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Originalien und Übersichten

Bundesgesundheitsbl Joachim Klaus1 · Peter Gnirs2 · Sabine Hölterhoff2 · Angela Wirtz3 ·

DOI 10.1007/s00103-016-2460-2 Matthias Jeglitza4 · Walter Gaber5 · Rene Gottschalk6
© The Author(s) 2016. This article is available at 1
Occupational Safety Flight Operations, Department FRA PX/O, Lufthansa Basis – Tor 21, Lufthansa
SpringerLink with Open Access. German Airlines, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Lufthansa Technik AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Hesse Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration, Wiesbaden, Germany
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Berlin, Germany
Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Health Protection Authority and Competence Network for Highly Pathogenic Agents, Frankfurt am Main,

Disinfection of aircraft
Appropriate disinfectants and standard
operating procedures for highly infectious

Introduction relation to international public health. In case of a suspicious or confirmed

The results will enable us to deduce passenger suffering a highly infectious
Since there are flight connections to whether measures must be taken and disease (HID), a special, additional dis-
nearly all regions of the world, Health which ones would be necessary to limit infection of the aircraft is mandatory.
Protection Authorities of all countries the spread of various, highly pathogenic For this purpose, all used disinfectants
must focus on the problem of epidemic and life-threatening infectious diseases must be aircraft component compatible,
spread via civil aviation. Fortunately, it [5, 10–13]. If passengers infected with i. e., must not have any negative effects
does not happen often that passengers diseases that have the potential to become on individual parts or the structure of
become infected by contagious co-pas- a public health emergency of interna- the aircraft, while also fulfilling national
sengers [1]. Nevertheless, we have to tional concern use public transportation healthcare requirements [13, 14]. When
expect that contamination of an aircraft (i.e., aircrafts), there is a potential threat choosing a disinfectant, it must be ascer-
through infected passengers is a realistic to the destination area and – depending tained that their application will cause
scenario. To date there are no mandatory on the route of infection – for passengers neither short- nor long-term damage to
guidelines from WHO for disinfection travelling with the same aircraft [1, 3, 5, 4 the aircraft structure (i.e., corrosion),
of aircrafts in case of highly pathogenic 10, 13]. 4 electronics and avionics (i.e., insula-
agents. Based on the framework of the Inter- tion of cables),
In recent cases of infectious diseases national Health Regulations, a number of 4 sensors (i.e., smoke detection),
caused by highly pathogenic agents (e. g., recommendations, standard procedures, 4 interior (i.e., installations, seats,
Ebola fever virus, Lassa fever virus, and guidelines focusing on the opera- monitors, media devices, windows,
SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, pandemic in- tional needs of civil aviation have been galleys, countertops, restrooms).
fluenza virus) which have the potential published. Basic advice on hygiene and
to spread over several continents within sanitation on board an aircraft is speci-
only a few days, international health fied by the “Guide to Hygiene and Sanita-
protection authorities took measures tion in Aviation”, published by the WHO
– which are, in part, of high economic [9]. Nevertheless, the WHO guidelines
relevance – to limit the consequences lack details on available and effective sub-
of a possible spread [1–8]. The mea- stances as well as standardized operating
sures taken did not in all cases reach procedures (SOP). In addition, national
the intended objective or were more legislation or manufacturers’ guidance is Fig. 1 8 Link for the complete set of High Infec-
or less inefficient considering the ef- lacking. tious Diseases Forms (HID Forms) on Lufthansa
aircraft from Lufthansa Technik AG. The forms
fected expenditure [1, 6]. Therefore, Every aircraft undergoes cleaning may be used for your own purposes. Lufthansa
it is necessary to examine mechanisms based on a standard cleaning proce- would appreciate a short feedback (e-mail
and relevance of such transmissions in dure (SOP) prior to the next departure. FRAPXO@DLH.DE) if you use the SOPs

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Originalien und Übersichten

Fig. 2 9 Standard op-

erating procedures from
Lufthansa Technik to be
used in aircrafts for disin-
fection in the presence of
high infectious diseases

