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CHAD Plus Block 11

1 SB 11.2.40 — By chanting the holy name of the Supreme Lord, one evaṁ-vrataḥ sva-priya-nāma-kīrtyā
comes to the stage of love of Godhead. Then the devotee is fixed jātānurāgo druta-citta uccaiḥ
in his vow as an eternal servant of the Lord, and he gradually
becomes very much attached to a particular name and form of the hasaty atho roditi rauti gāyaty
Supreme Personality of Godhead. As his heart melts with ecstatic unmāda-van nṛtyati loka-bāhyaḥ
love, he laughs very loudly or cries or shouts. Sometimes he sings
and dances like a madman, for he is indifferent to public opinion.
2 SB 11.2.42 — Devotion, direct experience of the Supreme Lord, bhaktiḥ pareśānubhavo viraktir
and detachment from other things — these three occur anyatra caiṣa trika eka-kālaḥ
simultaneously for one who has taken shelter of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, in the same way that pleasure, prapadyamānasya yathāśnataḥ syus
nourishment and relief from hunger come simultaneously and tuṣṭiḥ puṣṭiḥ kṣud-apāyo ’nu-ghāsam
increasingly, with each bite, for a person engaged in eating.
3 SB 11.2.45 — Śrī Havir said: The most advanced devotee sees śrī-havir uvāca
within everything the soul of all souls, the Supreme Personality of sarva-bhūteṣu yaḥ paśyed
Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Consequently he sees everything in relation to
the Supreme Lord and understands that everything that exists is bhagavad-bhāvam ātmanaḥ
eternally situated within the Lord. bhūtāni bhagavaty ātmany
eṣa bhāgavatottamaḥ
4 SB 11.2.46 — An intermediate or second-class devotee, called īśvare tad-adhīneṣu
madhyama-adhikārī, offers his love to the Supreme Personality of bāliśeṣu dviṣatsu ca
Godhead, is a sincere friend to all the devotees of the Lord, shows
mercy to ignorant people who are innocent and disregards those prema-maitrī-kṛpopekṣā
who are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. yaḥ karoti sa madhyamaḥ
5 SB 11.2.47 — A devotee who faithfully engages in the worship of arcāyām eva haraye
the Deity in the temple but does not behave properly toward pūjāṁ yaḥ śraddhayehate
other devotees or people in general is called a prākṛta-bhakta, a
materialistic devotee, and is considered to be in the lowest na tad-bhakteṣu cānyeṣu
position. sa bhaktaḥ prākṛtaḥ smṛtaḥ
6 SB 11.3.21 — Therefore any person who seriously desires real tasmād guruṁ prapadyeta
happiness must seek a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter jijñāsuḥ śreya uttamam
of him by initiation. The qualification of the bona fide guru is that
he has realized the conclusions of the scriptures by deliberation śābde pare ca niṣṇātaṁ
and is able to convince others of these conclusions. Such great brahmaṇy upaśamāśrayam
personalities, who have taken shelter of the Supreme Godhead,
leaving aside all material considerations, should be understood to
be bona fide spiritual masters.
7 SB 11.5.2 — Śrī Camasa said: Each of the four social orders, śrī-camasa uvāca
headed by the brāhmaṇas, was born through different mukha-bāhūru-pādebhyaḥ
combinations of the modes of nature, from the face, arms, thighs
and feet of the Supreme Lord in His universal form. Thus the four puruṣasyāśramaiḥ saha
spiritual orders were also generated. catvāro jajñire varṇā
guṇair viprādayaḥ pṛthak
8 SB 11.5.3 — If any of the members of the four varṇas and four ya eṣāṁ puruṣaṁ sākṣād
āśramas fail to worship or intentionally disrespect the Personality ātma-prabhavam īśvaram
of Godhead, who is the source of their own creation, they will fall
down from their position into a hellish state of life. na bhajanty avajānanti
sthānād bhraṣṭāḥ patanty adhaḥ
9 SB 11.5.11 — In this material world the conditioned soul is always loke vyavāyāmiṣa-madya-sevā
inclined to sex, meat-eating and intoxication. Therefore religious nityā hi jantor na hi tatra codanā
scriptures never actually encourage such activities. Although the vyavasthitis teṣu vivāha-yajña
scriptural injunctions provide for sex through sacred marriage, for surā-grahair āsu nivṛttir iṣṭā
meat-eating through sacrificial offerings and for intoxication
through the acceptance of ritual cups of wine, such ceremonies
are meant for the ultimate purpose of renunciation.
10 SB 11.5.32 — In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform kṛṣṇa-varṇaṁ tviṣākṛṣṇaṁ
congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead sāṅgopāṅgāstra-pārṣadam
who constantly sings the names of Kṛṣṇa. Although His complexion
is not blackish, He is Kṛṣṇa Himself. He is accompanied by His yajñaiḥ saṅkīrtana-prāyair
associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions. yajanti hi su-medhasaḥ
11 SB 11.5.33 — My dear Lord, You are the Mahā-puruṣa, the dhyeyaṁ sadā paribhava-ghnam abhīṣṭa-dohaṁ
Supreme Personality of Godhead, and I worship Your lotus feet, tīrthāspadaṁ śiva-viriñci-nutaṁ śaraṇyam
which are the only eternal object of meditation. Those feet
destroy the embarrassing conditions of material life and freely bhṛtyārti-haṁ praṇata-pāla bhavābdhi-potaṁ
award the greatest desire of the soul, the attainment of pure love vande mahā-puruṣa te caraṇāravindam
of Godhead. My dear Lord, Your lotus feet are the shelter of all
holy places and of all saintly authorities in the line of devotional
service and are honored by powerful demigods like Lord Śiva and
Lord Brahmā. My Lord, You are so kind that You willingly protect
all those who simply bow down to You with respect, and thus You
mercifully relieve all the distress of Your servants. In conclusion,
my Lord, Your lotus feet are actually the suitable boat for crossing
over the ocean of birth and death, and therefore even Lord
Brahmā and Lord Śiva seek shelter at Your lotus feet.”
