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Desert Tracings Six Classic Arabian Odes by‘Alqama, Shanfara, Labid, ‘Antara, ALA‘sha, and Dhu al-Rimma ‘Translated and Introduced by Michael A. Sells BE Wesleyan Universiey Press WY Mudderorn Connecscut Woleya Pac Taslarion ToJaner Ateebsrcened orig ven the allwng our bh enti sd ser ped Fes tte er fine BERENS RS rte eis nd dace MSR ed Onan eh pepe othe dew Wheto Fondo he ie Wiig Foon See Rica kore rte Homo, Te nese Ca eS Comer Se i Los Dep ot {nes dCs Si en ere eens See dE td Caepe nd Ed Aree oe Baer Sram le ter Hee fers ams pun Ted Good reer feces Ea Home Richard Lm Fok Rese Tasd lates Sa Rau ce So, ahi iw, ‘ad rR Tomer Pana ob Sad Serhan Suzanne Seer Aone ndeminn uc deadbeat: Her she 140 by Misha A Ses Fapchnern Fenonnom Ae 7 SENS heom gas be Abdi. Nealon tise (bk) Salaun ide Amer Fenton Contents Introduction The Arabian Ode 3 ‘Algama Is What You Knew Kept Seer 11 Shinfars Ambian Ode in "L" 23 abit The Muéllaga 32 ‘Anata The Muséllaga 45 ALASha Bid Hurdyra Farewell 57 Dhw Ramm To the Encampments of Méyya 67 Glossary 77 Introduction The Arabian Ode Trace of an abandoned campsite ma the bepionng ofthe Fe amie Arabian ode They announce the ou ofthe beloved he ping ‘aim and he Honeing endow of ap ideaized pe. Ye hey aes Teel nba i otto incing We rerembrance aod ealing bak “Tohear this poet pow st expeene a sr ttsematin: cst capac ome an ple lea oe st once mediate and profound "The bedouin be of pre ans rai ate ato ve ld pers competitions ding the toma t‘Ukie ear Nese. The wining pocrs—sten iy all according to most acount —were embroidered fs god ate Exton cloth and suspended fom te ance she In Mecca hrown see Kaba Theory har Ben Smid by me 1 an atempr fo ex the puzlng name of Abs mest fms pos olecon the hel mended ones Yet the gat ot {he Hanging Odes many fier deeper ese» of ell alt nde TBE SEAT BE TENE she Toma's most cted he atone that het ans tec the rol ene of [bie clare and 9f the curl wea of Im. mior e feneatve role waa the Anbespeking wou ofthe log snd {lbge number of eu pearson ‘Athough thd beled pete Abi “the lhe (eto 0 place of moral gore, iam never abandoned the pes herp 1 that ems fn Ge it four cones ster the founog of te new ‘clion i 02 Cn ces each ms Bur, Kul Baghdad nd Alp, Matin schol eslected and peered the onl Foete tadion of Drala, negating into wt clare and into the sew blame ‘elie sensi, From that tne the deeper pater of he ede it fot always formal aricture—have conansd Ino the Able Inerartdonandsolaenc non Abie errer within the werd sidan "The origin, suthorhin and raemisin of thi poetry. 29 fey eloped by the tne of tr reconing remain 2 meryTradion ‘opp that he poet wat composed By ind such, 29 hom faster nme and Morpher and then memoraed and taneited ‘oud or word nn (apods) endowed mh prodigious hemor? More rceny some have sugested, following the chpeormance 4) rodution sel developed by Home schlans that she rls ofthe pose and ‘Se nt neenine she td not memore romped poems but ster maenag theme esc and mers ponies mould pose the poem i the aro eben fe “athe et orl tition jase may ler 29 analog. A song cyohes mah each performance. Theat ka se conoid ‘hen, bulling uso a orousaprtenticeship i the expvtatons and posslis ofthe aditon prions Theres ayer of tadon ombiar wth he move ning epontsciy, Whether compote nthe tot performance ortecompoed before psomance shrug me Combination ofehe twa the ety Arab poem war not oF NOS ‘memorized le wae wemembere, sealed fom outs common st ly and common cour pa The ode ni) sym edo one shan 120s, compoed ince and oi ee hao tt thesanc ghaupt dice stein item emai movement si enc ‘loved he ume and the frre “Te cas cpens om he tondned campsites in che and fom rin tence nd ten op ened henner ri al) 1 te belneds be The tae lee or they vob: A he pect tas edo he te fi lent natn demands Tene he esd wali ofthe pom emenbrance kes ava of fm teen beds pnd sre pie mo thy svn dow he es aed {Dystopia fe sg Tio nd alkene emenane af er epee wh he Sonenat herein ther ah emboered camel ies oc howd tering he tan i ere ae he the Eck ing th co the owl mssing fhe dove Theo of pct ho ds ack pone youth: Tow and ‘tur tbnet nd eens en fom poem ooo nhs messed ‘ls ashy Yr nex poem dey ee snow eg fafon storing» le and sens nu coved lope eee Bak ove eet of enc poo wh oe Se mance anderen pea Wore inl avs deci fhe bored something ery diene Thea sens Wi cunt mach descpon St enetanrposc Wiener we tink we have he mage ped down ie change The beloved mouth ng be compa eo fears ld sum, ber gc ota of» pale hr ee tothe Tie Avabine Ode 5 ef white ens In apne dceon the pote oe uta Shy dacepve one roe the int eon of the seo {hough chi of sles The maps ested png at fawn ‘rams, owe meadows, dee anime igo uring im set file angatty—are srs of wecled whens. Nin tbe Sieben a od ihe xt ene ea ‘ore wee led dong aga a lite ae 8 rele. ‘eee: red pr rsp meson Sk aan andthe Bed Sy ded capa. The compos mene pet wh ep when he cpt at scoped te Bees gone The fost who inthe de feed om wha ed lt ir ow hms beyond the mar of tan community He nba ons joey mae bye peng sila nthe min ese he den othe oo oy mp the “sting eof be cael te desu sh or the mgs ‘Ania te iderowniogete lat homo om—semeoed Wy dane “The our acount cane dl byth depcion ofthe ier tou the aml mae (us Then an be ded nto ‘Sioies making oe doe smi the Aran eee st ‘Suter gacel aly whan seg cide hte tld rege con fh sss thee The st te inoueed though mie enng he ms othe bu op he sine dsenbls The conned exten ofthe snl oes Sta indpendene aia enode ens ema ad yee ell at ‘thes beyond any Soci day, Te oe of he bay. gee gh hing Sh hele ein pee roe ol theo he nie ten» sen lent endtone Sbtng svar ed de the vl 0 the fe) Bena te se Prams thew to Bek tore m spre pers foam independent wget revaing tare pound Ste an. ie plate, “The anima ae led not by name. bi by eit: ted eed clumping for the oxic esp or "era ere steer” wld one® “acne ont forthe one The nove ce imi nacios the nrcpe an na vl nee ‘be Enh and Home vate yng dave wie dk el the Aa ptt has po noun Ie oxmBer Engh omen Bide Geabested nator her tay. Gesu) br fore animal shee te hanes of sch rms. The ai! pts sash lee ai sefonmed A gener tem ie ors ands naned Beet of desription ae replaced with an lot linc pssby of mes © Introduction shorkal and metooymicars opening the te ont deeply etd ‘od ofan and yb ay "When bor docs nrounded oy hues we know she wiles In an ouch eblaa ve can expec 10 Bind he mae onc ennng nck ioe eet Thee ignte and metapbor nd sims mast hve (en seed sl sleed ver genentnon cording fo the bedoun eee and eh ule pote lp ofthe ode Tey take om tem “Rap Torin saplenc of alason and inthe con expansion id depeing of pitt andrymbolie sociation they shieve 2 mabe eee of Hee. “The tenon rom the jurey t he ed's fal movement the test lien tales he fom of swe song The wine andthe song of ‘Site i in conslaton forthe lop of the beloved, contin hareon smo to many talon the more the poet des the fae be pots hon wel eh fortes the Hele and the more ‘Erect me hebeber hs prodamstion TAs basse anim) foarte he of th oe ara rble However mh he nasb may no Tir bchind remembrance of the Beloved haunt the poem Ne td conoling the pote ve “The tomate cetera he Boas the naga sacriice The pot ero dauphin fs camel mare and derbutr the mest though #83) lec the anon lve wt arew sats The ngs aociaton th ‘he al othe poet made exp nthe pate: mentioned ip tbe owt ofthe sing af he lng cel to te pve of he len be. ‘Tas conection sy wall a eh bale imprance fee a ote Preceding journey seson chaste saci Inthe ode f LA, dhe Nence mae she pone at which she Indl Rese Bout ofthe ot merges withthe tbl voce the poem ending WH kid of iba {fb inthe ade of Tifa the sence goes wong ending th the Feet community stand hr eke se te mul recrminaing ‘aes oe amin. the othe enraged, casting the blame nthe de Uf the nih ongan.poe) Shins. the sare ous nly in Seaphor. when the brgandpoct ot of om all community ses [imei che hatang nis cared up by the pensions of his tray emer The long mr of Bus suet of many oder nas beg bythe seis king of aug, The wie sacrice i 2a and poetic periomaee in ad peton fhe pecans lance ofthe comunity andthe way af ts bods Within se hero baslebsst an afrmatign of human stunt is aimedtanon spon fae andthe abr of the human conden {Teotanmngopnonens ces exchange Boars andtaunt Ye within ths penonaiaed ntgoniy le the supcon that thee 1 nothing The Anion Ode 7 erronal all about ab encounter guided and predetermined by the andr of feet ar ome (di) tht shang and wear down all thing and fc a allned dent (meni), A the bale bo nee ‘en the erties of ebay and th ee 3 een Sat the bout bp ic ante om sg, The moment of {thin bade uma the echt ee poet et 3b enemy kin and non kin sland ee, ather pd. sa mo lage be si. ‘Hag The wir Tools in the eth pi hs ogo ad feet own rection ‘The parte movement of he gpd from na eough journey to the bout. beats remalablervenlone to model ofthe gue theme nfl te and myth One model die the bse myshare ‘aracgm of Wester Merce ito teat ay al Edel cone ‘ron of Bifiner hat exits oly a4 memory he home eving or "xpalion of he hero a his obeguens Journey: wecteaton er hoe Coming.» stam not tothe Sra inal ck of confit. but to 4 Tes idl scr eraramed and eriscard bythe ere het oun vel ator sac" Ths ptr, 0 xtonshinghy smart the Dre patter of the uid. developed by am author spoarenty Shfanlar with prelamie pov. Mowe recy. dow ending of ‘ever ey ot ht demontrated with plop nd sion ‘he parallel between the qui andthe pore pe of the eof Panag: ntl phate of rpsanon mil pave fnwhich the "pa Senger moves beyond the margin Ruan communiy and cet ‘ein ands Gol egureation nes new one are re “Thavgh he isda sbued upon an they ters with iver resonances shies 9 dente mythopocti ity in he mad ‘lbnon ofthat pasem though fr own re and Pu conception a the snd Yet perhaps the mot dine feature ofthis poe 1 ‘ound in ts peter