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A. ulnar nerve
B. Long thoracic nerve of Bell
C. median nerve
D. radial nerve

1. E
2. E
3. D
4. C
5. A

6. One of the ff. muscles in NOT a muscle of the medial thigh:

A. pectineus C. semitendinosus
B. adductor longus D. adductor brevis

7. This is the largest “sesamoid” bone:

A. femur C. phalanges
B. humerus D. patella

8. During the Gross Anatomy dissection, you were asked to identify the contents of the
popliteal fossa. One of the ff. is not contained within the popliteal fossa:
A. sural nerve C. fats
B. common peroneal nerves D. long (or great) saphenous vein

9. This nerve is “compressed” in the condition called “tarsal túnnel syndrome”:

A. common plantar digital nerves C. tibial nerve
B. superficial fibular nerve D. common peroneal nerve

10. . What is the shortest and the thickest among the metatarsal bones?
A. first metatarsal C. third metatarsal
B. second metatarsal D. fourth metatarsal
11. Which of the ff. statements regarding the description of the plantar aponeurosis or
plantar fascia is NOT TRUE?
A. the central part is the weakest and the thinnest; just proximal to the metatarsals it
divides into five heads, one for each toe
B. the medial part of the aponeurosis covers the abductor hallucis and is thin;
continuous proximally with the flexor retinaculum
C. the lateral part of the aponeurosis covers the abductor digiti minimi; is thin
distally and thick proximally where it forms a strong band between the lateral
process of the calcaneal tuberosity
D. the plantar fascia or aponeurosis is composed of densely-packed collagen fibers
that are mainly oriented longitudinally

12. One of the ff. is NOT attached to the greater tuberosity of the humerus:
A. subscapularis muscle C. supraspinatus muscle
B. infraspinatus muscle D. teres minor muscle

13. . From medial to lateral, the distal row of tarsal bones is composed of the ff:
A. cuboid, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform
B. cuboid, intermediate cuneiform, medial cuneiform, lateral cuneiform
C. medial cuneiform, cuboid, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform
D. medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, cuboid

14. At the anterior thigh, the femoral vessels and nerve are arranged (from lateral to
medial) as:
A. vein-artery-nerve C. vein-nerve-artery
B. artery-vein-nerve D. nerve-artery-vein

15. when violence is applied along the long axis of the thumb or the thumb is is
forcefully abducted:
A. Volkmann’s ischemic contracture C. Bennett’s fracture
B. Carpal tunnel syndrome D. Boxer’s fracture

16. This is a thickened deep fascia that stretches across the back of the wrist and
holds the long extensor tendons in position :
A. flexor retinaculum C. carpal tunnel
B. extensor retinaculum D. interosseus membrane

17. This is the largest muscle of the human body:

A. sartorius C. vastus medialis
B. gastrocnemius D. gluteus maximus

18. Which of the ff. is NOT TRUE regarding the boundaries of the popliteal fossa?
A. laterally, the biceps femoris is located above the fossa
B. laterally, the plantaris is located below the fossa
C. medially, the semimembranosus is located below the popliteal fossa
D. medially, the semitendinosus is located above the fossa

19. This artery provides the principal arterial supply to the lower limb distal to the
inguinal ligament and the gluteal fold:
A. internal iliac artery C. posterior tibial artery
B. femoral artery D. profunda femoris artery

20. Which of the ff. structure/s exit/s the greater sciatic foramen?
I. sciatic nerve
II. pudendal nerve
III. piriformis
IV. femoral artery

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

21. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the structure of the femur?
I. the shaft of the femur is narrowest centrally, expanding a little at its
proximal end
II. the posterolateral surface is bounded posteriorly by the linea aspera
III. the middle third has three surfaces and borders
IV. does not posses a “medial epicondyle”

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

22. One of the ff. is NOT considered part of the “hamstrings muscles”:
A. pectineus C. semitendinosus
B. semimembranosus D. biceps femoris

23. An ASKAL football team member suffers trauma to the lateral part of the leg just
distal to the head of the fibula and a nerve is lesioned. What might the patient
A. Altered sensation in the skin of the dorsal aspect of the foot
B. Loss the ability to invert the foot
C. Altered sensation in the skin of the medial aspect of the leg
d. Weakness in the ability to plantar flex the foot
24. . During the dissection of the cadaver, when the preceptor instructs you to refine
your dissection technique at the cubital portion, he is referring to this region of the
A. shoulder C. elbow
B. wrist area D. back of the knee

25. What plane of the body creates anterior and posterior parts?
A. Coronal C. Sagittal
B. Median D. Horizontal

26. If you ask a patient to abduct his arm, he will do this movement:
A. Move the arm away from his body C. Twist the arm backwards
B. Move the arm towards his body D. Twist the arm forwards

