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P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

P Shore
G Designers

Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact

PGSD Stability Calculation Booklet
Alley Laleh 27- Bisim St.- Bushehr- Iran
Cell: +98 917 776 6303 , +98 919 030 5004

File: PGSD/499/StB Total Page: 61 Revision No.: 0

This drawing or document is the property of Persian Gulf Shore Designers (PGSD) and must not
been partially or wholly copied and used for any other purpose without prior permission of PGSD.

Prepared by: Mr. N. Rishehri; 2020 MAR 07

Checked by: Mr. H. Bafandeh; 2020 MAR 09
Approved by: Mr. H. Bafandeh; 2020 MAR 09

Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 "

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Contents Page
Chapter 1: General Information .................................................................. 3
1-1) Introduction .......................................................................................................4
1-2) Instruction to the Master ....................................................................................4
1-3) Principal Particular .............................................................................................5
1-4) General Arrangement .........................................................................................6
1-5) Tanks Capacity Plan ...........................................................................................7
1-6) Body Lines & Offset ..........................................................................................8

Chapter 2: Reference Standards & Technical Information ...................... 9

2-1) Symbol Description ............................................................................................10
2-2) Recommendations on Intact Stability (IMO A.749 (18)) ..................................11
2-3) Calculation Formulas .........................................................................................15
2-4) Notes on the Use of Free Surface Moments .......................................................18
2-5) Light Wight Calculation .....................................................................................19

Chapter 3: Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation ................ 20

3-1) Hull Form Coefficients
3-1-1) Hull Form Coefficients (Trim = 0.000 m) .............................................21
3-1-2) Hull Form Coefficients (Trim = 0.316 m) .............................................22
3-1-3) Hull Form Coefficients (Trim = 1.330 m) .............................................23
3-2) Hydrostatic Properties
3-2-1) Hydrostatic Properties (Trim = 0.000 m)...............................................24
3-2-2) Hydrostatic Properties (Trim = 0.316 m)...............................................25
3-2-2) Hydrostatic Properties (Trim = 1.330 m)...............................................26
3-3) Cross Curves of Stability
3-3-1) Cross Curves of Stability (Trim = 0.000 m) ..........................................27
3-3-2) Cross Curves of Stability (Trim = 0.316 m) ..........................................28
3-3-2) Cross Curves of Stability (Trim = 1.330 m) ..........................................29
3-4) KG Limit Curve
3-4-1) KG Limit Curve (Trim = 0.000 m) ........................................................30
3-4-2) KG Limit Curve (Trim = 0.316 m) ........................................................31
3-4-2) KG Limit Curve (Trim = 1.330 m) ........................................................32
3-5) Notes on How to Use the Maximum VCG Table ..............................................33
3-6) Tanks Calibration ...............................................................................................34

Chapter 4: Loading Conditions .................................................................... 40

4-1) Loading Condition No.1 (Light Ship) ................................................................41
4-2) Loading Condition No.2 (Full Load Departure) ................................................45
4-3) Loading Condition No.3 (Full Load Arrival) .....................................................49
4-4) Loading Condition No.4 (Ballast Departure) .....................................................53
4-5) Loading Condition No.5 (Ballast Arrival) .........................................................57

Remarks ....................................................................................................................61

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Chapter 1

General Information

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1-1) Introduction:
The purpose of this booklet is to provide sufficient information to check the ship's stability
according to IMO A749 (18) criteria. For all standard & operational loading conditions static
stability information is provided including draft, trim, heel, GZ curve, GM, bending moment &
shear force. Maxsurf is used for modeling of body lines; Hydromax is used for modeling of
ship watertight compartments; Hydromax is used for hydrostatic & stability calculation. To
regard the FSM effect when tanks are partially loaded, actual moments of transference (CG
shifts) in heel and/or trim are calculated by Hydromax.

1-2) Instruction to the Master

In this manual the Master can find all necessary information for assessing the stability of the
ship for any loading condition (other than those specified in this booklet) and to ensure that the
stability criteria set by LM.O. RES. A-749(18) is complied with.
Compliance with the stability criteria does not insure immunity against circumstances, or
absolve the Master from his responsibilities. The provision of adequate stability at all times
remains the Master's responsibility. Master should therefore exercise prudence and good
seamanship, considered the season of year, weather forecasts and the navigational zone and
take appropriate actions as to speed and course, according to the prevailing circumstances.
Care should be taken to ensure that the cargo and others stores will be loaded properly so that
compliance with the criteria can be achieved. Before l voyage commences care should be taken
to ensure that equipment have been properly stowed or lashed so as to minimize the possibility
of both longitudinal and lateral shifting at sea under the effect of acceleration caused by rolling
and pitching.
Masters should know that stability can be adversely affected by influences such as beam
wind on ships with large wind age area, icing on top sides and deck cargo, water trapped on
deck, rolling characteristics and following seas.
When it is intended to introduce or discharge water ballast during a voyage, this should be
done by filling or emptying one tank at a time with the exception of tanks symmetrical about
the ship's centerline which should be filled or emptied simultaneously.

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1-3) Principal Particulars:

1- Name of Vessel ---
2- Type of Vessel Cargo Fiber Boat
3- Length O.A 31.34 m
4- Breadth (MLD) 07.28 m
5- Depth (MLD) 04.88 m
6- Built Iran
7- Flag Iran
8- Registry Bushehr- 17860
9- GT/NT ------
10- Client Mr. Hedayati
11- Navigation Area Persian Gulf & Oman Sea

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1-4) General Arrangement

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1-5) Tanks Capacity Plan

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1-6) Body Lines & Offset

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Chapter 2
Reference Standard
Technical Information

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2-1) Symbol Description:

A.P. Aft Perpendicular

AFT After
B Breadth of Ship
B.L. Base Line
CB Block Coefficient
CL Centre Line
CM Midship Area Coefficient
CP Prismatic coefficient
CW Water Plane Coefficient
D Draught (draft)
F.P. Fore Perpendicular
FORE Forward
GM Transverse Metacenter Height
G'M Con. Transverse Metacenter Height due to Free Surface Effect
GZ Righting Arm
IMO International Maritime Organization
KG Vertical Centre of Gravity above Keel
KML Longitudinal Metacenter Height above Keel
KMT Transverse Metacenter Height above Keel
KN Displacement Lever about Base Line at Centre
L.C.B. Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy from Aft of vessel (fr. 0)
L.C.F. Longitudinal Center of Floatation from Aft of vessel (fr 0)
L.C.G. Longitudinal Center of Gravity from Aft Perpendicular (fr 0)
LOA Length Overall
LPP Length between Perpendiculars (L.B.P.)
M.C.T.C Moment to Change Trim one Centimeter
MLD Moulded
P Port Side of Ship
SB Starboard Side of Ship
T Trim ("-” means Trim by the Stern)
T.P.C. Ton per one Centimeter Immersion
V Angle of Heel (Deg.)
V.C.G. Vertical Centre of Gravity above Base Line
WL Water line
W.P. Water Plan
ρ Specific Gravity of Sea Water (Tones/m3)
Δ Displacement (Tones)

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2-2) Recommendations on Intact Stability (IMO A.749 (18)):

2-2-1. General Criterion
General Criterion in any operational loading condition, the stability complies at least with the
following minimum criteria, with reference to the figure follow.

1. The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be less than 0.055 m = 30 o angle
of heel and not less than 0.09 m-rad up to f if this angle is less than 40o. Additionally, the area
under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) between the angles of heel of 30 o and 40o or between
f, if this angle is less than 40o, should not be less than 0.03 m-rad.
2. The righting lever GZ should be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel equal to or greater than 30o.
3. The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30o but not
less than 25o.
4. The initial metacentric height GoM should not be less than 0.15 m.

2-2-2. General Precautions against Capsizing:

1. Compliance with the stability criteria stipulated above does not ensure immunity against
capsizing regardless of the circumstances or absolve the master from his responsibilities.
Masters should. Therefore, exercise prudence and good seamanship having regard to the season
of the year weather forecasts and the navigational zone and should take the appropriate action as
to speed and course warranted by the prevailing circumstances.
2. Care should be taken to ensure that the cargo allocated to the ship is capable off being stowed so
that compliance with the criteria can be achieved. If necessary the amount should be limited to
the extent that ballast weight may be required to ensure that the stability remains adequate
throughout the voyage.
3. Before a voyage commences, care should be taken to ensure that the cargo and sizable pieces of
equipment have been properly stowed or lashed so as to minimize the possibility of both
longitudinal and lateral shifting while at sea, under the effect of acceleration caused by rolling
and pitching.

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2-2-3. Severe Wind and Rolling Criterion (Weather Criterion):

The ability of a ship to withstand the combined effects of beam wind and rolling should be
demonstrated for each standard condition of loading, with reference to figure, as

1. the ship is subjected to a steady wind pressure acting perpendicular to the ship's center
line which results in a steady wind heeling lever (lw1);
2. from the resultant angle of equilibrium (θ0), the ship is assumed to roll owing to wave
action to an angle of roll (θ1) to windward. Attention should be paid to the effect of
steady wind so that excessive resultant angles of heel are avoided1;
3. the ship is then subjected to a gust wind pressure which results in a gust wind heeling
lever (lw2);
4. under these circumstances, area b should be equal to or greater than area a; and
5. free surface effects (section 3.3) should be accounted for in the standard conditions of
loading as set out in section 3.5.

Figure - Severe wind and rolling

The angles in figure are defined as follows:

θ0 = angle of heel under action of steady wind (see and footnote)
θ1 = angle of roll to windward due to wave action
θ2 = angle of down flooding (θf) or 50º or θC, whichever is less, where:
θf = angle of heel at which openings in the hull, super-structures or deck-houses which
cannot be closed weathertight immerse. In applying this criterion, small openings
through which progressive flooding cannot take place need not be considered as
θC = angle of second intercept between wind heeling lever (lw2) and GZ curves.

The angle of heel under action of steady wind (θ 0) should be limited to a certain angle to the satisfaction of the
Administration. As a guide, 16º or 80% of the angle of deck edge immersion, whichever is less, is suggested.

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2-2-4. The wind heeling levers (lw1) and (lw2) referred to in and are
constant values at all angles of inclination and should be calculated as follows:
lw1 = (m); and lw2 = 1.5 lw1 (m)

P = wind pressure of 504 Pa. The value of P used for ships in restricted service may be
reduced, subject to the approval of the Administration;
A = projected lateral area of the portion of the ship and deck cargo above the waterline
Z = vertical distance from the center of A to the center of the underwater lateral area or
approximately to a point at one half the mean draught (m);
Δ = displacement (t);
g = gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s2.