of thematisinterermenson ee Fanconing ot = cer, epithe image or rignte at» mat for acto from ‘ther thematelly done scone Ample skampe Shinto fasion ofthe vangng of hs bow to the wag of 2 gettin onan. Thi apparel despeve se cl p the major for of death clegy,evling thes of Commanity snd woking at odd wi the vhosts explthemate ad eet nent. Within the linear andres progesion hough the male themes of he xe ‘ther teres movements and mood ar svoked best cue Ini range ofmood and mode leis schist, raps come) an in funds ole abresuen Irate the §Inseoduetion sds Arb ciation woul be egutalet to the fl vary of ‘Masel Greet Keer gested nt oe omc ene? Yer as Been genes aetion inthe Wes tha ater es ent oth such 5 the Avion Nigh cycle From the pespecte of cur sone of lization. rooted in eheeguason tiation with ‘he sts orc. tbs eemed inconciral that oe ees of camel: breeding Bedouin lar tert py fnored by the sounding ‘hrlzanons of Rome, Peis and Eons Yemen. wold oer the ace unrecorded pnertons, or ceturierctese one of he masters ‘wold bret,» bghy act, analy ead semana to ‘cael schiced poe form that wat sre a he be forthe Sls Arb langue and ay» foundation of one of humankind ‘sor lzanon Ths fate nde sory of Abi an mcs chor. beet oly eens pang may f spprecatve one ‘Aner complication the quid’ ambialen ace within Mam “The Quran apropated many of she cena raves of pre blame poetry The re of the lan (te geneous one) Is the eas for ‘rape eected by sim cera role nthe Quran, shou Ie hero and poe conor har Been tantonned. Deri ich con ‘Ste and dept the cena infunc ofthe ass many sess ‘of am eau he sass worl inten.» crete teen seo lees tension, ath liam Upon sta tthe Kab the pn Sods the mall ung th open of rare Eytan clas ee fel Wit appear there not pty. Rowe Bu usage fs the Saran, ete aes ofthe oe in fl sled with 3 ew toward bo pocae qi snd balanced representation ofthe tdon I have net mated the comple meter apd tyme ofthe oni, but have ed ‘dence, se modulted though the ine breast eceste the oxi ‘ym tare formed bythe poy of yen srs he meer The falta rendison ofthe poom ns trl omits and contempt) ‘Reto vene Ont ober and Ihave hep some key etre ch fi he lately independent nate ofeach vee and the comple ‘pies ven wee sich entures maybe italy conf or arage Experiments wth pring ther op have proven £0 me thet cea Piace same cay» Bigh semantic chuge Where thir imap a0: clio ate sig I the eae of the tatoos ofthe elweds Sey Thave ante hem (Tin oan Mache). Where fuchfenate aaliton wold be Siang + where the sgn =: Ture meaning i les appetes have ued she Arabic mates (nan, The Arabian Ode 9 Auth. Fyd Thi) The intra feene The sero toa notte sien ee sicher ae ego the ince sacs of ego epee ste Drs ten yn penton srg des ge ey Linda whens es cone ane nto ied pared iment teagan core chr mes ly he mad dhl opty tc Ree The oof» dian oun ol Ye se pel buh totter ane upe ftae ee Sip icy tnd ween of shan, nay een ‘Shana cn ad uncninel epoca eg Ra Sate fom nese owes Ietc Though etnias yey beeen the tenet outers pied oo Se Red Nihon A Ley Hoy of se Ani (Canidae: Cae edge Pre 956) gp toil and “The Mielg Plin By Abeta, a pend ohare ai ety" Condy Ho of Ane Lance 1 om ayo 8 96 ruck secepance SD Maro opr a eyo oe Fa! at Suey (ons sane nh te fy tery opunded ‘tn bre, tb tine. fA sue arse nd Tse Hs, Fad at [Ost Unt] xm Bk nd See owe “Ort Court n Pe Ham ot Iolo Ae Laan 9 (13-59 Zeer Th Onl Tot Cl Py (lab Oh See Un re 0) ‘Se Sheri "Name and pte. The Pilg and Semis of ‘asa Nomen mE Nabe Psy Sera Ne xe Sain (Gotew809: and ThE Honea Schow + They Out Bonh t teem Pe asc rs Poel Es 44 088) Se Se The ago Taal AL 164 21533 Foren face he tren Sle ine e Me a Tuts wisn ae 1 Har Shebower Mans Mi Pane ey Cas Oa Wns Sut UB, 170) pp. 20-28 Te S stem "Seucure neason of PemieFosy Coco New Decca So Earn Sai 2.2 (103) #2— 107. "The yl pd Hs Poem: A Pasa of eM Joma o Ansa Onl Sey oR (80 weet Whether here veoar mavens xed independent gel the deveopmen le ands aan bens te of econ 10 Introduction 4: Se} Sete “Abie Py od Ase Pot” Hn Sai: A “asd ois hai, CX Under Pb 990 F-10313 ad A'Ss The Quen the Wen: Sa Reese Sean and Cat sip Theses ea osm he erage fp pst ‘hor ged the och ed hasta I Oo ete ‘eon Basa Bean aE Fresnel Ee Inlined he rndeed Anke wad wh ap Engh qe read the poem Ste the nroduton, befor reewrning to the poem Sauces Wut de hou, Tos a wea vero oe Maa 3 Mae ‘Tower watt Shonamars Bo he Se at Fae he Za Ir Maly pad Mabe esos of Shr amy ane ‘Thea sie de eam Tetc canon eet as Be “Algama Is What You Knew Kept Secret Thi poem opens with a dsc example ofthe remerbance ofthe beloved deartre, the ah The pode I inoduced by sess of ligule guestions concn the beloved an the secret she ner the pee Ar centre he elerence to hea the ‘Son, 2 word with» ely ne Actbi gin ther wo in snot 2 cron othe Arb athe Arbic word fo fe mode reader In oreo peeve the tried octane rae the feta andthe exec Ihave hep the Abe wor in dhe taaton The clr ofthe honda ae ineed ith 1 mggeon, somes shosing of Bc pabably Bre of pe) conn the ch re de Sf the deth wth blood. A mention ofthe poe tex, tisugh an ‘Sutun and Uenbling sine, Hows no an extended detonate roan mare (heme pling an irgaton bag wih al te soins ‘tert and vefwing abundance tha he memory ofthe beloved ‘rakes, A Gol predaimed efit nouns memory of Sima i [Dwed by the move spec memoryof et of hear and clingy of et fumment Thi the cose the poem comes to dexabing he. het ferwessa atays: poet eed “The oumey bene withthe nigh oun, oy 0am rater chy cot cnerene menton of the ackeied Windle Cal rps mento that js compeing ss ba he age were ‘Bien he dep ofthe magnon, The substitutions end ith the “redeged umpwig”(omh) which pete poem pent ‘nto tblenw the male och Browsing then racing back + ‘he ns there a fino emporlyvepaate Bther racing ack one ‘the eg anther ioe t he ches) the en mot fe Ang pe ‘he alleles ead cchng tat lieth babble of fener ‘The babbling foreigner ae Byzasne Romane) revere eylog ofthe Engh tem br athe bale of howe wpeking ‘ther (nm Greck angus Here tthe Crees who ae he bale ‘Sabedoun pet at home ins highly arclitecokursingustic wed fh own. The companion the wig cama ofthe stich oa ent ‘hows how such anda exten Ghehoned over genraons and Selected down tothe rece se can achieve the mo eng Inlyihow they ae performed In the Mags of Ana the sme 12 ‘Algama compation i mae, with arable and impo ference ‘Alam's Spats fin yer withthe eros and moro mood tte fre ontch see, the Wing caage craved to 3 “even heap of {ent setup wrong by + coy mld”, the onch per Imance i dominated by ore tg mond a the ode 2 shoe ‘he wing carne comatd ohne lier above ented be “The boast nstsiced by a power st of provers Proves most fen srpesr inthe gps nda, sly he recon Rematch fa vere fea mel pepectve in ance nth he paiclst Siuaton evoked tthe ft hemi, wn ave dat cru ter the poems “Whatever the sakes the love pope Arties proverb Amine anode ain the Mugs of Zuhiy Hee they extend feven vets carly blanc withthe oer esos of the oes. AT ry pune in the guid. the prover medavon on ft ad To 38 Te eoked in waney of wae withthe saber movement In ram odoin ‘The wine rong one ofthe eater in long of homage othe rie ganic of wine. presents he wine wth 2 rial orally TS Sanget flowed by che mage ofthe wsmor om horeback ending Inger bet, and sandizonme The desl ende ith pean 4 he hone and ancl ate ed in procenion wih pe of er Gules ed ineage Popes ses together seve movement: the wei scene tf ehe maiden servants lading nthe oda cel (wich ae alas tall the ving of the beloved win er honda depen’ and the prceson thet eae er away fo he poe se binging out and ‘stvling of the ine andthe foal paceman of hone and sme ‘ite that done the poem The reference ote camels leasing ike 2 ferbourie being fom onthe Beg cai a pei fore due #0 ‘choing of nda compas nal to moving wen wing oo hgh ge “Ths ode of Alama ia blanced representation ofthe sla mode st sera 0 bes ven aly period I vin imap suc, zd unsentinental ins estany fo eva ict the ine wo ‘Sfemionallowing the mater iage orignal pote in mort ‘ery ct to sess atalting erwin the abe resonance ‘fs oral yepany and bllne ped ed ory ohne ben 3 pet al of Im aye and to ave been iva in org ene te ng of Cha ote ‘So nroe rap) Ll ele sh ean soe 1s Whar You Know Ket Set 13 Fhe mat the fot ued upon te et © for ns (ore The fin wee wold be zaman» maton ning say longo! 1a at id ah fm babe dh wk Lys marin Tanase ok jou. with highs source ball tucked bindlng) and onch Cede Sepenngy sot ie song oe ned pean 1s What You Knew Kept Secret le what you came ro know. fren in rust kept ecet Te he bond 9 you Token, now that she i far? Does a grown man weeping teas without end for thov he loved. the dawn of paring. receive his ar foward By the time I knew, they had et the leave, all he came sualions sanding bidled before dawn Camel salons of her ibe led in by maiden servants then loaded, bundles Bound in Tad brocade While bird hung inthe ai ‘lacking a de seaks and asels as lftheyd been ened hearsbd ermion They caved am nie away. Asatiron scented perfume eal Before the sense even 007 hor ragrance linge “The fle of her hair Tefolent ar musk when the po i opened. Reaching out to fouch it then the suf ned Is overcome Liken my weeping eve fo 2 water bag ragged dawn te wel slope ‘hs roan mare waters ound eo the vadestay. For a ful season unsaddle, ‘nal her ump hardened fim athe rounded side ‘fa amish below, Cured ofthe mange and covered vith resinous balm clear and pore Spilling water ito channels a rain hisks pare from the ripening fra, the flooded slopes owing ovr. To remember Sima! recall times spent with her 1 fal, conjecture about the other side 2 easing of stones, Breas sath crossed nd fling gown folds at the hip. clinging tender tea gael fan read within the yard Wi overtake het farang tbe's ear guard ‘ona night course, sold ata worn Boulder in 3 stream, rome is, ‘inged by 2 ath of geen mallow ‘hat Foams up ‘over cheek