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Dear All,

Greetings from HR!

This notification comes to you as a thought that our employees’ lives are utmost priority and we are trying
our best to cope up with current scenario by taking optimum precautions.

As you are aware of that due to the COVID-19, health risks are increasing and more people are getting
caught by corona virus and this number is rising every day. Hence company has decided to take few
essential steps by taking following measures pertaining to employees:

1. Offices timings will be observed from 10am till 04pm (Monday till Friday), effective from
tomorrow (4th June 2020).
2. Line Managers will divide their teams into two groups (A & B) and follow the alternate week
schedule, i.e. if Group A is on work-from-home (from 8th June till 12th June), then Group B will be
working from office during the same week and so on. Rotation schedule will be effective from 8th
June 2020 onwards.
3. Line Managers will communicate this bifurcation to HR (Particularly to Mr. Saad Masood / Ms.
Kanwal Hameed) to manage working-shifts in BAMS for attendance and payroll purposes.
4. Any team member can be requested to attend the office in person even during their week of
working from home due to business need based on the departmental head’s instructions and
alignment with HR.
5. Field sales team to follow the timings as per the instructions of their RSM.

This is the testing time for all of us and we have to stay positive, strong and exhibit our spirits rationally
towards the life (both personal and professional).

We wish and hope that everyone be safe and take optimum care while commuting and try to remain at
home in order to avoid harmful effects of this pandemic.

Best Regards

Human Resource Department

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