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La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.

Central West, Bauang La Union




Background of the Study

Career preferences are free opportunity in selecting a desired career.

Career is defined by the 0xford English dictionary as a person’s course or

progress through life (or a distinct portion of life).

Career is a complex term, with different definitions. In the past, people

did not consider this term to be so complex and important as now, and it was

considered that when a person had a job, it was a life – long term. People used

to start their job when they were young, and they used to stay in the same

organization, in even at the same position, till they retired. It was taken for

granted that a person if hard worker, reliable, competent, loyal and making no

problems, would have a job as long as he/she wanted it. In return for such

behavior of employees, companies offered them job security and stability of job.

All the system, including organization and employees, function like a family,

where the organization was the one that acted in paternalistic way. In this

those days’ career started to work, and did not require any additional

knowledge or professional development.

Career, according to Okobiah and Okorududu (2005) refers to variety of

work and non – work situation which usually span through the entire life of an

individual. Career is generally related to a pattern of decision, transaction and

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
adjustments which affects one’s role in work, education, family, community

development and leisure. The National Career Development Association NCDA

(2006) state that “career is the totality of work - paid and unpaid – one does in

his/her lifetime”. Thus, career embraced a sequence of positions, jobs or

occupations which an individual hold’s during his/her life time.

Career counseling is a field of counseling which gives relevant

information regarding different careers. It is a process of helping and enabling

people in their career development. Career counseling helps the student to

select their career according to their choices and interests. Career counseling is

now being increasingly stress as an integral part of education. (Laws, F., 2010)

Career Preferences means which career paths they find attractive

regardless of career market condition. Thus, respondents are asked to ignore

job market availability and rate how attractive they find each of the following

careers: (a) a faculty career with an emphasis on teaching; (b) a faculty career

with an emphasis on research or development; (c) a government career with an

emphasis on research or development; (d) a career in an established firm with

an emphasis on research or development; (e) a career in a startup with an

emphasis on research or development; and (f) other career.

There are different factors affecting students’ choice of course in college.

One of these is family related factors. Study revealed that Filipino immigrants

and non- immigrants rely heavily on their family’s decision-making. Students

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
cope by following their parent’s advice. They also have to cope with an

expectation financially supporting the family upon completing their education.

Studies from other Asian countries also show parent’s impact in decision-

making of students when it comes to student course preference.

Furthermore, it is reported that parents are deeply involved and

influential to their high-achieving children’s college choice. The report also

found open houses, dialogue with college friends, alumni, and admitted-

student programs are extremely influential to students. The reports claimed

these sources are not known, but very powerful to student decision-making for

their college. The study

also found 26% of sampled students paid a specialist or advisor during the

college decision process. The studies presented are important to the present

study since the studies explain the importance of taking parents advice and

permission in choosing a college course. Respect for family is one of the most

influential factors that impact Filipino students career decision. It is concurred

that “Out of respect and loyalty, it may not be appropriate to express personal

desire; rather, one may alter one’s interest to maintain harmony.” As a sign of

respect, Filipino children want to do well for the sake of the family, follow

parent’s advice about choosing a job or major in college and lastly, make

sacrifice for the family. (Marz, P., 2006)

For practical reason, it is also reported that parents usually encourage

career that will not cost much money, but at the same time, are stable sources

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
of income. Career in nursing, accounting, and engineering are highly popular

for Filipino families. These writing discuss that the family decide in what

college course students should take also associated with the financial status of

the family. Aside from family related factors, economic factors which includes

the employability and availability of job in the future is also considered by

students. Employability, i.e., the realistic feasibility of being employed in a

stable job, then become an important factor in career decision-making. Coming

from a collective culture, immigrant parents and children seek career that will

support the whole family.

Moreover, it is found that Asian American men and women tend to be

more interested in technical fields, the physical science, and non-enterprising

business positions over artistic, social, or socially interactive business career.

Aside from economic factors, exposure of students to career related technical

and academic subjects also known as elective subjects in the Philippines also

help in students decision-making in career choice in college. It was revealed

that Career Technical Education (CTE) was perceived positively by middle

school and high school counselors in Tenessee, and the need of career

awareness should begin in a student’s early years before high school. However,

there was a difference in perceptions of Career Technical Education (CTE) by

middle school and high school counselor.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
Both middle school and high school counselor felt that CTE (Chronic

Traumatic Encephalopathy) teacher should have knowledge, skills and

teaching license.

School counselor felt that they did not have enough time to provide

career counseling to students. Being informed and ready to choose a career

focus area in a student freshmen year could help make the transition from

middle school to high school easier thus help prevent the students from

dropping out of school before graduation.