and jw? (On ane ik tat, ome through the desert ranging fr. while inthe shadows the oul sends forth a mated ery She side-eyes the whip ‘lent a a tuskbelied brindle eg. cas sharpened fo the sles sound, Or like a r-eged clamping. bbeerapple and estorbery ‘pening for him behind the titing dane. Aa the blac-banded clocynth he lingers. cracking pods ‘and tipping sprouts of ey cr Mouth bke the split in a sick you barely make i out— snd eats. tufted markings, ae i he'd been docked, Ui he remembers some ees “dnguited by = day of drial and wind and'acovesing of oud He quickens his pace. without arin, whisking along just shor ofall out Splictoot Bing Tost his bulging eve asthe were way f il luck fearquichened, Aide. forechest, ike dhe sting of 3 re lke a water bird ina meadow pool He doubles bac toa down-sropped ‘brood of nestlings that appese when they ramble over Tikes cod covers 198 Circing dhe net holo ciring asi, eating for ecks Unt he reaches ‘the sn hom es the nest hallow and 2 heap of es Beckoning to them wich 3 excling and clcking Tike the bale of Greks in thet fortes, allheaded,thn-necked, wings and chest lie s eaves heap of ent ‘stp wrong by 2 dumsy mld A female draws neat, long neck lowered, revponding wich wabling cry Beery eke though ree, hough many wal one day see st chet struck down by the heanhstoes of ev. Prats can't be purchased except fora pee nen begrudge cone that i rll known, Genero i light on riches an abode of ls. ‘What you hoard is left over the objet of tom What you own ‘sa wool plaything, ‘rowing ong om stub sheep then thom He who guns is quaey ‘the day of dhe ai finds ie wherever he curs He who mists, mister ot Hoseneck fll wil cos your path You don't have fo tack down, Foresight and selfcommand rake themelver scarce in the cow Whoever comes upon rove thd sate them for an omen though secure atthe time te faced ro rin, ery fortes Jong safe on great pls wal one day be med to the ground 1 could wall se the diher, mong them 2 ging He sex lad low by golden, foaming wie. “The dink ofa potent, aged by vembecpers or 2 specu oceason lel take You up apd sia you around For the headache is cue Aol of i won't ham ou No dasines fom ie ‘el mis in your brn Avineage of nah, 2 slammer, fora fll yee unexpoved ep in a ela oppered jag with 8 woten sa Glistening in is decanter, while #freign-bom poe. mouth covered witha coton band Fagon like a guzlle hgh on the cif face neck and spout sled with inen sve Is ecper brings i ou nt the sn. Ie fishes white singed by branches of swet bas agrance brimming over. Many times have I outeaty asin a per accompanied bya frm, fine-honed. preci Blade May une ave | gmble carved from hard wood, ound with sinew and notched They put thee stallions up for wager. | offered mine fst ‘Whatever the sakes the loser pay. [ might wel ride with a band of braves but’ food sack geen with mold ‘and some sinking mest. ‘Many times have T mounted the sale fame, face semed by day ofthe Gemini + and peslene.Blstering winds, Buming ‘hone were doaked and tubaned, wrap on wrap ‘nthe Kindle ae Unie nl len eos there 25 her lineage, known tall were leading ber ‘With a faves spline bone tnd a fae pater, wich hoof walle ‘rimmed and inte. With shanks ke the base ofa psi branch, leg lke a Sh th eet with 3 hoof frog a tough ast hardnawed date pt fom Quran, She fllows troop of Hack dromedaries that ery out when deven de s tambourine tom on the heights (On one side s ering bor elf is pending, whe on the other The old camels, humps high below Led by 2 salon, worn and ed an elder, meaty, age Shanfara Arabian Ode in “L” The “Arian Ode [Rhyming iL (Lamina ata) he mot fumes hk ula 1 appar net the nonmal guia ep patter. ke the sicko rg ml, wander hoot 9 aren ene of poerion st gol The poem bepas with Shinra $handoned by or abandoning i ke caming that be har beer ends im the dese scavengers ad ii oword het pd bow it tracing ti prado commanity of maruding animals weapons Sst Shinra reer hime ars aw The em oem ands 2 peerou one of ble bur rage of ber ales 9 com Prebonie that | ave sendeed aman lowing the pcm oil {nt meaning. The Lina as Reames tuchitone fr the ehos of the prea rn even though onthe formal lev! the hi ett tray of th a's oe porta at ‘The poem then turn sure sie (hit). The re ced «aniline nal tlw trough on plane suceiy £0 Sib Hatred or taken unavarer are anccted wih ai 20 ni Spline inperssy opponed fo the vie (al commande fd sexoned causson of on ust) The poem irs vivid ate iReatatg of te ete na tor beloe i eformain by the ues no 2 rlour ee The mtwil toe ors saldealy somber asthe deve overcome ‘he umiled rl app fone ong hws.” Two ir hen led into extended ama vets In each cx the nel deere eine posent 3 ll wit 2nd pou) i Both scomplhed Thc ournin a the poo voce ovetows a ve ofthe ote amo ‘seed sles ip Ac pet “The vie then becomes ore ei. In pug of pycologi intensity, Shnfra pence hi cme at daving ft fr "a ‘trang fs The eri bos bing vere Inthe andar bose. he herself le a= Hr by ecg ean er sing the met tough them game Tn Shia’ metaphor. ie ‘he poet hil who Sepa e dauphtered age Thi por ‘ok the ita ur ming came! echoer sma nverson caer inthe poem where he port ele ois pads" The puedo within ‘he outer aerton ofthe uitenenaly tbl le the one 22 Shinfara tor evident here whee the camel were and the maya elerence (Garing wafer tina arow shat ating sound nthe had of 2 rambler) some #0 moze not helen) ofthe el Bente Sutbseboned priacon ‘Aker buming hs bow and aro wood (another los of cla enim igh ack, Shafi hanes teens oem Preving upon tough 2 nghe rl eh presented with» hing Indreston and 4 man, nomen dont act ke eae). Therekrence ‘Djinn may rc the “other af duet" metone ft before the ‘hid and wich may bea sont the pha em i owe ‘change forms conan ewer he tee ap lead im ode Strcton. ler al ouney see, aan withthe hero eveling om sores, he oe end ith» moment of ait, the pet andnguonoied smi the mountain gat 2 he hil wee 2 Iounan got or mountain antelope (whee ace” al-homed inthe ahh od there no remembrance ofthe beloved, Shinar sco in te deparre of herb athe being ofthe poem i ‘rire counter the lien over te bled deparre Wht oat clement there ae tach the camel sei, ate ao ive ven the Joumey the major theme ofthis poem piven 2m 00 ermine. Shofar even oc ater han by cael mae tet Tracing spol of rntaten with voce, but—like he sang Toler is ped eoledy on om one desert nt another Si wae forly ante brought Back in ale way. The inl ending of he pth eal the the sina pores of hes 2 resoince compounded bythe alsin rouge in through 2 diem [edwin ro nomen draped in owing shoe The serps oleae of he antocal aati countered bythe imge of communi that ‘Spear simies ke doves cl aml at way pool) Exely ower ae he sesonance of the dg,» yor tha often formed Spare poem of own and which wall related he nas the ‘dpe being iment forte sensed ved one the sa men for ‘he aunt beloved. age f rouming women recur houphout the sum Within the twangng ofthe Bow and bend the Bowling ofthe trols one hess the ecto of ge, tad trough acon, the [mene fr ehe lowe Bove, te lo prem the Baken community coer of snes paraliiy haunting ns pal concainent Beneth hee demeanor tat “eps composute ot what It bas “helped of Son fhe ke of Ae panty comple He sade ke bean ced be tl rb chm fe Fate Arabi Ode ie "L283 ldo Ane dante a Sind nechng os capt mane ‘kc abe When hs be toed see be ne eg. Ise up hh asad pen re ats ek tinge Sali Pe ‘eter ying + man Sura aed papa sd ube it {Ea bed the eed th awe ee ong tbody be ket ‘hosed fra en Tae Retr cucy he een on UBnprtabosn Sf ein ake Cron i mera St us ‘Succ by some tobe te oko the Bren panmanen oe ame enol, Kh arabs) The lee ae Ben shown tobe 2 eon of Lean ent neon eal ecm she ppm et lr athe tpl the Sn and enero Heed vere {ote cated ou by dchnton opt mn Serta aon nts Ati Py Ar Shani nd the Li a Inman If le ve Sas (948 36-30 “ener -8 pene sone prem eben od Tie meer te ete wor common oe ee moe. bed ‘si baa ea pins eye fe i gen soso a aa vol woe che and outed down by cme 8 rey, Arabian Ode in “L” Get up the chests of your camel ‘and leve one of ay mather Tlesn 9 2 eibe other than you. What must be at hand “The moon ful mount and saddle frames secured for diane erotng In thi and i ree for 2 man for one fearing sealing hated, place to withdraw By your fe! Ie crowds on no man who vee by nigh, ‘near orn desir, and keeps hs wits about im, have in place of you ther kn the well unwearying runner. the daring sand leopard ‘the Brilerneched hyena. These ae my clan, They dont reves! a secre piven in trast tnd they dont abandon & man for his crime, They ate the somal nes, the fers, though | ar fis sph of he prey aim Bese, {As recompente for losing thote who dant repay 2 vor in whose nearest Lannot el eae, Uae thee fends brave eat a bare blade and long bow of yellow wood, Smooth and eat fedesked with jeweled tokens, secured with cosh And when iets the atrow sip ie orang Whe a chi-berefe mothe, ‘iet-stuck, who moans and wal Tm no quickso-thist, herd bparared we dark ‘aler ied hough their mother’s udder are und No foulbreathed cringe. valeting. aking er tn every aff hats do, No ostrich inp supeted Tifa spamow were beating up and down in he bear, No malingeer, stay-at-home, ‘womaarchaer, evening and morning coated with Kohl ond perme No ck, worth indolent, Teaping up. when stared unarmed Nor bewered by dhe dark When the towering empiness sume astray the tveler, agen ranci losing his way. When my sole pads meet the gravel fine fist akin. push unger on| antl die Arve attention from i forge. 