MCQ On Planning and Management

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1) A task consists of 6 activities alphabetically labelled A to F.

The activity dependence is given

Activity Duration (days) Preceeding Succeding
A 2 Start Event D
B 3 Start Event D
C 2 Start Event E,F
D 1 A,B E
E 3 C,D End Event
F 2 C End Event
Which of the following depicts the duration of the task?
 5 days
 6 days
 7 days
 8 days
2) In the network given below, activity E has a latest start time of ----- weeks and a latest finish time
of ----- weeks.

 4,7
 5,9
 5,7
 7,9

3) Using the network given below, estimate the number of weeks by which the start of activity D can
be delayed without affecting project completion period?

 It cannot be delayed
 1 week
 2 weeks
 3 weeks
4) Please read the following statements

1. Critical path has no float and it determines the Project completion period.
2. Critical path is the largest path which actually is shortest duration in which the project can
be completed

Which of the above statements are incorrect?

 1 only
 2 only
 Both 1 and 2
 Neither 1 nor 2

5) Activities A,B and C are immediate predecessors for activity X, if the earliest finish times for the
three activities(A, B, C) are 12,15 and 10 respectively, then the earliest start time for activity X will

 10
 15
 12
 Cannot be determined

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