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Apple was cofounded on April 1, 1976, by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in Los Altos, California.
epıl was kofaundır on eyprıl 1 1976 by sitif jobs and sitif vazniyak in los altos kâlîfornya

steve jobs wozniak

sitif jobs vazniyak

There was a third cofounder, too: Ronald Wayne.
there was a thöd kofaundır too ronılt vey

Jobs brought Wayne on board to provide business guidance for the two young cofounders.
jobs buroğt vey on Boord to provayd biznıs kaydıntıs for the two young kofaundır

Wayne sketched the first Apple logo by hand.

vay siketç the först apıl logo by hend

Wayne ended up leaving the company before it was even officially incorporated.
vay endit up livining the kampani before it was ivın offişalii inkorpıreyt

He took an $800 check for his shares in the company.

he tuuk an çek for hiz şeyz in the kampani

Apple's first "office" was the garage of Jobs' parents.
epıl först ofisır was the garaaj of jobs perınts

The company's first product was the Apple I,
the kampani s först prıdak was the epıl 1

which was just a motherboard with a processor and some memory, intended for hobbyists.
which was jast a madırBoord vith a prosesır and some memori intendid for hobiyest

Customers had to build their own case and add their own keyboard and monitor,
kastımız hed to bild deır on keys and et deir on kiibord and monita

as seen in the picture. It sold for $666.66 — seriously.

as siin in the pikça it solt for point siyırsli

The Apple I was invented by Wozniak, who also hand-built every kit.
the epıl 1 was inventid by vazniyak huv olso hend bild evriy kit

Meanwhile, Jobs handled the business end,
mivayl jobs hendıt the biznıs end

mainly trying to convince would-be investors that the personal computer market was primed to explode.
menli traying to kınvins would be investa det the pörsınıl kompitür market was praym to ıkspülöt
Eventually, Jobs would bring in Mike Markkula,
ivençuıli jobs would bring in mank markıla

who made a crucial $250,000 angel investment and came to work for Apple as employee
huv meyd kuruşıl twenty five eyncıl investmınt and came to work for epıl as ımployi

No. 3, with a one-third share in the company.

no tri vit a ono törd şeyr in the kampani

Apple would officially incorporate in 1977, thanks to guidance from Markkula.

epıl would offişalii inkorpıreyt in 1977 tenks to gaydıns from markıla

A man named Michael Scott (no, not the one from "The Office") was brought in
a men neyimt maykıl skott c was buroğt in

at Markkula's suggestion to serve as the company's first president and CEO.

at markıla s sicescın to sörv as the canpani s först prezidınt and ceo

The thought was that Jobs was too young and undisciplined to serve as CEO.
the thoot was det jobs was too young and andısıplınt to sörv as ceo

1977 also saw the introduction of the Apple II, the personal computer designed
1977 olso sov the intrudakşın of the apıl 2 the pörsınıl kompitür dizanyt

by Wozniak that would go on to take the world by storm.

by vazniyak det would go on to take the vörld by stoom

The Apple II's killer app was VisiCalc, a groundbreaking spreadsheet software that propelled
the apıl 2 kilır ap was vizikalk a gırant bırekin sipred şiit softveır det puropeld

the computer ahead of market leaders Tandy and Commodore. With VisiCalc,
the kompitür ehed of market liidırz tandi and komodor vit vizikalk

Apple could sell the Apple II to the business customer.

apıl kuld sell the apılk 2 to the biznıs kastımır

By 1978, Apple would actually have a real office, with employees and an Apple II production line.
by 1978 apıl would akçııli have a riyıl ofis vit ımpuloyiz and an apıl 2 prodakşın layn

The Xerox PARC lab is world-famous for its technological accomplishments,
the ziroks park lab is vörld feymıs for its teknolojikıl akampılişmınts

which include the laser printer, mouse, and ethernet networking.

which inkluud the leyza printır mouse and internet networking

In 1979, Apple engineers were allowed to visit the PARC campus for three days,
in 1979 apıl enjiniyırs were alovt to vizit the park kempıs for Tri days

in exchange for the option to buy 100,000 shares of Apple for $10 a share.
in eskçeyinc for the opşın to bay şeyz of apıl for a şeyır

In 1980, Apple released the Apple III, a business-focused computer
in 1980 apıl rilisd the apıl 3 a biznıs fovkıst kompitür

that was supposed to compete with the growing threat of IBM and Microsoft.
det was sıppoust to kımpiit vit the grovin tiret of ay,bi,em and maykrosov

