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In God we trust

University of Maragheh
Department of chemical engineriing



What is chemical engineering:

Chemical engineering is all about changing raw materials into useful products such as clothes,
food and drink, and energy. Chemical engineers focus on processes and products – they develop
and design processes to create products; either focussing on improving existing processes or
creating new ones. This means that they are also concerned with managing resources, protecting
the environment and health and safety. Chemical engineers are sometimes called ‘universal
engineers’ because it is such a broad discipline - they are essentially concerned with
transforming one thing into another.

What kind of jobs can I get as a chemical engineering major or graduate?

There are a wide range of industries that utilize chemical engineers, including pharmaceutical,
energy and information technology. These roles will involve developing existing processes and
creating new methods for altering materials. There are also other sectors and careers which
utilize the skills developed in a chemical engineering degree – including quality assurance,
manufacturing, and consultancy. Depending on the role there are some risks associated working
as a chemical engineer, as you can be exposed to health or safety hazards handling chemicals and
working with plant equipment. However, risks can be avoided if safety procedures are
followed. There are excellent opportunities for chemical engineering graduates; prospects for
higher earnings in the profession are good. Work in certain industries, for example, oil and
contracting, will attract particularly high salaries.
Chemical engineering in university of Maragheh:
In 1392 the first students of chemical engineering were entered in university of maragheh,
nowadays more than of 160 students are studying in this department.
In this department Bs.c students have no professional field but Ms.c students is studying polymer
This department have 4 staff & 1 of them’s field is polymer once other is environment
engineering and two others field is process designing.
A short biography of professors of this department:

Dr Sabzi’s field is polymer and the oldest one in department from 1392 and mostly teach to Ms.c
students but have two with Bs.c students 1:fundamental of polymer 2:environment of

Dr Alipur was graduated from Toledo university and nowadays is teaching and international
management of university,he is teaching mass transfer, thermodynamics(II) ,fluid mechanics(II)
& control process.
His field is process design reaction engineering ,and he is the professor of chemical science
school of department.

Dr savari graduated from Tehran university and now is research fellow at university of
Birmangam ,he is teaching unit operation(I&II) ,fluid mechanics(I) ,Bioprocess engineering &
mathematics in chemical engineering.
His field is process designing fludization.

Dr karimi graduated from Sahand university of technology and he is the Head of the department.
He is teaching heat transfer(I&II) ,thermodynamics(I) ,chemical reaction engineering & use of
software in chemical engineerin.
His field is environment engineering.

Books that taught in chemical engineering:

1: An introduction to chemical engineering(1st semester )

2:fluid mechanics(I&II) ,(3rd & 5th semester)
3:heat transfer(I&II) ,(4th &5th semesrer)
4:thermodynamics(I&II) ,(3rd &5th semester)
5:mass transfer(5th semester)
6:unit operation (I&II) ,(6th & 7th semester)
7:Aspen Hysys

Companies in chemical engineering:

Since centuries, Chemicals are being used by man. The only difference is that the chemicals
being used in the 21st century have a wide scope of use as compared to those chemicals used
during the 19th century.
A century ago, herbicides were not known and probably three centuries back, farm insecticides
weren’t known. Today, chemical companies are emerging as among the
global economics movers. As a result, there has been an increased competition within this sector.
Below are the top 5 chemical companies in the world in 2017.

Number one on the list of the top 10 chemical companies in the world in 2017 is BASF SE. this
is the largest chemical producer in the world, serving at least 300,000 customers across the
globe. BASF operates through a total of five segments namely:
Chemicals, Performance Products, Oil & Gas, Functional Materials & Solutions and Agricultural
Its products within the Agricultural Solutions Segment are insecticides, fungicides, and
herbicides. Functional Materials & Solutions segment brings to us industrial coatings, catalysts,
and battery materials while vitamins &food additives, paper, oil & gas industry products and
dispersions & pigments are produced by the Performance Products segment. Oil & Gas segment
is dedicated to exploration & production of the two, with the Chemicals Segment offering the
market with plasticizers, solvents and electronic chemicals
2) Exxonmobil
3)Qatar shell
4)Saudi Aramco
5)Aspen Tech

Software and computer use in CHE:

The field of chemical engineering is in constant evolution, and access to information technology
is changing the way chemical engineering problems are addressed. Inspired by the need for a
user-friendly chemical engineering text that demonstrates the real-world applicability of
different computer programs, Introduction to Software for Chemical Engineers acquaints
readers with the capabilities of various general purpose, mathematical, process modeling and
simulation, optimization, and specialized software packages, while explaining how to use the
software to solve typical problems in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, mass and energy
balances, unit operations, reactor engineering, and process and equipment design and control.
Employing nitric acid production, methanol and ammonia recycle loops, and SO2 oxidation
reactor case studies and other practical examples, Introduction to Software for Chemical
Engineers shows how computer packages such as Excel, MATLAB, Mathcad, CHEMCAD, Aspen
HYSYS, are used in the design and operation of chemical reactors, distillation columns, cooling
towers, and more.

Students of chemical engineering of university of Maragheh:

Maragheh university students specially chemical engineering department students are trying
hard for their future as hard as they can, and most of them are planning for working in chemical
industry companies in the cities and specially in south of country.
Some of them are planning for higher degrees in high level universities and totally our
department students are known cause of their smart and hardworking and top students of
faculty and university.
The challenges that a maragheh university student have in daily or weekly life as a chemical
student is not too easy such as hard exams unknown and confusing lessons such mass transfer
and chemical reaction engineering so cause all of these things some of them can’t study in 4
years and have to study 1 or2 more semesters .
With all of these things hard or easy we’re glad to being students of department and this
university and have this chance in our life to being with this profs and hope that they will be
proud of us in the future.

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