1 sooner slurp oh dey mouth hen fale sorme man's condescending favors Were Ino shunning ame woul lack so food no drink sg cae ot ie Bur shi heed soul fives me to test when wronged unt T move on Wrapping my insides ‘round a empty stomach pc e's weavers threads, spun and twisted [prea dawn on meager fore ke walt Ted on deter into deve scrawny. Be He sete out at dawn. hun ‘uick into the wind. Alicng down where the ravine ends ‘and veting He moves on in pursuit of ood Ieeludes him He howl His mates respond hunger Thin a the new moon, shen aced, like aoe sats rating sound in the hand of a gxmble. ke a queen be, ‘arm roused bythe tro poles of a lif danging honey gathere. Wide jawed, gape-mouthed, if hei awe were the sider of ole tck, ‘inning im He hols inthe empey spaces, they howl kif shey and he were bereaved women fon the high dpe, wating His eyelids sg. He grows sent. “They tallow hit ea, They he, fom, ‘ake heart from one another. He turns back, They tur back, surging. hard preved. Tecping composure cover wh they hide “The sand grovse drink what I leave behind. “They approach the water hole after night journey thelr sides rombhng. I reolved. They di We raced Ther wing fl limp while [tod in ont a eae wih my robe tucked up. Teumed “They tumbled tothe rm, crops and ules ‘aueezing and pulling, Ae if their ater con both sides of the water hole were groups of men from exrvans, Testing themselves down, CCongreatng fom al sides nd taken 0 ke roves of camels fata wayside pool ‘They gulped swiftly and passed on se dawn Tike panicatrichen riders from Uhiza how the east’ fae well “There tech our. reves ‘ded out versbnae and s crooked back An arm fr a pilow wor tothe bone Joint standing up Hke bone cubes sssewn by 3 able And the mogher of dust ees for Shinar, now. Jong di she find station in im ‘before! i crmes track him down, “They sae los forthe of hie hamserung sh When he seps ‘hey spend the night eyes oper quick co his rn, ‘rorking their Way it Shinfare, fiend of cares Tine alter sme they Cum Tike quaran fever When they come down T ve them ou “They um back rm al sdes upon me “Though you might sce me sun eaten a sand daughter. Tapped shod. with or fet, Sell am I she mater of patience over the heat ofa sand cat. thod with soli, Sometimes Ihave nothing sometimes al [ned ‘Only one who pes himsl facseelng. wil prsper 1 dont lose neve in advent exposing weakes, nor do | prance elfsaied in my che. The hoeneck fol wil not provoke ny selcommand, and a noe seen begsng atthe hese of conversions and slandening. (On how many 2 night of tu Tahen the hunter bums hi bow for uel ‘ind hi tow wood Have | trodden through darkness and diz, on Bie wich hunger sinding inside. shivering. filed with dread. ‘Then have | widowed women “ind orphaned chen, returning st began, the might blacker black When next moming in Ghumaysi ‘one ashing about me the oer being asked Last night our dogs were whining: ‘A wolf prowling. or 2 hyena Just fing sound, den sence. ethaps «started grouse, or 3 hawk? Es jin that an iPboding night visitor ands man. no men dont act ke thay To how many 3 day ofthe dog sa when the an drools est nd snakes wrth con the burning ground Have I tured my fe no wll to praect it but the catered shreds ‘ofan Athan cloak Wi hai down my back ving up ‘when the wind cakes it tn uncombed clumps, Incied unloused po 2 fl urn of sesons without rine of mall: How many a desert plain, wind-rwepe, ke the surace ofa shld tery, impenetae have I cue taugh om fot Joining the near end 10 the fr. then Joking ou fom a summit, crouching sometime, when sanding While mouncain goats flin-yellow graze around me ‘meandering ike maidens raped in flowing vials They become stl nthe setting ron evn nr shee bound forthe high mountain meadow. ral-homed Labid The Mu‘éllaga Inti poom the rae of the beloved apse expen dieing forme trent bes tat se bigger ae worm aa: wring tnd inctptns eliced snd then festord, > eeoo. smal oF te changing ae fds ane evened the rane of Naw compe End the tne remembered ores ha hey cone. The line ‘eraen remembrance and magnon 2 hi pot dieu 0 Bd The pang ins oweing endows nd anu poe of eet anal tach athe gual onto, and “wide ye" (ony doe) ate evoked through remembrance of the Beloved. Nawsr. The undevingsrche typenbeloved alot gden—Bepne tun. The sterly ofa Stree and presence, hcement and manifestation, baremess and ‘erdane meron enn al cnt between sence ab peed. Nou enened the menptons re indeitenble. When the pot ‘ust de ruin, they me mm (hat. des) feig ony lapary ‘lence words wow meaning unl ‘ir the depute ofthe Row caravan (a) 2 mote dina eraecve eed te goup fading ote Sane lie“emarse hl Boule on the dope of Bhan” The prea and specie deli avon of te monument thet Nowe pes alow uk thet that ‘he poet inne with et aod can oa ie the jerry of het journey. When the tenon between thi opaphi and semper {Teena on the ne and. and the poste and mapas Emerg ‘ve er ince. on the che, exer he reking pin, he journey ‘eson srl beast the bond Tn the oun, te i Cjurey-nory mat") «placed Est by the ede ofthe cmap (shecnoadaer and “vite ell" hc in tun by the ep ofthe one” or Bat noed one” he ‘Sx di) ho Toes er fun £9 wale ir camer by hunter and Til wo honing og Kasb.— erly Fetmand Sut). A ‘Sciatne polity genet: hla dough best. ting and “nlarance inthe onger ecto, lowland, Boing det fing Staley nthe on season By the ee we Tech the ora he inal “hens” henge ae sed to play he sacanone oF the on in alinot der sot withthe qncelementl endurance ‘Yonenay Aferent kind of vlenceeveral scr between the one The Micilaga 33 in the joume and the oxy in the muh In the wih, the mater wat rocted with Hy the Gye (wie yes) was presente i a elke domes and human presence ot company fut) wat the ‘ject ening Inthe ot ceo the oun, mate socted Sh Booing low and death, theory Cd oe) with 4 moe ‘ee and tore seul word and human presence with read “The bests ered ia by Labi’ amour wine son. he foto ‘eng al soo teh Row wel e ha ogeten Naw The ine sone ‘Slowed by ate. but power depston of he hers on honback Aesceding a mount: The uns and droped int ceri dak rest" The vanopeot cee ath he way rns and fans ‘tured in dares the rkeace f 4 vantage pointe one tableau fhe journey Cthe my stones charged with fe) wie con tasting wih the operatic cary of he sags of Nawrsourney Feegunted by poet who we not thee “Te culmination ofthe owt the nua alugher f the lend the din of the mest through the mar gue. Ar his moment the Individual vie ofthe oe i abamed it the cltve ake ofthe tebe. and dhe vanourcerents ofthe ae. dep. wandering difse come topsoil trent of nba chan What bane ithe sone (pat, easton) ofthe ancestor, ad he star” (on. sharing) the ‘be Speci ence pen othe feeding and sheen of those ‘woh weak kinship nde The dete se Huened os ge or gost ‘ire he nihg mare she wa there tothe tome fallen maser dete de Ths hsueng age highligh the eymbsic soon Beoveen thei spd the sl ofthe potters an cite the ‘neo mh tha scion. Alacer reference te the howe with high rot nd tthe ford ‘hae hou camer cated wlio ene see weet yay Manic wer ofthe term "howe" (hs) The ene section may Be ropome to the Quran crea of pte-amie Abin tocety fot ‘electing the orphan ahd the needy ant the phe ina and ‘ha ire in place of tat of he bee. Acorn to Labi end the poe Ined tos Methucan age and ded ame fry Yeu fe the founding of ls in €23 C£ The sppearice a the endo the poem of the cental pele ual camel ence whe appa be # reponte #0 Quranic cick. get the poem the aurea Baal fareron of herbal thos in the ace ofthe protic henge ‘hampined his te before the court at si aceped lism and esounced enc oe Tori ten aad pe ‘fa eiview mabalh fa megs Simin ada hai The Mu‘éllaga “The tent mars in Min inhete she encampe and where she alighted ‘Chav and Rim ee ro the wid ‘Aad the torrent beds of Rayyin raked racing worn thin ke iscripeons carved in Batened stones Dung-stained pound that tll the years pasted since umn presence month of peace "one by and mont of a, Replenished by the rn stare of spring. and by thinderclp downpour, or ead Sine dropped, shen ras From every kind of coud Tassing at night darkening the moming ‘oF rumbling im pals across the evening sy. ‘The white ponderess has shoe upward nnd on the wadi slopes. ‘eles among thir newborn, and orice And the wide-ofeye, ‘lent above monthling Fane (On the open een ‘ealings ster, ‘The lle and he nls uncovered marks ike the script of faded sole restored with pens of ree (Or racing of tatt00 woman beneath the indigo powdes, sted i pl the frm bepins to reappear I stopped to guestion them How is ane t© queton “dea. immorable inareulate ones Srgged bare now "Thar once held all ha eibe— they lef inthe ery moming avin tench and some thatch They sine longing in You ast) packed up ttr honas disappearing inthe ai of cotton. frame Seakng Poatbeams covered ‘rich evieradded uresins cof Sven ind of cloth brocade Shas black eanepaent. ier vel Strung out slong the route in groupe ike ony does of Tdi fr Wairan pales, white Fans telow them safe ncis turing, Tho aed to the ane Seating In the shimmering Ike temas and boulders, fon the pes of Bihah, Bat why recall Newée? she Het set and bonds #9 you are broken ‘The Mine lady a lodged in Faye then joined up withthe Hz dans. “iho ae you to sie 10 reach het, (Oh the easter slopes of Twin Mountains oF Muir? Lanbuste as taken her i, then Marblehead, Then Tindetands ifshe heads toward Yemen— [imapine her there-oe at Thal Mountain fri he alley of Fikhim, Gut the bond with one you cannot rach The ber of shore who make a bond are thors who can break Give to one who seems t0 cate ‘pve agin but if the lve gos lame and stumbles, ‘you can break off On a journey-wor mae, "eh sen loi ands sunken hump, ‘When Res shrinks back round the joints and atthe ints of weariness ankle chong ay She a et inthe bridle ss 2 reddth cloud mpted of water skimming slong on the south wind Or sheenoFudder ate of rttedwhite-belly GGnashing and licking. the devng off of vas hae tuned him slow Biescared. way. he tales he high no he hil curve. pregmant recent, exaving Above the cralands of Talat he clibs the vantage points, winder the way stones charged with er Usa ehey serape back through he se dey montis of Juma, ‘month on month of thst, surviving on de They bring thet course "9 binding pan serengh of nent ‘in