27. The doctor asked his 10-year old male patient to stick his tongue out. She wants to
inspect what surface of the patient’s tongue?
A. Superior C. Inferior
B. Dorsal D. Ventral

28. Paulo, a 23-year old male medical student, experienced a sprain involving his left
ankle while doing his early morning jogging within the campus. When he tries to move
his left foot so that his sole faces laterally, he experienced severe pain. What is the
proper anatomical term for the movement of his foot that produces pain?
A. supination C. inversion
B. pronation D. eversion

29. In the naming of muscles based on their shape, “deltoid” means:

A. straight C. diamond
B. round D. triangular

30. A cross-section of a portion of the jejunum would look like a:

A. rectangle C. hollow circle
B. cylinder D. hollow cube

31. Which of the ff. is NOT part of the lower extremities?

A. popliteal C. lumbar
B. patellar D. femoral

32. The body is cut in a mid-transverse section, and is now separated into two parts that
may be called:
I. superior
II. anterior
III. inferior
IV. posterior

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

33. Which of the ff. is/are affirmative regarding the course and relations of the ulnar nerve
as it passes through the upper arm?
I. the ulnar nerve gives no branches in the arm
II. it runs distally through the axilla lateral to the axillary artery
III. the ulnar nerve course distalwards medial to the brachial artery as far as
the midarm
IV. at the forearm, it pierces the medial intermuscular septum, inclining
medially as it descends anterior to the medial head of biceps brachii

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct
34. . In the case/patient in above, what muscle/s of the forearm will be affected?
A. flexor carpi ulnaris C. flexor carpi radialis
B. palmaris longus D. flexor digitorum superficialis

35. A patient was brought to the hospital because of a vehicular/motorcycle accident. He

was found to have a fractured medial epicodyle of the humerus. What nerve/s is/are
most likely to be affected in this patient?
I. median nerve
II. axillary nerve
III. radial nerve
IV. ulnar nerve

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

36. These are small nodules of bones that are found in certain tendons where they rub
over bony surfaces, the function of these small bones is to reduce friction on the
A. flat bones C. short bones
B. sesamoid bones D. irregular bones
37. When you rotate your forearm so that the palm faces posteriorly, that movement is
A. Flexion C. Extension
B. Supination D. Pronation

38. Which of the following terminologies in the regional study of the human body is/are a
“posterior body landmark”?
I. popliteal
II. inguinal
III. scapular
IV. acromial

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

39. A cut made on the cadaver that passes through the midline anteroposteriorly from the
head downwards is passing through what plane?
A. Median C. Coronal
B. Sagittal D. Horizontal

40. One of the ff. muscles listed below is NOT part of the superficial flexor compartment
of the forearm:
A. pronator teres C. palmaris longus
B. flexor carpi radialis D. abductor pollicis brevis

41. Which one of the ff. muscles belongs to the lateral compartment of the forearm?
A. extensor carpi radialis brevis C. brachioradialis
B. aconeus D. abductor pollicis brevis

42. This is a small triangular muscle tucked between the clavicle and the first rib; this
muscle acts by pulling the point of the shoulder down and forwards and braces the
clavicle against the articular disc of the sternoclavicular joint:
A. deltoid C. subclavius
B. biceps D. pectoralis minor

43. What nerve is affected in the so-called “Wartenberg’s disease”?

A. musculocutaneous nerve C. radial nerve
B. median nerve D. ulnar nerve

44. In “Tennis elbow”, the common tendon of these extensors are affected (tendonitis
with subsequent lateral epicondylitis):
A. extensor digitorum and extensor carpi ulnaris
B. extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digiti minimi
C. extensor digitroum and extensor digiti minimi
D. extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis and the brachioradialis

45. One of the ff. carpal bones belongs to the “distal carpal row”:
A. lunate C. pisiform
B. scaphoid D. hamate

46. A patient with Erb-Duchenne palsy has a lesion involving the:

A. axillary nerve C. lower brachial plexus
B. long thoracic nerve D. upper brachial plexus
47. One of the ff. statements regarding the position of the flexor retinaculum is true:
A. it lies deep to the ulnar nerve and superficial to the ulnar artery
B. it is lying deep to the ulnar nerve and median nerve
C. it lies deep to the ulnar nerve and superficial to the median nerve
D. it is superficial to the ulnar and median nerves

48. Which of the ff. is affirmative regarding the boundaries of the axilla ?
I. the blunt apex of the axilla is continuous into the root of the neck
II. the anterior wall of the axilla is formed by pectoralis major and
pectoralis minor
III. the posterior wall is formed by the subscapularis, teres major and the
latissimus dorsi
IV. the medial part/wall of the axilla is convex and composed of the 5th, 6th
and 7th ribs

