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PHARMACOLOGY 29 felbamate - aplastic

30 phenytoin - gingival
2nd yr – 2nd sem 2016
31 valproic - neural tube
1 phenytoin - na
2 carba - na 32 valproic - 50-100
3 pheno - gaba 33 carba – 5-15 (but should be 4-12)
4 vigabatrin - gaba transaminase
5 lamotigrine - na 34 phenytoin - 20-50 (10-20)

6 lithium - gsk 35 phenobarb - 5-10 (10-40)

7 chlorpromazine - dopa blocker 36 succinylcholine - depo

8 haloperidol - dopa blocker 37 tubocurarine - nondepo

9 clozapine- dopa blocker ----- 38 atracurium - nondepo

10 fluoxetine - ssri 39 vero - nondepo

11 amitriptyline - TCA 40 rocu - nondepo

12 tranylcypromine - MAOI 41 cyp inh - cimetidine

13 ergot deriv receptor agonist - bromocriptine 42 long acting - clorazepate

14 parkinson etiology - all (idiopathic, acquired, 43 selegiline + SSRI - serotonin sydrome

hereditary) 44 alcohol + tca - sedation
15 naloxone - antag 45 - depression
16 fentanyl - agonist 46 serotonin agonist - buspirone
17 nalbuphine - mixed 47 alcohol resembles - tca
18 meperidine - agonist 48 same with gaba (K receptor) - serotonin
19 lidocaine - amide local 49 alcohol tox – all ( toxic psychosis, ____, ____)
20 bupivacaine - amide local 50 pt coma, chronic alcoholic - wernicke
21 tetracaine - ester local 51 increased tendency to sleep - hypnosis
22 propofol - gen iv 52 phenobarb effect in hypnosis - dec latency of
23 halothane - gen inh sleep

24 mc ae antiparkinsonism - tremor? 53 total cost - cost

25 cardinal feature - resting tremor 54. Parkinsons disease- amyloid deposit

26 parkinsonism - all of the above (slow mvt, 55 Mirtazipine - wt gain/sedation

stiffness, tremors) 56 venlafaxine - sedation
27 pheno - hyperactivity in children 57 clomipramine- hypotension
28 carba - aplastic 58 nefazodone- hypotension
59 cause inh - cl channels activated 75 In what circumstances will they need to
come earlier – D

I. define the dx
76 active subs and dosage form –
II. specify the therapeutic objective
77 std dosage schedule –
III. inventory of effective groups of
drugs 78 std duration of tx –
IV. choose an effective group accdg to 79 successful outcome – parkinsons
80 parkinsons – loss of neurons from structure
V. choose P drug of the basal ganglia
VI. give complete information 81 _________ - neurons
60. mechanism of bacteria – I 82 neurodegenerative d/o – neuronal
degeneration in anatomically or functionally
61 S/Sx of the pt – I
related regions
62 pneumonia – I
83 alzheimers – loss of hippocampal and
63 advised the pt on vit C – II cortical neurons – impaired memory and
cognitive ability
64 give antibacterial – II or III?
84 ALS – muscle weakness
65 ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin – III
85 etiology: haloperidol, thorazine, etc –
66 Rx writing – V? parkinsons
67 choose a drug – V 86 dopamine aagonist SE – hallucinosis
68 ….. – IV 87 levodopa combined with – carbidopa
88 cholinergic agonist – bethanecol
a. effects of the drug 89 sedative-hyp excretion – kidney
b. instructions 90
c. warnings
d. future consultations
69 w/c s/sx of the pt will disappear – A
70 when will the effect of the drug expected to
start – A
71 how/when should it be taken – B
72 what are we going to do w left over drugs –
73 when should the drug not be taken – C
74 maximum dose of the drug – C

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