the twist ofthe strands Pasters tear inthe bra gra Summer winds fare into dust squalls and burning winds of Sum, “They contend in asing dust Te shadow soars ke the snake of» frebrand Tindlng et ablaze, Fanned by the north wind stoked with brushneed the smoke of blazing high blowing Be. He pues ‘eeping he ahead She bale He dvs her forward Un shey break sno the mia ofa steam, ‘pli the brining flow and clustered sees An endlosing stand of rushes, some sanding Ted them in with shade (Or wat es wild one wolfstack? [aged Behind the her lal ama had been her sy. A flacnosed one who let her young. the does no cee cieing the dune slopes ‘nd lowing Fora whie fan, rolled inthe dust and dimembered by contending wolves, asen, nat sboutt9gve wp thelr portion. ‘They chanced upon her while she was unaware and tracks Te aos of fate do nor miss thet prey. She pastes the night fn continuous curenns of ran rating around ehe dune eats int wteady steam, owing long the line of her back urlet on runlt coma nigh the ts se veld in cloud, She enters a gated tangle ‘of roots euting about with her homme, at the Bae of the dune as it de and fle aay. Glowing in he face ofthe dar, luminous lie seaman’ pe come unsung As lphe pats from dawn she apres in the ety light Teg shale slipping co the har wer sand Splashing, conse, ‘through the pools of Su back and fort, seven pat of nights and day, Unt hope gone ther once wader des. though susling and weaning axe not hat withered down, She makes out the sound of men, ould king feat from the hide sd, ‘human presence, her aficion Dawn finds hee tuning front andre oS placing behind her and ahex the eourte offer, Uni phe agchers ve up tnd send in thet wel-rained, lopeeated avhide-alred Taunting hounds They run her down. She wheel upon thers ‘wth s hom. pent and shat bike Sambar sea, Driving them of tensing death upon het vt she fas, cera, fered. neat. sib bears down on er. He i seated In blood ‘and Som in his place of attack islet de (On one lke eh, ‘hen shimmering dance Jn the forenoon tnd lear gowned in rage rng the ise ro 2 cose, rot held back by daub for by some erie rummaging around for something there 9 blame. (Or did't you know, Nawir hae tam one who ter love knot ‘nd cute fee? Whe abandons a place thar no longer pleases sles il fate eave to that some certain fof mine You don know, no. how many nights brighefaced, with drinking company End delicous enterainment have spent in talk Showing up ax she innkeepers banner tthe moment i aed when the wine i choke Paying any pce for every vintage aged in Hackened ne and acsmeated jos ele broken For a pure moring draught and the play ofa singing pl ‘pon her late, Bers ping sof ars the sng, Rising ear to cusp the roorers morning all for second round that quenches Saher lepers jst Ben 10 st ‘On how many a cld and windy morning have I held steady ‘de reine fall tno the bands ofthe north wind ‘Tobe defender, ‘word on ey sted nny cross her bale ‘idng out at dawn To climb co a vantage point over doveswaled gorge Tidden In dust lust covering the way-maths The sun's hand dropped Ineo thickening dates, he mouths ofthe edge pasage ‘onceled in ver of shadow 1 descended tothe pan me standing lke a palm Snooth towering eon vbsaring the date cuter. 1 drove heron to te pace ofan ostrich ‘and fer, une she grew hot and het Bones soened, Sadie ing a her neck poured rest, fh strep drenched i hoe fo Head rated, she sueched in the bride, and veered lke’ waterbound pigeon ‘when the Bosk sures. How many srangers in how may an unr snob snhere gine ae sought blame feared Lon necked, dhteatspering “demanding bloed. as fey were deser jinn, feet anchored in stone, Have I pven thee in what hey aimed Hing my share of right londed ver by no prince of thes How many times have I called Tor a mas daughter and the gaming los ‘of notched ser haf Cling the ehrow forsale or nursing mare the portions parceled out ‘all the cen clan Distant cients and ueste ff heya come down to Tabila where vles are ses Seeking refuge among the tnt ropes weary a stumbling camel ‘weary a got mare swhitechumped lf 9 de They show up when the winds wai, the weak at Kn the broken in he orphaned ro be given tn equal’ share ‘Thetis yet among ut when the egunel meets one who ieae the moment, wh taker on she burden Who divides and stig, ‘iho raises high the nights of some ove, ving into the ground, ‘Ashe deems Bt, magnanimous smunlcent, ‘rasous, seeking plinder and gaining From 3 dan whose fathers have shown the way For every waror band there i guide and a way “Thee honor sneamished thelr ation neve allow ‘thelr judgment does no lean withthe winds of dese When ra as potoned out mong the eke, the divider bestowed on 4s ‘the gester share Be content with what the ste bat given He Who portioned merit ut among is mos known. He bull for ws a house vith okey ro Boys and fllaped men "eend to They ate the prosecors when the tbe i presed they ae the Fier they ae the rales They ae Mespng Wy acpendrt among them. to tha without proves ‘then te ear ow ong “They ae the tbe wen heer das bis fot ind the we one teat the enemy ‘Antara The Mu‘allaga (0 abode of ‘ba in ai, pesk The inaction becomes n- canary wth the repetition ofthe phrase dna (abe of A). Tn this che mose tap ofthe odes. the ete o Me afming element ‘of spech a eleted in the remembrance of the Belved andthe ne ‘ont, ound with consummate betty, only Toefl i the chaos of seepemeating, reciprocal vlence In the Bt sen tere eetene #0 the beloved celle brace be eco and hind pon and he adirened by sever names 28d nicks Abia, Milam Um ath), Te grata {nd refeentlinaabiy suround » Bane satemest of sparaton ling her Hinemen coetng by your father, wha no ob ‘The socal context beloved tbe and pets tke a wat mith one snather—sil padaaly open onto» smlry ape pce fete at ‘ierences beeen vl doer kn and nor wrtor and enemy treak down Menton ofthe wet moth ofthe beloved then lends ‘eer of outrun sm mouth ope t are, 0 aie, ending tna parca Bautflpen rene, with 2 fy alone. busing ke 2 wine dnker humming # tne, oF + sneammed an Ben oer the fine Only the lt sre, so peicy pe fine the theme of ‘mute sae mal gacualydomiote the oer "The ouoey i fteshadoned by the petro on horebick, a motif thy before the Bonu away bl fen (a here and inthe ode of DD alma) ieoduced by the though ofthe beloved evening tnd down travel The poem then mover no the a eros, which ir embeded an exendd snl ineling he och The {Shadanyan mare) atacked by adver ca and ees ide from ‘he pola Disam, Water holes normally i faecanty adrenal ze now pol of eth. The eps ofthe "pe foe lone nl ‘uy et (the och cares equal somber ancctions The om Farina the bids wing cape fo tent comparon tt ad been Sed by Alama ns play macs beefed sa ery diffrent purpose: Ike fined lner stove stented Mer” The epuode ende fh another sue of mutton, the ich wih ay de Inesor apd cakes hed iene to "eut-ene,frsnped dave inthe long bot rcp visence engl he vie he poem 46 Ana Wine song tus to wat soogtreugh an unupaly immediate wine ‘ood smalopy and the aang oF the danke. The vel of ee Beloved s replaced by the ser of the war pred and unveamed. The ater teerence othe Ts ede af the beloved teth—dheseord nd tooth metaphor ble upom the common tei of gaming —s ‘opened on i mote lee pbs a the image of Bred teeth ‘Sree and etaed ie the opponents zn of tere. the meth ‘tthe wor unde ving him adie nce mito a he sie bin ofthe hore Inbal. The only rence ro the mie pe onal «of communal nguniment and unity ar sor with ‘he ying of she maya layer, Genero, normals character of the ri tha af cred bythe ememrnce othe bloved FO the ero poviing er thet, tansformed i te ping of eat hast and he eeding of dese pedators a therein he enemy The pot woce rae eve ome de The leon ol the de coms of repented tage of the rang ofthe opponents am nd the abandonment of hr body ar cron Speech is downed. The sein (hdd slen) The ony ‘oes the guging of + wound. the led goon the complaint the one woud mae were capable of speech The oly aca word “Aaron” seat to cate the et ies, but the cut he ent, more of he tae bate chase Once spin an ee mow the ‘serene (rn he ode of Da Romana ote beloved a bot the Senet the cure nde 3 deter pall nthe boar Lite by ie nih ammeter A hit fad Ben given eat, when nar dscbed is opponents neck wound a thi he the mouth ef farep. ln hs begraphal een Ante Who ‘ese or ae The evel of recipoea sence breaks down {erence beeseen father and son, hin and non-kin, snd, lately ‘eltnd oer Rater shan the erchral elaons upon which care i bse there reecion of» ing sap inne repested 3 {in tet of couled mor. The poem contains an ununal ramber of tecenes oper brothers and tie Tew doubling re pred nga bys hear xe of anata dul and repre forms The Srl cecurenc of such doling ‘Antars ckerence ro ‘he eying ofthe athe of the oro ns of Dimdam (Dims et branes edrbstn ofthe word for wot, and» edupested partial ho of he word for blood), The be’ eater word othe beloved ant Bel but he rc" her Kinsmen eoveng BY your there whats nots be” Inthe conte of ici doug the ney of he father becomes hanged and abene and he ety fhe ove that was noe fob “oveed™ tales on 3 new pony, A The Mucllga 47 ‘he moment of dent in Blood vengeance proces of infinitely Pata retalation ta an eons al bath wag be ar Se sroyed—the sce i unmasied: the hero lok nt he death pn hiv enemy and es hs peer en, hc. ‘ery ct hve bees bm deo inn sole ade ‘hers tinge nd ae Kags Wat ofan He heroes ‘ae fe on ints nthe Hs a ‘Seon Sli ugh ew ed nom Nee eps ad inflata hat sr Oman ete Man NF nt the Een dive ols apy a te mane ot an a uch eyo te has gar—en th adeno ak ‘eth we Pes Heath “A Cae Review Mods Solna he ot ‘nin Sian th Pope Suen of a Lie BV oh oe OSA Mt eke, egw ben nid The metre at ol he Maas of ate Adi. A aa fee fi ode een na vee thon ee me ‘ewes hemi Them ay aed cr epg ene et ech fhe eer noe sos ta emis a Ve dina i allan on die lan Teor sions be ai the joe. ith et honed