On the importance of integrating the academic curriculum in student’s

preparation for college course choice, it is explained that academics should be

integrated with career-focused courses so students can see practical

application for the academic courses such as mathematics, science, reading

and writing.

Personality and interest are not the only criteria for choosing a career. An

individual’s aptitude and intellectual abilities are equally of great importance.

An aptitude is a potential for success in an arear after undergoing some

training but a layman may define aptitude as a flair for something.

The context in which people live, their personal aptitude, and

educational attainment are other thing that do influence people’s career choice.

The importance of having effective career planning is emphasized by

SREB (Southern Regional Education Board).

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La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
It was found that students who receive help in exploring career and

planning program of study related to their career interest are more likely to see

school as meaningful. High school’s that work recommended that students as

early as the eighth grade develop a six-year plan for all four years of high

school and two years after graduation. These students should work with their

parents, teacher, and school counselor to develop high school courses and

future goals. Students who see a direct link between school and the future are

more definite in their career and postsecondary goals. Middle schools lay the

foundation for career choices by getting student to explore career fields which

interest them, and then in high school, the counselors help student align the

curriculum to the academic and industry standards of those career. The

involvement of the family, school administrators and guidance counselor to

help students make good career choice in the future is emphasized in the study

who mentioned that parents, teachers, and school counselors are all involve in

student’s career decision-making process. The researcher suggested that the

“American education career development plan” is to prepare students for the

next formal learning experience with little opportunity in career development

activities, and students are simply encouraging to attend school until they can

go no further.

It is this stage when teenager needs guidance in the proper selection of

their desired career. Where, they will arrive at the right decision considering

their innate capacities, educational privilege offered to the students and other

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
resources that society makes available for them to be more efficient and

effective. (DepEd,2017)

“If there is a will there is a way”. In choosing a career, suitability to the

interest of students is given importance. Students must know on what degree

to pursue in college, one that interest them and must also fit their abilities so

that it will not be hard for them to choose the right career path. (Kael, P.,


The kind of career a person has an affect his or her life in a great number

of ways. The career also affects the way other people act toward you. By

making a wise career decision can help one’s self build the life they want.

Then, it is the responsibility of the guidance counselors to supply these

senior high school students with enough and pertinent information and proper

interpretations concerning their abilities, aptitudes, interest, needs,

temperament and personal characteristics to help them make crucial


What most likely could lead the students to their maximum development and

ultimate success is likewise the concern of educational guidance. The students

are given assistance in attaining a high level of efficiency and satisfying results

in the activities in which they will engage in. As a whole, they will be helpful in

formulating systematic goals and plans for their future.

Educational leaders and programmers have agreed that instructions in

schools be made to suit the students’ needs and prepare for life work where


Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union

could utilize their abilities, talents, and interest so they could find satisfaction

and self – fulfillment.

According to Supeer (2005), the students should first become aware of

the need for a career. So every graduating student needs a wise choice in


making. Bautista (1997) stated that this age, a student must take important

and vita decision in the selectin of a career which will determine his/her future


In La Union Colleges of Science and Technology some of the students are

still undecided what will be their course in college. The need to find out the

factors affecting the career preferences among senior high school students gave

the impetus to this study. From above the discussion, the researcher’s

explanation when it comes to the factors affecting the career preferences shows

that when one is confused in choosing a career, he/she relies on his friends

and relatives. Confusion of a student in a sense that he cannot make his own

decision and not yet ready to get into college. Thus one wrong decision can lead

to wrong pathway of opportunity to students.

The researchers, inquired the grade 12 students of La Union Colleges of

Science and Technology to know the factors affecting their conditions in

choosing a career.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the factors affecting career preferences of

Senior High School students. Specially, it sought to answer the following sub


1. What are the socio – demographic profile of the senior high school

students in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Age

c. Parents Highest Educational Attainment

d. Parents Occupation

e. Family Monthly Income

2. What are the preferences of students in choosing a career in college in

terms of;

a. Childhood Aspirations

b. Family/relatives

c. Values

d. In Demand Jobs

e. School Guidance Counselor

3. Is there significant relationship between the profile of the respondent

and factors affecting the career preferences?

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union


There is no significant relationship between the profile of the

respondents and the factors affecting the career preferences of the students.

Theoretical Framework

There are various factors that affect career preferences of senior high

school students such as personal attributes, academic background, and socio –

economic factors. These factors can directly or indirectly affect career

preferences of the respondents.

