PNU Professional Education Reviewer

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ProFcssioaaj Education


repar y: .
Prof. Macillc Alastre-Dizon

, Competencies:
,1. Interpret educational problems
. in the light of philasophicâ and
, legal foundations of education.

. 2. Analye historical, economic,

I socio-culturâ, geographical,
environmenQl, politicâ and
sécial-psychological factors
I that“añect the role of the
school as an agent of



Æms:To azdæ æd ¥i ox8am b the tribe to яtilcft thay belong

ãlmз: To høraæ bвdłIł‹nd klæs and oвtвиs h ordк

B«slntah and papmøb łtn bng estaьвIe‹ł socla

harкonlais dædqxœnt of the varbus aspœts of human

Eduætbn łór Ułläarbnłsrn høznn EdJcstlon

Æm: To eduøte the Roman youth kr reaLzîng nałbrial ideds
roundxtions o££ditcation

letfods: Eementary - mn‹rizatbri, imitatbn
Secondary - fteay exercises, intensive drillari speech,


z1. Educati‹xi I\rfIIcfi,M Life/ltaliafj or lndividudistic Hurnana«t
elm: To sectre rich and M Els for each individual though
with Ihe arsient
¢ontens: Gammas, Lilaature and Mathematics
glethods: T8xt sttd}, wfttt8ri themes, Self-activity and set-

elm: 9ellgbls fnoia8sfn

Content Physical education, Character education. Math, history,

Methods: htamorlzation,relt§ious irxloctrination

Pro{xnelt: MarIJn Mther
2.4. ¢ox#e-Refirmatbn "
him: To deyebp an unquationir›g otiedience to the authority of

. • adapting the krsoh to the abilities, needs,jr¥I interests

d fifitdian
• reyieñing the previous lessons
• r8t›eIition fix masBry
• memorlzatbri with understanding

3.5. Educatâxi as Trdriing of the Mind/ For/nd Djsclpllne

Jims:To trah tla mind Ozough rlg0m» exercises In order to

To brm character (mental, /#iysical and ro‹a§

Cofitefils: Qasslcal twiguages and Math; Physical (¥igo of the body)
Mettzae F‹rmd- sensation, memay ard essonlng, 0rl8
ftnttod Prop‹X L JuIXi Lrcl‹e
2.6. Ratbr détri
Aim: To cable man b thhk for themsetws
“”"’':p?’!osophicaI/scientIflc knowledge, ethics and rtzirality

2.7. Educates In Harmony with Nature / Naturdisdc Conceptbn of

Edu- cation
Aims: To develop the individual in accordance with the bws of
lzxran deyeIo;›merit and to presave the natural goodness of

Contents: Hdis8c education (physical, moal, lntelIecIua§

Pro¡›oieX: 3ean 3acgas Raicseau
2.8. Edu‹aes lor Patrbtlc Cltaaishlp/ fiatbralistl¢ Conceptb«
Ben: to dnebp mfiita/y Iz’eperedress afid aggressfreriess f‹jr the
pfasefvation aizl gkiilfication of the SBB

Methods: Practical
2.9. @ucatkzi as Psycfobqical Oyvelopment
hfn: Tod#ect and Cojpâl gf0wth and d8ydop0jenttlxough ay
. jxlste educatignsl procedures .
JOÍIANRI!HHRIfitlPEsrAt0ZZ'I-$pgai ¿egenera§ y ofhumanI|y
FRiEDRIfiIl FROEBEL - Oevelapasnt of de cia

" J0HAn t4f ilr-RBART - floral dembpmail

Prof. 6Jzsillc ztlasrre-fjir.on
E lf' ARIJ L£ETIt0RR'0lKE-r ellze th fi§ea satBfaction.of

Contents: Math, scierge, language, arls, hbtoiy, llaraMe

Methods: Principles and Laws éf Learnhg
2.10. Edtxatioi as a SdaiéJcdly Determlned
Process Aim: To iriake e‹lu‹atIoi a

Methals: Exparlmenfal, problem-soMng, scientific mahod and

2.11. Ediz itlai as Socld RecouUxf‹xi/ Sz›cid Experifnentdism

¢ontant: Sodal Studas;

IntelBctud -c1tbal examination of tfe s‹xJal cordklzrls

CMc - Intelligent parllclpatlon and cooperation in civic affalrs

Methods: Guldance (y›du‹b›9 axld pddance), inktll0snt and ¢o-

opUatiye pargclpatbn; Fbld Trips, Directed cBssroom Study


1. u< 0R PHlL050PuczL T›i0«MIS


• gedlslâ tegwe tlat Ideas and b›oñJedqe are

“ fail all spilt}
’ Foiuidadons of EducntioJ

. • to dkcoer and devebp each lndyidual’s abilltles and

Meth‹xls: Crló>l dlaxissbns, fxMe, Saxatlc eethod,

tlo«, lmitatiiq models, reflectlon/refBctlve thlnklng, )’
Content: LkaBture, Hòtoy, Rlbsophy, and Rell§bn
• ’lms 0s Water whqis &n esm@x B an

• tries B do the very best he ¢an and strlye towad

per- fection
The Teacfar:
• azczfentexampla/ ide mxld I\x tln stderit - lntellec-

