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Available online at www FW sconcaniec Procedia Computer Science ELSEVIER Prosodia Computer Science 47 9) 91-199 ‘www clever comMocteprocedia 2018 Intemational Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things, IKI 2018 A Summary of Research on Blockchain in the Field of Intellectual Property Junyao Wang’, Shenling Wang*", Jungi Guo", Yanchang Du®, Shaochi Cheng®, Xiangyang Li? ‘Basing Normal University, No. 19, XintieKouWa St, HoiDion District, Being 100875, P.R. China *deademy of Miltary Seience of PLA. No.1 Walia, Dongen, Xianghong Banner, Haan istic, sBeiing 100091, China Abstract With the continuous development and application of blockchain technology, the academic and commercial circles are constantly exploring the research directions and practical applications of blackehains. Taday, inthe financial, sales, medical and other fields the blockehain has already played its advantages. In this paper, we focus on the related research and applications of blockcha technology in the Field of intellectual property, analyze the academic rescarch and eommercial application in this direction, and try to provide a new feasible direction forthe research and development ofthe blockchain in the next stage. (© 2019 The Authors Published by Elsevier BV. ‘Thi is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND liens hips //reativecommons or/licenses/by-ne-nd4 0°) eer review under responsibility ofthe scientific committee ofthe 2018 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Inte of Things. Keywords: Bloke Intellectual Property 1. Introduction, ‘The blockchain was produced in 2008 and was proposed by Nakamoto in the Bitcoin White Paper [1]. It is an intelligent peer-to-peer network that uses distributed databases to identify, disseminate, and record information, also known asthe value Internet. In 2009, Nakamoto founded the Bitcoin social network and developed the first block, the “Creation Block”. [2] Blockchain has developed rapidly in recent years and has become another technological innovation after cloud computing, big data, mobile Inert and other new generation information technology It has received atention and 1877-050 ©2019 The Autbors. Publish by Elsevier BV This rere article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (ps: /ceutivecommons once y-ne-n/ 4.0) Poee-evie ‘sponsibility of the eckentic committer of the 2018 International Conference on Identiicntin, Information and Krostege in the Internet of Thine 10-1016) pros: 2019 01.200, 12 co Wea etal. /Procedta Computer Science 17 (2019) 192-197 attention from international organizations such as the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund and the governments of the developed countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, and Singapore in recent years(3], and has gradually been applied to financial services and supply chain management. Culture, entertainment, intelligent manufacturing, social welfare, education and employment [4] and other industries. ‘At the same time, the generation, recognition, protection and trading of intellectual property rights are facing unprecedented challenges in the information technology era. The blockehain technology can solve the problems above, The correct use of blockchain technology will contribute to the protection and trading of intellectual property (5). 2. Research status After Satoshi Nakamoto proposed the concept of bitcoin and blackchain [1], (6] discussed the vulnerability of Bitcoin mining. [7] analyzed the users of Bitcoin from the search data of Google's website. [1)-(23] are the classic applications and famous platforms in the field of blockchain, [24]-[31] explored the application value of blackchain technology from the field of physical property transactions, [31] [82] is related research in the field of blockchain in the medical field. (33]-[43] explored the security mechanism of blockchain application. (34]-(39] discussed the blockehain security in academic view. [40]-[43] also discussed the privacy protection in blockchain applications from different application fields and perspectives, [44]-[46} also studied the privacy and security of data stored in the blockchain from the perspective of the decentralized self-regulatory nature of Bitcoin, the Internet car rental business, and the smart contract design, [47}(50} discusses different algorithmsin the compared the PoW and BFT algorithms in the consensus ‘mechanism, [S1-[S5] analyzed the safety problems in the blockehain, [56]-[60} analyzed the actual use of blockchain from a macro perspective and specific application directions. We summarize the above research status as Table | ‘Table 1, Research Status of Blockchain and Combination of Inellectual Property and Blockchain, Field Catezory References Representative acievement/ Application Digital cure Finance BS Bitoin, Coinbases Bitcoin debit card, Nasdag’s Ling Financial wansacton| lator, Ripple’ cross-platform payment Property Management ‘Medical Record Privacy protection (31632) Tnvisibe Ia? Systems secuny Paton ta 331 Vehicle network information protetion, Kentiy Mean, _Specte ranstion [B4H39] veriiation sysem privacy protection, Dynumic key Prvacy protesion wo, (40}443), management sytem ‘ata and privacy protection (6744-146), ‘Acaemic Resear SEE Reseach [HIMSTFI50) Automatic secess contol management protocol, Smart Safe 29451] 155 comract security and attack ‘Application dstion [sa160) ‘Blockehain and roperty ‘Aniworks 61) {63 coment vasaction PEST OmEip Monceraph, Binded, Coly, SingulwDTY, Ehookehain, Film and television work is] Ziggute,Yuanben Digital eopright (70) Achitcctue design [LA Dlockshai-based digital copyright archiestre, Smart Acaemic Recah Concept discussion 3) contract updates, Digital content distribution systems, Speci application (suP(s6) Industrial design and medical applications inva Wig eto. /Procedia Computer Science 197 (2019) 198-197 195 3. Application of blockchain in the field of intellectual property ‘The application of blockchain technology to the field of intellectual property stems from the time-stamping feature of blockchain technology. The structure of blockchain technology stamps is shown in Figure 1 Block N Block Ne el es Previous Block Hash ash Previous Block Hash —— —— ash | [Hash Time Stamp Hash | [Hash Tine Stamp T T I [Frensecion} [Farsacton None a Fig, | Timestamp and blckchain structure 3.1. Blockchain and Intellectual Property Confirmation Under the current legal system in China, copyright is different from patents and trademarks, and is automatically generated from the date of completion of the creation of the work, without the need for review and registration by the state administrative agency [87]. In the case of some unclear signatures, such as the pseudonym or anonymity, the work is very easy to spread because of the unknown identity of the author, making the work an “orphan work’ [88]. Although China has established copyright registration system, the system is @ voluntary registration, and the registration fee can be as high as several thousand yuan [89] ‘The creator of the work is usually the first person to access the document, so the authorship can be proved{90]. ‘The author's cost of a copyright registration based on the blockchain is only 0.4 yuan[9 1] 3.2. Blockchain and imellectual property transactions ‘When the public clicks to watch a movie or video, the platform will automatically pay the fee to the copyright owner and the distributor of the work according to the smart contract; the process of uploading, on-demand, distribution and payment of the work is automatically executed by the smart contract [92] ‘Smart contracts can also be applied to IP crowdfunding. Books, films and television works are currently active ‘vo types of intellectual property crowdfunding[93]. 3.3. Blockchain and intellectual property protection Taking basic intellectual property protection as an example the process can be understood as Figure 2 cont CSS ety wes an xgne esoenetingenent Lo. && | -< the : Markone's own | |tepmaht ett oar {net LH work an natty seneatesthe "fo or oe the system Yeu at Fig. 2 Basie eopriht protection proces inthe blokehain, 194 co Wea etal. /Procedta Computer Science 17 (2019) 192-197 3.4. Blockchain and Intellectual Property Incentive Mechanism In the curently widely used blockchain projects, the algorithms involved in the incentive mechanism mainly include the following four categories: PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) [94,95], PoW (Proof of Work, workload) Proof) [94,96], PoS (Proof of Stack) [97,98], DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) [95]. The advantages and disadvantages of these four algorithms are shown in Table 2.1 is dificult to obtain the same computing power to ‘maintain its own security and stability using the blockchain system of the PoW mechanism (96, 99], but PEBT, PoS, and DPoS have their space under different demand conditions. “Table2, Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of four mainstream consensis algorithms. Tin irs ian Say Boia te catia rata Siar is miely ala w he ay, ap on a fey an he pelea ipo a ary RW Gone esl dt dota fon WoT SRO PO gn impo en oy Site porn aes Ros Si i ing shanna cin Tin ips of em TTS “tng 4, Some thoughts on the knowledge blockchain In domestic research and practical projects, how to transfer the existing copyrighted works to the blockehain is still lank, and should be followed up in future research and practical applications. ‘The overall structure and uasage in intellectual property of the blockchain is shown in Figure 3 [Freteaton] a [menos ese | Conect | ae] asim] Come) | “+ [roma eemne Layer Incentive cen} Layer | [[ Consensus | (rw —] re Cees] =| | Lay Network | [—pemmor | [Ceommnisie ] [vere] | + Layer Fi. Hkh structs and caresnding spon ne ll onl prope The data layer, network layer and consensus layer have been basically formed. The maisieam blockchsin system currently in use conforms to this structure, If i applied in the fel of intellectual property, it can be used inthe content of mulkiple implementation schemes such as encryption algorithms In the incemive layer, different consensus algoritims can be compared and analyzed in combination with the application direction to find suitable incentive mechanisms in diferent usage scenarios, orto further explore new consensus algorithms to meet the needs of spevfic intellectual property syste, The contact layer can be used as the key research direction ofthe combination of blockchsin and intellectual propery. Firstly, the intellectual property transaction rules inthe rel society can be considered to be mapped ito Sima contacts trough compute language. Then the specific contract rules can be carried out according tothe te et ct omy ae J J | | inva Wig eto. /Procedia Computer Science 197 (2019) 198-197 195, unique operations in the blockchain. And according to the current attack research on smart contracts [46], the security of smart contracts can be one of the key research directions. In general, when blockchain technology is gradually moving toward more social fields, applying this technology to the field of intellectual property is the correct direction and conducive to the development of blockchain and the ttond of copyright protection References [I]Nakamow S. Biteoin: A pert-pour leewonic eash sytem). Conse, 2008 [2]Swan M.Blockehain: Blueprint fora New Eeonom(M], OReilly Mei, Ins. 2015, [31¥uan, Wang. Development Status and Prospects of Bloskshsin Technology [0]. Juma of Astomation, 2016, 42(4)481-494 [Guo ¥, Liang C. Blockehsn application and otlok inthe banking industry]. Financial Innovation, 2016, 21):28 [slshmaev G. losketain Technology a an Institution of Propet]. Metaphilosophy, 2017 8(3):666-66, [olEyal, Sirer EG. 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