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Hands-On Lab

Managing Project Details in an Enterprise

Project Plan Mapped to a Team Project in
Team Foundation Server 2010
Lab version: 1.0.0
Last updated: 7/20/2020

OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................. 3


TEAM FOUNDATION SERVER.................................................................................................................. 5


FOUNDATION SERVER........................................................................................................................... 13


MANAGEMENT UPDATES...................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX - RESOURCES...................................................................................................................... 22
Team Foundation Server and Project Server 2010 Integration Feature Pack Resources 22
Microsoft Project 2010 Resources 22
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 Resources 23
As a project manager, you can manage both business requirements and implementation tasks in Project
Server that can then be synchronized to Team Foundation Server. As work progresses, development
teams can update their tasks as they work in Team Foundation Server. Both project managers and
development teams can manage their workflows independently while collaborating fully and
communicating effortlessly when changes occur that affect the schedule. The synchronization engine for
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server maintains scheduling data for the
requirements and tasks in the mapped enterprise project plan and team project.

Figure 1
Process Flow for Managing Details in Project Server

Project Manager As a project manager, you perform the following tasks in Project Professional
or your instance of PWA:

   Define the project plan that contains both deliverables and tasks.
Deliverables may correspond to requirements or user stories, depending on
the process template that your product team used to create the team project.

   Save and publish your plan to Project Server.

   Approve or reject status updates as work progresses.

   Continuously publish updates to the plan on Project Server.

Synchronization For each deliverable or task that is set to publish in the plan, the
Engine synchronization engine performs the following actions:

   Updates the team project by creating a work item for each task that is
published in the mapped project plan. The engine also creates a link that binds
the task in Project Server to the work item in Team Foundation.

   Creates a status update for each mapped field in each published task as
changes occur in Team Foundation. These updates appear in the approval
queue for the project manager to review.

   Updates work items in the team project based on whether the project
manager approved or rejected the status update.

Team Lead In Team Foundation, the team lead and team members perform the following

   Review the work items that are added to the team project.

   Update the work items as work progresses by changing the Remaining

Work and Completed Work fields for each task.

   Respond to work items with a rejected status by modifying work items

and resubmitting to Project Server.

Note: The Microsoft® Visual Studio® Team Foundation Server® 2010 and Microsoft Project Server®
2010 Integration Feature Pack Demonstration Hyper-V Virtual Machine illustrates the integration
between Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server 2010. For another virtual machine with
hands-on-labs / demo scripts which showcases Team Foundation Server 2010, go to: ; likewise, another virtual machine with hands-on-labs / demo scripts
which showcases Microsoft Project 2010 can be found here:

System Requirements
In order to complete this lab you will need Project Server 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010
Integration virtual machine provided by Microsoft. For more information on acquiring and using this
virtual machine, please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010
Integration Virtual Machine”.
This Hands-On Lab comprises the following exercises:
1. Publishing Deliverables and the Full Work Breakdown Structure to Team Foundation Server
2. Reviewing Deliverables and Work Breakdown Structure in Team Foundation Server
3. Updating Status for Development Tasks and Receiving Project Management Updates

Estimated time to complete this lab: 60 minutes.

Next Step
Exercise 1: Publishing Deliverables and the Full Work Breakdown Structure to Team Foundation Server

Exercise 1: Publishing Deliverables and

the Full Work Breakdown Structure to
Team Foundation Server
In this exercise, you will learn how to create a deliverable and the corresponding work breakdown
structure (composed of tasks) to be synchronized to Team Foundation Server for the development team.
The deliverable will be the requirement that the development team will implement and the
corresponding work breakdown structure of tasks will be the individual tasks assigned to each team
member in Team Foundation Server.
1. Log in as Lina Abola (username: linaa) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and Team
Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log into the
2. Open Microsoft Office Project 2010 from Start | All Programs | Microsoft Office | Microsoft
Project 2010. This is the tool for project managers to edit enterprise project plans stored in
Project Server.
3. Open the Human Resources Application enterprise project plan from Project Server by
choosing File | Open and then choosing the Human Resources Application and clicking Open. If
it is not visible, you can double-click the “Retrieve the list of all projects from Project Server”
option to show all of the available project plans on Project Server.