To this day and considering national and specifications of authorities, the financial This guidance and these additional
international law and regulations, suf- aspects of airlines must be taken into con- standard operating procedures (SOP) are
ficient recommendations from aircraft sideration. Concerns are made public and are available as indicated
manufacturers and WHO are not avail- 4 delays and rebookings, in the references [14] or via QR code/
able [15]. Their references mainly fo- 4 flight cancellations and additional link as shown in . Fig. 1.
cus on aircraft component compatibility accommodation of passengers, In 2014, the Lufthansa Group (Luft-
and not on ensuring safe disinfection of 4 ferry flights, and hansa German Airlines, Austrian, Swiss,
surfaces or official requirements. Inter- 4 storage/transport of material and Lufthansa Cargo and others) operated
national airlines have to be able to use equipment for disinfection (danger- a worldwide network with 217 destina-
a product which is recognized world- ous goods). tions in107 countries and carried outover
wide. The most efficient disinfection of one million flights, transporting nearly
aircrafts has to be guaranteed without Objective 106 million passengers. Lufthansa con-
endangering the siders it as absolutely necessary to imple-
4 safety of passengers and crew, The purpose of this paper is to fill in these ment the SOPs in accordance with local
4 operability of aircrafts, gaps and to give guidance on a selection Health Protection Authorities to ensure
4 aircraft installations, and of substances that were tested and found international air traffic without interrup-
4 aircraft certifications. compatible with aircraft components, as tion. The airline will apply these SOPs
well as to describe procedures that ensure worldwide and would like them to be
Apart from obvious aspects of health, in- a safe and efficient disinfection of civil accepted by all sides (. Fig. 2).
ternationally accepted requirements and aircrafts.

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz

Abstract · Zusammenfassung

Since expert attention to incidents Bundesgesundheitsbl DOI 10.1007/s00103-016-2460-2