pee, seri Shana man ohne pe ay The Mu‘allaga Have the poets Ife anywhere in need of patching? Or did you she mssinins recognise et abode? (© abode of Aba naw, speak! Moming pets ‘thode of Abi There ae my cael mae towering ike 2 fortes above me— to coniummate the cate of one who lingers ‘Abla makes camp in aba ike our ebe in av Han chen seu, shen Mutahehilam Long ve eaces ne made od barren and emp. Sher Umm a Héyeham. She pleches camp in the land ofthe Belowers hed for ut. esking you. Bint Makar el fr herby cane. dling er Komen, coveting by your father ie What neo Be You have come fo ret— don doubt me in che way scion ofthe honored Beloved But where the chance for our meeting her people in Unsvtayn folowing sping pasts, mine in Chaya? You had set your mind on parting ves: bu anyon + night Sarkened in cous ‘The fea fel no more ‘han the pack camel of her clan among the fees champ the Khimkhim bers, Twenty-four mish camels ss black ae he inner wing fethers ofthe Blackest crow ed She takes your heart with the fash ede of her sie, het mouth aweet ro the Ki, ‘Af a deaf of ens from a plceman’s pouds ‘announced the wet glam of her inner teeth, Fragrant at an untouched meadow oom and ares shelered in ra. untrodden ‘dongte, hidden (Over ithe white, fi loude of spring our down, leaving small pool ike aver diehame. Pouring and busting. ‘evening on evening sushing oer ie in an endless seam, The fy hae all to imsel and snot about ¢9 leave, droning softly Ike's wine drinker humming atone, Then buzzing elbow on elbow ite» onesmed man kainling re ent down over the in ~ pe evening and at dwn she aves ona plow while I apendehe night on a bred Black salon, My cothion she sade over hs ticked falhaoked bare piched frame Will» Shadanivyan mare, shut off om aursings, ude dy carry me 9 her dveling? Aes ll igh’ jourey il bing her sel stating Smshing tbe sand mounds and paving As fone evening I were basing trough the sand mounds ‘ons splfoas, Tonge, stubby car. Chicks sitesing afer like droves of Yemen camels flocking toward 3 former who tanmers snd babes. They fllow the Jupof his ead seit chey were following 2 funeral ner above a tened bier Knob-luled. awk-necked The returns ens as sn Dh Urns then sands Tikes cateated, furdaped dave She watered then veered foreguares paling uming aside fom the water holes of Dilam, =1-Duhrudsyn, Asif she were paling away with her wild side from 2 huge hesdes Towler ofthe evening. A dune ca chat clings to her sie, warding her of ‘ith seth and laws when se runs raging aginst She knele the water ‘falas 2+ f kxeling on broken-down ‘ed-out crcling ede Aci tick or back pitch Be for kindling» blaze around 3 heavy pot Steamed behind the eat ‘fs hoe tempered sma mare stating Uke 2 well-bred, Tetesared salon Ifyou let you vil down before me, know that Lam sled in teiing the horseman in ht cost of mat Praise me Se yoU knew me, ‘onal wronged Given wrong I give i back, rough asa taste of biceappe 1am known when the oe hours ln tobe dinking wine, laying down minted coin, A tawny laser from a glee of banded glass ear gesning pitcher ssoppered on the winded ie. When drinking ll 1 owe Tipend aay though what ame ie undiminished. When sbered I don't sop ging You have come © know me. How many an unadorned beauty’ lover have Ie throrn jugule wen etching Tike the mouth of = are My hand best him eo i with quick hrs. and 3 spay of blood the esl of Andam crimson, Why no ask your horsemen. daughter of Ble Af what you do not know Is beyond you? How | clung tothe sade oF raring salon 2 chirp wound-weary, taken on by warsos one on one Now in midseld ‘exposed for a run ofthe seat now drawn Back Thind an endless harvest of bows Let the bate wimeses let you know ‘ow rush ino ce dust-oar blindly, ‘hem old back from the spoils How many 2 weapon-shrouded wat. hose approach srs, Inexpenenced in fleing ‘or eurendr, Have my hands awarded the quick erase. ‘ofa tempered, welloined, serightened pea, Cashing him open the gualing of his wound fuding through the drknese Tungerwom wolves in search of prey L split shrough his breastplate with hard cold blade ‘he spear tp held invite no stout hearted brave and eft hie eaon to be orm apart, shal eo wit by rusting predator, And how many 2 cost of ‘on how many a famous prowctorathisown hae my sword wnseemed How many a thrower of the gaming arow, in winter cold fast handed captor ofthe taverns banner, i repured Upon seing me dsmounted, searching him out. fas bared hi molars in what was noe se, ran him shrough with a sper then drove down, pon him with a wheted nalloyed Indian sword As the day spread out he lay before me ead and fingertips a ifsmeared with indigo dye, Achampion, when draped in arr like the desere-dvaring Shika tee with hard-tanned oxkin boots, ‘without evi, They ell me Ars Is ungrateful for the gift Uipave him. Thakesenese rote the Sul ofthe giver. Never wil forget ‘ny faters Brother's forenoon warning ps puled back from she Mash of hit mouth, A the whit of death ragged champion afer champlon down, ‘wth complaint burt allowed osm (Co off by spear sis and held ba I reed eo ft back tay Foor space narowing ‘Then | heard Minas cy sling forth tnd the ey of the two sone of Rabe in the eoaglaing dus. And Mihilim banners unfrled death beneath the banners of Mahl, knew that when they met there'd be 3 blow ‘hat would snap the muzaled head from 3 deeping br ‘When [aw them al approaching {ning ene anther on I wheeled sbout ‘bt incured no blame ‘aarat they cid heir spear ike welbropes etig the forechest cof my deep black salon tle him, Theat-blane and bret. agin and again upon them unell heat shed with Blood, With foreguarers from the spar he complained tome trough eats and snorting Had he known how to speak he woul have protested Had he know tose worde he would have let me know Hoses sank in dhe sof so mouths ewited into rn Tong bodied mare. and longbodied shorchaited salons My soul wat cured of is sickness ‘and reared bythe cre of che horsemen ‘Antara, en Riding camels respond 29 my ell. ‘Wherever [wish to go Urge om with fm command, | feared | would die before che whee! of war sumed down ‘ver the two so of Diam Who sandered me ‘bough I never did them the same, ‘owing blood if Lae to meer them Lee chem — ete tel father «arson forthe lon ‘nd the teyfacedbied of prey AL-A‘sha Bid Hurdyra Farewell Inshntr' oer he ro voce maz enuled in recipe lens, tn thispoon dps tel ina dane oftiperble. The elf mocing {one ist fom the opening crcaton ofthe bled wih ty eng feition of conventional anda of besuty. tender wall soe ski ftvow mit, werd ze, and iaied bear, The deicion of Hurdya aa ae lady caches exe he calpe in tg ser bet convenaon wih sneer “Te Re par ofthe nos ends wth rm of dembling smiles ecfme to the vent of musk and oe jbrine to the Hooded arden “The econ prof th mu pao wo more ut theme: the vert onlin ad the love-ma poet An emerson of matched aves tnd in confusion (he rods vied ot sr out to dee the ‘lasonhgy athe nd of hei) contion tha echoes the lovers teem sate The bcc mood per way sodden 10s mention of fe (intimation of dest sade that sn mest ue bare move sets stand out nigh rt fom the polmed refs conser ything but the enjoyment ofthe moment "The inmasosvre might mel ave igaed the end ofthe nash tour ArAhas oe hater in an unburied enoment of rte themes. Acesing ths ack of urgency isthe confson among vinous becuse concring the oder ef ves, The Une progenion ist Sime ill to dicen Ine o anton ts ourey thet ‘Spas depicting tom and winking the Sve eth andthe ‘nk both enced The hema centr ofthe pastas the poe fama 10 the dike Fort (sna) The foreeling of ee tains deston the foreeling of hele the Beloved an ofthe ‘eng pate ound. sd the premonison of moray ate bought fRpeher wth remann and mel force inthe oneword command he ar aco foreling consis of eccuntig of he place pon fic che nn mih fl Thi Kind of Kany uly cers in Labi be‘ Slag) inthe 2's ection ofthe nb, bee the place anes ste the tao mon of the beloved’ Joumey away fom the poet Here by the pot gi fas the asasiton of the beloved fet rain and eriy—the Goud and tie ke the place ofthe Trloved nd i her atone hat ae recounted 58 ALAGha “The ourney extends the parody the poet dees himtl tobe shod stine td soee a tbe 4 combination of ewe musa ‘relive movements the Jourer of the tal beo.acouteed and ‘mounted on his camel mae andthe ouey of he us the rnd areas, eing who mount, ogni nh ae Deal nd bverion of he jury copsincer ar hesrcaly grandpa the ‘etn out ta forthe journey ort the mero companion “ual sors spear or Bow) ae tuned to wine snp Only the lat Ye Yes (beining with the “Esc of he sel ed leo Inthe Lip of Shir) ae fe fete pay. ‘The poem ends wih mae boat "To Yard ofthe Bini Shayhin ‘ear the word" lee a power ycton bul sous reerence othe Fama bu ofthe Bound wich the pet tbl onedesaton the Bar deeted te Penane and eet Ab alee. The fly of liner penpectne and vere der become neil aut inthe bose Thetetafaghoccmece fei vatants od eoms hema Inve han one esa der ago etl stably The beskdown ff aati clue a ext easy —stong eve bythe andar 1 the ra peliame taion it reacted by» slr beskdown ‘Fao oper in she be A woman, Foti nde ela the eter ofan ack defended by she poet ne ether ha lowing the bedouin carom of watching the Bae fom » dies. wcond oman. "the Iara” is mentioned within the comer of bale ‘but hele never made lest. The enemy here tra out € tenor much the Persian bu heb of Abu Thubiye whic ike ALNaha be, war prof the Bakr conkderay, Dinalton forma oundants of kin ad nemy. sland oer make bya ever more tryst command fend the confit, cach command followed by the {Great of more wat. The we of lam Beamer more dene high ning the sheer itesiy. A he moment of high poet th "he poem els to the ene tt te of 285 “The mise bout ad edn verona von ef mat, the vivid nd extred ager of the storm and esses the sporepraon ‘ffoumey: hun, nd ak theme by the bcc nd rte wold of ‘ie rong have made