Student Involvement Practise (AM I)

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1. Distinction between Repeal and Deletion

“Repeal” ordinarily brings about complete cancellation of the provision as if it had never been
enacted whereas “Deletion” ordinarily takes effect from the date the Legislature has affected
the said deletion.
The effect of repeal is to destroy all incoherent rights and all causes of action which may have
arisen under the repealed provision whereas, deletion has no effect of total erosion or wiping
out of provision as if it never existed.

2. Significance of General Clauses Act, 1897

The purpose of the Act has been stated by the Supreme Court in the case of The Chief
Inspector of Mines v. Karam Chand Thapar. It stated that the purpose of this Act is to place in
one single Statute different provisions as regards interpretation of words and legal principles
which would otherwise have to be specified separately in many different Acts and
regulations. The purpose of the Act is to avoid superfluity of language in statutes wherever it
is possible to do so.

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