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Semester Ganjil 2020/2021

English Teachers SMKN 5



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Asking and Giving Suggestion

Activity 1

Listen to you teacher and answer the questions!

Activity 2

Study the material!

 Asking for Suggestions and Advice

 What shall we
do you suggest we
Would you like to go tonight?
Do you want to cook
Can we Verb 1

 What do you recommend for me?

a headache?
this weekend?

 Could you recommend for a good restaurant around here?

a nice hotel
cozy place

 Where do you fancy going at the weekend?


 Giving Suggestions and Advice

 Shall we go to the movie tonight?
Why don’t we Verb 1
Would you like
 What/How about going to the beach?
Do you fancy V-ing
Do you feel like

 Let’s
I suggest you take a rest here
I advise you Verb 1
You should
You ought to
You had better

 Recommendation Modals
Activity 3

Practice the dialogue and answer the questions!

Beny : Hei Anton, why do you look so sad?

Anton : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.

Beny : Really? Where did you lose it?

Anton : Hmm… Maybe in the park.

Beny : I think you should be more careful with your belongings.

Anton : Yeah, I think so. This is my fault.

Beny : Don’t be sad Anton. I hope you can find it really soon.

Anton : Thank you Beny. Do you have any suggestion for me?

Beny : If I may suggest, you should go to the park and look for it more detail.

Anton : I have looked for it for hours but I did not find it. Do you have another suggestion?

Beny : Hmm… You would better tell the securities to help you to find it and also announce it to the

Anton : Yeah you are right. I will try it. Thank you for your suggestions.

Beny : You are welcome Anton. Next time, it is better for you to keep your important stuffs in a safe

Anton : Certainly Ben.

1) What is the dialogue about?

2) What did happen to Anton?
3) Who did give the advice?
4) Write the suggestions you find in the dialogue!
5) Give other suggestions!

Activity 4

Give your suggestions or advices to the following situations!

1) Someone doesn’t not know which way to go.

2) Someone has not got any money with him/her.
3) Someone feels tired.
4) Someone has to get up early in the morning.
5) Someone is going to the camping.
6) Someone has a bad cough for a week.
7) Someone smokes in a public place.
8) Someone is going to have a final exam.
9) Someone’s room is very dirty.
10) Someone’s mother gets angry with him/her.

Activity 5

Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions!

Asking and Giving Opinion

Activity 1

Listen to your teacher!

Activity 2

Practice the dialog!

Situation: Trevor and Matt are discussing issues of banning smartphone in the school.

Trevor : Have you heard about our school’s plan to ban smartphones in the school?
Matt : Yeah
Trevor : What do you think about it?
Matt : Well, I think that’s fair enough.
Trevor : why do you think so?
Matt : you see… Smartphones have caused so much trouble in our class. Remember yesterday’s
history class? Our teacher got very angry because was interrupt by smartphone ringing many times.
This may happen again and again.

Trevor : Eh… Yea…

Matt : Another thing is… Smartphones have caused a kind of stupid competition.
Trevor : what do you mean?
Matt : you know, Everyone seems to compete to have the latest model.
Trevor : Yes, I feel that too.
Matt : So it’s a good idea if the school doesn’t allow students to use their smartphone in the

Activity 3

Study the material!

A. Words and Expressions used in expressing opinions
 To ask for opinion
*What do you think of/about …? *How do you feel about …?
*What’s your opinion of …. * etc.
*How do you find ….?

 To give opinions
*I think that …. *As far as I’m concerned
*In my opinion, …. *It seems to me that ….
*What I have in my mind is …. *Etc.
*If you ask me about ….
*If you want my opinion about …

B. Words and Expressions used to show Agreement and Disagreement

 To agree strongly to an opinion
*Yes, I do *You’re quite right
*I quite agree *That’s exactly my opinion
*I entirely agree with you *That’s how I feel
*They certainly should *That’s just how I see it
*They should, shouldn’t they? * Etc.

 To half – agree to an opinion

*Well, but …. *I agree up to a point, but …
*Yes, I agree, but .… *I suppose so, but …
*Perhaps, but …. *I dare say you’re right, but ….
*Possibly, but …. *I think so, but ….
*In my way, but …. *Etc.

 To disagree politely to an opinion

*I’m not sure *Well, I don’t know
*Do you think so? *Well, I’m not so sure about that
*Well, it depends *Mmm, I’m not really sure you’re right
*I’m not so certain *No, I don’t think so really
*I’m not so sure about that *Etc.

 To disagree strongly to an opinion

*I disagree *I really can’t agree
*I disagree with you entirely *I’m afraid you’re wrong
*I’m afraid I don’t agree *I wouldn’t accept that
*I don’t agree with you at all * Etc.