2-2-5. The angle of roll (θ1)2 referred to in should be calculated as follows:
θ1 = 109k X1X2√𝑟𝑠 (deg)
X1 = factor as shown in table 2.2.5-1
X2 = factor as shown in table 2.2.5-2
k = factor as follows:
k = 1.0 for a round-bilged ship having no bilge or bar keels
k = 0.7 for a ship having sharp bilges
k = as shown in table 2.2.5-3 for a ship having bilge keels, a bar keel or both
r = 0.73 ± 0.6 OG/d
OG = distance between the center of gravity and the waterline (m) (+ if the
center of gravity is above the waterline, - if it is below)
d = mean molded draught of the ship (m)
s = factor as shown in table 2.2.5-4

The angle of roll for ships with anti-rolling devices should be determined without taking into account the
operation of these devices

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Table 2.2.5-1 - Values of factor X1 Table 2.2.5-2 - Values of factor X2

B/d X1 CB X2
≤2.4 1.00 ≤0.45 0.75
2.5 0.98 0.50 0.82
2.6 0.96 0.55 0.89
2.7 0.95 0.60 0.95
2.8 0.93 0.65 0.97
2.9 0.91 ≥0.7 1.00
3.0 0.90
3.1 0.88
3.2 0.86
3.4 0.82
≥3.5 0.80

Table 2.2.5-3 - Values of factor k Table 2.2.5-4 - Values of factor s

𝐴𝑘 × 100
k T s
0 1.00 ≤6 0.100
1.0 0.98 7 0.098
1.5 0.95 8 0.093
2.0 0.88 12 0.065
2.5 0.79 14 0.053
3.0 0.74 16 0.044
3.5 0.72 18 0.038
≥4.0 0.70 ≥20 0.035

(Intermediate values in these tables should be obtained by linear interpolation)

Rolling period T = (s)

C = 0.373 + 0.023(B/d)-0.043(L/100).

The symbols in the above tables and formula for the rolling period are defined as follows:
L = length of the ship at waterline (m)
B = molded breadth of the ship (m)
d = mean molded draught of the ship (m)
CB = block coefficient
Ak = total overall area of bilge keels, or area of the lateral projection of the bar keel, or
sum of these areas (m2)
GM = metacentric height corrected for free surface effect (m).

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2-3) Calculation Formulas:

1) Obtain displacement, LCF, LCB, M.C.TIC. and LCG from observed draughts
df = fore draught at draught mark (M)
da = after draught at draught mark (M)
P = specific gravity of sea water (T/m3)

*If port and starboard draught are different, the arithmetical mean of them is available.

a) To drive draughts at perpendiculars from observed draughts by draught correction.

dF (draught at F.P.) == df ±  df
dA (draught at A.P.) == da ±  da
dM (midship draught) == (dF + dA)/2
T(trim) = dF-dA
 df: fore draught correction (M)
 da: aft draught correction (M)

b) To drive mean draught (draught at L.C.F.)

dm = dM ±( dF  dA  L.C.F . ) / L.B.P. : Draught at L.C.F. (mean draught)

dA> dF L.C.F is fore  -

dA>dF L.C.F is aft  +
dA< dF L.C.F is fore  +
L.C.F is aft  -

* L.C.F. is the distance between centre of floatation and midship, also can be obtained from
hydro data at dm.

c) Now you can read off displacement, LCB, MCTC, etc. from hydro data at dm. Actual
displacement (  ) == Displacement (from hydro data) × (  /1.025)

d) Obtain L.C.G. from above data

BG = MCTC×T×l00/ 
* BG is distance between L.C.S. and L.C.G.

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*If dA>dF (trim aft): L.C.G. is aft L.C.B

dA <dF (trim fore) : L.C.G. is fore L.C.B
L.CG. = L.C.B ± BG

2) Obtain draughts, trim and GoM by loading weights.

a) Read off following items from hydro data
dm = Draught corresponding to displacement (  ) (M)
L.C.B. = Centre of buoyancy from midship at dm (M)
L.C.F. = Centre of floatation from midship at dm (M)
M.C.T.C = Moment to change trim 1 cm at dm (t - M)
KMT = Transverse metacentric height from bottom of keel (M)
L.C.G. , V.C.G. = Decided by loading scheme (M)

b) Actual draughts, trim can be obtained as follows:

T = (  ×BG)/(M.C.T.C × 100) (M)
dF = dm+((Lpp./2- L.C.F )/Lpp) ×100

dA = dm-((Lpp./2- L.C.F )/Lpp) ×100

L.C.F is fore midship: +

L.C.F is aft midship: -
T = dF-dA dM = (dF+dA)/2

c) Calculation of actual metacentric height (G'M) due to free surface effects:

G'M = GM-GG'
KG' = KG+GG'
* GG' = Vertical rise of KG due to free surface effect
* Free surface effect (GG') = (Moment of inertia of each TK ×.S.G. of liquid) / Displacement
* This loading manual gives volume in m3, KG, LCG in M, and moment of inertia of free
surface in m4 at frequent intervals of sounding depth for each tank.
d) Statical stability curve (righting lever)
Can be obtained as follows:
G0Z= KN-KG0. sin 
KN is shown in cross curves of stability (KN curves)
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θ = Inclination of ship

3) Change of trim due to shifting, loading or unloading of heavy weights:

T = (W ×I)/(M.C.T.C.) (M)
W: Weight
I: Distance of shift (in case of shifting), or distance between centre of floatation (F) and the
position of the weight (in case of loading and unloading)
I = L.C.F. - L.C.G. (M)

L.C.G. : Weight centre of gravity from midship (M)

4) Change of draught due to change of density

X = (Displacement × difference of densities)/ (T.P.C. × lesser density × l00) (m)
X: Difference in draughts
* Displacement and T.P.C. can be obtained from hydro data
* Difference of density = new density - old density

+ New draught = old draught ± X

* If, New density <old density: +
New density> old density: -

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2-4) Notes on the Use of Free Surface Moments:

1. Provided that a tank is filled completely with liquid, no movement of the liquid is possible
and the effect on the ship's stability is precisely the same as if the tank contained solid material.
Immediately as a quantity of liquid is withdrawn from the tank, the liquid is free to move, as
the ship heels and the stability of the ship is affected adversely by what is known as the “Free
Surface Effect".
2. For all conditions, the Initial Metacentric Height and the Stability Curves should be
corrected for the effect of Free Liquid Surfaces in accordance with the assumptions following:
(A) Tanks which are taken into consideration when determining the effect of liquids on the
Stability at all Angles of Inclination should include single tanks for each kind of liquid
(including those for water ballast and for each cargo tank separately, according to its filling)
which according to the service conditions can simultaneously have free surfaces.
(B) I. For the purpose of determining the above correction the tanks assumed slack should be
those which have the largest Moment of Inertia about an axis through the centric and parallel to
the ship's centerline, in any loading condition.
II. For each tank the maximum possible Inertia is taken, then:

SUM [Inertia of tank (M 4 )  Density of Liquid in Tank (f/M3 )]

Loss of GM (Meters) =
Displacement of the Ship (Tones)

The “free surface effect” of a proportion of all oil fuel, fresh water, feed water and service

tanks should be taken into account in both the arrival and the departure conditions.

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2-5) Light Wight Calculations

Light ship is calculated according to light draft of ship that measured by the expert when the

vessel was float, and vertical center of gravity of light ship is considered 0.65 of depth.

The stability criteria are according to IMO. A. 749(18).

Draft at AP, Midship, FP

AP: 1.895 m
Midship: 1.748 m
FP: 1.600 m

Thus we can calculate the light weight by software as bellow:

Light Weight: 90.00 ton

VCG Light: 3.17 m from BL
LCG Light: 7.58 m from AP

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Chapter 3

Hydrostatic Report
Intact Stability Calculation

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3-1) Hull Form Coefficients

3-1-1) Hull Form Coefficients (Trim = 0.000 m):

Fixed Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)

Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Results For Drafts More Than 4.488 m May Be Are Not Correct.
(m) (m³) Cp Cb Cms Cwp
1.700 81.171 0.610 0.364 0.597 0.772
1.900 102.049 0.626 0.397 0.634 0.789
2.100 123.805 0.637 0.422 0.663 0.800
2.300 146.537 0.646 0.442 0.685 0.804
2.500 170.244 0.652 0.458 0.703 0.808
2.700 194.732 0.656 0.471 0.718 0.811
2.900 219.707 0.658 0.481 0.732 0.814
3.100 245.659 0.659 0.490 0.744 0.817
3.300 272.488 0.660 0.498 0.754 0.821
3.500 300.195 0.661 0.503 0.762 0.824
3.700 328.585 0.661 0.508 0.770 0.826
3.900 357.854 0.661 0.512 0.776 0.827
4.100 387.902 0.661 0.515 0.781 0.828
4.300 418.634 0.662 0.519 0.786 0.831
4.500 450.146 0.663 0.521 0.790 0.832
4.700 482.244 0.664 0.523 0.793 0.734
4.900 504.683 0.652 0.520 0.798 0.445


Waterpl. area coeff. (Cw p)

Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm)

Draft m



Block coeff. (Cb)


2.4 Prismatic coeff. (Cp)

0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85

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3-1-2) Hull Form Coefficients (Trim = 0.316 m):

Fixed Trim = 0.316 m (+ve by stern)

Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Results For Drafts More Than 4.699 m May Be Are Not Correct.
(m) (m³) Cp Cb Cms Cwp
1.700 83.044 0.620 0.346 0.598 0.781
1.900 103.707 0.635 0.378 0.635 0.794
2.100 125.463 0.646 0.404 0.663 0.801
2.300 148.098 0.654 0.424 0.685 0.806
2.500 171.610 0.659 0.440 0.703 0.809
2.700 195.610 0.662 0.453 0.718 0.812
2.900 220.585 0.664 0.465 0.732 0.815
3.100 246.439 0.665 0.474 0.743 0.818
3.300 272.976 0.666 0.482 0.754 0.821
3.500 300.293 0.666 0.489 0.763 0.823
3.700 328.390 0.666 0.494 0.770 0.826
3.900 357.366 0.666 0.499 0.776 0.828
4.100 387.122 0.665 0.502 0.781 0.830
4.300 417.659 0.664 0.505 0.786 0.830
4.500 448.878 0.664 0.508 0.790 0.832
4.700 480.976 0.665 0.510 0.793 0.833
4.900 508.878 0.660 0.512 0.794 0.495


Waterpl. area coeff. (Cw p)

Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm)

Draft m



Block coeff. (Cb)


2.4 Prismatic coeff. (Cp)

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85

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3-1-3) Hull Form Coefficients (Trim = 1.330 m):

Fixed Trim = 1.330 m (+ve by stern)

Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Results For Drafts More Than 4.488 m May Be Are Not Correct.
(m) (m³) Cp Cb Cms Cwp
1.700 92.234 0.621 0.312 0.612 0.785
1.900 112.780 0.636 0.341 0.642 0.796
2.100 133.756 0.645 0.364 0.666 0.800
2.300 155.902 0.653 0.383 0.685 0.807
2.500 178.829 0.658 0.399 0.701 0.810
2.700 202.537 0.662 0.412 0.715 0.814
2.900 226.927 0.665 0.425 0.728 0.816
3.100 252.098 0.667 0.435 0.746 0.818
3.300 277.951 0.668 0.444 0.756 0.822
3.500 304.683 0.668 0.452 0.763 0.823
3.700 332.098 0.667 0.458 0.770 0.824
3.900 360.195 0.667 0.463 0.775 0.828
4.100 389.171 0.666 0.468 0.780 0.828
4.300 418.829 0.665 0.472 0.784 0.833
4.500 449.366 0.664 0.475 0.787 0.834
4.700 480.585 0.663 0.478 0.790 0.833
4.900 501.951 0.663 0.471 0.711 0.387