Motivation is the basic determinant of anyone’s decision. It can be

intrinsic, extrinsic motivation or both.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the fundamental theory of one’s behavior

including the motivation of doing something. The students’ choice of career

may be attributed to their physiological needs, good and decent meals, shelter

for safety, recognitions and belongingness to the family, intrinsic motivation of

self – discover and actualization.

There could be some reasons for some as what Skinner’s Operant

Conditioning described. People behave or do (refrain from doing) things

because of rewards and punishments. Some students could have been forced

to take the career they planned of fear (negative stimulant).

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
The cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of mental

processes as a result of biological maturation and environmental experience

(Leod, 2017)

The demographics are about gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status,

and nationality whereas the environmental factors are about the influence

such as family, friends, community values, mentors, labor market structure

and the economic environment. The theories with sociological underpinnings

will be discussed first, followed by the ones with psychological underpinnings.

Employability needs a contract in which the foundation is psychology. An

individual considers both individual external factors while estimating

employability. Individual factors include all those skills which were developed

during education, early experience, internship or work placements whereas the

external factors are family, friends, labor market, economic trends etc. (Creed

and Gagliardi,2015). The relation of career satisfaction (DeVoset al., 2011),

career success and career commitment (Rothwell and Arnold, 2007), self –

presentation skills and job related skills being found with self – perceived

employability (Creed and Gagliardi, 2015).

In other research it was reported that the students have reported low

level of perceived employability who faced less satisfaction in their academic

and career direction they follow during seeking information of employment

market (Mcllveen, et al., 2013).

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
The next theory is Social Cognitive Theory (SCCT) This theory tries to

contextualize how individuals make career decisions considering individuals

(internal factors) and environmental (external factors) factors that have an

impact on individual’s self – efficacy and career interest (Sharp, 2006). It

describes that one’s efficiency and effectiveness for some particular task is

related to choice is the career choices. It discusses the interaction of “learning

experiences, self-efficacy and outcome expectations” and the way in which

these affect career interest and choices.

According to Kidd (2006), this theory implies that it is important to

understand the impact on self-efficacy of things like “family, social class,

gender ethnicity and learning experiences “, which include quality of

experiences and also the individual nature. The typical example is revealed by

the study of Gushue (2006), in which he investigated the relationship between

ethnic identity, career decision-making, self-efficacy and outcome expectations

among Latino high school students in north-eastern USA. The study revealed a

strong relationship between individual’s ethnicity and their beliefs regarding

their ability to seek a career (self-efficacy) and no relationship/impact on their

outcome expectation. The study highlighted that the career decision where

based on their self-efficacy i.e. the more they were successful in their task the

more confidence they develop in terms of their career decision-making.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
Another theory adopted for the research is David Tiedeman’s self –

develop approach to career. He believes that involving ego- identity is of central

importance in the career development process. He referred to the evolving self –

in – situation from the earlies awareness of self to point at which individuals

becomes capable of evaluating experiences, anticipating, and imagining future

goals, and storing experiences in memory for future reference with his context

of Erik Erikson’s eight psychosocial crises. Self – in – situation, self – in – world

and the orientation of work evolve as one resolves the psychosocial crises of

life. He therefore conceptualized a paradigm of problem – solving as the

mechanism of career decision making. He paradigm covers four aspects of

anticipation or pre occupation (exploration, crystallization, choice, and

clarification) and the tree aspects of implementation of adjustment (induction,

reformation, and integration).

John Holland’s of career choice are determined by an interaction between

are personality and the environment. Career choice maintains that in choosing

a career, people prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like


They search for environments that will let them use their skills, abilities, and

express their attitudes and values, while taking on enjoyable problems and

roles. Behavior is determined by an interaction between personality and


Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union

Conceptual Framework

Future tension can be surpassing if individual has a preparation to

overcome it. Career preparedness will help the student become more effective

and successful in life with his chosen job.

Childhood aspiration has a major role on individual’s striving force. As

they grow older, the more they want, the more they will strive to get it. But

external factors (environment and society) and internal factors (self - crisis and

family) changes their aspirations in life. Such as when a child wants to be a

nurse to cure a patient in his illness but because of her interest like drawing

and painting changes his aspirations. His interest got more concentrated so

she will take a course which is suitable for it. Some graduated high school

students gradually stop in pursuing their college career. Financial

sustainability plays a major role in alternations of career life. They need to

work in order to sustain their studies, as well as to help their family about

expenses and earlier exposure to a company. Career preferences, then can be

conceptualize as a process of decision making. It also involves series of prime

factors such as the socio – demographic profile (sex, age, parent’s educational

attainment, parent’s occupation, family income, and sibling position).