and accurate procedures vary greatly © The Author(s) 2016. This article is available at SpringerLink with Open Access.
in different countries, Lufthansa imple-
mented specific SOPs and information J. Klaus · P. Gnirs · S. Hölterhoff · A. Wirtz · M. Jeglitza · W. Gaber · R. Gottschalk
which comply with guidelines of author- Disinfection of aircraft. Appropriate disinfectants and standard
ities and airline interests as well as the operating procedures for highly infectious diseases
International Air Transport Association
(IATA). These SOPs include procedures Abstract
for For infectious diseases caused by highly effective substances as well as standardized
pathogenic agents (e. g., Ebola/Lassa fever operating procedures (SOP). The purpose of
4 cockpit crew,
virus, SARS-/MERS-CoV, pandemic influenza this paper is to give guidance on the choice of
4 cabin crew, substances that were tested by a laboratory of
virus) which have the potential to spread over
4 passengers on board aircrafts, several continents within only a few days, Lufthansa Technik and found compatible with
4 on board, ground, authorities com- international Health Protection Authorities aircraft components, as well as to describe
munication, have taken appropriate measures to limit the procedures which ensure a safe and efficient
consequences of a possible spread. A crucial disinfection of civil aircrafts. This guidance
4 local Health Protection Authorities,
point in this context is the disinfection of an and the additional SOPs are made public and
4 disinfectors, are available as mentioned in this paper.
aircraft that had a passenger on board who is
4 maintenance and handling personnel, suspected of being infected with one of the
4 airport partners, mentioned diseases. Although, basic advice Keywords
on hygiene and sanitation on board an aircraft Air traffic · Highly infectious diseases · Disin-
is given by the World Health Organization, fection of aircraft · Standardized operating
and shall provide the safe and hygienic
these guidelines lack details on available and procedures · Substances for disinfection
operation of the aircraft.
The process should be kept as sim-
ple and cost efficient as possible for all Flugzeugdesinfektion. Geeignete Desinfektionsmittel und
concerned parties, such as local author- Standardverfahren bei hochansteckenden Krankheiten
ities, affected airlines, and airports. The
goal is to reach a conclusive, interna- Zusammenfassung
tionally accepted medical and legislative Weltweit haben Gesundheitsbehörden infektionsstandards und zu verwendenden
procedure for disinfection which enables geeignete Maßnahmen getroffen, um Produkten, die sowohl in der Wirksamkeit,
die Verbreitung infektiöser Krankheiten aber auch im Sinne der Materialverträglich-
a safe, rapid, and cost effective further keit für Flugzeugkomponenten unbedingt
zu begrenzen. Erkrankungen, die durch
utilization in case of a passenger with a hochpathogene Erreger (wie z. B. Ebola- notwendig sind. Diese Abhandlung soll
highly infectious disease on board any /Lassa-Fieber-Viren, SARS-/MERS-CoV, zeigen, wie mit einer Auswahl an Produkten,
civil aircraft. pandemische Grippeviren) ausgelöst die für Flugzeugteile materialverträglich sind,
The authors took these critical topics werden, haben das Potenzial, sich innerhalb mittels festgelegter Anwendungstechniken
weniger Tage auf mehreren Kontinenten eine sichere und effiziente Desinfektion von
into consideration and worked closely
zu verbreiten. In diesem Zusammenhang zivilen Flugzeugen gewährleistet werden
with local Health Protection Authorities ist die zügige und qualifizierte Desinfek- kann. Diese Standardverfahren werden der
(HPA) as well as colleagues from the tion eines Verkehrsflugzeugs, das einen Öffentlichkeit im Sinne einer Leitlinie zur
Frankfurt International Airport (FRA- (möglicherweise) infizierten Passagier an Verfügung gestellt.
PORT AG) while testing different dis- Bord hat, ein entscheidender Punkt. Trotz
vorhandener grundlegender Richtlinien Schlüsselwörter
infectants and techniques before imple-
seitens der Weltgesundheitsorganisation Luftverkehr · Hochansteckende Krankheiten ·
menting them. (WHO) zur Hygiene an Bord von Flugzeugen Desinfektion von Flugzeugen · Standardver-
fehlt es an detaillierten Hinweisen zu Des- fahren · Produkte zur Desinfektion
Materials and methods
Lufthansa Technik AG (LHT) is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Lufthansa German performed to confirm the compatibility ing to officially nominated disinfection
Airlines. It is an internationally licensed of aviation materials with substances methods [12]. Thus, Lufthansa Technik
maintenance, production, and develop- and agents for surface treatment and Central Laboratories tested several agents
ment organization and is an authorized cleaning. regarding harmful effects when applied
design organization (design organiza- With a broad variety of tailored LHT to specific aviation materials and in com-
tion approval certificate EASA.21.J.019). evaluation programs, producers, suppli- pliance with aircraft specifications such
Therefore, LHT is authorized to test the ers, and users can check, prove, and sub- as Boeing D6-17487, Evaluation of Air-
use of disinfectants and related proce- stantiate that subject agents do not cause plane Maintenance Materials, or Airbus
dures in aircraft interiors based on inter- damage or compromise the airworthiness AIMS 09-00-002, Evaluation of Mainte-
national, standardized testing methods. of the aircraft and its components. For nance Materials.
In Lufthansa Technik Central Labora- the disinfection process several products The products taken into service are be-
tories, a comprehensive evaluation was have been determined as useful accord- longing to to the family of alcohol-based