Waterpl. area coeff. (Cw p)

Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm)

Draft m



Block coeff. (Cb)


2.4 Prismatic coeff. (Cp)

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85

Page 23 of 61
P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-2) Hydrostatic Properties

3-2-1) Hydrostatic Properties (Trim = 0.000 m)
Fixed Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Results For Drafts More Than 4.488 m May Be Are Not Correct.
LCB from LCF from
Draft Immersion Wetted
Displ. Amidsh. Amidsh. KB KMt KML MTc
Amidsh. “TPc” Area
(tonne) “+ve fwd” “+ve fwd” (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
(m) (tonne/cm) (m2)
(m) (m)
1.700 83.2 8.107 7.728 1.212 4.495 32.248 1.037 1.423 130.652
1.900 104.6 8.021 7.742 1.333 4.162 29.588 1.094 1.626 142.216
2.100 126.9 7.990 7.808 1.450 3.955 27.446 1.144 1.811 152.288
2.300 150.2 7.967 7.908 1.567 3.822 25.551 1.188 1.977 163.041
2.500 174.5 7.963 8.018 1.682 3.742 24.124 1.231 2.150 173.905
2.700 199.6 7.972 8.120 1.798 3.699 22.960 1.272 2.323 184.825
2.900 225.2 8.006 8.234 1.912 3.685 22.166 1.313 2.516 194.641
3.100 251.8 8.036 8.338 2.027 3.695 21.470 1.354 2.711 205.635
3.300 279.3 8.072 8.457 2.143 3.722 20.997 1.396 2.929 217.102
3.500 307.7 8.114 8.574 2.258 3.765 20.612 1.438 3.157 228.378
3.700 336.8 8.159 8.685 2.375 3.817 20.250 1.479 3.384 239.856
3.900 366.8 8.206 8.787 2.491 3.878 19.929 1.519 3.616 251.377
4.100 397.6 8.255 8.878 2.608 3.946 19.629 1.558 3.849 262.943
4.300 429.1 8.304 8.960 2.725 4.021 19.403 1.597 4.097 274.845
4.500 461.4 8.353 9.032 2.842 4.102 19.182 1.636 4.346 286.741
4.700 494.3 8.399 8.434 2.959 4.018 17.682 1.477 4.219 317.610
4.900 517.3 8.332 5.382 3.040 3.609 12.261 0.904 2.766 388.245
4.8 MTc
4.4 Immersion (TPc)
4 KMt
Draft m

3.6 KB
3.2 LCB
Waterpl. Area
2.8 Wetted Area
2.4 Sect. area amidships
Max sect. area
2 Displacement
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Displacement t
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440
Area m^2
4.8 5.2 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 7.6 8 8.4 8.8 9.2
Long. centre from zero pt. (+ve fw d) m
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2
KB m
3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
KM trans. m
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
KM long. m
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
Immersion tonne/cm
1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5
Moment to trim tonne.m

Page 24 of 61
P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-2-2) Hydrostatic Properties (Trim = 0.316 m)

Fixed Trim = 0.316 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Results For Drafts More Than 4.699 m May Be Are Not Correct.
LCB from LCF from
Draft Immersion Wetted
Displ. Amidsh. Amidsh. KB KMt KML MTc
Amidsh. “TPc” Area
(tonne) “+ve fwd” “+ve fwd” (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
(m) (tonne/cm) (m2)
(m) (m)
1.700 85.1 7.520 7.391 1.229 4.477 31.792 1.042 1.433 131.679
1.900 106.3 7.515 7.464 1.347 4.143 28.891 1.092 1.609 141.674
2.100 128.6 7.513 7.568 1.463 3.930 26.505 1.136 1.766 152.250
2.300 151.8 7.526 7.679 1.578 3.801 24.738 1.179 1.927 162.907
2.500 175.9 7.550 7.787 1.693 3.725 23.351 1.221 2.089 173.625
2.700 200.5 7.598 7.898 1.806 3.687 22.348 1.262 2.262 183.156
2.900 226.1 7.638 7.997 1.919 3.674 21.501 1.301 2.439 193.847
3.100 252.6 7.682 8.110 2.033 3.682 20.906 1.342 2.636 204.910
3.300 279.8 7.729 8.212 2.147 3.709 20.385 1.381 2.834 215.862
3.500 307.8 7.779 8.333 2.262 3.752 20.012 1.422 3.050 227.121
3.700 336.6 7.831 8.450 2.377 3.805 19.698 1.463 3.274 238.499
3.900 366.3 7.886 8.562 2.492 3.866 19.440 1.504 3.508 249.976
4.100 396.8 7.941 8.648 2.608 3.935 19.249 1.544 3.755 261.737
4.300 428.1 7.996 8.736 2.724 4.010 19.038 1.584 3.998 273.494
4.500 460.1 8.051 8.812 2.840 4.090 18.878 1.623 4.255 285.346
4.700 493.0 8.104 8.890 2.957 4.175 18.700 1.662 4.507 297.375
4.900 521.6 8.113 6.761 3.058 3.679 15.277 1.000 3.718 375.110
4.8 MTc
4.4 Immersion (TPc)
4 KMt
Draft m

3.6 KB
3.2 LCB
Waterpl. Area
2.8 Wetted Area
2.4 Sect. area amidships
Max sect. area
2 Displacement
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Displacement t
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560
Area m^2
5.5 5.75 6 6.25 6.5 6.75 7 7.25 7.5 7.75 8 8.25 8.5 8.75 9
Long. centre from zero pt. (+ve fw d) m
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2
KB m
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
KM trans. m
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
KM long. m
1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7
Immersion tonne/cm
0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8
Moment to trim tonne.m

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P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-2-3) Hydrostatic Properties (Trim = 1.330 m)

Fixed Trim = 1.330 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Results For Drafts More Than 4.488 m May Be Are Not Correct.
LCB from LCF from
Draft Immersion Wetted
Displ. Amidsh. Amidsh. KB KMt KML MTc
Amidsh. “TPc” Area
(tonne) “+ve fwd” “+ve fwd” (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
(m) (tonne/cm) (m2)
(m) (m)
1.700 94.5 5.872 6.571 1.361 4.308 27.249 1.027 1.336 132.225
1.900 115.6 6.010 6.737 1.467 4.039 25.112 1.073 1.489 142.796
2.100 137.1 6.153 6.902 1.571 3.869 23.284 1.113 1.619 151.608
2.300 159.8 6.265 6.994 1.678 3.772 22.149 1.157 1.781 162.052
2.500 183.3 6.365 7.115 1.785 3.713 21.138 1.197 1.934 172.518
2.700 207.6 6.460 7.215 1.892 3.685 20.363 1.237 2.096 182.617
2.900 232.6 6.548 7.333 2.001 3.678 19.692 1.274 2.258 193.026
3.100 258.4 6.630 7.444 2.109 3.689 19.092 1.309 2.417 203.514
3.300 284.9 6.709 7.520 2.218 3.719 18.806 1.350 2.618 214.297
3.500 312.3 6.784 7.629 2.328 3.760 18.433 1.386 2.802 225.221
3.700 340.4 6.855 7.744 2.438 3.814 18.110 1.423 2.990 236.318
3.900 369.2 6.927 7.819 2.549 3.877 18.074 1.466 3.236 247.681
4.100 398.9 6.995 7.941 2.661 3.944 17.801 1.501 3.433 259.099
4.300 429.3 7.063 8.017 2.773 4.020 17.844 1.545 3.708 270.719
4.500 460.6 7.129 8.114 2.886 4.100 17.764 1.584 3.957 281.982
4.700 492.6 7.195 8.236 2.999 4.180 17.579 1.619 4.180 294.326
4.900 514.5 7.364 14.514 3.067 3.598 4.702 0.768 0.460 391.652
4.8 MTc
4.4 Immersion (TPc)
4 KMt
Draft m

3.6 KB
3.2 LCB
Waterpl. Area
2.8 Wetted Area
2.4 Sect. area amidships
Max sect. area
2 Displacement
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Displacement t
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400
Area m^2
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Long. centre from zero pt. (+ve fw d) m
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2
KB m
3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
KM trans. m
2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5
KM long. m
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
Immersion tonne/cm
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4
Moment to trim tonne.m

Page 26 of 61
P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-3) Cross Curves of Stability

3-3-1) Cross Curves of Stability (Trim = 0.000 m)
Fixed Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
VCG = 0.000 m
KN 10.0 KN 20.0 KN 30.0 KN 40.0 KN 50.0 KN 60.0 KN 70.0 KN 80.0 KN 90.0
deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg.
Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb.
90.00 0.760 1.465 2.029 2.494 2.957 3.373 3.505 3.481 3.327
110.0 0.717 1.416 2.015 2.518 2.977 3.355 3.499 3.464 3.297
130.0 0.688 1.375 2.003 2.542 2.990 3.311 3.483 3.445 3.274
150.0 0.669 1.343 1.992 2.563 2.996 3.280 3.456 3.423 3.256
170.0 0.656 1.321 1.983 2.573 2.993 3.255 3.408 3.399 3.240
190.0 0.648 1.307 1.977 2.574 2.983 3.233 3.358 3.373 3.227
210.0 0.645 1.299 1.973 2.566 2.968 3.210 3.321 3.342 3.214
230.0 0.644 1.297 1.971 2.551 2.947 3.186 3.292 3.297 3.201
250.0 0.646 1.299 1.966 2.530 2.922 3.159 3.266 3.265 3.186
270.0 0.649 1.305 1.960 2.505 2.893 3.131 3.242 3.243 3.164
290.0 0.653 1.313 1.950 2.477 2.861 3.102 3.219 3.226 3.141
310.0 0.658 1.322 1.938 2.446 2.826 3.072 3.197 3.213 3.131
330.0 0.664 1.330 1.924 2.414 2.789 3.040 3.174 3.200 3.125
350.0 0.671 1.334 1.907 2.381 2.751 3.008 3.152 3.188 3.123
370.0 0.678 1.333 1.888 2.348 2.713 2.975 3.128 3.176 3.122
390.0 0.686 1.328 1.867 2.315 2.675 2.941 3.104 3.163 3.122

70 deg. KN
80 deg. KN
3.2 60 deg. KN 90 deg. KN

50 deg. KN

40 deg. KN

KN m

30 deg. KN


20 deg. KN


0.8 10 deg. KN

90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Displacement (intact) tonne

Page 27 of 61
P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-3-2) Cross Curves of Stability (Trim = 0.316 m)