thi poem one of he mst memorable and moet Towed of he cial dee Ir insugates seta adit tha i Ine at eat un As Nv he Abd wine poet sere for hs righ joumey 10 the aver. an his Bast of he power. poli. and ‘res (mapa and eri) of hs wine AN ena) othe sume fo Mayon bn int fhe cof Bn one in Taisho toed ea ne a Bid Hania Farwell 59 wnt ingles aptd wre 1-1 ich con of ig of shen f Bat Aad bye, Moh ad Raa nee he “The meter ke ta ofthe ode of ‘Aga the bu. with one importa anc IA ech meh enh pnd whe oe et {inthe lt bemiich ofthe Styne, here te phen of eae Sif coe epee rey he ec fe na die hana eae mara arene 0 Harp he nde ste denartng seal ign valor ayy al hin you ‘beat Irene man ea you ae Aina ef canbe ond in thn with ee ene en erase) mpeg ov eased empartteoog ‘rain ue “Tandnors ow: Eot mb movement snd sat movement Bid Huriyra Farewell Bid Huriyafeewel The nde are deporting Can yous man that you se Tea bidding farewell Brow alow, hair Bowing 1 geam fom the side teeth as she sales, he walks gen as agzele tenderhoofed in wets As if her walk from the ent of «neighbor were the gliding of = doud ‘ether low nor hurd You hear her ankles whisper as ahe ums away lke exe sting supplant in the breeze, She’ not one of those whose neighbors hate rose her face You won' id her, 1 Near to the secrets, teing She braces rel or she'd be thrown back Ra when sng fo vse 2 neghbor, by langue. She entertains er companion awhile, ‘then sacken lower back and buttocks "iver. Full a he Bodice, a the wait ach a boll seeming ashe comes near to dvi in two. How sweet a bedmate on cloudy atemoon, not for some Unbathed rade to lay and tke some pleasure, Wide-hipped, delicate, howe ste wa render in the arch of ber senda Ae she sist arance of mos a, hor dove cute with the scent ‘of roe jin brimming ove [No meadow of he mendows of he ooghand ples lumurate and gen Bleed by daring ire clouds Where the nites By a Honor inl owe dened in eokr ane deep in ruses and greens Is rer ore fant mote redler ‘than she or more bens wen evening hadon fll Horiye sd Whe came pay her al fel for herby chance. she fl for ante ho fl for another cate than Bet For him a gil was fling he didnt dese while cousin omer father’ side ‘wat weakening for bet and dying ‘Then for me sete fel another not 9 my kg Tove im lve on love, beside tlh entangled, mad, Each of us aficted "avin fo this fend or that, spprcaching backing of ‘henared.ensnting Hunky shut ws of noe speaking ignorance on the part of Umm Kl ‘oF the bond she ed Dida she see man, nigheblind, wounded by inimtions of death shades tnd by tne the demented. the undoing? Have you sen it blocking the hor I pasied the age i watch, lighningKndled long its edge, Aickering Wah 2 das eal behind ie it middle fll and moving sinded snd held tether by buckets of ran. No play divers me ‘oom fortelling the fan's ditecton no pleasre fom 9 cup of wine no languor [told them at Dien, the drinkers, already sodden Foretell Bat how it a winefaced drinker heed? Lightning lie up the slopes where the ain would in Khabiyy,» blackening cloud aesint the orzon “They sid let i pour ‘oh Leopard Steak and Camel Bel con Horse Trapping. Tied Man. and Leland, owing over the Edglans, then Boar with is wacts ‘frock and and cnt he hile and mountains bust. Unt the grouse meadows and the wechedged sofecurved dunes take all they can bear, A gushing. quenching draught for abodes long since dessa of the wack shunned by hone and camel mare ‘You may well ind me barefoot nota acap of shoe leather £0 my mame ‘Wearing boots 0: shoes thact the way Tam. [ might well sel upon some mater of his house ‘nd catch him unawares. Wary once, now he finds no haven I might one day lead the reine of youth pasion, and i might fellow, 3 horblooded love-alker at my side Many’ the ime [ave et out at dave to the wine shop, followed by a bob-skewing.quickowied pathos fasthander Ina crowd of men like Indian swords io know that everyone, barefoot or booehod vel perish I vale them down forthe sip of bs head on elbow. reclining tnd fora cangy wine from a porous. motened jug of day. ‘They don’ come t9 Stop carving at the gain while there isan of et of our ancient name except 10 al fr more that noting can harm ‘era thd round or afer arson slong 2 burdened eames gran, ‘The gavsbearer Uke @ mountain goat burying here and there, During agains a rock thie bottom tucked up to spliei: dhe rock unharmed ale ape the home weakening How many a song—you'd eink ie sung How you well "3 Pesan bap when the bre signal cll when's engine il ina nightlp when sar Blazes ‘ings Ie wich arms igh rads, and plunder. How many a gowned lady You tame Maris kin teaing al ‘and his brothers age us how many 2 git somingdevructon when we meet, wich leather wine flask at he side, then drawing away Have {spent my cme enjoying Done st alone endunng tl shen you've sted the fre by sore elk "You implore refuge one day snd length of plese. from its baring, paving How many 2 and There were among the people of Kabt lke the fiat back of 2 shield ‘when they fought, andthe Jshisya, ‘wd where jinn ate overbeard hove who were quick in the comer, using ‘hoe who wot eke their ane That no one dares enter ‘You climed we wouldn't Soh you ‘ding upon ehe burning eat We are—trbe of usi— except one who. in what he undertakes, For the hikes of you ‘unhurried. the hile, Have {cu through Un the chi ofthe tbe ‘ona melon, rocked. es fallen, head on arm ‘cayepated mate elbows well part protected by chldberte women's when you thw he. ang hands Strack down by an Indian sword well aimed toward i ge, ‘or a pple. welltempered spear from Khate ‘To Yad ofthe Bini Shaybin bea this word ‘Abu Thabsy, "top puawing a your heart! ‘We might well spear che chieftain in the allow of hi hh, and's champion mish perish ‘8 our per ps unavenged End Nothing cube the verbesing Tike 8 gaping wound unstaunched by ol and gauze By the be ofthe one ‘whom sampling cel and long-homed cate of every kind ele infec Kila chick who never stod in your way ‘hd well kl one of youre ue him one eo ou choosing “Try wt You wont find us berth bate from the tribe bloodght rurning a3 Under the noon sn the day ofthe Bowbend ‘stound Futiym, we were the ers not sishng, no ping Way They called for 8 mounted attack ‘Weesid we can do that, ‘They prepared to ight on foot, Wel a tribe that fights unmounted Dhu al-Rimma To the Encampments of Maya By the second enuf iam the cairo of Arb poetry was onthe verge of « mor shane: Paty wat now composed inthe ‘ew stir of Iam ther shan nthe deve ofthe bdo, The new ‘pon roting philosophy, and hela word of they were song the comergiog pests het were fo bing abou the Bi aor Tralormtion athe ands The poetry of Ghai ‘Usb. icone Dh aF Rima mark ‘the Boundey ofthe ance eon I resins owe enough to the ‘pit of he bedouin gusto have coed tr autho the Se “hel of theclascl pore ere abo reflect the tum fo anew em The wordt se” and Tove” (hit apd nd) ape ft mote Feguent than a ceases poe for example This diet exeston of emotion a0 ale pardon, bye new enc of ndirestion ns nd ton The ver ad ("estima In verbal form) spe st moment ‘Rcombinston of intensity and indecton elected in the poem's sractre well ins engage. Between te mash andthe Jue. ‘here is long section wih ve separate ine that could sere 34 ‘eatin, In sya. vocabulary. ad imaey the tee ae wily ‘enol Alero Maya being behinds veo eer The mention ofthe deve oud somal mark the bepaning ofthe Journey. bat fm the Est two cae the poetheto sips Kak int remembrance of The extence of cil ace between the poet and she beloved ‘sentra othe poem, but the gegrapial postions of Miya andthe octane undefined. Thee oly arog reference o he changing the {hm of he Joumey and to the cndton of er abode In the send ‘hue the ems" thee”) andes the ft tht we Rave to den where “there” ie Nor dome ow if the poetic pena ‘aly eanding over he sbode or oniy imagining hime abe tere The oc secs los himselin he tempor ond pal cones hac mark she mb oumey fone Didecason ather renee nen he ide nonce fom es. riage, ond remembrens of Maya vay aif fom he rope of wel Tnwead of centiy dened pine and topopapy sere oy te 6 Dhu al-Rimma ‘memory ofthe beloved. Intend of 2 deny dtnedincerton ot inns there won ague movement tard te le prt yy become thebepanin of hejurey andthe end—an the guide Yer whenever the poet facts ue upon er se vache, Wht a i seems bea descpion of her ete ito metamorphosis She dpe ints landcape af wet done, dete ren drp abs camoae petals “overed by ng dew and earth roskes frapance ofthe ar bree She ian afion. Love for her penned ab bngng 12 rind the the mii sppantion ofthe dpsed lve. Thi sbses Sona rote echoes he Hedman “dh love pty wacined with Ja and Manin Lia, and freee sar theme inte Inter An ¢lasan poetry of bn Zaycin ann Khali In he Bl scour is the dese animals at ae poreayed a citing with sy. We Teve the poem wath dat imaes of the valnenbty of gazelle snd fawn he maton ofthe ling cel ("ee ons) the endurance of the esered ough lank (nage) pipe ofthe back ho (oryxbull che monument yee manic om ofthe sg the perdaring ‘OU that peeded thee f the poet and Wil continue omer death “The poem eds noc with «bss Bt with tte tothe een bance ofthe beloved who bth dene and ut, She mane (Gk aud) am eth et the mat of ihe of aacions Timea ft shred the may pte, changing. wesrng Sonn, sl hing laying with man spranons. The dese wis many ie ‘igi eng theournyer om mat nto ace devour hrs ‘Thee meaning wee pnoniicd inthe gl that feral ch ten ‘led simply be many gute” the mtfomed and hangin pier oft desert elt who lade hm ofthe eth obi de frsvon. Tough shelter apd mor rab play ep th epithet the poet hr evoked andnted sere socaon nthe nal complain the rerent fr heith mange” lf muller. The ‘diate aecdent st the tlovel bur another anecden the rg {ed deseroftheouny, and beyond tat fate The erm dan shernithmanypues) alo an meron of the poet nica, da ‘trans te a cod ope) the poco aemping to bnd the Iman pused