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Department of Chemical Engineering

Heat Transfer Lab(CHD-228)

Experiment: To determine the LMTD and overall heat

transfer coefficient of shell and tube heat exchanger

Submitted By:
Abhishek Sharma (187001) Submitted To:

Shubham Thakur (187009) Dr. Pooja Thakur

Yashwant Shukla (187028)
Shell and tube heat exchanger
Aim: To determine the LMTD and overall heat transfer coefficient of shell and tube heat

Apparatus description: This heat exchanger is one of the most common type used in
industry. This is because it is compact, but can work at higher pressures than other designs. It
is a large tube (shell) which surrounds several smaller tubes (a bundle). One fluid pass through
the shell, and the other fluid passes through the tube bundle, therefore transferring heat.
Baffles around the bundle help to create a turbulent mixed flow. All fluid connections to the
heat exchanger are self-sealing quick connectors - for safety and simplicity. The hot and cold
fluid streams have different connectors to reduce errors. Connecting the heat exchanger takes
less than one minute.
Theory: Heat exchangers are devices that facilitate the exchange of heat between two fluids
that are at different temperatures while keeping them from mixing with each other. Heat
exchangers are commonly used in practice in a wide range of applications, from heating and
air-conditioning systems in a household, to chemical processing and power production in large
plants. Heat exchangers differ from mixing chambers in that they do not allow the two fluids
involved to mix. In a car radiator, for example, heat is transferred from the hot water flowing
through the radiator tubes to the air flowing through the closely spaced thin plates outside
attached to the tubes. Heat transfer in a heat exchanger usually involves convection in each
fluid and conduction through the wall separating the two fluids. In the analysis of heat
exchangers, it is convenient to work with an overall heat transfer coefficient U that accounts
for the contribution of all these effects on heat transfer. The rate of heat transfer between the
two fluids at a location in a heat exchanger depends on the magnitude of the temperature
difference at that location, which varies along the heat exchanger. In the analysis of heat
exchangers, it is usually convenient to work with the logarithmic mean temperature difference
LMTD, which is an equivalent mean temperature difference between the two fluids for the
entire heat exchanger


The simplest type of heat exchanger consists of two concentric pipes of different diameters, as
shown in Figure 13–1, called the double-pipe heat exchanger. One fluid in a double-pipe heat
exchanger flows through the smaller pipe while the other fluid flows through the annular
space between the two pipes. Two types of flow arrangement are possible in a double-pipe
heat exchanger: in parallel flow, both the hot and cold fluids enter the heat exchanger at the
same end and move in the same direction. In counter flow, on the other hand, the hot and
cold fluids enter the heat exchanger at opposite ends and flow in opposite directions
fig. Shell and tube heat exchanger (one-shell pass and one tube pass)

With the LMTD method, the task is to select a heat exchanger that will meet the prescribed
heat transfer requirements. The procedure to be followed by the selection process is:
1. Select the type of heat exchanger suitable for the application.
2. Determine any unknown inlet or outlet temperature and the heat transfer rate using an
energy balance.
3. Calculate the log mean temperature difference and the correction factor F, if necessary. 4.
Obtain (select or calculate) the value of the overall heat transfer coefficient U. 5.
Calculate the heat transfer surface area As.


M=F*ρ/ (3600*1000), kg/s

ΔTm= (ΔT1- ΔT2)/ln(ΔT1/ ΔT2)
1. First, close the entire drain valve and check it correctly.
2. Fill the water in the tank.
3. Connect the pipe tube in the cold-water inlet.
4. Now switch on the heater.
5. Also adjust the valve properly and keep it tight.
6. Let’s start the flow and run heat exchanger.
7. Adjust the flow of cold-water by rotameter.
8. Also same for hot water flow.
9. Keep flow rate same of water as that of cold water until steady state reached.
10. Now record the temperature and record your observation.

Observation and calculation:

Di=0.013m Do=0.016m L=0.5m
S.No FhLPH Hot Hot FcLPH Cold Cold
. T1°c T1°c T1°c T1°c

Properties of water (cph, ρh) at Th=(T1+T2)/2 and (cpc, ρc) at Tc=(T3+T4)/2
cph =.................. KJ/Kg°C
ρh =................... Kg/m3
cpc =................. KJ/Kg°C
ρc =.................... Kg/m3

Mh=Fh*ρh/ (3600*1000), kg/s

Qh=Mh*cph(T1-T2) ....................................W
Mc=Fc*ρc/ (3600*1000), kg/s
Qh=Mh*cph(T4-T3) ..............................W
ΔT1= (ΔT1- ΔT4) ........................°C
ΔT2= (ΔT2- ΔT3) ........................°C
ΔTm= (ΔT1- ΔT2)/ln (ΔT1/ ΔT2) ..................


• Don’t switch on the power until the switch is in off position.

• Keep the apparatus free from dust.

• Don't run the machine if the voltage is less than the required.

Ai = Inside heat transfer area

Ao = Outside heat transfer area

Cph = Specific heat of hot fluid at mean temperature

Cpc = Specific heat of cold fluid at mean temperature

Do = Outer diameter of tube

Di = Inner diameter of tube

Fh = Flow rate of hot water

Fc = Flow rate of cold water

L = Length of tube
Mh = Mass flow rate of hot water

Mc = Mass flow rate of cold water

Q = Average heat transfer from the system

Qc = Heat gained by cold water

Qh = Heat loss by hot water

Th = Mean temperature of hot water

Tc = Mean temperature of cold water

T1 = Inlet temperature of hot water

T2 = Outlet temperature of hot water

T3 = Inlet temperature of cold water

T4 = Outlet temperature of cold water

∆Tm = Log mean temperature difference

Ui = Inside overall heat transfer coefficient

Uo = Outside overall heat transfer coefficient

ρh = Density of hot water at mean temperature

ρc = Density of cold water at mean temperature



• “Heat Transfer by Cengel” page no. 668, 670 and 690.

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