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

49. A patient suffered from a fractured humerus after a vehicular accident. The
musculocutaneous nerve was injured. Which of the ff. is true in cases of lesions of
the said nerve?
A. paralysis of the biceps and the brachialis muscles
B. numbness involving the lateral aspect of the hand
C. there will be weakness of the deltoid muscle
D. weakness of elbow extension

50. What nerve innervates the triceps brachii?

A. radial nerve C. lateral thoracic nerve of Bell
B. musculocutaneous nerve D. median nerve

51. This artery of the arm is a large branch from the posteromedial aspect of the brachial
artery; this follows the radial nerve as the radial nerve spirals down the shaft of the
A. axillary artery C. radial artery
B. anterior circumflex humeral artery D. profunda brachii artery

52. This is a progressive condition of uncertain etiology resulting from fibrous

contraction or thickening of the palmar aponeurosis of the hand:
A. Carpal tunnel syndrome C. Boutonniere deformity
B. De Quervain’s tenovaginitis D. Dupuytren’s disease

53. De Quervains disease involves which of the following structures:

A. flexor digitorum profundus C. 2nd extensor compartment
B. extensor pollicis longus / brevis D. palmaris longus

54. Klumpke’s paralysis is/are characterized by:

A. damage to the upper trunk of the brachial plexus
B. the arm is medially rotated, elbow extended / forearm pronated
C. clawed appearance of the hand
D. shoulder movement is lost

55. This refers to fracture of the base of the metacarpal of the thumb caused when violent
force is applied along the long axis of the thumb:
A. Colle’s fracture C. Bennett’s fracture
B. Smith’s fracture D. “Boxer’s fracture”

56. This is a result of avulsion of the insertion of the extensor tendons into the distal
phalanges (hand):
A. Boutonniere deformity C. Trigger finger
B. Colle’s fracture D. Mallet finger

57. “Winged scapula” will result if this/these nerve/s is/are affected:

I. axillary nerve
II. median nerve
III. ulnar nerve
IV. long thoracic nerve of Bell

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

58. What is the anatomical landmark that will demarcate the distinction between the
subclavian artery and the axillary artery?
A. lateral edge of the first rib C. lateral edge of the second rib
B. superior edge of the clavicle D. lateral cord of the brachial plexus

59. Where can one feel the pulsations of the radial artery?
A. dorsal aspect of the wrist in the interval between the tendon of the flexor carpi
radialis laterally and the lower lateral aspect of the ulna
B. dorsal aspect of the wrist in the interval between the tendon of the flexor carpi
radialis medially and the lower lateral aspect of the radius
C. ventral aspect of the wrist in the interval between the tendon of the flexor carpi
radialis medially and the lower lateral aspect of the radius
D. medial aspect of the elbow near the tendon of the biceps brachii

60. . This muscle is attached to the superior aspect of the coracoid process of the scapula:
A. biceps brachii C. flexor carpi ulnaris
B. pectoralis minor D. deltoid muscle

61. Which of the ff. is NOT TRUE regarding the anatomical relations of the
coracobrachialis muscle?
A. anteriorly, it is related to pectoralis major above
B. medial to this muscle lies the biceps brachii
C. at the humeral end, it is related to the brachial artery and the median nerve
D. the brachialis muscle lies medial to the coracobrachialis

62. This is the immediate proximal vessel that will become the brachial artery is the:
A. radial artery C. axillary artery
B. subclavian artery D. anterior circumflex humeral artery

63. Occlusion of the most distal part of the brachial artery will compromise blood flow to:
A. posterior circumflex humeral artery C. axillary artery
B. anterior circumflex humeral artery D. radial artery

64. This/these muscle/s is/are a powerful supinator of the foream and a flexor of the
elbow joint:
I. brachioradialis
II. triceps
III. coracobrachialis
IV. biceps brachii

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

65. . Which of the ff. statements regarding the description of the ulna is correct?
I. the ulna is lateral to the radius in the supinated forearm
II. the proximal end is a massive hook which is concave forwards
III. the medial border of the shaft is a sharp interosseous crest
IV. the shaft is triangular in section but no appreciable double curve

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

66. This muscle is called the “key to the axilla”:

A. latissimus dorsi C. deltoid
B. pectoralis major D. pectoralis minor

67. . “Cubital tunnel syndrome” is brought about by the compression of the ulnar nerve
between these structures:
A. two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
B. anconeus and triceps muscle
C. tendon of the biceps and the brachioradialis
D. junction of the humerus and the radius

68. . This superficial vein of the upper extremity commences at the medial aspect of the
A. cephalic vein C. median cubital vein
B. basilic vein D. small saphenous vein

69. Which of the ff. muscle is/are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve ?
I. biceps brachii
II. coracobrachialis
III. brachialis
IV. brachioradialis

