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HI253 Medical Coding I

Unit 9 Assignment #1
Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
➢ Discuss the role of coding with the key features of an electronic health record (EHR)
system and clinical document standards.

Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of
original materials in Standard English.
HI253-4: Summarize the features of health information systems used for quality coding

AHIMA’s Professional Coding Approved Program (PCAP) Mapping:

Domain I. Data Content, Structure & Standards (Information Governance)
● Subdomain I.A Classification Systems
● 1. Apply diagnosis/procedure codes according to current guidelines (Bloom's
Level 3)
o Classification Systems
▪ ICD (ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, ICD-10-CM/PCS)
o Taxonomies
▪ Clinical Care Classification (CCC)
o Nomenclatures
▪ CPT, DSM, RxNorm
o Terminologies

EHR and Coding Resources Comparison:

You are the coding supervisor at a major acute care hospital. The hospital
administration has been studying payment and outcome metrics for the institution, and
realizes that the current electronic health records system may be outdated. You have
been asked to create a report that answers the following question: “What EHR and
coding resources would you recommend to the hospital administration to ensure
that the most current ICD-10-CM/PCS codes are in use in your healthcare
facility?” Your report should compare at least 3 EHR systems that you have been
exposed to in this course (for example Nuance Clintegrity, 3M Encoder, VistA) or
worked with in the past. Your comparison should include features such as coding
resources, advantages/disadvantages, and computer system requirements for each
system. Your report should include your final recommendation out of the three systems
you review and the rationale for your decision. Your comparison report should be well-
ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your report should

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HI253 Medical Coding I

include a comparison table that summarizes your findings. It is not necessary to follow
paragraph style in the comparison table.

Submission requirements:
Your report should be 1 to 2 pages in length, not including the title or reference page. It
should be written in paragraph style using Standard English (proper grammar,
punctuation, and spelling). Your report should follow 6th edition APA formatting and
citation style: 1 inch margins, double-spaced, and include a title page and reference
page. Remember to list any references in APA format. At a minimum, there should be
one reference for each system discussed.

You may find help on APA referencing either via the APA Style Central available In
Academic Tools or by accessing the Academic Support Center's APA resource page at

Example Comparison Table: You may adjust this table or create your own table
comparing the features of at least 3 health information systems and their
advantages/disadvantages in coding. Support your information with examples.

System Name Attribute/ Attribute/ Attribute/ Attribute/

Resource #1 Resource #2 Resource #3 Resource #4

Submitting your work:

Save your report as a word document, including your name in the document title, and
submit it to the Unit 9 Assignment dropbox.

Unit 9 Grading Rubric:

Assignment Requirements 30 Points Points Points earned

possib by student

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HI253 Medical Coding I


EHR Comparison 0-30

Total (Sum of all points) 0-30

Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or

APA errors (maximum 10%)
Adjusted total

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