Figure 2
Opening project plan
4. At this point, we will create a deliverable that we will use to break down the tasks to
implement the deliverable in the Project Plan.
5. Insert a new task into the project plan under the Development summary task by pressing the
Insert key and then name the task Change Benefits Plan for Employee. Assign this new
deliverable task to Peter Thode who is the development team lead.
6. You may need to press the Outdent Task command in the ribbon to make sure the
deliverable task in the project plan is a child of the Development summary task and a sibling of
the previous deliverable task with the name of New Employee Wizard as shown below.
Figure 3
Using the Outdent Task Command in the Project Ribbon
7. If the Predecessors column is not visible, right-click on a column header and select Insert
Column from the context menu.

Figure 4
Inserting a new column
8. Locate and select the Predecessors column to add it to the task worksheet. The Predecessors
column can be used to ensure that a deliverable’s tasks are scheduled after a previous
deliverable is finished, thus booking team resources to dates when they are not already
working. Note that the numbers in the Predecessor column refer to row numbers. For example,
the Development deliverable has a predecessor of 6, which refers to the last step from the
Requirements deliverable.
Figure 5
Prececessors column showing order to complete deliverables
9. Set the predecessor of the Change Benefits Plan for Employee deliverable to be the
deliverable named New Employee Wizard by entering the row number of the New Employee
Wizard deliverable into the Predecessors column for the new Change Benefits Plan for
Employee deliverable.

Figure 6
Changing predecessor of deliverable using the Predecessors column

Note: Your view may be different depending upon where you inserted the new task. Row
numbers for predecessors and dates may also be different.
10. As the project manager, you can create new tasks to implement the deliverable and assign
them to team members. Make sure that you fill in the duration (remaining work) and resource
names for each task as shown below. You can use the Indent Task command in the ribbon to
ensure that they are children for the deliverable item in the project plan. Set the predecessor
for the tasks to line up the tasks for the team members David Simpson and Jill Frank as shown
below as well. Create two predecessors for the last two tasks to level the work between David
and Jill.

Figure 7
Adding implementation tasks to Change Benefits Plan for Employee deliverable

Note: Your view may be different depending upon where you inserted the new task. Row
numbers for predecessors and dates may also be different.

11. At this point, we are ready to mark this new deliverable and associate work breakdown tasks
as items that need to be synchronized to Team Foundation Server for the development team.
12. For each of the deliverables and associated implementation tasks, set the Publish to Team
Project property of the task to Yes. For the deliverable, you will want to set the Work Item
Type property to Requirement (since it is a deliverable) and you will set the implementation
task’s Work Item Type property to Task as shown below.

Figure 8
Set Deliverable and Implementation Tasks to Synchronize with Team Foundation Server
13. Switch to the Team Planner view to get a sense of how each resource is assigned to tasks in
the enterprise project plan by clicking on the View dropdown in the ribbon and selecting the
Team Planner option.
Figure 9
Team Planner view
14. At this point, you may want to set a baseline so that you can review status updates by the
team members in the future against your baseline. Select the Project tab. In the Schedule
group, point to Set Baseline, and then click Set Baseline.

Figure 10
Set Baseline Tool in Schedule Ribbon Group
15. Select Set baseline, and then select the baseline that you want to set. Click OK to close the
Figure 11
Set Baseline Dialog
16. At this point, you can save and publish the enterprise project plan to Project Server. That will
trigger the synchronization engine to push the new deliverable to Team Foundation Server, with
a new requirement assigned to the development team lead and implementation tasks assigned
to each of the individual development team members.
17. Select the Save button (or press Ctrl+S) to save changes.
18. To publish the enterprise project plan to Project Server, click on the Publish button in the
File | Info menu. This will start the publishing jobs and you can monitor the progress in the
status bar.
Figure 12
Publishing project plan to Project Server

Note: It make take a few seconds to finish publishing.