Fixed Trim = 0.316 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
VCG = 0.000 m
KN 10.0 KN 20.0 KN 30.0 KN 40.0 KN 50.0 KN 60.0 KN 70.0 KN 80.0 KN 90.0
deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg.
Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb.
90.00 0.762 1.470 2.034 2.498 2.956 3.380 3.518 3.496 3.339
110.0 0.717 1.417 2.018 2.519 2.982 3.363 3.513 3.476 3.306
130.0 0.686 1.374 2.003 2.542 2.999 3.324 3.495 3.453 3.281
150.0 0.666 1.340 1.990 2.563 3.006 3.294 3.465 3.430 3.261
170.0 0.653 1.317 1.979 2.575 3.004 3.269 3.415 3.405 3.244
190.0 0.646 1.302 1.971 2.577 2.993 3.244 3.366 3.377 3.229
210.0 0.643 1.294 1.967 2.570 2.977 3.219 3.328 3.342 3.216
230.0 0.642 1.292 1.965 2.555 2.955 3.192 3.297 3.301 3.202
250.0 0.643 1.294 1.963 2.534 2.928 3.164 3.270 3.268 3.185
270.0 0.646 1.300 1.958 2.509 2.897 3.134 3.244 3.244 3.162
290.0 0.651 1.308 1.951 2.480 2.863 3.103 3.220 3.226 3.141
310.0 0.656 1.318 1.940 2.449 2.827 3.071 3.196 3.212 3.131
330.0 0.662 1.328 1.927 2.416 2.789 3.039 3.173 3.199 3.126
350.0 0.669 1.335 1.911 2.382 2.750 3.006 3.149 3.187 3.124
370.0 0.676 1.336 1.892 2.348 2.711 2.972 3.126 3.175 3.123
390.0 0.684 1.332 1.871 2.315 2.672 2.938 3.103 3.163 3.123

70 deg. KN
80 deg. KN
3.2 60 deg. KN 90 deg. KN

50 deg. KN

40 deg. KN

KN m

2 30 deg. KN


20 deg. KN


0.8 10 deg. KN

90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Displacement (intact) tonne

Page 28 of 61
P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-3-3) Cross Curves of Stability (Trim = 1.330 m)

Fixed Trim = 1.330 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
VCG = 0.000 m
KN 10.0 KN 20.0 KN 30.0 KN 40.0 KN 50.0 KN 60.0 KN 70.0 KN 80.0 KN 90.0
deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg. deg.
Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb. Starb.
90.00 0.761 1.473 2.055 2.536 2.996 3.393 3.559 3.535 3.378
110.0 0.715 1.417 2.031 2.548 3.025 3.381 3.543 3.506 3.337
130.0 0.685 1.372 2.010 2.563 3.039 3.358 3.510 3.476 3.306
150.0 0.666 1.339 1.992 2.579 3.040 3.330 3.466 3.447 3.281
170.0 0.654 1.317 1.979 2.588 3.031 3.299 3.424 3.414 3.260
190.0 0.647 1.302 1.970 2.587 3.014 3.266 3.384 3.376 3.242
210.0 0.644 1.295 1.965 2.576 2.990 3.233 3.346 3.341 3.223
230.0 0.643 1.293 1.964 2.558 2.960 3.200 3.311 3.310 3.201
250.0 0.644 1.295 1.962 2.533 2.927 3.167 3.278 3.282 3.182
270.0 0.647 1.300 1.958 2.505 2.891 3.132 3.248 3.256 3.166
290.0 0.651 1.309 1.951 2.473 2.853 3.097 3.219 3.233 3.152
310.0 0.657 1.319 1.939 2.439 2.814 3.062 3.192 3.213 3.141
330.0 0.663 1.329 1.925 2.405 2.774 3.027 3.165 3.197 3.132
350.0 0.670 1.335 1.907 2.370 2.734 2.991 3.139 3.182 3.127
370.0 0.677 1.336 1.885 2.335 2.695 2.957 3.114 3.169 3.125
390.0 0.685 1.330 1.862 2.301 2.657 2.923 3.090 3.157 3.125

70 deg. KN
80 deg. KN
3.2 60 deg. KN 90 deg. KN

50 deg. KN

40 deg. KN

KN m

2 30 deg. KN


20 deg. KN


0.8 10 deg. KN

90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Displacement (intact) tonne

Page 29 of 61
P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-4) KG Limit Curve

3-4-1) KG Limit Curve (Trim = 0.000 m)
Fixed Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Displ. Limit KG
Criterion Type
(tonne) (m)
90.00 3.630 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
110.0 3.651 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
130.0 3.592 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
150.0 3.513 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
170.0 3.458 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
190.0 3.423 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
210.0 3.406 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
230.0 3.402 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
250.0 3.405 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
270.0 3.414 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
290.0 3.427 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
310.0 3.441 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
330.0 3.453 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40
350.0 3.417 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
370.0 3.378 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
390.0 3.335 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
Criteria tested:
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 30 to 40
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.4: Initial GMt



KG m






90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Displacement tonne

Page 30 of 61
P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-4-2) KG Limit Curve (Trim = 0.316 m)

Fixed Trim = 0.316 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Displ. Limit KG
Criterion Type
(tonne) (m)
90.00 3.632 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
110.0 3.659 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
130.0 3.589 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
150.0 3.504 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
170.0 3.446 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
190.0 3.410 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
210.0 3.392 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
230.0 3.388 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
250.0 3.393 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
270.0 3.403 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
290.0 3.417 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
310.0 3.433 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
330.0 3.449 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
350.0 3.424 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
370.0 3.386 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
390.0 3.343 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
Criteria tested:
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 30 to 40
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.4: Initial GMt



KG m






90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Displacement tonne

Page 31 of 61
P Shore
Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-4-3) KG Limit Curve (Trim = 1.330 m)

Fixed Trim = 1.330 m (+ve by stern)
Relative Density (specific gravity) = 1.025; (Density = 1.0252 tonne/m^3)
Displ. Limit KG
Criterion Type
(tonne) (m)
90.00 3.665 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
110.0 3.685 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40
130.0 3.589 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
150.0 3.504 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
170.0 3.446 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
190.0 3.410 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
210.0 3.392 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
230.0 3.389 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
250.0 3.394 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
270.0 3.405 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
290.0 3.419 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
310.0 3.435 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
330.0 3.448 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40
350.0 3.414 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
370.0 3.372 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
390.0 3.324 267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
Criteria tested:
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 30 to 40
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.4: Initial GMt



KG m





90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Displacement tonne

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-5) Notes on How to Use the Maximum VCG Table:

1. Read Displacement and max. VCG from each row
2. Deduct Light weight of vessel from Displacement to determine the weight of cargo
3. Insert light weight and above items in the following functions and obtain the maximum
allowed vertical centre of gravity above keel for cargos.


W0 .VCG 0  w.vcg
(W0  w)

VCG.(W0  w) - VCG 0 .W0

vcg =

vcg = (VCG – VCG0) + VCG

VCG: Maximum allowed vertical centre of gravity above keel for vessel
VCG0: Vertical centre of gravity above keel for light vessel
vcg: Maximum allowed vertical centre of gravity above keel for cargo
w: Weight of cargo
W0: Light weight of vessel


Disp (W0 + w) W0 w VCG VCG0 vcg

120 45 75 3.426 2.1 4.221

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3-6) Tanks Calibration:

1- F.O.T.1P
Fluid Type = Diesel Relative Density = 0.87
Permeability = 100 %
Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Sounding Ullage Load Capacity Weight LCG TCG VCG FSM
(m) (m) (%) (m3) (tonne) (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
2.500 0.000 100.000 3.250 2.828 6.600 -2.050 2.413 0.000
2.450 0.050 98.000 3.185 2.771 6.600 -2.050 2.388 0.159
2.448 0.053 97.900 3.182 2.768 6.600 -2.050 2.387 0.159
2.400 0.100 96.000 3.120 2.714 6.600 -2.050 2.363 0.159
2.200 0.300 88.000 2.860 2.488 6.600 -2.050 2.263 0.159
2.000 0.500 80.000 2.600 2.262 6.600 -2.050 2.163 0.159
1.800 0.700 72.000 2.340 2.036 6.600 -2.050 2.063 0.159
1.600 0.900 64.000 2.080 1.810 6.600 -2.050 1.963 0.159
1.400 1.100 56.000 1.820 1.583 6.600 -2.050 1.863 0.159
1.200 1.300 48.000 1.560 1.357 6.600 -2.050 1.763 0.159
1.000 1.500 40.000 1.300 1.131 6.600 -2.050 1.663 0.159
0.800 1.700 32.000 1.040 0.905 6.600 -2.050 1.563 0.159
0.600 1.900 24.000 0.780 0.679 6.600 -2.050 1.463 0.159
0.400 2.100 16.000 0.520 0.452 6.600 -2.050 1.363 0.159
0.200 2.300 8.000 0.260 0.226 6.600 -2.050 1.263 0.159
0.025 2.475 1.000 0.033 0.028 6.600 -2.050 1.175 0.159
0.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.600 -2.050 1.163 0.000
90 FSM
F.O.T.1P % Full

50 LCG

40 Capacity
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7
Soundings & Ullage m
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3
Capacity tonne
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Centre of Gravity m
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Free Surface Moment tonne.m

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

2- F.O.T.1S
Fluid Type = Diesel Relative Density = 0.87
Permeability = 100 %
Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Sounding Ullage Load Capacity Weight LCG TCG VCG FSM
(m) (m) (%) (m3) (tonne) (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
2.500 0.000 100.000 3.250 2.828 6.600 2.050 2.413 0.000
2.450 0.050 98.000 3.185 2.771 6.600 2.050 2.388 0.159
2.448 0.053 97.900 3.182 2.768 6.600 2.050 2.387 0.159
2.400 0.100 96.000 3.120 2.714 6.600 2.050 2.363 0.159
2.200 0.300 88.000 2.860 2.488 6.600 2.050 2.263 0.159
2.000 0.500 80.000 2.600 2.262 6.600 2.050 2.163 0.159
1.800 0.700 72.000 2.340 2.036 6.600 2.050 2.063 0.159
1.600 0.900 64.000 2.080 1.810 6.600 2.050 1.963 0.159
1.400 1.100 56.000 1.820 1.583 6.600 2.050 1.863 0.159
1.200 1.300 48.000 1.560 1.357 6.600 2.050 1.763 0.159
1.000 1.500 40.000 1.300 1.131 6.600 2.050 1.663 0.159
0.800 1.700 32.000 1.040 0.905 6.600 2.050 1.563 0.159
0.600 1.900 24.000 0.780 0.679 6.600 2.050 1.463 0.159
0.400 2.100 16.000 0.520 0.452 6.600 2.050 1.363 0.159
0.200 2.300 8.000 0.260 0.226 6.600 2.050 1.263 0.159
0.025 2.475 1.000 0.033 0.028 6.600 2.050 1.175 0.159
0.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.600 2.050 1.163 0.000
90 FSM
F.O.T.1S % Full

50 LCG

40 Capacity
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6
Soundings & Ullage m
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6
Capacity tonne
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Centre of Gravity m
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24
Free Surface Moment tonne.m

