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Mu = 87.

Vu = 50
Yr = 0.4
C1 = 24
C2= 24
d= 6.75
a= 27.375
b= 30.75
c= 8.764803
Ac = 577.125
J/c = 5634.237

Vu = Vu/Ac +Yr x Mn / ( J/c ) = 161.5214

Mu = 87.9
Vu = 50
Yr = 0.4
C1 = 18
C2= 24
d= 6.75
a= 21.375
b= 30.75
c= 6.216199
c' = a - c = 15.1588
Ac = 496.125
J/c' =(J/c)(c/c') = 2310.443

Vu = Vu/Ac -Yr x Mn / ( J/c' ) = -81.8333


L1 = 20 ft.
L2 = 18 ft.
C1 = 15 in.
C2 = 15 in.
Ln = 18.75 ft.
fc' = 3,000 psi
fy = 60,000 psi

Preliminary design of slab thickness "h" Live Load 100
a) Control of deflection Finishes 0
h = Ln / 33 = 7.5 in. Super Dead 0
This is larger than the 5 in. minimum specified for slabs without drop panels.
Therefore use a slab thickness
h = 8 in.
Average effective depth = d = h - 0.75 - 1/2" bar = 6.75 in.

b) Shear strength of slab

Factored dead load = wd = (h*12.5+FF+SD)*1.2 = 120 psf
Factored live load = wl = LL*1.6 = 160 psf
Total factored load = wu = 280 psf

Investigation for wide beam action on 12" wide strip at "d" distance from face of support
L1/2 - C1/2 - d = 8.8125 ft.
Vu = 2.47 kip
Vc = 2* fc' *bw*d = 8.87 kip
Æ Vc =0.85*Vc= 7.54 kip
2.47 is less than 7.54
Shear strength in two way action at d/2 distance around a support
bo = 4*(C1+d/2+d/2) = 87 in.
Vu = wu*[L1*L2 - ((C1+d/2+d/2)/12)2] = 99.88 kip
Vc = 4* fc' *bo*d = 128.66 kip
Æ Vc =0.85*Vc= 109.36 kip
99.88 is less than 109.36
Factored moments in slab
Total factored moment per span
Mo = wu*L2*Ln2 / 8 = 221.5 k-ft.

Distribution of the total factored moment Mo per span into negative and positive moments


( k-ft.) MOMENT ( k-ft ) MOMENT ( k-ft )
End span:
Exterior Negative 0.26*Mo= 57.6 0.26*Mo= 57.6 0
Positive 0.52*Mo= 115.2 0.31*Mo= 68.7 0.21*Mo= 46.5
Interior Negative 0.70*Mo= 155.0 0.53*Mo= 117.4 0.17*Mo= 37.7

Interior span:
Positive 0.35*Mo= 77.5 0.21*Mo= 46.5 0.14*Mo= 31.0
Negative 0.65*Mo= 144.0 0.49*Mo= 108.5 0.16*Mo= 35.4

Spacing of
SPAN LOCATION Mu b d As=Mu/3.9d As (min.)) #12 bar


COLUMN Exterior Negative 57.6 120 6.75 2.188 1.728 10"

STRIP Positive 68.7 120 6.75 2.608 1.728 8"
Interior Negative 117.4 120 6.75 4.459 1.728

MIDDLE Exterior Negative 0 120 6.75 0.000 1.728 10"

STRIP Positive 46.5 120 6.75 1.767 1.728 10"
Interior Negative 37.7 120 6.75 1.430 1.728 10"


COLUMN Interior Negative 108.5 120 6.75 4.123 1.728

STRIP Positive 46.5 120 6.75 1.767 1.728 10"
MIDDLE Interior Negative 35.4 120 6.75 1.346 1.728 10"
STRIP Positive 31.0 120 6.75 1.178 1.728 10"
Transfer of gravity load shear and moment at exterior column.
a) Factored shear force transfer at exterior column:
Vu = wu*L1*L2/2 = 50.4 kip

b) Unbalanced moment transfer at exterior column:

t f x Mu = 0.6*Mu = 34.55 k-ft.

unbalanced moment transfer section = t = C1+2(1.5*h) = 39 in.

Above unbalanced moment must be transferred within the effective width of 39 in.
Add 2 # 16 bars additional over column.
Check moment strength for 4 # 12 + 2 # 16 bars with in 39 in. slab width.

For 4 # 12 + 2 # 16 bars: As = 1.324 in2.

w = As*fy/fc' *t*d = 0.101
From table 9-2 Mn / fc'*b*d2 = 0.0879
Mn = w*fc'*b*d2= 39.05 k-ft
Æ Mn = 0.9 x Mn = 35.14 k-ft > 34.55 k-ft.

Spacing of
#16 bar



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