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Graduate Teaching Assistant Scheme


The Graduate Teaching Assistant Programme is intended to provide career development pathway
into teaching and research for suitably able candidates whilst at the same time serving to develop
and enrich the University’s developing research culture by increasing our cohort of postgraduate
researchers. Graduate Teaching Assistants will play an important part in providing a high quality
student experience, which adds value to all stages of the learning experience of our students.

Students engaged as Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) are both students, registered for a higher
degree and in receipt of a stipend, and employees of the University. These are two separate but
mutually dependent agreements and GTAs are required to abide by the terms and conditions of
both. The withdrawal or termination of the postgraduate research studentship or employment
contract will render both null and void.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships are for a fixed-term period of 4 years and combine research /
study for a doctoral level qualification and employment.

As an employee GTAs will be mentored and have their work supervised by a senior member of the
academic staff. They will be required to undertake and complete a formal recognised teaching
qualification (where appropriate) in addition to completing their PhD and will be eligible to access
staff development in the same way as any other Leeds Trinity employee.

Research Studentship

A University Graduate Teaching Assistant will be admitted to a doctoral programme and will be
registered with the University of Leeds as a postgraduate research student. It is a requirement over
the four years of the scheme that the Graduate Teaching Assistant makes sufficient progress from
year to year with their PhD programme.

The terms and conditions are as outlined in the ‘Standard Terms and Conditions for a Research
Studentship’. The only exception is that given the employment requirements of the GTA (see
Employment below) the studentship will be for up to four years.

Stipend and Fees

Graduate Teaching Assistants, as Research Students, are paid an annual stipend (equivalent to the
standard UK Research Council rate) which is exempt from UK Income Tax and National Insurance.
Additionally, a tuition fee waiver is given.
Employment Requirements

Graduate Teaching Assistants are required to undertake up to 10hrs per week (on average) of
teaching or associated support for academic activities per academic year. A summary of main duties
is provided under “Graduate Teaching Assistant Duties” (below). The duties will be agreed between
the student and the appropriate university manager and will be subject to final agreement by the
Post Graduate Research Tutor.

The period of employment will run in parallel to the research studentship, for a period of up to four

Total Financial package

The total financial package (as at 1st August 2014) for a Graduate Teaching Assistant is as follows:

a) An annual stipend – currently £13,863*

b) A fee waiver
c) Employment salary - £4, 137 per annum*

* to be paid monthly in 12 equal instalments

GTA: Teaching and Other related Duties

GTAs work under the supervision and mentorship of a member of the academic staff. They may
contribute to the delivery of teaching, provide academic support for groups of undergraduate
students, support research projects or undertake other work in support of the academic function of
the university.

Summary of Main Duties and Responsibilities

1. Graduate Teaching Assistants will be involved in one or more of the following activities:

- Teaching, including seminars, tutorials and other feedback/support sessions

- Supporting research projects
- Developing materials for academic use
- Demonstrating practical skills in laboratory/field settings.

2. Provide support, guidance and general pastoral care to our students, sign-posting them to
the relevant support as provided by Services for Students where appropriate.

3. To abide by all relevant University Quality Procedures, including those linked with external

4. To undertake such other duties commensurate with the Graduate Teaching Assistant role,
and as agreed with the Head of Department.

Graduate Teaching Assistants are responsible for preparing sufficiently to carry out the stated duties
and responsibilities outlined above and appropriate time will be provided for this.

Some activities may be during the evening and occasionally at weekends.

Termination of Graduate Teaching Assistantships

The GTA is a 4 year fixed-term appointment and is contingent upon the recipient making sufficient
progress in their research programme to achieve a consistent record of positive monthly progress
reviews and the completion of all annual review procedures including successful transfer from MPhil
to PhD within the first two years. If for any reason the student’s registration is terminated, then the
GTA will terminate on the same day.

Should the research studentship element of the GTA be terminated for whatever reason, then the
employment contract will also terminate on the same day.

Should the employment contract with the University be terminated for whatever reason, the stipend
payments will cease on the same day.

If a student takes up full-time employment whilst in receipt of a GTA, the GTA will be terminated on
the first day of that employment.

If a GTA is terminated prematurely for any reason, a student must repay to the University any
monies (including maintenance, travel, subsistence, fees overpaid, employment payments) from the
date of termination of the GTA.

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