2: Liveness, Property 3: Fairness 

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Property 1: Safety, Property 2: Liveness, Property 3: Fairness 

1 point
Consider the following statements:

Statement 1: Lamport’s algorithm achieves mutual exclusion.  

Statement 2: Lamport’s algorithm is fair.  

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Both statements are true

1 point
___________________provides Advisory locks only and doesn’t guarantee mutual exclusion
unless every client checks lock before accessing resource.
Google’s Chubby
Microsoft Azure

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Google’s Chubby
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Unit 6 - Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and

Recovery in Clouds
Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds
Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems
Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems
Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds

 Consensus in Cloud Computing and Paxos

 Byzantine Agreement

 Failures & Recovery Approaches in Distributed Systems

 Quiz : Assignment-05

 Week 5: Lecture Material

 Assignment-05: Solution

Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL

Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce
Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-10-03, 23:59 IST.
As per our records you have not submitted this assignment.
1 point
Find out the correct model for the given assumptions of a system:

Assumption 1: Each message is received within bounded time

Assumption 2: Drift of each process’ local clock has a known bound

Assumption 3: Each step in a process takes lb < time < ub , where lb represents lower bound and
ub represents an upper bound.
Asynchronous distributed system
Synchronous distributed system
On demand computing system
Parallel processing system

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Synchronous distributed system

1 point
Consider the following statements:

Statement 1: In the synchronous system model, consensus is impossible to solve

Statement 2: In the asynchronous system model, consensus is solvable

Statement 3: Paxos provides safety and eventual liveness

Only statement 1 is true
Only statement 1 and statement 2 are true
Only statement 2 and statement 3 are true
Only statement 3 is true

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Only statement 3 is true

1 point
Consider the given table of agreement problems and match the correct pair:


(P): (i), (Q): (ii), (R): (iii)
(P): (iii), (Q): (ii), (R): (i)
(P): (iii), (Q): (i), (R): (ii)
(P): (ii), (Q): (iii), (R): (i)
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

(P): (iii), (Q): (i), (R): (ii)

1 point
True or False ?

Consider the following statement:

“Byzantine agreement cannot be reached among three processors if one processor is faulty”

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

1 point
True or False ?

Consider the following statement:

“Pease showed that in a fully connected network, it is possible to reach an agreement if number
of faulty processors ‘ f ’ exceeds (n-1)/3  where n = number of processors”

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Consider the following statement:

True or False ?
“Koo-Toueg algorithm is a uncoordinated checkpointing and recovery technique that takes a
consistent set of  checkpointing and avoids domino effect and livelock problems during the

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Messages whose ‘send’ is done but ‘receive’ is undone due to rollback are called____________
In-transit messages
Lost messages
Orphan messages
Duplicate messages

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Lost messages
1 point
Cascaded rollback which causes the system to roll back to too far in the computation (even to the
beginning), in spite of all the checkpoints is known as_______________________
Phantom Effect
Domino Effect

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Domino Effect
1 point
Messages with ‘receive’ recorded but message ‘send’ not recorded and do not arise if processes
roll back to a consistent global state are called______________________
In-transit messages
Lost messages
Orphan messages
Duplicate messages

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Orphan messages
1 point
The ____________________may arise when a process rolls back to its checkpoint after a failure
and requests all the other affected processes also to roll back.
Phantom Effect
Domino Effect
Livelock problem

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

Livelock problem
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Unit 7 - Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value

Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds
Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems
Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems
Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds
Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL

 Design of Key-Value Stores

 Design of HBase

 Quiz : Assignment-06

 Week 6 : Lecture Material

 Assignment-06: Solution

Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce
Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-10-10, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2018-10-10, 22:11 IST

1 point
Consider the following statements:  

Statement 1: Scale out means grow your cluster capacity by replacing with more powerful

Statement 2: Scale up means incrementally grow your cluster capacity by adding more COTS
machines (Components Off the Shelf).
Only statement 1 is true
Only statement 2 is true
Both statements are true
Both statements are false

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:

Both statements are false

1 point
Cassandra uses a protocol called _____________ to discover location and state information
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Fill the correct choices for the given scenarios:

_________________Reads/writes complete reliably and quickly.

__________________When thousands of customers are looking to book a flight, all updates

from any client (e.g.- book a flight) should be accessible by other clients.