C. Words and Expressions used in Giving Arguments

*Yes, but don’t forget ….
*That may be so, but ….
*On one hand, I agree with you, but on the other hand, ….
*That’s a good idea, but .…
*It’s undeniably argued that …

Activity 4

Give your opinions to the following questions. Try to use as many different sentence
opening as you can!
1) What do you think about online transportation?
2) What’s your opinion about full day school?
3) What do you think about people who smoke in public places?
4) How do you feel about SMKN 5 canteen?
5) What’s your opinion about English lesson?
Taking Simple Phone Message

Activity 1

Listen to your teacher!

Activity 2

Practice the dialogue below!

Secretary : Good morning. Gamma Corporation. Can I help you?

Caller : Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Fahrur Assegaf, please?
Secretary : Who’s speaking, please?
Caller : This is Aprayan Siregar of Horasindo Oil Company.
Secretary : I beg your pardon, Sir. Could you spell your first name, please?
Caller : Alfa-Papa-Romeo-Yankee-Alfa-November. That’s APRYAN.
Secretary : Thank you, Mr. Aprayan Siregar. Just a moment please.
Caller : All right.
Secretary : I’m sorry, Sir. Mr. Assegaf is in a meeting with the Board now.
Caller : That’s OK! He is the Healbord. Can I leave a message?
Secretary : With pleasure, Sir.
Caller : Please tell him to call me back at 1 p.m. today.
Secretary : Right, Sir. Could I have your phone number, please?
Caller : Sure, 0-817-410-4496. Have you got that?
Secretary : Yes, Sir. 0-817-410-4496. Anything else, Sir?
Caller : Is Mr. Rahmat, his assistant in?
Secretary : I’m sorry, Sir. He is attending a seminar in Ogan Hotel. Could I take your
message, Sir?
Caller : Emm… please tell him that I’ll come to see him at 9 tomorrow morning.
Secretary : Right, Sir. I’ll give your message.
Caler : OK. Thank you for help. Goodbye
Secretary : You’re welcome, Sir. Goodbye

1) Who make the phone call?

2) What for the caller phone the company?
3) Did he leave a message? What is it?
4) What will Mr. Assegaf do after receive the message?
5) What will Mr. Rahmat do after receive the message?
Activity 3

Study the material!

Making and Receiving a call

 How to Make and Receive Telephone Call

 A : Could / May I speak to … (name)?
Is … (name) there, please?
Could you put me through to … (name)?

B : Yes. Just a moment, please

A : It is … (name) / This is … (name)

 A : Is this … (telephone number)

Is this … (name of company, etc.)
B : Yes. Who would you like to speak to?
No, I’m sorry. You must have dialed the wrong number.

A : … (name), please.
B : I’m sorry. He/She is not in. Can I take a message?
Out for the moment Would you like to leave-
Not at the office a message?

 How to spell Letters in the International Telephone and Aviation Alphabets

A = Alfa H = Hotel O = Oscar V = Victor

B = Bravo I = India P = Papa W = Whiskey
C = Charlie J = Juliet Q = Quebec X =X –ray
D = Delta K = Kilo R = Romeo Y = Yankee
E = Echo L = Lima S = Sierra Z = Zulu
F = Foxtrot M = Mike T = Tango
G = Golf N = November U = Uniform

Activity 4
Task 1 : Arrange the utterance to make a good telephone between Mario and Barbie!
a. Could you give him the message, please?
b. Can I speak to Mario?
c. Bravo – Alfa – Romeo – Bravo – India - Echo at 500973, O.K.
d. Good morning. Is that 538121?
e. Yes, of course.
f. Thank you very much
g. Hello, good morning?
h. Ask Mario to ring me, Barbie at 500973
i. I am sorry, he is out at the moment
j. Yes, that’s right

Task 2: Work in pairs. Practice calling people, like the model below!

A : Is this …..?
B : Yes.
A : Can I speak to Mr. /Mrs. ……., please?
B : I am sorry. He / She is out. Can I take a message?
A : No. it’s Ok. I’ll call back later.


PHONE (022) 5205407 MANAGER
PHONE (022) 7948320


PHONE (021) 5467351 MANAGER
PHONE (022) 7231424

Activity 5

Listen to the dialogues and take the message from the caller!
Formal Invitation

Activity 1

Listen to your teacher!

Activity 2

Study the expressions!

 Words and Expressions used in Giving an Invitation
 Do you want a seat near me?
 Would you like a drink?