But the Apple III was only a stopgap, and Xerox PARC had gotten the young Jobs thinking in a different direction.
but the apple 3 was ounli a stopgat and ziroks park hed gotın the young jobs tinkin in a dıfrınt darrekşın
Xerox PARC convinced Jobs that the future of computing was with a graphical user interface (GUI),
ziroks park kenvinst jobs det the füuçır of kampüting was vit a gırafilkıl yusır interfes gui

like the kind we're used to today.

layk the kaynd we are yuzd to today

Jobs spearheaded the effort to equip Apple's next-generation Lisa computer with a GUI,
jobs sipeyarhedid the efıt to eyküyit apıls nest cenıreyşın lisa kompitür vith a gui

but was bumped from the project thanks to infighting.

but was bantı from the purocekt tenks to infayting

Lisa was released in 1983 to much fanfare, but disastrous sales

lisa was rilisd in 1983 to much fenfeir but dizastiris seylıs

— it was too expensive and didn't have enough software support.

it was too ekspensiv and didn't have inaf softveır sıport

Jobs ended up leading the second project, the Apple Macintosh, billed as the most user- friendly computer to date.
jobs endit up liiding the sekınd purocekt the epıl mekıntoş bilyıt as the most yusır frendli kompitür to deyt

It would go on to become popular with graphic-design professionals,

it would go on to bikam papilır vith gırafik dizayn purofeşlişins

who liked its visual chops (even though it was in black and white). It was still very expensive, however.
how laykd its vijuıl çaps (ivın thoot it was in blek and vayt ) it was stil veri ekspensiv hav,evır

Around the time of the launch of the first Macintosh in 1983, Apple got a new CEO: John Sculley.
araund the time of the lonç of the först mekıntoş in 1983 epıl gat a niv ceo jon sıkali

Sculley was serving as Pepsi's youngest-ever CEO, but Jobs managed to bring him to Apple with the now-legendary pitch:
sıkali was serving as pesis yangıst evır ceo but jobs meniç to bırn him to epıl vith the nov lejinderi piçh
"Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life?
do you want to sell şugırt vatır for the rest of your layf

Or do you want to come with me and change the world?"

or do you want to come vith mi and çeyinc the vörld

The Macintosh had strong sales,
the mekıntoş hed strong seylıs

but not enough to break IBM's dominance. This led to a lot of friction between Jobs
but not inaf to birek ay,bi,ems domınıts this let to a lot of firıkşin bitviin jobs

— the head of the Macintosh group who liked doing things his own way
the hed of the mekıntoş gruup hov laykd duing tinks hiz on vey

— and Sculley, who wanted stricter oversight on future products

​ an sıkali hov vantıd sitirktır ovırsait on füuçır purodaks

in the light of the Lisa disaster and disappointment of the Macintosh.

in the layt of the lisa dizartır and disapointment of the mekıntoş

It got to the point that Apple's board specifically instructed Sculley to "contain" Jobs.-
it gat to the point det epıls Boord spesifikıli insıarktıd sıkali to kınteyn jobs

Things came to a head in 1985 when Jobs tried to stage a coup and oust Sculley —
tinks came to a hed in 1985 when jobs trayd to siteç a kuu and avst sıkali

but Apple's board of directors took Sculley's side and removed Jobs from his
but apıls Boord of dayrektız tuuk sıkalis sayd and rimuuvt jobs form hiz

managerial duties. A furious Jobs quit and went on to found NeXT,

menejiryır düdiz a füyorizs jobs kuvit and vent on to faund nekst

a computer company making advanced workstations where he had total control.

a kompitür kampani meykin edvensd wörk,siteş,jıs veır he hed töytıl konturol
Wozniak left around the same time in 1985,
vazniyak left eraund the seym time in 1985

saying that the company was going in the wrong direction.

seying det the kampani was going in the rong darrekşın
He sold most of his shares.
he solt most of hiz şeyz

The 1990s would see Apple get into lots of new markets,
the 1990 would sii epıl get intu lats of niv markets

none of which really worked out.

nan of which riıli wörkıd aut

Possibly the most famous Apple flop of the '90s was 1993's Newton MessagePad, which was Sculley's own brainchild.
paasıbli the most feymıs epıl flap of the 90 was 1993 nivtın mesıc,pad which was sıkalis on bitrentçalt

It literally created the market for "personal digital assistants,"

it litçılii kıriet the market for pörsınıl digital assistıs

but it was $700 and did little more than take notes and keep track of your contacts.
but it was and did litıl mor den take nots and kiip trek of your kontak

