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The relative atomic mass of boron is 108. | up : i d UB. Asam} i e isotopes 5B ane 5 > | ple of boron contains th pes 5 topic mixture What is the percentage of 4B atoms in the iso of this sample? 1 A 08% B 8.0% C 20% @a0% i (Total for Question 1 = {mark) g Which of the following elements has no paired p electrons In single uncombined atom of the element? Pi A carbon B oxygen. fluorine D neon (Total for Question 2 = 1 mark) . Which of the following electronic configurations is that of an atom of an element which forms a simple ion with a charge of —3? A 1s? 2s? 2p® 35? 3p! 1s? 2s? 2p® 3s? 3p? C 1s? 2s? 2p8 3s? 3p% 3d! 4s? D_ 1s? 2s? 2p® 38? 3p8 3d? 4s? [1] (Total for Question 3 = 1 mark) A sample of chlorine contains isotopes of mass numbers 35 and 37. The sample is analysed in a mass spectrometer. How many peaks corresponding to Cl,* are recorded? At B2 ©: D4 (1) (Total for Question 4 = 1 mark) What is the atomic number of an element that contains atoms which have four unpaired electrons in their ground state? A6 Bet C eee eo2 (Dae 2G (1 (Total for Question 5 = 1 mark) Which of the following ions has more electrons than protons, and also has more protons than neutrons? (H=|H D=7H He=4He O= 80) A OD" BD,O* C Het DiOHs ett (Total for Question 6 = 1 mark) Scanned with CamScanner Fle) isotopes: ave Rie Cheninrry Topic 2 Liam PRAcrice oe ocems of Same, elements, buk with different neudton Numbets, eae ; ; 3He has one neutron while “He has 2 newton iy \ er 4 hed Carbon -\2. fete ie ae Given moss :3He -0:982.7+ _ Aen 9940084 op eel 0 *9Q2 = 100 = 0/00982 ee wot 99.00% \oo 2 0:949083, u <7 2) (Bx0-00999)+ (4x0-99008) = % 3.99, Tonis tion energy \s, the energy required to remove one electron From an atom from evry quantum shell Hea) — the ‘gy +7 ‘ Hydrogen has vs. # electrton fn the As*chell| and ne other el icle emery produce a Sheilding effect - But heltuwis tonFiguration Xs ds? and, has is hus easier to move e S) Boren is: in Grove 3. This can be understood by noticin ithe big jump after the third \onisation enevay which Proves that ooron hos 3 electtons' th its Suter shell. The configu ation ‘s A.” $25> Cs alecinon will be from 2p “ers 3° ane . oe Semayes energy tv remove from the She\\ thot aos on v0 5 Loa oa . Le Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner | 10 (a) Complete the table to show the properties of the three major sub-atomic particles. proton neutron electron Scanned with CamScanner tal) Orbital is eeerer uithia an atom ah Ds My di o iy) ) 13a) ) ap has the hug Probabity of holding ihe electhrtons with opposite yer Draw Sond P orbital. 4) $ orbital : O 1) O onbital « | ; S onbital cam Occupy) tee elections» »// P orbital can occupy, six olectrom> atimost ; Na: 427,257 2,6 9.4 O*” 545", 257, 2pS Mg** e 4s?,2s™, 2p6 i, 257,357, 2p& pope. Nez, * have 10 electrons. ohich 's lower than othercs “The nules wee nuclear charge of Q Sodium atom is lees Than that of a Magarin atom Thus The energy is le There \s a Qreoter vepulsion betyeen the electrons since There is three shells in aluminium tadthar Xhan the 2 shel) of Magnesium - The ruiclear charge of Rominiumis greater than ot Me Tus electron 6 flaced in an ‘inne? shell of the atom. So the (ume of energy ‘wulicoles a New shell. Scanned with CamScanner 14 Lithium is an element in the s-block of the Periodic Table. Naturally occurring lithium contains a mixture of two isotopes, ®Li and “Li. (a) Complete the table to show the atomic structure of each of the two isotopes. Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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