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Savage & Ravage

credits: Farcr, MCVinnyQ, Voliant, The Minecraft Abnormals Discord and many others.
all of the concepts, assets and ideas are intellectual property of Farcr, MCVinnyQ, and their respective owners.

Remember to keep checking the document! New things

will be added as they are refined and developed!
Join Our Discord!

Savage and Ravage is a mod about improving and

expanding illagers in Minecraft through new structures,
enemies and challenges!

A feature’s ​Status​ describes what exists in the latest

version on CurseForge compared to the document.
Complete -​ idea is finished and fully released.
Partially Complete​ ​- idea is finished and some of it is released.
In Development ​- idea is finished and being worked on, but is not released.
Not Started​ ​- idea is finished but no development has occurred.
Idea Incomplete​ -​ idea is still being brainstormed.

Bad Omen Changes (Provocatory Ritual)
Idea: Cameron
Status: ​Complete

Killing a patrol leader won’t give you bad omen any more.
This is now done by right clicking the banner with a fire charge or flint and steel, burning it to
The Illagers are enraged that you dare to defile their flag, giving you the bad omen effect
until you drink milk, or it runs out as usual. Burning more banners increases the bad omen

Pillager Changes
Ideas: Farcr, TallestEgg
Status: ​Complete

Pillagers drop 0-2 arrows on death, in parity with Bedrock Edition. Their AI is also improved -
pillagers start to load their crossbows as soon as they see you, and back away while
shooting if their target gets close (except for villagers - pillagers know they can’t fight back).

They can rarely spawn with a randomly generated firework in their crossbow which will not

Pillager Outpost Changes
Original Design: Farcr
Status: ​Complete

The pillager outpost’s watchtower has been redesigned to look, in our-opinion, nicer and
more outpost-like. It also has a few new pieces of loot!

More features for the Pillager Outpost may be coming in the future.

Illager Retextures
Original Design: Farcr
Status: ​Complete

Vindicators, evokers, and vexes have new and improved textures.

Creeper Spores, Creepies and new Creeper functionality
Original Design: Farcr, MCVinnyQ
Status: ​Complete

Creeper Spores

When a creeper dies in an explosion, something peculiar happens: not only can they drop
gunpowder, but also 1-5 ​Creeper Spores​.
These interesting particles look like a greenish, bubbly powder, which can be thrown, leaving
a ​Creeper Spore Cloud​ of small size where it lands.
This cloud will condensate into a number of ​Creepies​.


New small, explosive friends. When spawned, they will think the player that spawned them is
mother, and as such they will not attack it.
They will, however, attack hostile mobs, other players, and other animals.
They have 5HP.
Unlike their grown counterparts, these monsters can move while charging their explosion,
which will deal a bit of damage without destroying blocks.
These are baby mobs, and are compatible with Quark’s poison potato usage feature.
However, like other babies, they will eventually grow into fully-fledged ​Creepers.
This process can be sped up by feeding them bone meal.
Be careful, though! Creepers will not hesitate to kill you, even though you’re their ‘mother.’

Creeper Spore Bomb

A TNT variant which can be ignited to cause a harmful explosion that does not destroy
terrain. It generates a creeper spore cloud instead, spawning 4-6 hostile creepies.

Creeper Changes

Creepers will no longer destroy blocks when exploding. Upon their initial explosion, they will
release a medium-sized creeper spore cloud. (the size depends on the creeper’s health
before the explosion)
This will make ​Creepies​ spawn, which will endanger your life even more, if you managed to
survive the first explosion. You may want to bring a shield!
As this feature is fairly controversial, it is configurable.