Likewise, it will identify the top three expressed career choice such as

childhood aspirations, family/relatives, peer/friends, interest and

specialization, values in demand jobs, and school counselor; their anticipated


Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union

encountered and how these problems affect the students in making their career

preferences; and sibling position.

The figure below explains the paradigm of the study which uses the IPO

framework. The input is the socio demographic. The process of the study

floated a questionnaire, descriptive survey, and statistical treatment. Finally,

the output the factors affecting career preferences of senior high school


Input Process Output

Socio –
Characteristics of
the Students:
A. Sex
B. Age
C. Parent’s
Descriptive survey Factors Affecting Career
Preferences of Senior
Educational Statistical treatment High School Students
D. Parent’s
E. Family


Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union

Significance of the Study

Education is the totality of learning acquired by individual which is

inherited from one generation to another, while career is serve as its

application. The collaboration of this two field plays a key in improving

individual’s competence and professionalism and serve as their personal


Therefore, this study is deemed significant to the following stakeholder

for the following reasons:

• To the Students the result of this study will develop the awareness of

themselves, strength, and weaknesses for their career development by

continually summarizing and reflecting upon what they are learning from

home, school, and community. In totality, students are in charge of their own


• To the Parents – In this study, parents will realize how important they are as

a source of encouragement in which children are free to explore different areas

of career preferences. This study will look forward in giving their children an

assurance to acquire quality education that would enable them to obtain better

job, better income, and brighter future.

• To the Teacher – this study will give information to the teachers LUCST as to

the preferences of students such that they can focus on the skills needed by

the students if ever the latter would pursue the career they have chosen.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
• To the School Administration – The result of this study will help the school

administration in putting up an effective, integrated career information and

guidance system that a plays a very helpful role in guiding students towards

making the best possible career decisions.

• To the Researcher – The process and outcome of this study will produce a

great satisfaction, competence, and professionalism to the field. Although the

topic of the study is focus on career which belongs to the field known as

Individual Psychology, the purpose is to have a diversity and idea about the

field rather than understanding the abnormalities of human behavior.

• To the Community Besides family of the job seeker and local community

also can become the factors which can determine someone’s future career. To

make a right career choice, the need to understand the cultural issues and the

nature of expectations of each students can help them to understand the

factors affecting career preferences of students.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually or operationally define to enhance the

understanding of the readers of this paper.

1. Recession – a period of reduced economic activity or withdrawal. In this

study, recession refers to a decrease of employees in a company affected

by economic crisis.

2. Career – a field for or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement

especially in public, professional, or business life. In this study, career is

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
the application of education whereby it is the totally of acquired


3. Ego- Relevant Crisis – is derived from Erik Erikson’s eight psychosocial

crises such as;

1) Trust, 2) Autonomy, 3) Initiative, 4) Industry, 5) Identity 6) Intimacy,

7) Generativity, and 8) Ego - Integrity.

4. Disoriented Strategy – displaced from normal position or relationship. In

this study, this term refers to mechanism of students when he or she is

unstable in choosing a career which can be repeated

5. Socio – Demographic Characteristic – refers to sex, age, parent’s

educational attainment, parent’s occupation, family income, and siblings


6. Sibling – position – the positon of respondent in his/her family, whether

he or she was first child, second child, third child, etc.

7. Preference – other term for recommended; the power or opportunity of

choosing. In the study, the term career preference refers to the basis of

student in choosing the course he/she wants whether it come from

his/her childhood aspiration, relatives, peer, his/her values in life,

interest and specialization, and school guidance counselor.

8. Childhood Aspiration – the child’s infantile wishes of what he wants

when grew up.

9. Interest – to induce or persuade; to participate or engage.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
10. Specialization – to concentrate one’s efforts in a special activity of


11. Values – refers to motivated drives the individual is striving to

achieve their aspirations in life.

12. “In – Demand” Jobs – refers to the majority of present occupation

which many companies are in need for a particular job.

13. School Guidance Counselor - is a type counseling profession

specialized in assisting the students in choosing the career in college and

as well vocation or un educational problems.

14. Anticipated Problems – the expected problems of student’s career

choice. For example, financial sustainability, poor health, self – conflicts,


15. Self – Concept – the mental image one has of oneself.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union



Research Design

This study used a descriptive survey method used to assess socio –

demographic characteristics such as sex, age, parent’s educational attainment,

parent’s occupation, family income, sibling positon; preference of students in

choosing a career and anticipated problems that affect the career choices of

senior high school students of La Union Colleges of Science and Technology.

