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(A Case Report)


A 30 year old male soldier suffered from five episodes of hypersomnia. Each episode was associated
with megaphagia, mental confusion, irritability, coenesthopathic hallucinations and sexual disinhibi-
tion. The average duration of each episode was ten weeks with symptomfree intervals ranging from two
weeks to one year. The patient responded well to treatment with carbamazepine and fenfluramine.
MJAFI 1994: 50 : 229-231
KEY WORDS: Kleine - Levin syndrome: Periodic hypersomnolence;
Disorders of excessive somnolence (DOES)

Introduction tacks may range fom several days to several

leine - Levin syndrome (KLS) is a rare weeks and their frequency varies from one to
sleep disorder characterised by peri- twelve in an year. Patient is rousable from
ods of excessive sleep. voracious eat- sleep but. tends to be intensely irritable and
ing (megaphagia), sexual disinhibition and truculent. Mental abnormalities may ante-
mental disturbances [1). The duration of at- date each episode and may also persist for

* Classified Specialist (Psychiatry). Army Hospital. Delhi Cantl- 110010

230 MSVK RAJU MJAFI, 50: 3, JULY 1994

weeks thereafter [2). Irritability, mental con- appearances, their legs becoma longer or smaller. Some-
limes he could not understand what he was talking about.
fusion, unreality feelings, delusions and hal- He feels intensely anxious and perplexed, Unnecessary
lucinations are the usual psychiatric thoughts mostly about husband and wife relations come
symptoms. Young males are usually affected. to his mind". In view of vague vorbalisations, perplexity
Attacks decrease in frequency and eventually and hallucinations a provisional diagnosis of schizo-
phrenia was entertained and treatment with neuroleptics
cease in most cases [3]. Clinical variants with- instituted. However. as Ihe response was poor a second
out mental symptoms. megaphagia, and with opinion was asked for from a senior colleague. The
atypical features [1,4) have been reported. episodes of excessive sexual activity, lack of confidonce,
forgetfulness and bewilderment were noted and it was
CASE REPORT thought that - "these episodes of divergent behaviour arc
A 30 year old NCO was brought to his regimental probably indicative of depression". He was diagnosed as
centre, by his wife and was subsequently referred for a case of affective personality disorder and placed under
psychiatric consultation with the history that he was observation in April 89. But for momentary "puzzle-
unable to work properly for two years and that "his ments" he did well until March 90.
appetite and sleep has increased so much that he gained In March 90. he started fooling strange all over again
weight by 30 kg". AFMSF - 10 had the following remarks- and went homo AWL (absent without leave) to consult a
"As per the individual's statement, he is a psychiatric famous psychiatrist al Ranchi, He slept for prolonged
case. He seems to be a case of obesity. As per the state- periods at home and nte voraciously on waking up. After
ment of his wife he sleeps always." 3 weeks. he started feeling better and went back to unit.
It all started in April 87 after a febrile illness of However. within a few weeks he developed the symp-
diarrhoea. He developod an excessive interest in sex and toms again. He fnlt helpless and "ashamed of living like
thought some ladies including an officer's wife had fallen this". He thought he was never going to be alright and
in love with him. He visited prostitutes frequently and contemplated suicide several limes. With a touch of
contracted chancroid in the process. He became a voyeur resignation he went home without leave again in Aug 90.
and derived great pleasure by just gazing at the exposed At home he was content to sleep all the time and utilised
genitalia and breasts of call girls for hours at a stretch. waking hours in eating and observing through binocu-
After a few weeks of this morbid sexual indulgence. he lars, village ladies disrobing themselves in privacy or
started experiencing "puzzlements". For briof periods. while bathing at the village tank. The exasperated wife
things and people would appear indistinct to him as if finally brought him to his regimental centre in Nov 90.
enveloped in a haze. Sometimes he would perceive his He complained of going mad and weighed 96 kg on
upper limbs had assumed strange shapes. He became admission. Physical examination revealed IlO abnormal-
forgetful and would frequently become bewildered. A ity except excessive sweating. Mental status evaluatlon
short while thereafter he started feeling sleepy through- revealed a distraught individual who dwelt at length on
out the day. The desire to assume recumbency and fall his travails. lie had difficulty in recalling events of recent
asleep was overpowering. The daily routine in the unit and remote past but could retrieve all the memories
distressed him a great deal as he had to make consider- under persuasion and was correctly oriented. Several
able efforts to remain awake. His well meaning col- times he would interrupt his narration as he was unable
leagues helped by prodding him repeatedly. These en- to express his distress to his satisfaction. He thought he
forced interruptions were a source of constant irritation was suffering from schizophrenia and considered all the
to him. His appetite for food meanwhile increased enor- therapeutic attentions were futile. He preferred to lie
mously and he felt like eating whatever was at hand. down all the time on the bed anel sleep. Forced interrup-
Unless he ate something or the other, he felt faint and tions of ward routines and physical activity irritated him
"strengthless'', The very sight offood was strong stimulus much. He grabbed at whatever item offood that came into
to eat. He thought he was going mad and rushed home his sight and ate enormous quantities of food at meal
on leave for a private psychiatric consultation. He was time. Left to himself he slept for 18 hours a day on three
reportedly told that he was suffering from neurosis. consecutive days. But for several momentary periods of
Within two months he became asymptomatic. confusion he had no perceptual impairment.
In May 88, he became symptomatic again for a short Routine investigation. blood sugar, urea, creatinine,
period. He indulged in prorniscous sexual activity and cholesterol. and liver function tests were within normal
contracted chancroid again. In Dec 88, he started feeling limits. STS was non-reactor. Fundus oculi examination,
strange again. As he could not find adequate words to awake EEG. X-ray skull, and CT scan brain revealed no
describe his problems, he complained of giddiness and abnormality. Bender Gestalt and Paired Associate learn-
hence was evaluated by a physician who noted-" he is ing tests also ruled out organ icily. Rorschach test indi-
obese, he feels letters- become unclear and duller some- Gatedmarked impulsivity hut no features of psychosis or
time. Feels a moving object suddenly fails to accelerate. depression. IQ was 119.
He also gets occasional weakness of such nature that be Individual belongs to a family of obese people (all
cannot lift even one kg of weight"- and asked for psychi- around 75 kg). His mother had a 'laughing spell' after an
atric opinion. Psychiatrist noted "He gets puzzled over abdominal operation. Patient was a good student, keen
minor issues. At times he feels people are changing their sportsman and a leader at school. Relations with wife
MJAFI. 50: 3, JULY 1994 Kleine - Levin Syndrome 231