Between the high-profile flops and the costly decision to move to PowerPC, Apple's board had had enough.
bitviin the hay purofayil flaps and the kosli desicın to muv to pavır,pisi epıl Boord hed hed inaf

After Apple missed on its first quarter earnings in 1993, Sculley stepped down and replaced as CEO by Michael Spindler,
aftır epıl mist on its först kordır örniz in 1993 sıkali sitep danv and ripleyis as ceo by maykıl sipendıla

a German expatriate who had been with Apple since 1980.

a cörmın exktspitcüyet how hed biin vith epıl sins 1980

Spindler had the unfortunate job of following through with Sculley's big PowerPC mistake.
sipendıla had the anforcınıt job of faloving turu vit sıkalis bil power,pisi mesteyk

In 1994, the first Macintosh running on a PowerPC was released.

in 1994 the först mekıntoş ranning on a power,pisi was rilisd

But Apple's fortunes continued to sag as Windows took off.

but epıls focıns kontenyud to sek as vindovs tuuk off

After acquisition talks with IBM, Sun MicroSystems, and Philips all fell through,
aftır ekvızışın tolk vith ay,bi,em san maykoru,sistım and filips oll fell turu

Apple's board replaced Spindler with Gil Amelio in 1996.

epıl Boord ripilest sipendıla vith gil ami,lio in 1996

Amelio's tenure was equally troubled. Under his reign,
ami,lio tenyou was ikoli tıravıld andır hiz reiny
Apple stock hit a 12- year low (largely because Steve Jobs himself sold 1.5 million Apple shares in a single transaction).
epıl stok hit Tvelv year lov (larçli bikaz sitif jobs himself solt 1.5 million epıl şeyz in a singıl tırastekşin

Amelio decided to just purchase Jobs' NeXT Computer for $429 million in February 1997 to bring him back to Apple.
ami,lio disaydıd to jast pörçıs jobs nekst kompitür for in febueri 1997 to bring him bek to epıl

On the July 4 weekend that same year, Jobs would stage a boardroom coup and convince
on the culy 4 vikend det seym year jobs would siteç a botruum kuu and kınvins

Apple's board to install him as interim CEO. Amelio resigned a week later.
epıl s Boord to instol him as intörım ceo ami,lio rizaynd a viik leytır.


1997 would also see the introduction of Apple's famous "Think Different" ad campaign,
1997 would olso sii the intrudakşın of epıls feymıs tink difırınt ad kenpeing

celebrating famous artists, scientists, and musicians.

selibreyşın feymıs artist sayıntets and muzişins

Apple think different

epıl think dıfrınt


It was a new era for hardware and software, too.

it was a niv ira for hardveyir and softveır too

Jobs had Jony I spearhead the design of the iMac,

jobs had joni i sihiya,hed the dizayn of the aymek

an all-in-one computer released in 1998.

an oll in 1 kompitür rilisd in 1998

In 2000, Jobs introduced Mac OS X, based on the operating system

in 2000 jobs interjust mek os 10 best on the oporuting sistım

from NeXT Computers, finally replacing System 7.

form nekst kompitürs faynıli rıpleysing sistım 7

And in 2006, Apple finally moved to an Intel-based system architecture.

and in 2006 epıl faynıli muuvt to an intel best sistım arki,tekçır

Apple had two massively influential product releases in the 2000s, beginning with the iPod in 2001.
epıl had 2 mesivli infulenşil purodak rilisd in the 2000 bigining vith the aypot in 2001

It blew other MP3 players out of the water and radically altered the way we listen to music.
it bluv adır em,pi,tri pleyırs aut of the vatır and radi,kıli oltit the vey we listın to müzik

The iPod also launched Apple's white earbuds as a status symbol.

the aypot olso lanç epıls vayt irbast as a stetus simbl

But the single biggest victory for Apple —
but the singıl bigest viktıri for epıl

and arguably the world of technology as a whole —

and argüyobi the vörld of teknoloji as a houl

was 2007's introduction of the iPhone.

was 2007 intrudakşın of the ayfoun

When it went on sale, customers lined up outside stores in the US to get their hands on one.
when it vent on seyıl kastımırs laynt up autsayd storzs in the yues to get deır hends on 1


Since then, Apple has gone on to release 17 more models and,

sins den epıl hez gan on to rilisd 17 mor modıls and

under CEO Tim Cook — who took over after Jobs' death in 2011
undır ceo tim cuk how tuuk ovır aftır jobs deth in 2011

— Apple has become a trillion-dollar company.

​epıl hez bikam a trillion-dollar kampani

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