 Do you want to
 Would you like to
 I was wondering you come to my party tonight?
 If you’d care to (V1)
 How would you like to

 Do you feel like

 Would you mind
 I was wondering if you coming with me to the music concert?
 How about (V-ing)
 How do you fancy

 Accepting an Invitation
 I’m pleased to do that
 With pleasure
 Thanks for your invitation
 Yes, I’d love to
 Yes, that would be nice
 Etc.

 Refusing an Invitation
 I’m afraid I can’t
 I’m sorry I’m very busy
 Thank you, but I have another program
 I’d like to but I have to finish my work
 Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come because ….
 Etc.
Activity 3

Practice the dialogues!

1) A : I’d like to invite you to come to my engagement party on Sunday.
B : I’d love to come. Thanks.

2) A : Would you mind coming to my house this evening?

B : I’d like to, but I’ve already planned to visit my parents.

3) A : Would you like to go?

B : Thanks, I’d love to. What time is it?

4) A : Can you and Suzan come?

B : We’d love to but I’m afraid we can’t. We’re going out with friends for

5) A : Let’s just meet at the hall before the concert, around 7:30
B : That’s sounds fine.

Activity 4

Rearrange these jumbled words to make good sentences about invitation!

1) would – come – like – you – to?
2) I – able – you – hope – be – to – will – us – join.
3) would – like – join – to – us – lunch – for?
4) we – little – have – a – will – party – Sunday – on
5) you – to – come – would – party – birthday – my?
6) you – coming – would – mind – to – house – my?
7) our – you – could – come – to - next – party – week?
8) I – dinner – would – invite – you – like – to – to have.
9) will – have – dinner – concert – you – go - to – before – the.
10) accompany – me – could – you – Lisa’s – party – to – go – to?

Activity 5
Now make your own dialogue about invitation, work in pair! Then practice in front of the

A : ………..

B : ……….
Activity 6

Study at the invitation card and letter below!

Activity 7

Now, make you own invitation card!

Personal Letter

Activity 1

Look at the picture!

Activity 2

Identify the parts of the letters above.

Activity 3
You will hear Sammy reading an e-mail from his father. Fill in the blanks.

Check your comprehension.

Activity 4
Read Sammy reply to his father’s e-mail.

Check your comprehension.

Activity 5
Rewrite the following jumbled statements and phrase into a meaningful personal letter.
Activity 6
Activity 7

Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with the simple present or past form
of the words in the brackets.

Activity 8

Write personal letter to your classmate and your letter should reply by your
classmate about holiday. Use the structure below.
Describing Process

Activity 1

Listen to your teacher! (Mp3)

Activity 2

Study the material!

Answer the questions:
1) What does the passage above tell us about?
2) How many steps are there in the passage?
3) How much coffee powder we need?
4) When do pour some hot water?
5) What is the last step?

Activity 3
We can also use “before/after” to explain the steps / the stages how things work with the
following patterns.

Clause + before / after + you + V1

Clause + before / after + V-ing

 Plug the power cord before you press the power button on.
 Plug the power cord before pressing the power button on.
 Press the power button on after you plug the power cord.
 Press the power button on after plugging the power cord.
Or we can change the position of the clause with “before” / “after” at the beginning of the

 Before you press the power button on, plug the power cord
 Before pressing the power button on, plug the power cord
 After you plug the power cord, press the power button on
 After plugging the power cord press the power button on

Complete the sentences below using “before/after”!

1) Return the books to the library ………………………….. You read them.
2) Install the electric wires ………………………………… you build the roof.
3) Put your goggles on …………………………………… you weld the iron rods.
4) Switch off the main switch ………………………………………… you touch the bare wire.
5) Remove the wheel ………………………………………………….. you loosen the nut.
6) Insert the DVD into the DVD chamber ………………………………. You press the start button.
7) Dial the number ……………………………. Insert the coins.
8) Build the wall ………………………………………………… build the foundation.
9) Measure the iron rods ……………………………………….. you cut them.
10) Remove the petrol can ……………………………………………. light match.

Activity 4

Arrange these sentences into a series of process how to cook instant noodle using a
1) You can make instant noodles with the help of a microwave.
2) Finally, add any items that you want and serve the noodles.
3) First, fill the bowl with two cups of water and the noodle.
4) Microwave it for about three to five minutes.
5) Then, take the noodles out of the microwave and pour the seasonings.
6) After the microwave beeps, wait for three minutes in the closed microwave.
7) Next, stir the noodles until the seasonings dissolve.

Activity 5

Group work (MP4)

Activity 6

Choose one of the situations below to make description about a process:

1) How to draw some money from ATM at the bank.
2) How to dye hair.
3) How to operate a washing machine
4) How to reload pulse of a hand phone card
5) How to make a story in Instagram.

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