19. Close Microsoft Office Project 2010 and “check-in” the project plan if prompted.

Figure 13
Checking in changes
20. If prompted to replace the existing file, select OK.

Next Step
Exercise 2: Reviewing Deliverables and Work Breakdown Structure in Team Foundation Server
Exercise 2: Reviewing Deliverables and
Work Breakdown Structure in Team
Foundation Server
In this exercise, you will learn how to review the deliverables and implementation tasks created by the
Project Manager in Project Server. The development team lead will be able to view the newly
synchronized deliverable and tasks in Team Foundation Server.

Note: If continuing from the previous exercise, you can switch users rather than log out
completely. To do this, select Start, clicking the right arrow to the right of the Log off button,
and finally selecting Switch user. You can do this as an alternative to logging out for the
remainder of this lab.

1. Log in as Peder Thode (username: pedert) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and Team
Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log into the
2. Open Visual Studio 2010 from Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 |
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This is the tool used daily by the development team.

Note: When running the virtual machine on slower hardware, you may see an error when
connecting to Team Foundation Server after booting up for the first time. You are seeing this
simply because Team Foundation Server has not finished starting up. To work around this
issue, wait a few moments and then restart Visual Studio.

3. In the Team Explorer window, expand the Work Items and Team Queries nodes under the
Human Resources (based on the MSF for CMMI Process Improvement v5.0 template) team
project and double-click the Work Breakdown work item query to open the work item results
Figure 14
Work Breakdown team work item query
4. Notice that the new requirement Change Benefits Plan for Employee, created by the project
manager Lina, now appears as a new Requirement work item in Team Foundation Server. The
implementation tasks created by the project manager are each shown as individual Tasks
already assigned to the development team members as well.

Figure 15
New Deliverable and Implementation Tasks from Project Server
5. A locked link relationship icon is shown for each child task to indicate that the development
team cannot change the hierarchical relationship between the deliverables and the tasks
created in Project Server. This is a new feature in Team Foundation Server 2010 Service Pack 1.
The tools describes the details of this locked link relationship: “You cannot modify the
link because the link relationship between these work items is locked
and maintained externally (for example, in an enterprise project that
is stored in Project Server).”
Figure 16
Locked Link Type Relationship in Team Foundation Server
6. The development team leader can now begin to work on their assigned tasks and report
progress with the Remaining Work and Completed Work fields on the tasks. We will report
progress from the development team in the next exercise.

Next Step
Exercise 3: Updating Status for Development Tasks and Receiving Project Management Updates

Exercise 3: Updating Status for

Development Tasks and Receiving
Project Management Updates
In this exercise, you will learn how to update the status for the development tasks and report progress
back to the Project Manager. Status or progress updates are performed by each of the development
team members using the “My Tasks” work item query available in Team Foundation Server. The status
updates will then be synchronized to Project Server where the project manager can view the impacts of
those progress updates against the project’s baseline.
1. Log in as Peder Thode (username: pedert) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and Team
Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log into the
2. Open Visual Studio 2010 from Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 |
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This is the tool used daily by the development team.
3. In the Team Explorer window, expand the Work Items and Team Queries nodes under the
Human Resources (based on the MSF for CMMI Process Improvement v5.0 template) team
project and double-click the Work Breakdown work item query to open the work item results
4. Find the UI Dialog task assigned to David Simpson that is a child of the Change Benefits Plan
for Employee requirement. Double-click the task to open it.

Figure 17
Locating the new UI Dialog task
5. At the end of the week, David wants to report that he has completed 40 hours of work but it
appears that it will take an additional 80 hours of work because of complexities that were not
figured into the original estimate. David can report this status update to the Project Manager
simply by updating the task’s Remaining Work to 80 and the Completed Work to 40.

