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They can comfort us in our sorrow days just by their colors and looks. It’s not
just people who can comfort us in our problems being with nature can also
ease the pain we feel. It help us to refresh our eyes and our minds and feel
free. Our surroundings is now polluted because of cars, factories and more.
We can live our dream place. We just have to take care of them and preserve
them. Flowers, they give us a beautiful and colorful surroundings. Thanks
God we have a beautiful nature, fresh air, tall trees, lakes, oceans and other
natural resources. From the day I captured the flower shown above, I
appreciate the beauty of nature and know how the importance of nature.
When the days comes that all the tress and flowers fade away or disappear
because of us there’s no such thing we call “nature”, when there’s no flowers
and trees we capture.

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