_________________Can happen across datacenters when the Internet gets disconnected

Availability, Consistency, Partition tolerance
Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance
Partition tolerance, Consistency, Availability
Consistency, Partition tolerance, Availability

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Availability, Consistency, Partition tolerance

1 point
HBase is a distributed ______________database built on top of the Hadoop file system.
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
A small chunk of data residing in one machine which is part of a cluster of machines holding one
Hbase table is known as______________________

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Cell in HBase Table is a combination of _________________________
Row and column family
Row, column family and column qualifier 
Row, column family, column qualifier and row keys
Row, column family, column qualifier and contains a value and a timestamp

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Row, column family, column qualifier and contains a value and a timestamp
1 point
A bloom filter is a bit vector V with m entries and k (ideally-independent) hash functions. To
insert a new element i, we set V[hj(i)] =1 for each of the k hash functions hj. To check whether
an element i is in the set, we AND together each value V[hj(i)] for all k hash functions.
The optimal number of hash functions is k=mnln2. For that number of hash functions, and
given a choice of false positive rate, the ratio  mn=−lnp(ln2)2   , where n is the number of keys
in the table and p is the false positive rate.

Compute the approximate number of bits per entry and the number of hash functions needed for
a false positive rate of 1%.
9.6 bits per key and 7 hash functions
6.6 bits per key and 6 hash functions
12.6 bits per key and12 hash functions
9.6 bits per key and 6 hash functions

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

9.6 bits per key and 7 hash functions

1 point
A __________ determines which data centers and racks nodes must belong to.
Client requests
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

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Unit 8 - Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in

Industry Systems, Cloud Applications:
Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds
Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems
Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems
Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds
Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL
Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce

 Peer to Peer Systems in Cloud Computing

 MapReduce

 Quiz : Assignment-07

 Week 7: Lecture Material

 Assignment-07: Solution

Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka


The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-10-17, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2018-10-16, 16:29 IST

1 point
Peer-to-peer (P2P) network systems use ___________________organization of the network
overlay for flexibly sharing resources (e.g., files and multimedia documents) stored across
network-wide computers.
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

1 point
What is the characteristic of P2P network?
Fault Tolerance
Dealing with instability
All of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

All of the mentioned

1 point
Consider the given table of P2P systems and find out the correct match:

(P): (i), (Q): (ii), (R): (iii), (S): (iv)
(P): (iii), (Q): (iv), (R): (i), (S): (ii)
(P): (iii), (Q): (i), (R): (ii), (S): (iv)
(P): (iv), (Q): (iii), (R): (i), (S): (ii)

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

(P): (iii), (Q): (i), (R): (ii), (S): (iv)

1 point
Which of these P2P system uses a 1 hop Lookup DHT (Distributed Hash Table) ?

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

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1 point
In a Chord structured DHT (Distributed Hash Table) with N nodes, how many hops would a
lookup operation require?

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

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1 point
If the Map phase is subdivided into M pieces and the reduce phase into R pieces then since the
master must make ____________ scheduling decisions and keeps __________ state in memory.
O(M + R), O(M * R)
O(M*R), O(M * R)
O(M + R), O(M + R)
O(M * R), O(M + R)

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

O(M + R), O(M * R)

1 point
______________function merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate
Both Map and Reduce
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
_______________function processes a key/value pair to generate a set of intermediate key/value
Both Map and Reduce
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
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Courses » Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

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Unit 9 - Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark
and Apache Kafka
Course outline
How to access the portal
Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine
Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds
Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems
Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems
Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds
Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL
Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems, Cloud Applications: MapReduce
Week 8: Cloud Applications: Spark and Apache Kafka

 Introduction to Spark

 Introduction to Kafka

 Quiz : Assignment-08

 Week 8: Lecture Material

 Assignment-08: Solution

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2018-10-24, 23:59 IST.
Assignment submitted on 2018-10-23, 15:13 IST

1 point
 Identify the correct kafka commands for the following:

P: It is the distributed, durable equivalent of Unix pipes. Use it to connect and compose your
large-scale data applications.

Q:  These are the commands of your Unix pipelines. Use it to transform data stored in Kafka.

R: It is the I/O redirection in your Unix pipelines. Use it to get your data into and out of Kafka.
P: Kafka Streams, Q: Kafka Connect, R: Kafka Core
P: Kafka Core, Q: Kafka Connect, R: Kafka Stream
P: Kafka Streams, Q: Kafka Core, R: Kafka Connect
P: Kafka Core, Q: Kafka Streams, R: Kafka Connect

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

Accepted Answers:

P: Kafka Core, Q: Kafka Streams, R: Kafka Connect

1 point
Kafka is run as a cluster comprised of one or more servers each of which is called
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

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1 point
Kafka maintains feeds of messages in categories called ____________________

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Each kafka partition has one server which acts as the ______________________
None of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
Which type of processing Apache Spark can handle
Batch Processing
Stream Processing
Graph Processing
All of the Mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

All of the Mentioned

1 point
 In Spark, a ______________________is a read-only collection of objects partitioned across a
set of machines that can be rebuilt if a partition is lost.
Spark Streaming
Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)

1 point
_________________________is a distributed graph processing framework on top of Spark.
Spark Streaming
All of the mentioned

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:

1 point
_____________________ is a distributed machine learning framework on top of Spark.
Spark Streaming

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

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