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Originalien und Übersichten

agents, formaldehyde-based agents, and 4 on notification procedures to air many [16]. Thus, Lufthansa German
oxygen-releasing disinfectants. The use traffic control and operational control Airlines as an internationally operating
of formaldehyde-based agents reveals an center (OCC), airline has accepted the challenge and
increased ablation of magnesium, which 4 for cabin crews, taken first measures in close cooperation
shows that it can be used for single pur- 4 for passengers, with the appropriate Federal and Federal
poses, but not for regular interval clean- 4 for Health Protection Authorities at State Ministries, the Health Protection
ing. Based on the testing, the group of Port of Destination (POD) or Port of Authority City of Frankfurt and the
oxygen-releasing disinfectants shall not Entry (POE), Fraport Int’l Airport.
be used on surfaces with magnesium 4 on products and generics, Only a small number of disinfectants
due to a high risk of material corrosion 4 for disinfectors, were chosen to facilitate worldwide trans-
and on seals because of the possibility of 4 for aircraft maintenance and ground portation and the storage of necessary
embrittlement and consecutive malfunc- personnel, and products with tested component compat-
tion. Alcohol-based disinfectants were 4 for release to service (RTS). ibility as well as to reduce the complexity
tested without any restriction. Never- of the matter. Products were selected
theless, it must be noted that alcohol- The above-mentioned procedures are based on the components
based agents are flammable and the ex- available at Lufthansa destinations world- 4 formaldehyde,
plosive level has to be closely observed wide, published in the Station Emergency 4 hydrogen peroxide, and
during their use. It is mandatory to refer Reaction Plan (SERP). The SOPs are 4 alcohol.
to the HID Form from Lufthansa Technik available in a document on board DLH
[14] or via the QR code/link as shown aircrafts (available for technical/expert These components are effective against
in . Fig. 1. groups (see [14] or via QR code/link as HID and they are aircraft component
shown in . Fig. 1)). compatible if used properly. In addition,
Results they are available worldwide. Formalde-
Discussion hyde, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol al-
Multiple test procedures were used to low the varying techniques of standard
examine the interdependencies between Because of a lack of internationally ac- disinfection of surfaces.
typical aviation materials and the sub- cepted requirements for a suspected or Lufthansa Technik, with its certifica-
stances tested. The LHT Central Labo- confirmed cause of HID, airlines can- tion and expertise, is able to disinfect and
ratories provide services to perform the not fall back on coordinated, authorized, to certify the affected aircrafts for release
tests in its chemical and metallographic and internationally approved procedures. to service effectively and in a time-effi-
laboratories and also according to specific Therefore, the necessity arises to cient manner. The past has shown that
standards of Lufthansa, Boeing, Airbus, 4 discuss the way how infectious dis- the negative consequences of missing or
American Standard Methods (ASTM), eases are handled on board aircrafts, uncoordinated procedures could be im-
etc. They tested effects on aircraft materi- 4 standardize disinfection, mense. Abilities and capacities of major
als such as metal, glass, electric conduits, 4 define “aircraft component compat- airports and involved health protection
synthetics, leather, and fabric seat covers, ible” disinfectants and procedures, authorities could be quickly exceeded.
windows, and monitors. All disinfectants and Thus, it is highly urgent to define global
are approved by the airline engineering 4 establish a safe onward flight opera- measures and procedures to ensure that
and can be used on the Lufthansa fleet. tion. all involved players worldwide coordinate
Gathered results deviating from common and accept them.
aircraft manuals, for example, the Air- To correctly deal with life-threatening In case of an emergency, being well
craft Maintenance Manual (AMM), are diseases caused by highly pathogenic prepared will ensure optimal processes
documented in the LHT Standard Prac- causative agents, the continuous adap- while minimizing the rate of errors. As
tices Manual (SPM), which is mandatory tation of procedures to new findings, a consequence of this, Lufthansa German
for the Lufthansa fleet and, if accepted, real-life experiences, and circumstances Airlines developed together with the Ger-
for clients. is absolutely essential. In addition, close man competent authorities a High Infec-
With regard to the SOPs, different coordination with concerned national as tious Diseases (HID) Form which is also
procedures are defined and reduced to well as international Health Protection available for technical/expert groups via
simple, reproducible processes [14]. The Authorities must be guaranteed at all email (FRAPXO@DLH.DE).
following procedures were developed times. For example, chloroxylenol (one
and already implemented within the ®
component of Eco Tru ) was tested and
Lufthansa fleet by: approved by the United States Environ-
4 integration into manuals for cockpit mental Protection Agency (EPA) and is
crews authorized for use in the US and Asia,
4 information but does not comply with requirements
of Health Protection Authorities in Ger-

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10. WHO (2005) International health regulations.
Corresponding address
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A. Wirtz, M. Jeglitza, W. Gaber, andR. Gottschalkdeclare Highly Infectious Diseases Form Revision 3; 1–10
that they have no competing interests. accessible via E-mail:
15. WHO (2009) Guide to hygiene and sanitation
This article does not contain any studies with human in aviation 3rd edition.
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