and constant changing into 2 sable and secure wold “The end of the ede rapes tht the wasn to and tough the Journey has not Been competed There mo rentegain with ea ce Dh sR ike the hs psd from dese to dese tht rather than wandering ever ure rm the te. be wands ver deeper into remembrance. By sheen ofthe poem the remembrance ol the beloved and the oure, the temporal movement Bac OUR To the Encampment of Maya 69 time and he ourey eos the spat epunse ofthe dese ate one ha alumna, oo ofthe mot fou of the pot ofthe Una ‘apd ove id 17 9798 Ch do been po Shey bree theo pots a ftag an and he “Sover brec he anata hot of at nd Ka Go nd iy ena Ma) eso he mor mont py foe oe Ans mdian Fors cao of the ‘Udbs ton love oct. ee erat Seer Tee und Sea. o00), ‘Ey mew yma yi Thandie do Saison ssn ach econthe met rrp su Jorey enc he iat Sayan the oer bese rapt’ concn To the Encampment of Mayya To the encampment of Mayya, both of you, a welbineant ord ‘nd diane peeing May che asta Areurus be over you sil andthe sins of the Pleiades pouring down and spreading Though i was you who sted 2 lovers icheartened dese, unt he eye shed Tears yes that neatly con knowing a campsite s Maya's fnot related, vould have killed, ‘Though | war already nessing thitty ‘and my fends had learned beter and good sete had begun to weigh down fl When distance toms other lovers, ‘he fist premonition of loving Mayra val si Be eh me [Nese to her ‘nnor impoversh desi. not dance, wherever she might be ni ‘The inner whiper of memory reminiscence of Miya fs cough eo baie your hea. Desies have thelr way, irate heel but ean see your d fiven aay. of my heat “Though in parting some love Ie elfaced and dsppears yours in me i made over and compounded You came to mind ‘nen 3 doe ail passed us, righefank tamed 9 the camel mount neck lowered, A doe ofthe sands, ea hued, wich a white blaze onthe forehead ‘and he forenoon sun clear upon her back, She ewes her fawn fon a dune a gasy dane in Mish. he glance of her eve seaming sound im Gazing a ut a if me intended harm where we woul meet him, ‘pproeching Us then backing 23 She is her like, in shoulder, neck and eye, bu Miyya i more radane chan she, sil ‘more bes ‘fer lep the i ang. “The house exudes er aprance ‘She adoro ie when she apes inthe moring, Asher anklets andor were entwined sound clorope sopping the water How inthe bed ofa wad, With buttocks like a soe dune cover which arin shower falls rating the sand se prinkes down Her hell over the ler curve of er bas soft as she moringr's gossamer over, ‘ule with pin and combed, With log cheek holloms where tee 1nd 2 lengthened cuve atthe brest sth where comer and fall You sce her sar pendant along the expoied dg of her nec hanging over the aby. With ated thombery root fragrant se musk and Indian amberais Trough in n che moming she reveals Pet of camomile ‘cooled by the night to which the dew has rien at evening from Rema sae Wafsing in onal sides wid the earth scent ofthe garde, redolene a a musk po fling open “The whic gleam of her est, her mmoderste laugh, limos, tothe unering ‘peak secret. She s the cure she the dese, memory of her misgvng dese dead were not forthe action of distance, Farflung her tnbe cutoff behind biting winds thar scour che hard ground How many a cow: cing separation, lke highbom Nubian woman wailing the dex Has confimed my foreboding, Mayra changing direction, serkng re withthe staff of paring Le the spouse of Mévya weep thae purebred camels kneel ‘vom our at the end of night bate the howe of Mia Die mierby Tusbsnd of Mai Hearts Belonging Miya ‘re fe of Bleich, pore Had they left her 2 choice, she would have chosen well, ‘One like Miyya dos no Belong wid the ker of you As If sleep on a bed of als while her spouse sleeps seeched out, fons sandy hillock When say Miyya is near the deere aretcher out, ‘duthued as far asthe eye can ee [Mai has packed up and gone igh ther ie her abode! Leff the limping crow tnd ring-necked dove, When I complained 9 Miyya of love ‘hat dhe might reward me for my affections. she sa: You're not being seriou! Keeping me of Tending me on, when she sae tha the specter of love Tad amor made of nth my Bod How many 2 noonday heat, far from Mat ‘the pace of my thichumped mate unbroken, the Backowhie lous evitching In pahless wassands Shove eines In the mirage of forenoon and midday Alnor lore out the gaze, Af the atl susie wete entwined In pure ale parting ates to reveal them. then sewed back, ‘When the chameleon feruck bythe heat eps co wi is head td feel How many 2nd Arun on sleepesness 35 if swaying fom the ewo ropes of concave well Have I shaken fom his stupor 1 he nodded his head ike a sagerng drinker affer hi let dop of wine When he expices inthe saddle 1 bing him Back ile with your memory. The Reet roans Jean to ther gallop When the end of the whip fays thd the bodies of the somee are wort shes ‘hen Sida Bests them, She har stubby es and long upper nape 3 cheek plied ce the itor ofa frei lady, ‘The eyr of a Black-hor, ‘olan. lp like Yemeni esther that fap ootly when she races A lg like the shadow of a wel sxrde met by the lower foreeg costed out wide by the shinbone, Ae fll allop whe the blak of night {spared from the der bythe pale hovizon of dawn, When I call at "aa or intone che camel deer’ song the its a eal ike underoning fethers 61 pregnant or fae pregnane You see her when I have imposed upon her every hardship, Beore the wall eames ‘hei forelegs pulling in Her les surging body lunging wary of teas bad eed Tawny, towering 2 fa bite seared rough-ank bore ie in the ade ‘through the empcyreplons He tums the hed dkiving and urging their fanks ke bouldersttewn round in afld of brash pre They grazed dry poeures ‘ntl hey Became a ehin as wellseuightened sper shafts from Khace Uni here came + day when in their snd hollows ‘nich eee realy split inthe blsze. He continued to bepale chem, a they s008 thise-parched as fon the erown of hee heads vere a flock of bid, (On 2 promontory at the de hour when Toest expire from the fore of eat, You we the wind play nore she travels at nightfall bene hor and what dhe wil nd Whee she ares at dawn ‘As fhe camels through the fang eackess baeens Sree Bose Rost in the deer ofthe gis My heat refused everyting Tot memary of Mayra Se-with-many-pue, playful and serious troubled I Glossary ‘Arable esa en fie wih Enh acne and then with fom ‘Asie wanton bined upon tome any ‘hal al): conaions, uncer, moods the siing moos ora Tides of he Beloved vier the lve. i tthe abode math ad taro he beloved’ abandoned Sai la: he phot mare, che fen beri gs etered 29 ht Tomb and abandoned hie remembrance, ofthe beloved, of one’ elton with the dine (Quranic othe dvne Beloved (Su), on na he clestion poetry aie ting sth. fli atthe bose, the rd major moreno hese, oem inluing wine sang. nage scace, dep ofthe poet hee on Honchac baste bead tbl be Oa female specs of nn acct with constant change of orm: the changing moods othe beloved: he changing pater of ‘he dese thet devout the atl the changes ote that wet down and wear sway apatons The bsircovred. gave soing ‘al ofthe An fle end to be mle, more able form, ese fo plese than hepa of poet ‘a hn fresh sl command sensei flow hough ‘om plan: he primary pre Mamie oe. Ja alte oppose of ib: the uncon mping of «young hoe: esses imperosy the tendency tke of ender coats or reionships unprepared, Preamis Arabia was eed By ety sis he ain age and place of). with al wan feroed ito the sess of mor nd ews ienrene ini Fon Gin os emt of the deve enced with ove. aes and poet insti, ain hain aera erm aly rendeed a generous” ‘abl he centric of tl ether. symbolized hough te nds site and dhe feeding ofthe te the unfichingdeterse of he clan in bate, the lvth win Bouts ad Langues ain move beac ses, the rfl ro hoard one's ie. The Quran sve the Lew sore tho and relourdanenson, Sut maintained ently srs human eal agonists of 2 joumey: ations ofthe beloved jour ne avey fom the yor sy maar played wih arow has shrough which Che smugherednig's apportioned: game wih sale scans cncerig ft tai la): the “uepended ones” a famous clon of oc. with vaous vee comprng beween sen and en Fos, Lepr mais har hey wee hung fom te wal of he Prete Ks'b ar poctry competion ste Fa of Us. nash ced mare, the poe etss meus during the jumey sci vim during the mao pele We the le tie, The nemo aby ceed eo toogh epee the Journey worm “the Sadana the ight coun ee sac ui) remembrance of ele beloved the a econ ofthe cute onapr the Aabian species of wid is milo bolic gue in the rasan lvayttentoned by eptbet (sheen udder, ie-bely-biescaedsoughank'). co the white Arsbin oy (being read 0 Aas afer even centune of extiion) This areal leper pecs of tele with longline hor beromer sce rmbali ewe inshe ged, amor avons mensoned throug either (ade fee ld one Hence one ra ithe Jury, the cd jt movement of the gid Silat or mye the ert ofthe ove over elton the sece or mystery of destiny: the mytery of the vine bing {Quai ome iter. mar ell (Su oh arin or owen apart Kind of gad compoed nthe vole othe Brinn sn the Beloved s ihe appar r the poet ‘hoor ds the dpe ofthe beloved andthe women n Bet Tube andthe depron of ht howd, te aly decorated ere {are on camel salons Wesleyan Poetry in Translation from Arse ‘Doce Tg: Silane Ahr by ns Sin Lak a A ‘A, ol Bw sans Peed edad hl Sa fom Bulgar “em eS ik ow Bs Dn 948 Tete and wt fom China Teg ey eding Bas The oo Lad TF wld from Cuchi ‘Mee Sc Pam of Vai Ho 1945. Trindade nd Daa Hho from rch Fil ld Frc Acs Band Bagi 192, Toate ad ith ‘herby Reman Shp modus by Howard Neves ‘The Bs Chon VV nf bok. 17409 By Edna Trac Romane Walle Testo Dat 1947 y Edmond abt Trae by Romar W frm Geran So Ops. 1847 The poems of Rane Mine Rik nde nd ‘i arn by Dad oon row lala Ta sen i of Cue Sid Pan Gan: ai 04, Tied 1 See et an Vin Rowe from Lian le Te SP of Bln 06 Tan from Naw Hg Nw Hu nd Ho Sg. 1049 Ty Dv an

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