Descriptive research is a purposive process of data gathering, analyzing,

classifying and tabulating data about prevailing condition, practices, beliefs,

processes, trends and cause – effect relationship and then adequate and

accurate interpretation about such data with or without aid of statistical


Locale and population of the study

The study was conducted during the year 2019 – 2020 within La Union

Colleges of Science and Technology. The researcher depicted representatives in

the Senior High School Students to suit in needed respondents to the study.

Scope and Delimitation

Senior high school is the respondent of this research, since some of them

are still undecided of the course they want to pursue and suffers from

difficulties in deciding during their last term.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
This study focused on their career preferences of senior high school

students. The socio – demographic characteristics in terms of sex, age, parent’s

educational attainment, parent’s occupation, family income, and sibling

position; top three career choice; preference of student in choosing a career in

terms of childhood aspirations, family/relatives, peer/friends, values,” in

demand” jobs, and school guidance counselor; and anticipated problems

encountered in making their career choices.

This study focus on our career preferences of senior high school students

of La Union Colleges of Science and Technology.

The school is selected because very few among the province of La Union

offer a vocational related course during High School.

Data Gathering Tools

The study used questionnaire as the main gathering instrument in order

to obtain the necessary information that pertains to the factors affecting the

career preferences of senior high school students in La Union Colleges of

Science and Technology.

Scoring Mechanism

The following numerical description and it is corresponding qualitative

interpretation was used by the researchers to describe and classify the range

and interval.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
Factors Affecting the Career Preferences of Senior High School Students

in La Union Colleges of Science and Technology.

Weight Statistical Range Item Descriptive


4 3.26-4.00 Always

3 2.51-3.25 Sometimes

2 1.76-2.50 Often

1 1.00-1.75 Never

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data were subjected to analysis using the following tools.

1. Frequency and percentages were used to describe the number of

students, The formula is:

Percentages = f x 100


f= frequency

N= total number of population

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
2. Mean find out the factors affecting the career preferences as a tool of

advertising in La Union Colleges of Science and Technology. The formula


x = N

x= mean
∑= summation
Fx=Sum of all products of f and x where f is the frequency of each score
and x, weighted of each score.
f=Sum of all the hospitability industry tested

2) The data gathered were tabulated computed and analyzed. Frequency

count, weighted means, ranking and percentage were used for
treating sub problem 1 and 2
For problem no. 3 on the relationship between the profile of the

respondents and the factors affecting the career preferences of senior high

school students in La Union Colleges of Science and Technology

The pearson was used to ensure the accuracy of computation the IBM

SPSS was used.


Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
Instruction: Please respond to the following information by checking or

writing on the space provided. Rest assured that your response will be kept

with strict confidentially and will use for academic purpose only.

Name: (optional) ___________________________

A. Age:

( ) 16 – 17 years old

( ) 18 – 19 years old

( ) 20 – 21 years old

B. Gender:

( ) Female

( ) Male

C. Parents Highest Educational Attainment:

( ) Elementary

( ) High School

( ) College

D. Parents Occupation:

Mother: _____________

Father: ______________

E. Family Monthly Income

( ) 1000 – 2000
( ) 3000 – 4000

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
( ) 5000 – 6OOO
( ) 7000 – 8000
( ) 9000 – Above

Part II

Directions: Kindly select appropriate rating that described the impact of

factors affecting the career preferences of senior high school students on

the following.



1. I consider my friends when I choose my career?
2. I consult my friends before making any career
3.Does your childhood dreams follow your
aspirations in the present?
4.Your friends are helpful to choose a career?
5.Did you choose a career because of your


Family Relatives 4 3 2 1
1. I seek my parent’s advice for career choice.
2. I choose my career based on the profession of
my relatives.
3. I am influenced by the advice or suggestion of
my parents in choosing my career.

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
4.Do you feel angry when your parents forcing
their career choice on you?
5.Are you afraid what the future holds for your


Values 4 3 2 1
1.I am a shy-type person and it affects how I
choose my career.
2. I consider my interest in choosing my career.
3. I consider compensation in choosing career.
4. I am capable of making my own career choice.
5. I see myself a successful person in my chosen


In Demand Jobs 4 3 2 1
1. I choose my career based on what is needed by
a specific industry.
2.I choose my career by the demand jobs.
3.I choose my career based on the salary and


School Guidance Counselor 4 3 2 1

1. I choose my career based on the result of

Humanities and Social Sciences

La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
Central West, Bauang La Union
2. I choose my career based on the suggestion of
the guidance counselor.
3.I consider the advice given by guidance
counselor for choosing my career?
4.It is helpful when guidance counselor gives an
encouragement about my career?
5.I choose my career base on my skills and

Humanities and Social Sciences


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