were strained for some yoars. He was investigated for ture falsely suggesting the essential problem
transient hypertension in 1985. as a personality disorder or even schizophre-
The nature of disability and its essentially self limit-
ing character was highlighted repeatedly to the patient.
nia [2}. In this case the structured military
He was encouraged to eat slowly. Control was reinforced mileu precluded the indulgence in excessive
hy verbal appreciation. Negative ideation was countered sleep. Prominent confusion. coenesthopathic
hy cognitive therapy. He was given cnrbamazopine 1000 hallucinations and reactionary dysphoria
mg/day and fenl1uramine 20 mg/day. He responded well
and reported feeling better for the first time lifter :i years
confused the issue of diagnosis earlier on. A
of suffering. case somewhat of a similar nature in an offi-
cer cadet has been reported by Robinson and
DISCUSSION Mcquillan tal. Significantly. this patient
Kumbhakarna, brother of demon king either took leave or become AWL to go home
Ravan was perhaps the first case of KLS cited and sleep to his heart's content.
in literature. Kliene [5] and Levin [6) however By and large lithium is considered to be
were the first to draw attontion to this disor- preferred drug for treatment as well as pro-
ders. Singh etal [4] in a recent comprehensive phylaxis [4]. This patient was given a closer
review mention seven case reports from India psychotropic drug carbamezapine on practi-
including two of their atypical cases. To the cal considerations and was cautiously ex-
best ofthe author's knowledge, this is the first posed to fonfluramine, a centrally acting
case reported from Indian Armed Forces. anorectic drug. The outcome has been grati-
A functional dysregulation of me- fying. However it will be imprudent to infer
sencephalo-hypothalmolimbic system has their efficacy on this one case report. It is
been postulated as the underlying mecha- possible that the disorder had run its natural
nism. the exact nature of which remains ob- course and had remitted spontaneously. A
scure. Paroxysmal theta bursts in EEG, in- positive psychobiological therapeutic ap-
creased turnover of brain serotonin and proach as has been highlightod in this case
dopamine, and abnormal growth hormone needs no over emphasis.
secretion patterns are reported in some cases REFERENCES
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