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

3- F.O.T.2P
Fluid Type = Diesel Relative Density = 0.87
Permeability = 100 %
Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Sounding Ullage Load Capacity Weight LCG TCG VCG FSM
(m) (m) (%) (m3) (tonne) (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
2.500 0.000 100.000 3.250 2.828 5.600 -2.050 2.413 0.000
2.450 0.050 98.000 3.185 2.771 5.600 -2.050 2.388 0.159
2.448 0.053 97.900 3.182 2.768 5.600 -2.050 2.387 0.159
2.400 0.100 96.000 3.120 2.714 5.600 -2.050 2.363 0.159
2.200 0.300 88.000 2.860 2.488 5.600 -2.050 2.263 0.159
2.000 0.500 80.000 2.600 2.262 5.600 -2.050 2.163 0.159
1.800 0.700 72.000 2.340 2.036 5.600 -2.050 2.063 0.159
1.600 0.900 64.000 2.080 1.810 5.600 -2.050 1.963 0.159
1.400 1.100 56.000 1.820 1.583 5.600 -2.050 1.863 0.159
1.200 1.300 48.000 1.560 1.357 5.600 -2.050 1.763 0.159
1.000 1.500 40.000 1.300 1.131 5.600 -2.050 1.663 0.159
0.800 1.700 32.000 1.040 0.905 5.600 -2.050 1.563 0.159
0.600 1.900 24.000 0.780 0.679 5.600 -2.050 1.463 0.159
0.400 2.100 16.000 0.520 0.452 5.600 -2.050 1.363 0.159
0.200 2.300 8.000 0.260 0.226 5.600 -2.050 1.263 0.159
0.025 2.475 1.000 0.033 0.028 5.600 -2.050 1.175 0.159
0.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.600 -2.050 1.163 0.000
90 FSM
F.O.T.2P % Full

50 LCG

40 Capacity
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7
Soundings & Ullage m
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3
Capacity tonne
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Centre of Gravity m
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Free Surface Moment tonne.m

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

4- F.O.T.2S
Fluid Type = Diesel Relative Density = 0.87
Permeability = 100 %
Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Sounding Ullage Load Capacity Weight LCG TCG VCG FSM
(m) (m) (%) (m3) (tonne) (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
2.500 0.000 100.000 3.250 2.828 5.600 2.050 2.413 0.000
2.450 0.050 98.000 3.185 2.771 5.600 2.050 2.388 0.159
2.448 0.053 97.900 3.182 2.768 5.600 2.050 2.387 0.159
2.400 0.100 96.000 3.120 2.714 5.600 2.050 2.363 0.159
2.200 0.300 88.000 2.860 2.488 5.600 2.050 2.263 0.159
2.000 0.500 80.000 2.600 2.262 5.600 2.050 2.163 0.159
1.800 0.700 72.000 2.340 2.036 5.600 2.050 2.063 0.159
1.600 0.900 64.000 2.080 1.810 5.600 2.050 1.963 0.159
1.400 1.100 56.000 1.820 1.583 5.600 2.050 1.863 0.159
1.200 1.300 48.000 1.560 1.357 5.600 2.050 1.763 0.159
1.000 1.500 40.000 1.300 1.131 5.600 2.050 1.663 0.159
0.800 1.700 32.000 1.040 0.905 5.600 2.050 1.563 0.159
0.600 1.900 24.000 0.780 0.679 5.600 2.050 1.463 0.159
0.400 2.100 16.000 0.520 0.452 5.600 2.050 1.363 0.159
0.200 2.300 8.000 0.260 0.226 5.600 2.050 1.263 0.159
0.025 2.475 1.000 0.033 0.028 5.600 2.050 1.175 0.159
0.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.600 2.050 1.163 0.000

90 FSM
F.O.T.2S % Full

50 LCG

40 Capacity
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7
Soundings & Ullage m
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3
Capacity tonne
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Centre of Gravity m
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Free Surface Moment tonne.m

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

5- F.W.T.P
Fluid Type = Fresh Water Specific gravity = 1
Permeability = 100 %
Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Sounding Ullage Load Capacity Weight LCG TCG VCG FSM
(m) (m) (%) (m3) (tonne) (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
2.500 0.000 100.000 3.250 3.250 4.500 -2.050 2.413 0.000
2.450 0.050 98.000 3.185 3.185 4.500 -2.050 2.388 0.183
2.448 0.053 97.900 3.182 3.182 4.500 -2.050 2.387 0.183
2.400 0.100 96.000 3.120 3.120 4.500 -2.050 2.363 0.183
2.200 0.300 88.000 2.860 2.860 4.500 -2.050 2.263 0.183
2.000 0.500 80.000 2.600 2.600 4.500 -2.050 2.163 0.183
1.800 0.700 72.000 2.340 2.340 4.500 -2.050 2.063 0.183
1.600 0.900 64.000 2.080 2.080 4.500 -2.050 1.963 0.183
1.400 1.100 56.000 1.820 1.820 4.500 -2.050 1.863 0.183
1.200 1.300 48.000 1.560 1.560 4.500 -2.050 1.763 0.183
1.000 1.500 40.000 1.300 1.300 4.500 -2.050 1.663 0.183
0.800 1.700 32.000 1.040 1.040 4.500 -2.050 1.563 0.183
0.600 1.900 24.000 0.780 0.780 4.500 -2.050 1.463 0.183
0.400 2.100 16.000 0.520 0.520 4.500 -2.050 1.363 0.183
0.200 2.300 8.000 0.260 0.260 4.500 -2.050 1.263 0.183
0.025 2.475 1.000 0.032 0.032 4.500 -2.050 1.176 0.183
0.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.500 -2.050 1.163 0.000
90 FSM
F.W.T.P % Full

50 LCG

40 Capacity
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5
Soundings & Ullage m
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.6 6
Capacity tonne
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Centre of Gravity m
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3
Free Surface Moment tonne.m

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

6- F.W.T.S
Fluid Type = Fresh Water Specific gravity = 1
Permeability = 100 %
Trim = 0.000 m (+ve by stern)
Sounding Ullage Load Capacity Weight LCG TCG VCG FSM
(m) (m) (%) (m3) (tonne) (m) (m) (m) (tonne.m)
2.500 0.000 100.000 3.250 3.250 4.500 2.050 2.413 0.000
2.450 0.050 98.000 3.185 3.185 4.500 2.050 2.388 0.183
2.448 0.053 97.900 3.182 3.182 4.500 2.050 2.387 0.183
2.400 0.100 96.000 3.120 3.120 4.500 2.050 2.363 0.183
2.200 0.300 88.000 2.860 2.860 4.500 2.050 2.263 0.183
2.000 0.500 80.000 2.600 2.600 4.500 2.050 2.163 0.183
1.800 0.700 72.000 2.340 2.340 4.500 2.050 2.063 0.183
1.600 0.900 64.000 2.080 2.080 4.500 2.050 1.963 0.183
1.400 1.100 56.000 1.820 1.820 4.500 2.050 1.863 0.183
1.200 1.300 48.000 1.560 1.560 4.500 2.050 1.763 0.183
1.000 1.500 40.000 1.300 1.300 4.500 2.050 1.663 0.183
0.800 1.700 32.000 1.040 1.040 4.500 2.050 1.563 0.183
0.600 1.900 24.000 0.780 0.780 4.500 2.050 1.463 0.183
0.400 2.100 16.000 0.520 0.520 4.500 2.050 1.363 0.183
0.200 2.300 8.000 0.260 0.260 4.500 2.050 1.263 0.183
0.025 2.475 1.000 0.032 0.032 4.500 2.050 1.176 0.183
0.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.500 2.050 1.163 0.000
90 FSM
F.W.T.S % Full

50 LCG

40 Capacity
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7
Soundings & Ullage m
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4
Capacity tonne
0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8
Centre of Gravity m
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Free Surface Moment tonne.m

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Chapter 4
Loading Conditions

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

4-1) Loading Condition No.1 (Light Ship)

Mass (ton) Arm (m) Total
Item Name Quantity FSM FSM Type
Unit Total Long. Trans. Vert. (ton.m)
Lightship 100% 90.00 90.000 7.580 0.000 3.17 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 1 0% 66.42 0.000 13.290 0.000 2.89 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 2 0% 106.40 0.000 9.413 0.000 2.82 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 3 0% 110.00 0.000 0.662 0.000 3.48 0% User Specified
F.W.T.P 0% 3.25 0.000 4.500 -2.050 1.16 0% Maximum
F.W.T.S 0% 3.25 0.000 4.500 2.050 1.16 0% Maximum
F.O.T.1P 0% 2.73 0.000 6.600 -2.050 1.16 0% Maximum
F.O.T.1S 0% 2.73 0.000 6.600 2.050 1.16 0% Maximum
F.O.T.2P 0% 2.73 0.000 5.600 -2.050 1.16 0% Maximum
F.O.T.2S 0% 2.73 0.000 5.600 2.050 1.16 0% Maximum
Total Loadcase 90.000 7.580 0.000 3.17 0
FS correction 0
VCG fluid 3.17


Draft Amidships m 1.748

Displacement t 90
Heel deg 0
Draft at FP m 1.6
Draft at AP m 1.895
Draft at LCF m 1.767
Trim (+ve by stern) m 0.295
WL Length m 20.549
Beam max extents on WL m 6.377
Wetted Area m^2 134.355
Waterpl. Area m^2 102.867
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.624
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.355
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 0.608
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 0.785
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.546
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.422
KB m 1.256
KG fluid m 3.17
BMt m 3.127
BML m 29.859
GMt corrected m 1.213
GML m 27.945
KMt m 4.383
KML m 31.111
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 1.054
MTc tonne.m 1.479
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 1.906
Max deck inclination deg 0.9952
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.9952

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Heel to Port deg 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

GZ m 0.00 0.11 0.21 0.31 0.39 0.43 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.48
Area under GZ curve from
0.00 0.26 1.06 2.37 4.12 6.17 8.37 10.62 12.90 15.23
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Draft at FP m 1.60 1.59 1.58 1.56 1.51 1.44 1.34 1.20 1.02 0.78
Draft at AP m 1.90 1.90 1.88 1.86 1.81 1.73 1.62 1.48 1.29 1.06
WL Length m 20.55 20.64 20.75 20.83 20.88 20.88 20.82 20.70 20.51 20.32
Beam max extents on WL m 6.38 6.40 6.44 6.39 6.13 5.83 5.60 5.51 5.56 5.74
Wetted Area m^2 134.4 133.2 133.2 132.3 130.2 127.9 126.6 126.4 127.3 128.7
Waterpl. Area m^2 102.9 102.5 102.4 100.8 97.6 94.5 92.7 92.6 94.3 97.6
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.64 0.64 0.65 0.66 0.66
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.37 0.40 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.38
LCB from zero pt. 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.56
LCF from zero pt. 7.42 7.47 7.49 7.55 7.62 7.71 7.78 7.86 7.90 7.88
Max deck incl. deg 1.0 5.1 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9