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if none is affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

70. One of the ff. muscles in NOT a muscle of the medial thigh:
A. pectineus C. adductor brevis
B. adductor longus D. semitendinosus

71. This nerve innervates the tensor fascia lata:

A. superior gluteal nerve C. femoral neve
B. obturator nerve D. sciatic nerve

72. The tendon of this muscle of the leg inserts at the lateral side of the base of the
proximal phalanx of the big toe:
A. extensor digitorum brevis C. extensor hallucis longus
B. extensor hallucis brevis D. gastrocnemius

73. Which of the ff. muscles is/are located at the anterior compartment of the thigh?
I. sartorius
II. biceps femoris
III. vastus medialis
IV. semitendinosus

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

74. Which of the ff. muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg is/are innervated by
the tibial nerve?
I. gastrocnemius
II. soleus
III. plantaris
IV. extensor digitorum brevis

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

75. One of the statements below is NOT TRUE regarding the description of the “fascia
A. this is a wide deep fascia of the leg
B. the fascia is thicker in the proximal and lateral parts where the tensor fascia lata is
C. from the iliac crest, this descendsas a dense layer over the gluteus medius to the
upper part of the gluteus maximus
D. this fascia is attached superiorly to the to the back of the sacrum

76. . The “iliotibial tract” is attached to this structure:

A. medial condyle of the tibia C. head of the fibula
B. tibial tuberosity D. “Gerdy’s tubercle”

77. A 56-year-old man develops numbness and tingling in the lower limb followed by
progressive muscular weakness. You suspect that the man’s peripheral neuropathy
may be a side effect of a drug that he is taking. You order a biopsy of a cutaneous
nerve in the posterior leg that accompanies the small saphenous vein. Which of the ff.
nerves was correctly biopsied?
A. Tibial C. Superficial fibular
B. Sural D. Deep fibular

78. The pelvic girdle is composed of the which of the ff. bony structures?
I. ilium
II. ischium
III. pubis
IV. sacrum

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

79. Which of the ff. is/are expected findings in a male patient with fracture of the neck of
the femur?
I. there will be weakness of muscles in the posterior thigh, leg, and foot
II.loss of sensation at the skin of the anterior aspect of the thigh
III. paresthesia over the posterior and lateral parts of the leg and the
dorsal and plantar surfaces of the foot will be evident
IV. failure of having an erection

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

80. The so-called “arteria comitans nervi ischiadici” is a branch of what bigger artery?
A. external iliac artery C. peroneal artery
B. internal iliac artery D. femoral artery

81. . This is the largest branch of the lumbar plexus:

A. nerve to the pectineus muscle C. femoral nerve
B. sciatic nerve D. iliohypogastric nerve
82. Which of the ff. muscle of the anterior compartment of the leg is/are innervated by
the deep fibular (peroneal) nerve?
I. tibialis anterior
II. extensor hallucis longus
III. extensor digitorum longus
IV. fibullaris longus

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

83. . Improper intramuscular injections through the belly of the gluteus maximus may
involve this nerve, resulting to near-complete paralysis of the muscles below the
A. nerve to the pectineus muscle C. femoral nerve
B. sciatic nerve D. inferior gluteal nerve

84. . This is also known as clawfoot:

A. hallux rigidus C. pes planus
B. equinovarus D. pes cavus

85. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding the femoral sheath?
I. it is funnel-shaped “proximal” prolongation of the peritoneal fascia
II. it is formed by the transversalis fascia posterior to the femoral vessels
III. the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve perforates its medial wall
IV. it is wider proximally and its tapered distal ends fuses with the vascular
adventitia distal to the inguinal ligament

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct

86. This is the largest joint of the human body:

A. shoulder joint C. wrist joint
B. knee joint D. hip joint

87. In adults, the chief arterial supply to the head of the femur is from the:
A. obturator artery
B. medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries
C. inferior gluteal artery
D. deep external pudendal artery

88. The femoral triangle is a depressed, intermuscular space in the anteromedial aspect of
the proximal thigh, lying immediately distal to the inguinal ligament. Its lateral
boundary is the medial border of this muscle:
A. adductor longus C. sartorius
B. vastus medialis D. quadratus femoris

89. The nerve supple of the thigh follows the “one compartment-one nerve principle”.
Thus, the nerve of the anterior compartment of the thigh is ;
A. sciatic nerve C. obturator nerve
B. common peroneal (or fibular) nerve D. femoral nerve

90. The navicular bone articulates with the ff. bones of the lower extremity:
I. talus
II. intermediate cuneiform
III. medial cuneiform
IV. proximal phalanx

A. if I and III are correct D. if only IV is correct

B. if II and IV are correct E. if all are affirmative
C. if I, II and III are correct


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