Figure 18
Updating the Task's Progress Information
6. Save the changes to the work item by selecting the Save Work Item button.
Figure 19
Saving the updated task
7. At this point, the synchronization engine will report the progress update to the deliverable
work item and send it to Project Server for approval by the Project Manager.
8. Log in as Lina Abola (username: linaa) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and Team
Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log into the
9. Open a new browser window and navigate to the Project Web App site by using this URL:
10. On the Project Web App home page, you will notice that the project manager now has four
task updates to approve. Click the hyperlink to open the Approval Center.

Figure 20
Task Update Indicator from Resource for Project Manager
11. The Approval Center shows the updates from the initial synchronization and the new status
update for David that increases his overall remaining work and the total duration for the task in
the enterprise project plan.
12. Click on the hyperlink for the “UI Dialog” item to see the details of the update from David

Figure 21
Status Update Change Details
13. After reviewing the updates, select the Cancel button to return to the Approval Center.
14. Since you have chosen to take a baseline for the project plan, you can choose the update(s)
and then click Preview Updates to get a view of how the changes will affect the overall project

Figure 22
Previewing the Updates against the Project's Baseline
15. Once the Approval Preview window opens, you can see the details of the change.
Figure 23
Approval Preview showing impact to schedule
16. Close the Approval Preview window to return to the Approval Center.
17. Approve all of the updates by selecting all of them and then selecting the Accept button in
the Project Server ribbon.

Figure 24
Approving Initial Status Updates for Enterprise Project

Note: You can also Select All items by clicking on the column header.

18. In the Confirmation window, type a comment and then select the OK button.
19. Close the browser window.
20. Open the Human Resources Project Plan inside of Microsoft Office Project 2010
Professional. The newly approved status updates are now integrated into the latest version of
the project plan (see Actual Work and Remaining Work values). You may need to switch back to
the Team Foundation Gantt view.

Figure 25
Updated Project Plan Including Progress Updates from Developers
21. Return to the Project Web App site by using this URL: http://tfspsdemo/pwa
22. Click on the Project Center link. You can see all the enterprise projects lists and see their
progress. The Project Management Office can use this view to get visibility on all the enterprise
projects regardless of the software methodology that they follow.

Figure 26
Visibility across Enterprise Projects
23. You can also look at Resource Availability within PWA. Within PWA select Resource Center,
select David Simpson and Jill Frank, and then select the Resource Availability button.
Figure 27
Checking on resource availability in Resource Center
24. When the resource availability graph loads, set the date range to 4/6/2011 and 5/18/2011
and then click on Apply.
Figure 28
Viewing assigned work across the enterprise
25. This concludes this Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server Integration Feature
Pack hands-on lab; it illustrated how the Project Manager (Lina) can now perform a breakdown
of development tasks and get visibility into the execution from the development team.

Next Step
Appendix - Resources

Appendix - Resources
Team Foundation Server and Project Server 2010 Integration Feature Pack Resources
Solutions For Application Lifecycle Management:
Customer Case Studies:
MSDN Product documentation:
MSDN Public Forums - Team Foundation Server and Project Server Integration

Microsoft Project 2010 Resources

Product information
Project 2010 product site:
Project Team Blog:
Case Studies :
End-User Product Help
Project 2010 Help
Project Server 2010 Help
Interactive content - Videos & Sessions & Webcasts
Project Professional 2010 and Project 2010 Demo Image:
Hosted Virtual Lab:
IT Professional related - TechNet
Tech Center:
Admin Blog:
Developer related - MSDN
Developer center:
Programmability blog:
Got Questions? Search or ask in the official Microsoft Forums!
SharePoint 2010 Products

Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 Resources

Team Foundation Server MSDN Page:
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 Trial – ISO:
Team Foundation Server Team Blog:
Brian Harry’s Blog Site:
Channel 9 Team Foundation Server Videos:

To give feedback please write to

Copyright © 2011 by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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