Heel to Port deg 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

GZ m 0.53 0.60 0.63 0.59 0.53 0.45 0.36 0.26 0.16
Area under GZ curve from
17.73 20.55 23.65 26.74 29.56 32.02 34.06 35.63 36.68
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Draft at FP m 0.45 0.04 -0.52 -1.30 -2.46 -4.35 -8.10 -19.27 n/a
Draft at AP m 0.76 0.37 -0.15 -0.91 -2.06 -3.97 -7.74 -18.97 n/a
WL Length m 20.57 20.93 21.28 22.04 22.86 23.66 24.66 25.10 25.52
Beam max extents on WL m 6.03 6.11 6.16 4.82 4.59 4.44 4.33 4.26 4.22
Wetted Area m^2 131.2 130.5 122.0 122.4 123.9 125.5 126.9 128.0 129.3
Waterpl. Area m^2 103.1 104.7 93.9 89.8 87.4 85.7 84.2 83.0 82.2
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.60 0.61
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.46 0.49 0.53 0.56 0.53 0.48
LCB from zero pt. 7.55 7.55 7.56 7.56 7.56 7.57 7.57 7.58 7.58
LCF from zero pt. 7.87 7.72 7.61 7.49 7.42 7.36 7.36 7.40 7.45
Max deck incl. deg 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.0 n/a
1 2.2.4: Initial GMt GM at 0.0 deg = 1.213 m


Max GZ = 0.632 m at 59.5 deg.
GZ m



0.3 2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (gust)

0.2 2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (steady)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

2.2.1: Area 0 to 30 Pass
General Criteria
from the greater of
267(85) Ch2 -

spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 3.1513 m.deg 8.367 Pass 165.51

2.2.1: Area 0 to 40 Pass

from the greater of
General Criteria
267(85) Ch2 -

spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 5.1566 m.deg 12.9038 Pass 150.24

2.2.1: Area 30 to 40 Pass

from the greater of
General Criteria
267(85) Ch2 -

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 1.7189 m.deg 4.5368 Pass 163.94

2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
to the lesser of
General Criteria
267(85) Ch2 -

spec. heel angle 90 deg

angle of max. GZ 59.5 deg 59.5
shall not be less than (≥) 0.2 m 0.632 Pass 216
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 59.5

2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ Pass

shall not be less than (≥) 25 deg 59.5 Pass 138.18

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

2.3: Severe wind and rolling Pass
Wind arm: a P A (h - H) / (g disp.) cos^n(phi)
constant: a = 0.99966
wind pressure: P = 504 Pa
area centroid height (from zero point): h = 4.621 m
total area: A = 127.85 m^2
height of lateral resistance: H = 2.212 m
cosine power: n = 0
gust ratio 1.5
Area2 integrated to the lesser of
roll back angle from equilibrium (with steady heel arm) 0.0 (8.3) deg 8.3
Area 1 upper integration range, to the lesser of:
spec. heel angle 50 deg 50
angle of vanishing stability (with gust heel arm) 85 deg
Angle for GZ(max) in GZ ratio, the lesser of:
angle of max. GZ 59.5 deg 59.5
General Criteria

Select required angle for angle of steady heel ratio: Deck Edge Immersion Angle
267(85) Ch2 -

Criteria: Pass
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (≤) 16 deg 8.3 Pass 48.11
Angle of steady heel / Deck edge immersion angle shall
80 % 17.17 Pass 78.54
not be greater than (≤)
Area1 / Area2 shall not be less than (≥) 100 % 3357.44 Pass 3257.44
Intermediate values
Heel arm amplitude m 0.176
Equilibrium angle with steady heel arm deg 8.3
Equilibrium angle with gust heel arm deg 12.5
Deck edge immersion angle deg 48.4
Area1 (under GZ), from 12.5 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 16.0687
Area1 (under HA), from 12.5 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 9.8783
Area1, from 12.5 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 6.1904
Area2 (under GZ), from 8.3 to 12.5 deg. m.deg 0.9337
Area2 (under HA), from 8.3 to 12.5 deg. m.deg 1.1181
Area2, from 8.3 to 12.5 deg. m.deg 0.1844

2.2.4: Initial GMt Pass

spec. heel angle 0 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 0.15 m 1.213 Pass 708.67

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

4-2) Loading Condition No.2 (Full Load Departure)

Mass (ton) Arm (m) Total
Item Name Quantity FSM FSM Type
Unit Total Long. Trans. Vert. (ton.m)
Lightship 100% 90.00 90.000 7.580 0.000 3.17 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 1 100% 66.42 66.420 13.290 0.000 2.89 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 2 100% 106.40 106.395 9.413 0.000 2.82 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 3 100% 110.00 110.000 0.662 0.000 3.48 0% User Specified
F.W.T.P 98% 3.25 3.182 4.500 -2.050 2.39 18% Maximum
F.W.T.S 98% 3.25 3.182 4.500 2.050 2.39 18% Maximum
F.O.T.1P 98% 2.73 2.673 6.600 -2.050 2.39 15% Maximum
F.O.T.1S 98% 2.73 2.673 6.600 2.050 2.39 15% Maximum
F.O.T.2P 98% 2.73 2.673 5.600 -2.050 2.39 15% Maximum
F.O.T.2S 98% 2.73 2.673 5.600 2.050 2.39 15% Maximum
Total Loadcase 389.869 7.010 0.000 3.08 0.981
FS correction 0
VCG fluid 3.08


Draft Amidships m 4.04

Displacement t 389.9
Heel deg 0
Draft at FP m 3.375
Draft at AP m 4.705
Draft at LCF m 4.087
Trim (+ve by stern) m 1.33
WL Length m 24.876
Beam max extents on WL m 7.056
Wetted Area m^2 255.659
Waterpl. Area m^2 145.391
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.666
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.466
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 0.779
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 0.828
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 6.975
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.903
KB m 2.628
KG fluid m 3.083
BMt m 1.3
BML m 15.291
GMt corrected m 0.843
GML m 14.835
KMt m 3.924
KML m 17.872
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 1.49
MTc tonne.m 3.402
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 5.739
Max deck inclination deg 4.4733
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 4.4733

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Heel to Port deg 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

GZ m 0.00 0.07 0.15 0.22 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.30
Area under GZ curve from
0.00 0.18 0.74 1.68 2.94 4.40 5.96 7.56 9.14 10.69
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390
Draft at FP m 3.38 3.37 3.36 3.33 3.31 3.29 3.28 3.28 3.30 3.32
Draft at AP m 4.71 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.74 4.82 4.95 5.12 5.33 5.61
WL Length m 24.88 25.00 25.11 25.21 25.28 25.20 25.14 25.08 25.02 25.17
Beam max extents on WL m 7.06 7.08 7.17 7.13 6.46 5.76 5.41 5.19 5.08 5.02
Wetted Area m^2 255.7 255.6 256.0 262.4 273.4 282.1 288.5 293.3 297.8 299.9
Waterpl. Area m^2 145.4 146.3 147.9 142.8 130.6 120.7 113.3 107.9 104.8 101.1
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.69
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.53 0.60 0.65 0.66 0.66 0.65
LCB from zero pt. 6.98 6.97 6.97 6.97 6.97 6.97 6.96 6.96 6.95 6.95
LCF from zero pt. 7.90 7.88 7.88 8.08 8.37 8.59 8.72 8.81 8.95 8.86
Max deck incl. deg 4.5 6.7 10.9 15.6 20.5 25.4 30.4 35.3 40.3 45.3
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.8 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.7

Heel to Port deg 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

GZ m 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.15 0.12 0.08 0.04
Area under GZ curve from
12.18 13.58 14.87 16.03 17.04 17.90 18.57 19.07 19.39
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390
Draft at FP m 3.36 3.41 3.48 3.58 3.73 3.97 4.44 5.88 n/a
Draft at AP m 5.96 6.42 7.03 7.88 9.14 11.22 15.33 27.57 n/a
WL Length m 25.41 25.84 26.24 26.60 26.96 27.29 27.63 27.98 27.64
Beam max extents on WL m 4.94 4.82 4.67 4.54 4.43 4.35 4.29 4.27 4.27
Wetted Area m^2 302.6 304.8 306.7 308.2 309.7 311.0 312.2 313.3 315.0
Waterpl. Area m^2 99.0 97.0 95.1 93.6 92.5 91.9 91.9 92.3 92.7
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.68 0.68 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.65
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.64 0.63 0.64 0.64 0.65 0.66 0.66 0.63 0.62
LCB from zero pt. 6.95 6.94 6.94 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.92 6.92 6.92
LCF from zero pt. 8.89 8.88 8.89 8.89 8.91 8.94 8.98 9.03 9.22
Max deck incl. deg 50.2 55.2 60.2 65.2 70.1 75.1 80.1 85.0 90.0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 8.7 10.0 11.8 14.2 17.7 23.1 32.6 51.9 90.0
0.5 2.2.4: Initial GMt GM at 0.0 deg = 0.843 m



Max GZ = 0.32 m at 34.1 deg.
GZ m




2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (gust)
0.05 2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (steady)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

267(85) Ch2 - General
2.2.1: Area 0 to 30 Pass
from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 3.1513 m.deg 5.9581 Pass 89.07

2.2.1: Area 0 to 40 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General

from the greater of

spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 5.1566 m.deg 9.1446 Pass 77.34

2.2.1: Area 30 to 40 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General

from the greater of

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 1.7189 m.deg 3.1865 Pass 85.38

2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria

in the range from the greater of

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90 deg
angle of max. GZ 34.1 deg 34.1
shall not be less than (≥) 0.2 m 0.32 Pass 60
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 34.1

2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ Pass

shall not be less than (≥) 25 deg 34.1 Pass 36.36

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

2.3: Severe wind and rolling Pass
Wind arm: a P A (h - H) / (g disp.) cos^n(phi)
constant: a = 0.99966
wind pressure: P = 504 Pa
area centroid height (from zero point): h = 5.74 m
total area: A = 70.035 m^2
height of lateral resistance: H = 2.212 m
cosine power: n = 0
gust ratio 1.5
Area2 integrated to the lesser of
roll back angle from equilibrium (with steady heel arm) 0.0 (2.2) deg 2.2
Area 1 upper integration range, to the lesser of:
spec. heel angle 50 deg 50
angle of vanishing stability (with gust heel arm) 89.4 deg
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria

Angle for GZ(max) in GZ ratio, the lesser of:

angle of max. GZ 34.1 deg 34.1
Select required angle for angle of steady heel ratio: Deck Edge Immersion Angle
Criteria: Pass
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (≤) 16 deg 2.2 Pass 86.17
Angle of steady heel / Deck edge immersion angle shall
80 % 19.45 Pass 75.69
not be greater than (≤)
Area1 / Area2 shall not be less than (≥) 100 % 109313 Pass 109213
Intermediate values
Heel arm amplitude m 0.033
Equilibrium angle with steady heel arm deg 2.2
Equilibrium angle with gust heel arm deg 3.3
Deck edge immersion angle deg 11.4
Area1 (under GZ), from 3.3 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 12.0969
Area1 (under HA), from 3.3 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 2.2802
Area1, from 3.3 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 9.8168
Area2 (under GZ), from 2.2 to 3.3 deg. m.deg 0.0449
Area2 (under HA), from 2.2 to 3.3 deg. m.deg 0.0539
Area2, from 2.2 to 3.3 deg. m.deg 0.009