Original Design: MCvinnyq, Farcr
Status: ​Partially Complete

A funny, charming enemy. It throws creeper spores at enemies, causing destruction and
chaos with a cheeky laugh. But what does it do when out of creeper spores? Bare-handed
fighting! He got the moves.
It will spawn in raids, and occasionally in outposts and mansions, in the new “creeper
enclosure” decoration.1
When spawning, it will have 10 creeper spores, which it will throw at enemies.
When it runs out of them, it enters ​Melee Mode​.
Ranged Mode:
When Spawning, it will have 10 “creeper spore stacks”. Those are not actual items, but they
symbolize the amount of creeper spores it can throw.
If the player gets within 3 blocks to it, or closer, it will give the player a powerful kick,
knocking them out of their range.
While in this mode, it tries to stay at around 15 blocks away from the player, strafing
between each spore thrown to dodge projectiles.
Melee Mode: ​ ​He goes apeshit
When out of creeper spores, it will try fighting the player bare-handed. It doesn’t do a lot of
damage, but it runs fast and deals knockback through powerful punches and kicks.
When in this mode, for every HP of damage dealt to it, it recharges 1 creeper spore, going
back to its Ranged Mode.

Idea for this coming soon.

Griefer Armor and Blast-Proof Plating
Original Design: Farcr
Status: ​Complete

+2 armor, +1 armor toughness, -25% explosion damage, 365 durability.
+6 armor, +1 armor toughness, -30% explosion damage, 440 durability
+5 armor, +1 armor toughness, -25% explosion damage, 425 durability
+2 armor, +1 armor toughness, -20% explosion damage, 395 durability
The armor is crafted with Blast-Proof Plating​, taking 24 of them in total.
Blast-proof Plating is crafted with 2 gold ingots and 5 creeper spores:
Making the armor need a total of 48 gold ingots and 120 creeper spores to craft it - you may
want to set up a creeper farm for this!

Blast-Proof Plates

Blast-Proof Plating can be crafted into ​Blast-Proof Plates​, a block with the hardness of
cobblestone but the explosion resistance of obsidian.

Skeleton Villager
Original Design: MCVinnyq
Status: ​Complete

Skeleton villagers, like zombie villagers, are rarely-spawning skeleton variants who appear
more frequently in Zombie Villages. However, they are far beyond curing and wield a
crossbow - what did they get up to before their grisly end?

Gloomy Tiles
Original Design: Farcr
Status: ​Complete

These new building blocks are used as flooring in illager structures, and can be crafted by
surrounding a phantom membrane with stone bricks.
They have slabs, stairs, walls and chiseled variants, as well as a vertical slab if Quark is
Make sure not to step on the tiles with suspicious-looking runes, as you will find yourself
heavily misfortuned…

Original Design: Farcr
Status: ​Not Started

This new enemy is the second higher-up in the illager hierarchy! Being the Evoker’s
annoying counterpart (even more than vexes???) this mage uses its magic to trick the
player, focusing on crowd control instead of damage.
In Mansion, you will find prisons containing trapped villagers. But sometimes, they are not
what they look like: upon getting closer, they may reveal themselves to be Tricksters!
Tricksters will be found in the mansion’s ground floor, and in the basement. They will also
appear in Raids.

Their main attack involves them spawning a Runic Prison under the player’s feet, slowing
If the player can’t get away in time, the Trickster will launch a Spark - a projectile which flies
a bit slower than snowballs and isn’t affected by gravity. If the player doesn’t dodge it, it will
get the ​Confusion​ effect for 5 seconds.

If the player gets too close to them, they will teleport away in a radius of 10 blocks, but
preferably at their same height. If there are gloomy tiles near their teleporting place, every
gloomy tile in a 5x5 area around him will turn into a​ Runed Gloomy Tile​.

Upon death they will sometimes drop a totem of undying, and very rarely a ​Runic Tome​.

If a Trickster is killed by by a projectile, it will use a totem of undying and survive with 2HP,
and will run away from the player. This spell has a 90 second cooldown.
It will still have a chance of dropping a totem of undying upon death.

Evoker Tweaks and Magic Tomes

Original Design: Farcr
Status:​ Idea Incomplete

Evokers will now drop totems of undying only 25% of times, exclusively when killed by the
player. The chance is higher by 5% for every looting level. This is the same for Tricksters.
Very rarely, they will drop a ​Dreadful Tome​.
If an Evoker is killed by a projectile, it will use a totem of undying and survive with 2HP.
After that, he will gain a projectile-proof shield for 30 seconds, (like the wither’s) and will run
away from the player. This spell has a 90 second cooldown.
It will still have a chance of dropping a totem of undying upon death.

Runic Tome and Dreadful Tome - New Magic Weapons!


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