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1. An abnormal development of breast where the nipple is absent. Answer: Athelia

2. In the tanners classification of breast development, at which stage does the papilla and areola from
above the second mound of breast development. Answer- stage IV

3. During the physical examination of the chest several landmarks are palpable. Which of the following
can’t be experienced? Answer- First rib

4. Pulls down the rib, muscle for exhalation Answer: Internal Intercostal Muscle

5. what is NOT TRUE for sternal angle? Answer- it is at the level of T2 and T3

6. While examining human skeleton, it was noted that the lateral wall of thoracic cage is made of :

7. Which of the following is Not true in female breast. Answer: C should be superficial fascia

8. During laction, milk is formed and stored in dilations. These dilations are called _____________
Answer - Lactiferous sinuses

9. The mammary tissue have fibers from the trabeculae in deep fascia which anchor the skin of the
nipple and areola. This suspensory ligament is called? Answer - Cooper's Ligament

10. Mammary mass extend to axilla and pierces the axillary fascia, what mammary tissue forming
foramen of ______ Answer - Langer (foramen of Langer)

11. 2nd ICS. Midclavicular line. Which region? Answer: Infraclavicular region

12. When making a incision on the upper medial quadrant of the breast ,the mostly blood comes from.
Answer -perforating arteries of internal mamillary artery

13. 23 year old male was brought to ER because of stab wound on right anterior chest. The patient was
dys.... X-ray revealed significant hemothorax . ........inserted in 5th ICS. Where is the perfect location.
Ans: above 6th rib

1. What is NOT TRUE of mediastinum? A: It is a thick and fixed part

2. The structure that divides the inferior mediastinum is pericardium - t or f

3. Which of the following structure is NOT found in the inferior mediastinum A: Thymus

4. Inferior mediastinum. Most posterior part. A: Esophagus.

5. posterior part of Anterior Mediastinum - A. Pericardium

6. The anterior boundary of Mediastinum starts from manubriosternal joint superiorly True or
False. A: - FALSE

7. The inferior mediastinum is subdivided into the anterior, middle, lateral and posterior
mediastinal. A: - False

8. inferior mediastinum is subdivided into how many parts. A: 3

9. Thymus is located in Superior anterior mediastinum. Ans- True

10. Thoracic duct elongate from L2 to base of the neck then divide into subclavian and internal
jagular. Ans-True

11. Which of the following structure is NOT found in the inferior mediastinum. A: Trachea



1. Pulmonic Valve - 2nd to 3rd Left ICS

2. Mitral valve - Cardiac apex

3. Tricuspid valve - lower Left sternal border

4. Aortic valve - 2nd ICS right side

1. Thickest muscle - left ventricle

2. Pectinate muscles- right atrium

3. 14. Three set of Chordae Tendinae - Right ventricle

4. Pulmonary Veins - Left Atrium

1. A 22 y/o stabbed at left chest and hit the left lateral border of the heart. What cardiac chamber? A:
Left ventricle

2. which of the chambers is visible the most in the anterior portion. A: right ventricle

3. The heart sound that is best heard at the 2nd ICS Left Parasternal line comes from what valve? Ans.

4. Through which vessel an Unoxygynated blood pass? Ans - pulmonary artery


1. Blood supply to nasal skin. A: infraorbital artery

2. Blood supply to nasal skin. A: Facial artery

Disease caused by nose and sinuses set a

4. Nosebleeding

5. Allergic rhinitis

6. Drainage of nasolacrimal duct. A: Inferior concha

7. Blood vessel supply to nasal skin. A: -Ophthalmic Arteries

8. Drainage of maxillary sinus. A: Middle meatus

Tools used for diagnosis

9. PNS CT Scan

10. what makes the major portion of the septum? A: Septal cartilage

11. Common cause of epistaxis on pediatric patients. Answer: Nose-picking

12.Muscle response for transverse wrinkle over the bridge of the nose. A: Procerus Muscle

13. Drainage of Ant. Ethmoid - Middle concha/meatus

14-16. Blood supply of the nasal skin

A: facial, ophthalmic and infraorbital artery

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