12 SB 11.5.34 — O Mahā-puruṣa, I worship Your lotus feet. You gave tyaktvā su-dustyaja-surepsita-rājya-lakṣmīṁ
up the association of the goddess of fortune and all her opulence, dharmiṣṭha ārya-vacasā yad agād araṇyam
which is most difficult to renounce and is hankered after by even
the great demigods. Being the most faithful follower of the path of
religion, You thus left for the forest in obedience to a brāhmaṇa’s māyā-mṛgaṁ dayitayepsitam anvadhāvad
curse. Out of sheer mercifulness You chased after the fallen vande mahā-puruṣa te caraṇāravindam
conditioned souls, who are always in pursuit of the false
enjoyment of illusion, and at the same time engaged in searching
out Your own desired object, Lord Śyāmasundara.
13 SB 11.5.36 — Those who are actually advanced in knowledge are kaliṁ sabhājayanty āryā
able to appreciate the essential value of this Age of Kali. Such guṇa jñāḥ sāra-bhāginaḥ
enlightened persons worship Kali-yuga because in this fallen age
all perfection of life can easily be achieved by the performance of yatra saṅkīrtanenaiva
saṅkīrtana. sarva-svārtho ’bhilabhyate
14 SB 11.5.41 — O King, one who has given up all material duties and devarṣi-bhūtāpta-nṛṇāṁ pitṝṇāṁ
has taken full shelter of the lotus feet of Mukunda, who offers na kiṅkaro nāyam ṛṇī ca rājan
shelter to all, is not indebted to the demigods, great sages,
ordinary living beings, relatives, friends, mankind or even one’s sarvātmanā yaḥ śaraṇaṁ śaraṇyaṁ
forefathers who have passed away. Since all such classes of living gato mukundaṁ parihṛtya kartam
entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, one who has
surrendered to the Lord’s service has no need to serve such
persons separately.
15 SB 11.5.42 — One who has thus given up all other engagements sva-pāda-mūlam bhajataḥ priyasya
and has taken full shelter at the lotus feet of Hari, the Supreme tyaktānya-bhāvasya hariḥ pareśaḥ
Personality of Godhead, is very dear to the Lord. Indeed, if such a
surrendered soul accidentally commits some sinful activity, the vikarma yac cotpatitaṁ kathañcid
Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is seated within everyone’s dhunoti sarvaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭaḥ
heart, immediately takes away the reaction to such sin.
16 SB 11.9.29 — After many, many births and deaths one achieves labdhvā su-durlabham idaṁ bahu-sambhavānte
the rare human form of life, which, although temporary, affords mānuṣyam artha-dam anityam apīha dhīraḥ
one the opportunity to attain the highest perfection. Thus a sober
human being should quickly endeavor for the ultimate perfection
of life as long as his body, which is always subject to death, has not tūrṇaṁ yateta na pated anu-mṛtyu yāvan
fallen down and died. After all, sense gratification is available even niḥśreyasāya viṣayaḥ khalu sarvataḥ syāt
in the most abominable species of life, whereas Kṛṣṇa
consciousness is possible only for a human being.
17 SB 11.11.18 — If through meticulous study one becomes expert in śabda-brahmaṇi niṣṇāto
reading Vedic literature but makes no endeavor to fix one’s mind na niṣṇāyāt pare yadi
on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then one’s endeavor is
certainly like that of a man who works very hard to take care of a śramas tasya śrama-phalo
cow that gives no milk. In other words, the fruit of one’s laborious hy adhenum iva rakṣataḥ
study of Vedic knowledge will simply be the labor itself. There will
be no other tangible result.
18 SB 11.14.20 — My dear Uddhava, the unalloyed devotional service na sādhayati māṁ yogo
rendered to Me by My devotees brings Me under their control. I na sāṅkhyaṁ dharma uddhava
cannot be thus controlled by those engaged in mystic yoga,
Sāṅkhya philosophy, pious work, Vedic study, austerity or na svādhyāyas tapas tyāgo
renunciation. yathā bhaktir mamorjitā
19 SB 11.14.21 — Only by practicing unalloyed devotional service bhaktyāham ekayā grāhyaḥ
with full faith in Me can one obtain Me, the Supreme Personality śraddhayātmā priyaḥ satām
of Godhead. I am naturally dear to My devotees, who take Me as
the only goal of their loving service. By engaging in such pure bhaktiḥ punāti man-niṣṭhā
devotional service, even the dog-eaters can purify themselves śva-pākān api sambhavāt
from the contamination of their low birth.
20 SB 11.17.27 — One should know the ācārya as Myself and never ācāryaṁ māṁ vijānīyān
disrespect him in any way. One should not envy him, thinking him navamanyeta karhicit
an ordinary man, for he is the representative of all the demigods.
na martya-buddhyāsūyeta
sarva-deva-mayo guruḥ

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