• exerclsegreatcrsatlyeddl h Pa/ldyig opportunlties

for the learners' mirds to dIsc‹n/er, analyze,
syntf›esbe and

• qussllacr- eruouages sadents to think and ad‹ more

• trah fuMe leadec

• develop itoaltp aid to dbdnquishrght kon wrong
• «›aiuIah ard transtriltvakes
• pt e emphasis a developing the mind, personal disci- t

wlthdas Iran the use of air senses arzl rely on a purely

Intellectual a/grzndi".
Fouiidations ofiEd ucation ’ •

Methods: lechres, derionstrations, and sena›ry exp0ienčes,

lnductive bgic
Content: SciP/rs and Mathe/natics
The Teacher:
“ a guide{ a dernofistrator, wfn has full mastery of he
mir ubdge of the reallttes of tte
“ R‹|iJifeŠ th0 l0dffl8r t0 /4C8Jl, apBin, d/1d C0fnpdre
facb; to lnterpret /daronshi/s, a/d to'nler lee mean-

• rewards tie success of each learner aixl reirifa s

Uhat has been lean1ed
utilizes k8rner's Interest by slating the lessons to Ihe
fiemei°s experiences, and by making the su éct /ua2er

“ sense fr›echanai7i, a functioning organism whicl1,
through sensory experience, cai perceive tfe natud
ordar of Ifie world.
• an karn only when frs fdlous the bws of leaning
The School:
“ transmits krowBd§6
• classraxns are highly ordered and dkcipllned

the s‹ziety, ernphasbing the needs and Interest of Itie

Aim: 7o tB8ch dtduits low b giink s0 flat he can a¿t/ust b fie

Content: Practical and utilitarian subj6cb

Methods: Rqect «etfod, free aid opén discussion, iridiyidud
" probkm-sdving rwearch
l'rofcss ionul Ediitation

The Leamer: •
• learn forn gxperiences though” iíiteraction b Itie
en- vironment
The Teacher:
• ¢apture the *' °’•!nterest and build ‹xi thenatural /y0-
• use varying teaching methods to accomcodate each
individual learning style
• hdper, guide, and arnngàr of experiences
Propment: 3ohn Oewey

• Kn0wledg8 that has endtir0d thfough IJme and space

should có iUgtute the foundabon of e:Iucati0n
• Per8nniafslB I:›elBye that when studenb ae immersed
in the mi‹Iy of profayd and enduring ideas, Item will

Aim: To devebp power of.fought
Pr0pofient: Rdm1 Hutchins
The Teacher:
• “hBrpreb ard Islls stemd t/uth


Alm: To pon0ts tfn Iritsllectual.gfouth of the learnes.

Propo‹ient: Wilfam Bagïey
The Ledrn0r: ' .
° • receives instructi0n b sl‹¡lk such as wrlting, reading,
• oi88surdïn0nt/aithmetic (3Rs} •

Frof. Mnrille Alairr-c-f9ir.on

• f0CIÎS0S h0a¥İly oтi ØźáeæM6nt txt ScŒ69 вS  lтi9Bb

2.3. Progresdvism
• EdiümisaMęh#æ ddœWœænt
• F‹xusad on ldc wfnle cNId aod thz ¢ułtłætbn of

• Ceritered Œl the 4Øefi6fl¢9S, int0fest9, afid ÂbİlltieS


Elm: To proyid8 the pgpll the necœsary ddls B be able la

with his ever cłunghg
enyirdnment Proponents: John Oœey,
Jefann Pœtalozzl Tłø Learner:

The Teacher:
• plans lesæns hat an›uæ ¢urbsity and erœuia0ś

• Mdfl Słsp8s hls IBłng dS h6 IIws.


elm: To train tie indMdud fa sigdfîcait aпd meaningfd exiderœ

The Lœrner

• Erøhasłzœ Ifs adÕesslng of мciał questł0fø aкl


Pro(. íYíavillc Alustre-Dlz.on .

• • S0ci8l rac0fBtru‹ñioiists be|leYe Ifiat systems /fiiBt be .
' cha/i$ed IO 0wr¢o/ye oppression snd i/ri{iroye hum&i )t

• Currkzikim focuses on students’ experiences

Aim: Education forcfian§e ard soclal refo«n
Préponeijt: George ¢ainb
The Learner:
bk8s socid acti‹xi on red ix'obIerns such as vb/ence,
fxx›ger, internatlonal terrorism, Inflation, dlscrlmlnatlofi
and irie4uaBy, and endronmerital problems
Ie Teacher:
Obes community-basel learning arid brings the world
inb the classroom
3.1. Hindulsm
• Emphasbes a co«iirilsnent b an ideal way of life char- ¡
actetze¢/ by fo/xs/'g ¢ou/aga, s8rdce, /aIth, s0If-
c0n- trol, purlty and non-valence which can be
achieved through Y0flA
Proponent: Mahatma Gulf
Hinduism In Educatloi:
• The teeJ›er slows the way and imparts knowledge
by Ms own eza/nple, respo›sibB for tin sttzle0B'

Tin student as to remember eyerythlng by heart ard

• TeachlfJg. rneth‹X8 we oal aixl mem0ry intensive,

dis- ciJ8sbn ard debates
3.2. Buddhism •
• Belleves In the FOLIR MOBM TBJTIJS
• BeN\es k the DW OF KAftMA
Proponent: Slddf rts Samara

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