2.2.4: Initial GMt Pass

spec. heel angle 0 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 0.15 m 0.843 Pass 462

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

4-3) Loading Condition No.3 (Full Load Arrival)

Mass (ton) Arm (m) Total
Item Name Quantity FSM FSM Type
Unit Total Long. Trans. Vert. (ton.m)
Lightship 100% 90.00 90.000 7.580 0.000 3.17 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 1 100% 66.42 66.420 13.290 0.000 2.89 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 2 100% 106.40 106.395 9.413 0.000 2.82 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 3 100% 110.00 110.000 0.662 0.000 3.48 0% User Specified
F.W.T.P 10% 3.25 0.325 4.500 -2.050 1.29 18% Maximum
F.W.T.S 10% 3.25 0.325 4.500 2.050 1.29 18% Maximum
F.O.T.1P 10% 2.73 0.273 6.600 -2.050 1.29 15% Maximum
F.O.T.1S 10% 2.73 0.273 6.600 2.050 1.29 15% Maximum
F.O.T.2P 10% 2.73 0.273 5.600 -2.050 1.29 15% Maximum
F.O.T.2S 10% 2.73 0.273 5.600 2.050 1.29 15% Maximum
Total Loadcase 374.557 7.072 0.000 3.1 0.981
FS correction 0
VCG fluid 3.11


Draft Amidships m 3.941

Displacement t 374.5
Heel deg 0
Draft at FP m 3.327
Draft at AP m 4.555
Draft at LCF m 3.984
Trim (+ve by stern) m 1.228
WL Length m 24.724
Beam max extents on WL m 7.029
Wetted Area m^2 250.086
Waterpl. Area m^2 144.075
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.667
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.467
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 0.776
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 0.829
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.033
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.901
KB m 2.563
KG fluid m 3.106
BMt m 1.327
BML m 15.644
GMt corrected m 0.783
GML m 15.099
KMt m 3.887
KML m 18.166
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 1.477
MTc tonne.m 3.327
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 5.116
Max deck inclination deg 4.1306
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 4.1306

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Heel to Port deg 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

GZ m 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.27 0.31 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32
Area under GZ curve from
0.00 0.17 0.69 1.57 2.80 4.27 5.87 7.53 9.19 10.82
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375
Draft at FP m 3.33 3.32 3.31 3.29 3.26 3.24 3.23 3.22 3.23 3.25
Draft at AP m 4.56 4.55 4.55 4.54 4.56 4.61 4.71 4.84 5.03 5.26
WL Length m 24.72 24.85 24.95 25.05 25.16 25.18 25.11 25.05 25.00 25.13
Beam max extents on WL m 7.03 7.06 7.14 7.27 6.58 5.97 5.62 5.41 5.30 5.21
Wetted Area m^2 250.1 250.3 250.4 252.7 262.4 271.4 278.2 283.3 287.8 290.2
Waterpl. Area m^2 144.1 144.6 146.2 147.0 136.8 126.8 119.1 113.4 110.0 105.9
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.69 0.69
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.52 0.58 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.62
LCB from zero pt. 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.02 7.02 7.02 7.01
LCF from zero pt. 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.95 8.17 8.37 8.51 8.59 8.72 8.64
Max deck incl. deg 4.1 6.5 10.8 15.5 20.4 25.3 30.3 35.2 40.2 45.2
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.6 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.8

Heel to Port deg 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

GZ m 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.15 0.11 0.06 0.02
Area under GZ curve from
12.38 13.84 15.19 16.38 17.40 18.23 18.86 19.28 19.49
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375
Draft at FP m 3.28 3.32 3.37 3.44 3.55 3.73 4.08 5.14 n/a
Draft at AP m 5.57 5.98 6.52 7.27 8.38 10.20 13.81 24.56 n/a
WL Length m 25.36 25.79 26.20 26.57 26.92 27.26 27.60 27.95 28.32
Beam max extents on WL m 5.07 4.90 4.73 4.58 4.46 4.38 4.31 4.28 4.28
Wetted Area m^2 293.1 295.4 297.4 299.0 300.5 301.9 303.1 304.4 305.3
Waterpl. Area m^2 103.4 100.7 98.4 96.4 94.9 94.1 93.6 94.0 95.2
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.64
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.62 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.65 0.66 0.66 0.64 0.60
LCB from zero pt. 7.01 7.00 7.00 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99
LCF from zero pt. 8.66 8.65 8.67 8.68 8.72 8.78 8.82 8.90 9.00
Max deck incl. deg 50.2 55.2 60.1 65.1 70.1 75.1 80.0 85.0 90.0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 7.7 8.9 10.5 12.7 15.9 20.9 29.8 48.8 90.0
2.2.4: Initial GMt GM at 0.0 deg = 0.783 m



0.35 Max GZ = 0.333 m at 35.5 deg.

GZ m





2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (gust)
0.05 2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (steady)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

267(85) Ch2 - General
2.2.1: Area 0 to 30 Pass
from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 3.1513 m.deg 5.8695 Pass 86.26

2.2.1: Area 0 to 40 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General

from the greater of

spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 5.1566 m.deg 9.1888 Pass 78.2

2.2.1: Area 30 to 40 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General

from the greater of

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 1.7189 m.deg 3.3193 Pass 93.11

2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria

in the range from the greater of

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90 deg
angle of max. GZ 35.5 deg 35.5
shall not be less than (≥) 0.2 m 0.333 Pass 66.5
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 35.5

2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ Pass

shall not be less than (≥) 25 deg 35.5 Pass 41.82

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

2.3: Severe wind and rolling Pass
Wind arm: a P A (h - H) / (g disp.) cos^n(phi)
constant: a = 0.99966
wind pressure: P = 504 Pa
area centroid height (from zero point): h = 5.694 m
total area: A = 78.44 m^2
height of lateral resistance: H = 2.152 m
cosine power: n = 0
gust ratio 1.5
Area2 integrated to the lesser of
roll back angle from equilibrium (with steady heel arm) 0.0 (2.8) deg 2.8
Area 1 upper integration range, to the lesser of:
spec. heel angle 50 deg 50
angle of vanishing stability (with gust heel arm) 85.7 deg
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria

Angle for GZ(max) in GZ ratio, the lesser of:

angle of max. GZ 35.5 deg 35.5
Select required angle for angle of steady heel ratio: Deck Edge Immersion Angle
Criteria: Pass
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (≤) 16 deg 2.8 Pass 82.62
Angle of steady heel / Deck edge immersion angle shall
80 % 20.57 Pass 74.29
not be greater than (≤)
Area1 / Area2 shall not be less than (≥) 100 % 72819.8 Pass 72719.8
Intermediate values
Heel arm amplitude m 0.038
Equilibrium angle with steady heel arm deg 2.8
Equilibrium angle with gust heel arm deg 4.2
Deck edge immersion angle deg 13.5
Area1 (under GZ), from 4.2 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 12.2566
Area1 (under HA), from 4.2 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 2.6199
Area1, from 4.2 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 9.6367
Area2 (under GZ), from 2.8 to 4.2 deg. m.deg 0.0662
Area2 (under HA), from 2.8 to 4.2 deg. m.deg 0.0794
Area2, from 2.8 to 4.2 deg. m.deg 0.0132

2.2.4: Initial GMt Pass

spec. heel angle 0 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 0.15 m 0.783 Pass 422

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

4-4) Loading Condition No.4 (Ballast Departure)

Mass (ton) Arm (m) Total
Item Name Quantity FSM FSM Type
Unit Total Long. Trans. Vert. (ton.m)
Lightship 100% 90.00 90.000 7.580 0.000 3.17 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 1 0% 66.42 0.000 13.290 0.000 2.89 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 2 0% 106.40 0.000 9.413 0.000 2.82 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 3 0% 110.00 0.000 0.662 0.000 3.48 0% User Specified
F.W.T.P 98% 3.25 3.182 4.500 -2.050 2.39 18% Maximum
F.W.T.S 98% 3.25 3.182 4.500 2.050 2.39 18% Maximum
F.O.T.1P 98% 2.73 2.673 6.600 -2.050 2.39 15% Maximum
F.O.T.1S 98% 2.73 2.673 6.600 2.050 2.39 15% Maximum
F.O.T.2P 98% 2.73 2.673 5.600 -2.050 2.39 15% Maximum
F.O.T.2S 98% 2.73 2.673 5.600 2.050 2.39 15% Maximum
Total Loadcase 107.056 7.249 0.000 3.05 0.981
FS correction 0.01
VCG fluid 3.05


Draft Amidships m 1.894

Displacement t 107.1
Heel deg 0
Draft at FP m 1.637
Draft at AP m 2.151
Draft at LCF m 1.93
Trim (+ve by stern) m 0.513
WL Length m 20.756
Beam max extents on WL m 6.422
Wetted Area m^2 141.489
Waterpl. Area m^2 106.028
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.638
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.367
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 0.637
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 0.795
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.199
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.311
KB m 1.358
KG fluid m 3.054
BMt m 2.775
BML m 26.935
GMt corrected m 1.078
GML m 25.238
KMt m 4.132
KML m 28.281
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 1.087
MTc tonne.m 1.589
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 2.014
Max deck inclination deg 1.7292
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 1.7292

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Heel to Port deg 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

GZ m 0.00 0.10 0.19 0.29 0.38 0.45 0.50 0.53 0.56 0.59
Area under GZ curve from
0.00 0.24 0.95 2.16 3.84 5.93 8.29 10.85 13.56 16.42
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107
Draft at FP m 1.64 1.63 1.62 1.59 1.55 1.48 1.38 1.24 1.06 0.82
Draft at AP m 2.15 2.15 2.14 2.12 2.09 2.04 1.95 1.83 1.67 1.45
WL Length m 20.76 20.86 20.97 21.06 21.11 21.13 21.09 20.98 20.81 20.64
Beam max extents on WL m 6.42 6.46 6.53 6.56 6.45 6.22 5.99 5.86 5.86 6.01
Wetted Area m^2 141.5 141.6 141.6 141.1 140.2 138.5 137.3 136.9 137.7 139.0
Waterpl. Area m^2 106.0 106.7 106.9 106.5 104.8 102.2 100.5 100.1 101.5 104.3
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.65 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.67
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.39 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.39
LCB from zero pt. 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20
LCF from zero pt. 7.31 7.29 7.32 7.38 7.41 7.47 7.53 7.60 7.67 7.65
Max deck incl. deg 1.7 5.3 10.1 15.1 20.1 25.1 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.1

Heel to Port deg 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

GZ m 0.64 0.69 0.72 0.71 0.64 0.56 0.47 0.36 0.25
Area under GZ curve from
19.50 22.82 26.36 29.96 33.35 36.37 38.96 41.04 42.58
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107
Draft at FP m 0.50 0.11 -0.40 -1.13 -2.22 -4.02 -7.58 -18.24 n/a
Draft at AP m 1.17 0.81 0.36 -0.28 -1.28 -2.91 -6.14 -15.71 n/a
WL Length m 20.91 21.34 21.83 22.68 23.56 24.30 24.76 25.19 25.59
Beam max extents on WL m 5.92 5.78 5.99 4.93 4.63 4.46 4.35 4.29 4.25
Wetted Area m^2 141.3 142.5 139.3 133.6 134.5 135.6 136.7 137.9 139.1
Waterpl. Area m^2 106.1 106.4 103.5 93.5 89.9 87.2 85.2 84.0 83.4
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.39 0.40 0.39 0.47 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.56 0.51
LCB from zero pt. 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.21 7.21 7.21 7.22 7.22
LCF from zero pt. 7.62 7.54 7.28 7.34 7.32 7.36 7.40 7.44 7.48
Max deck incl. deg 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.7 4.9 8.4 n/a
1.1 2.2.4: Initial GMt GM at 0.0 deg = 1.078 m


Max GZ = 0.725 m at 60.9 deg.

