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Ahh...Would ya’ like something to drink? I’ve only had beer even barely a tea though.

okay with that? Oh, okay…
And so...What did you want to talk about that you mentioned on the phone?
Ah wait, wait! I’ll start first- I want to hear your troubles, whims or wishes but just let me get
these two things off my chest.
I won’t sit still and I can’t guarantee my temper in case if you want to break up and well I hope it
doesn’t come to that.
And for the second, I’ll apologize first because it’s just a selfish wish of mine but in this world--
I-! Eh? Ah- Sorry. I just blurted it out but it’s really not about that, is it? Okay, once again...What
did you want to talk about? Your...disposition? Ha… What, so that’s all? You called me with a
dead-serious tone so I thought something was up. Right, sorry! That doesn’t really apply when it
comes to the troubles of others, right. Ahem! You think it’s bad...And how did you come to
realize that? Ahh...Well, that’s...How should I put this...Sorry!
It’s my fault that you opened a window into the unknown… Isn’t that alright, though? I don’t like
imposing on anyone for that matter either, handcuffs or not. Ah, you mean you don’t particularly
like handcuffs alone? I don’t actually know what’s considered normal to you but...I think this is
pretty normal. I mean they even sell handcuffs in the general stores and they come in a pair...So
I don’t think your disposition is a problem at all.

And as for me, who has been your first and only partner ever, I don’t think it weird at all. If so
then...How about we try other things too? Maybe we should have gone to a love hotel if we were
going to be exploring this topic. Ahh...The things we can do in this room...Oh, wait a little.
I’ve kept these locked up well ...Ah, this one’s good! 
Here. You know what this is, yeah? That’s right, it’s a semi-translucent hairband. And if you
cover your eyes with this, it’s kinda like a makeshift blindfold. How’s it? Aren’t you excited by
how you won’t know what I’ll do next? Seems like you don’t hate it either. Let’s proceed on then.
Come on now, open your mouth.
I know how sharp you normally are but well, they say that when one of your senses are being
sealed away...The others will only grow sharper and much more sensitive. So I wonder how
you’d react if I tease your chest while you’re like that. Wow, you’re already all sensitive even
before I touch you.
The window’s open so if your voice gets too loud, the neighbours will hear you. Haha! It makes
me feel as if I’m doing something bad when you’re muffling your voice like that. You’ve melted
this much just from a kiss, huh. Lie on your left side and just rest there. There’s a table on your
right. That’s right. Over here. Now spread wide and raise your hips. Heh, how lewd. I bet you’re
only complying with me without putting up so much as a fight because you’ve been robbed of
your sight. But you look really sexy right now, doing that. Have you already forgotten that it’s still
in the afternoon now? Thanks to how bright it is out there, I can clearly see how wet you already
are. And I can hear the sounds of your insides greedily devouring my fingers right now much
more than usual too. I could have stuck a vibrator in you and watched you writhe if only we were
in a love hotel right now. But I don’t have anything of that sort over here. I’ll enter you from the
back like this.Turn your face over here? No you can’t. I wanna see your face clearly so I’ll take
this off for now. Close your eyes. I guess it’s better this way after all.’re
clenching really hard onto me right now. I told you so, didn’t I? That you’re looking plenty sexy
right now. It’ll be dangerous if you don’t keep your hold on my hand. I know you’re surprised
right now but it ain’t all that bad now, right? Thanks to that, your really tightening up down there.
Hm? Ahh, the window was never open to begin with. There’s no way I’ll let others hear this cute
voice of yours. Stop...You’re clenching down way too hard…! I can’t hold out anymore…

I feel as if I just got downgraded into an idiot. I never would have thought that you’d have an
interest in things like handcuffs and blindfolds. I mean, I was the one who owned both but I feel
as if it’s my fault for opening your doors to the unknown. That being said however, I won’t be
doing anyone else but you in the future and there’s no way I’m gonna let anyone else do you
either so I suppose that’s not really an issue. In other words-- we can search for any unknown
doors and open it together from now on. For the time being...Let’s get ourselves into a bath

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