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Biodiversity is a variety and variability of life on earth. It

is a typically a measure of variation at the genetic,
species, and ecosystem level. Short for biological
biodiversity /biodiversity includes all organisms, species,
and population. It also supplies indirect services to
humans often taken for granted. It is ever changing and
dynamic. It supports a number of natural ecosystem
processes and services. It generally tends to cluster in
hotspots, and has been increasing through time.
LEVELS OF BIODIVERSITYBiodiversity is the totality of
genes, species and ecosystems in a region. Usually three
levels of biodiversity: genetic diversity, species diversity
and ecosystem diversity.
1.Genetic diversity is all the different genes contained in
all individuals, animals, plants, fungi and microorganism.
It occurs in species as well as between species.
2.Species diversity is all the differences within and
between population of species, as well as between
different species.
3.Ecosystem diversity is all the different habitats,
biological community and ecological processes, as well as
variation within individual ecosystem.
Biodiversity contributes to may constituents of human
well-being, including basic materials for a good life and
environment. The losses of biodiversity and changes in
ecosystem services have caused serious environmental
damages that led to poverty and social issue.
Broadly the values of biodiversity are categorised
into use value and non- use value. The use value of a
resource refers to its direct and indirect value to the user
in either production / consumption. Non- use value
refers to its value in production/consumption to
someone/something other than that of the user.
The loss of biodiversity is a significant issue for scientists
and policy makers and the topic is finding into living
rooms and classrooms. Species becoming extinct at the
faster rate known in geological and most of these
extinctions have tied to human activity.
 Habitat loss and destruction, usually as a direct
result of human activity and population growth are
major force in the loss of species, population and
 The introduction of exotic(non-native) species can
disrupt entire ecosystems and impact populations
of native plants/ animals.
 The over exploitation (over-hunting, over-
fishing/over collecting) of a species of population
can led to its demise.
 Human generated pollution and contamination can
affect all levels of biodiversity.
 Global climate change can alter environmental

Conservation of biodiversity is protection,
upliftment and scientific management of
biodiversity so as to maintain it at its threshold
level and derive sustainable benefits for the future
generation. The establishment of protected Area is
one of the strategies used in the management of
environmental resources. The two known methods
of conservation namely in-situ conservation and ex-
situ conservation.
 In-situ conservation is the conservation organisms
or genetic resource through their maintenance
within natural or even human made ecosystems in
which they occur. In-situ conservation include
different categories such as:
1. Biosphere Reserve
2. National Parks
3. Wildlife Sanctuaries
4. Conservation Reserves
5. Community Reserve
6. Scared Grooves
 Ex-situ conservation refers to the removal of
individuals /groups from their natural habitat into
captivity, either breed or to maintain a genetic
stock. It includes:
1. Zoos
2. Botanical gardens
3. Seed banks
4. Semen banks
5. Ovum banks
Biodiversity is our life. If the Biodiversity got lost at this
rate then in near future, the survival of human being will
be threatened. So, it is our moral duty to conserve
Biodiversity as well our Environment. Long-term
maintenance of species and their management requires
co-operative efforts across entire landscapes.
Biodiversity should be dealt with a scale of habitats or
ecosystems rather than at a species level.

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