GZ m


2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (gust)
2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (steady)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

267(85) Ch2 - General
2.2.1: Area 0 to 30 Pass
from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 3.1513 m.deg 8.293 Pass 163.16

2.2.1: Area 0 to 40 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General

from the greater of

spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 5.1566 m.deg 13.5602 Pass 162.97

2.2.1: Area 30 to 40 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General

from the greater of

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 1.7189 m.deg 5.2672 Pass 206.43

2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria

in the range from the greater of

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90 deg
angle of max. GZ 60.9 deg 60.9
shall not be less than (≥) 0.2 m 0.725 Pass 262.5
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 60.9

2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ Pass

shall not be less than (≥) 25 deg 60.9 Pass 143.64

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

2.3: Severe wind and rolling Pass
Wind arm: a P A (h - H) / (g disp.) cos^n(phi)
constant: a = 0.99966
wind pressure: P = 504 Pa
area centroid height (from zero point): h = 4.687 m
total area: A = 124.814 m^2
height of lateral resistance: H = 1.005 m
cosine power: n = 0
gust ratio 1.5
Area2 integrated to the lesser of
roll back angle from equilibrium (with steady heel arm) 0.0 (11.4) deg 11.4
Area 1 upper integration range, to the lesser of:
spec. heel angle 50 deg 50
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria

angle of vanishing stability (with gust heel arm) 86.5 deg

Angle for GZ(max) in GZ ratio, the lesser of:
angle of max. GZ 60.9 deg 60.9
Select required angle for angle of steady heel ratio: Deck Edge Immersion Angle
Criteria: Pass
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (≤) 16 deg 11.4 Pass 28.52
Angle of steady heel / Deck edge immersion angle shall
80 % 24.75 Pass 69.06
not be greater than (≤)
Area1 / Area2 shall not be less than (≥) 100 % 1875.53 Pass 1775.53
Intermediate values
Heel arm amplitude m 0.221
Equilibrium angle with steady heel arm deg 11.4
Equilibrium angle with gust heel arm deg 17.1
Deck edge immersion angle deg 46.2
Area1 (under GZ), from 17.1 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 16.6769
Area1 (under HA), from 17.1 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 10.8754
Area1, from 17.1 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 5.8015
Area2 (under GZ), from 11.4 to 17.1 deg. m.deg 1.5732
Area2 (under HA), from 11.4 to 17.1 deg. m.deg 1.8825
Area2, from 11.4 to 17.1 deg. m.deg 0.3093

2.2.4: Initial GMt Pass

spec. heel angle 0 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 0.15 m 1.078 Pass 618.67

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

4-5) Loading Condition No.5 (Ballast Arrival)

Mass (ton) Arm (m) Total
Item Name Quantity FSM FSM Type
Unit Total Long. Trans. Vert. (ton.m)
Lightship 100% 90.00 90.000 7.580 0.000 3.17 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 1 0% 66.42 0.000 13.290 0.000 2.89 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 2 0% 106.40 0.000 9.413 0.000 2.82 0% User Specified
Cargo Hold 3 0% 110.00 0.000 0.662 0.000 3.48 0% User Specified
F.W.T.P 10% 3.25 0.325 4.500 -2.050 1.29 18% Maximum
F.W.T.S 10% 3.25 0.325 4.500 2.050 1.29 18% Maximum
F.O.T.1P 10% 2.73 0.273 6.600 -2.050 1.29 15% Maximum
F.O.T.1S 10% 2.73 0.273 6.600 2.050 1.29 15% Maximum
F.O.T.2P 10% 2.73 0.273 5.600 -2.050 1.29 15% Maximum
F.O.T.2S 10% 2.73 0.273 5.600 2.050 1.29 15% Maximum
Total Loadcase 91.742 7.541 0.000 3.13 0.981
FS correction 0.01
VCG fluid 3.15


Draft Amidships m 1.763

Displacement t 91.74
Heel deg 0
Draft at FP m 1.605
Draft at AP m 1.921
Draft at LCF m 1.783
Trim (+ve by stern) m 0.316
WL Length m 20.57
Beam max extents on WL m 6.381
Wetted Area m^2 135.277
Waterpl. Area m^2 103.274
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.626
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.357
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 0.611
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 0.787
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.505
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7.404
KB m 1.267
KG fluid m 3.145
BMt m 3.087
BML m 29.584
GMt corrected m 1.209
GML m 27.705
KMt m 4.353
KML m 30.846
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 1.059
MTc tonne.m 1.495
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 1.935
Max deck inclination deg 1.0655
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 1.0655

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Heel to Port deg 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

GZ m 0.00 0.11 0.21 0.31 0.39 0.44 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.50
Area under GZ curve from
0.00 0.26 1.05 2.37 4.13 6.21 8.46 10.78 13.14 15.57
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92
Draft at FP m 1.61 1.60 1.58 1.56 1.51 1.44 1.34 1.20 1.02 0.78
Draft at AP m 1.92 1.92 1.91 1.88 1.84 1.76 1.66 1.52 1.33 1.10
WL Length m 20.57 20.67 20.77 20.85 20.90 20.90 20.85 20.73 20.54 20.36
Beam max extents on WL m 6.38 6.41 6.45 6.41 6.17 5.87 5.64 5.55 5.59 5.76
Wetted Area m^2 135.3 134.1 134.1 133.3 131.3 129.1 127.7 127.5 128.4 129.8
Waterpl. Area m^2 103.3 103.0 103.0 101.5 98.4 95.3 93.6 93.4 95.0 98.3
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.64 0.65 0.65 0.66 0.66
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.37 0.40 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.38
LCB from zero pt. 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.51
LCF from zero pt. 7.40 7.44 7.46 7.52 7.59 7.68 7.75 7.83 7.88 7.86
Max deck incl. deg 1.1 5.1 10.1 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

Heel to Port deg 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

GZ m 0.55 0.62 0.66 0.62 0.56 0.48 0.39 0.29 0.18
Area under GZ curve from
18.18 21.09 24.30 27.51 30.45 33.04 35.20 36.88 38.05
zero heel m.deg
Displacement t 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92
Draft at FP m 0.45 0.04 -0.51 -1.29 -2.43 -4.32 -8.04 -19.17 n/a
Draft at AP m 0.80 0.42 -0.09 -0.85 -1.98 -3.86 -7.58 -18.63 n/a
WL Length m 20.61 20.97 21.33 22.12 22.94 23.75 24.67 25.11 25.52
Beam max extents on WL m 6.04 6.07 6.16 4.82 4.59 4.44 4.34 4.27 4.22
Wetted Area m^2 132.3 131.9 123.4 123.6 125.0 126.6 127.9 129.0 130.3
Waterpl. Area m^2 103.5 105.0 94.6 90.2 87.7 85.9 84.3 83.1 82.4
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.60 0.61 0.61
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.46 0.49 0.53 0.56 0.54 0.49
LCB from zero pt. 7.51 7.51 7.51 7.52 7.52 7.52 7.53 7.53 7.54
LCF from zero pt. 7.84 7.70 7.57 7.47 7.40 7.36 7.36 7.40 7.45
Max deck incl. deg 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.8 n/a
1 2.2.4: Initial GMt GM at 0.0 deg = 1.209 m


0.7 Max GZ = 0.655 m at 60 deg.

GZ m

2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (gust)

0.3 2.3: Severe w ind and rolling Wind Heeling (steady)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.

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Final Hydrostatic Report & Intact Stability Calculation Booklet G Designers
Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

267(85) Ch2 - General
2.2.1: Area 0 to 30 Pass
from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 3.1513 m.deg 8.456 Pass 168.33

2.2.1: Area 0 to 40 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General

from the greater of

spec. heel angle 0 deg 0

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 5.1566 m.deg 13.1445 Pass 154.91

2.2.1: Area 30 to 40 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General

from the greater of

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30

to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40 deg 40
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 1.7189 m.deg 4.6885 Pass 172.76

2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria

in the range from the greater of

spec. heel angle 30 deg 30
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90 deg
angle of max. GZ 60 deg 60
shall not be less than (≥) 0.2 m 0.655 Pass 227.5
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 60

2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ Pass

shall not be less than (≥) 25 deg 60 Pass 140

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

2.3: Severe wind and rolling Pass
Wind arm: a P A (h - H) / (g disp.) cos^n(phi)
constant: a = 0.99966
wind pressure: P = 504 Pa
area centroid height (from zero point): h = 4.628 m
total area: A = 127.531 m^2
height of lateral resistance: H = 0.926 m
cosine power: n = 0
gust ratio 1.5
Area2 integrated to the lesser of
roll back angle from equilibrium (with steady heel arm) 0.0 (12.6) deg 12.6
Area 1 upper integration range, to the lesser of:
spec. heel angle 50 deg 50
angle of vanishing stability (with gust heel arm) 79.5 deg
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria

Angle for GZ(max) in GZ ratio, the lesser of:

angle of max. GZ 60 deg 60
Select required angle for angle of steady heel ratio: Deck Edge Immersion Angle
Criteria: Pass
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (≤) 16 deg 12.6 Pass 21.48
Angle of steady heel / Deck edge immersion angle shall
80 % 26.08 Pass 67.4
not be greater than (≤)
Area1 / Area2 shall not be less than (≥) 100 % 442.94 Pass 342.94
Intermediate values
Heel arm amplitude m 0.264
Equilibrium angle with steady heel arm deg 12.6
Equilibrium angle with gust heel arm deg 20.6
Deck edge immersion angle deg 48.2
Area1 (under GZ), from 20.6 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 13.8097
Area1 (under HA), from 20.6 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 11.6601
Area1, from 20.6 to 50.0 deg. m.deg 2.1495
Area2 (under GZ), from 12.6 to 20.6 deg. m.deg 2.7011
Area2 (under HA), from 12.6 to 20.6 deg. m.deg 3.1864
Area2, from 12.6 to 20.6 deg. m.deg 0.4853

2.2.4: Initial GMt Pass

spec. heel angle 0 deg
shall not be less than (≥) 0.15 m 1.209 Pass 706

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Cargo Fiber Boat | " 17860 " D


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